Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

So that photograph of a very limited view of the room is an accurate depiction of his entire rally? I seem to recall the other day you guys having a melt down over this photograph saying it was deceptive?

You tell me.

Got something else?
I've never been to Tulsa, so I don't know if that's true or not. How do you know it's true and simply not assumption on your part?

Why would anybody take the time to Google the date? When I sign up for event I want to attend, I don't do an Internet search on the date to see what else is happening. Do you?

Nervousness about Corona is certainly possible, but if it turns out that's the reason, that kind of takes away from the narrative that he's losing his lure, doesn't it?

What is this blatant call to racism you are referring to?
Your ignorance, and apparent unwillingness to seek out facts, is not my fault.
It is a core requirement of any politician's handlers to make sure these kind of embarrassments don't happen.

The Trump Administration is a never-ending circus with a feeble orange clown directing the show.

I agree that the campaign people who set up the event should have known what day it was, but I still don't see the issue of holding a rally that day. Why is that a problem? Nobody seems to be able to explain that.
Your ignorance, and apparent unwillingness to seek out facts, is not my fault.

So you simply don't know, which is exactly my point. You're all conjecture and irresponsible assumptions.
I agree that the campaign people who set up the event should have known what day it was, but I still don't see the issue of holding a rally that day. Why is that a problem? Nobody seems to be able to explain that.
I think people are just enjoying seeing you not getting it. :lol:

A president who has been taking the side of the racists scheduling a rally in a town where the worst racist attack on blacks ever occured, and you are stumped as to the stupidity of it? Really?
It takes special kind of fool to goto indoor rally during pandemic, or klandemic.

Trump wasn't able to convince enough 'followers' that his wishful thinking defeated the virus. Only 6,200 credulous chumps came.
It is a core requirement of any politician's handlers to make sure these kind of embarrassments don't happen.

The Trump Administration is a never-ending circus with a feeble orange clown directing the show.
Exactly. The question is how the could miss so badly. As people discussed on cable, and as some of us mere spectators may have seen, candidates are moved to smaller "arenas" on short notice to avoid awkward video. But this was epic. I've never seen a campaign literally have to tear down a stage with cameras rolling.

but Trump is pretty much unique, or at least it's been decades since we've seen a populist who can draw live crowds like he's drawn. So his team may not be more incompetent that others have been, but the visual spectacle is … magnified. EDIT although Obama was packing them in later in the stages of his first campaign

It's painfully obvious the campaign expected a turnout of people travelling to Tulsa from elsewhere that didn't happen. It's also painfully obvious they didn't get a local turnout. The reasons may not be the same. I dunno.
Trump isn't even going to break into double-digits with the black vote.

Speaking of single digits, that's the IQ of those who still support him.
Those kids at West Point had been sent home in spring, only to be called back for Trump's address in the "hot sun." They were put in quarantine for 14 days after being called back.
Those kids at West Point had been sent home in spring, only to be called back for Trump's address in the "hot sun." They were put in quarantine for 14 days after being called back.
They were just on leave awaiting their first assignment. My daughter was commissioned in May and did not report until August.
According the Fire Department 6,200 People in the arena. The arena holds 19,000 Souls. Even rough math holds that means 12,800 EMPTY SEATS!!!

Both still photography and video of the event show huge numbers of empty seats.

Taking into account Cons are by nature lying assholes, I will go with what the experts and discount what Cons say.

The "Overflow" area was empty.

As for Former Vice-President Biden and the number of people who may or may not have attended a meet up Nostra, I say this.

1. Did Mr. Biden say over 1,000,000 People had picked up tickets to attend that event? The answer is NO.

2. Did Mr. Biden have an "Over Flow" area set up to accommodate, "The Hundreds of Thousands of Supporters" who would not be able to get inside the venue to watch Mr. Biden? The answer is NO.

3. Did Mr. Biden threaten violence against any demonstrators who dare to show up at the arena to protest what Mr. Biden saying? The answer is NO.

4. Did Mr. Biden get punked by teenagers and a South Korean Boy Band? The answer is NO.

5. Did racist language during his event? The answer is NO.

6. Can Mr. Biden drink a glass of water with one hand? The answer is YES.

7. Can Mr. Biden walk down a slight incline ramp without assistance? The answer is YES.

8. Did Mr. Biden walk off Marine One looking he received a first class ass stomping? The answer is NO.

9. Did Mr. Biden ever lie about Vote By Mail Ballots, but use that same system during previous elections? The answer is NO.

Weak ass bullshit arguments from Cons are all they have left. Which seems fitting when a lying weak ass bullshit artist who has sinking polls numbers and dimwitted idiots as followers.

You had to make up your own lies for this thread? You didn't get your talking point (lies) email from the DNC?

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