Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

It is very bizarre how they oversold themselves on this event. Tulsa is pretty much fuck in the middle of nowhereville. It may be that the lame appeal to racists by scheduling it on Juneteenth was more than a lot of people in Tulsa were willing to tolerate, or perhaps they feared a backlash (-: from the racism. I just don't know. But figuring 75K people will travel 300 miles plus in a pandemic ….?

How many Americans know what Juneteenth is, let alone what day? I imagine now far more people are aware of it since it was widely publicized a few days leading up to it because of recent events, but not when the initial rally was scheduled and I frankly never saw the problem with having the rally that day. It was the media that made a big deal about it, stirring up controversy where none existed, as they always do, so they can make money.
Here ya go, Dummy.

Did they open it up and request thousands of people attend or did they purposely limit it to a small audience of people because of the pandemic?
The election will depend on how well Black and Hispanic voters turn out and if moderate republicans head to polls holding their nose as they vote for Trump. I think the Biden campaign will have one overriding message, "I'm not Trump" and Trump will do what he does best, attack, attack, attack. I agree the economy is going to be a key issue for Trump. Current unemployment stands at 13.3% and I don't see it getting much lower that 10% by the end of year. It seems that few Americans are going say they are better off than they were 4 years ago, economically or otherwise.
It also appears that the people making lower wages are paying the price for the pandemic, while higher earners not only are not seeing as great a % of loss of income they may well have better hc
How many Americans know what Juneteenth is, let alone what day? I imagine now far more people are aware of it since it was widely publicized a few days leading up to it because of recent events, but not when the initial rally was scheduled and I frankly never saw the problem with having the rally that day. It was the media that made a big deal about it, stirring up controversy where none existed, as they always do, so they can make money.
I think nearly everyone in Tulsa knows what happened on June 1 in 1921 in their city, and that the black folks remember the massacre along with release from slavery on Juneteenth. And Team Trump knew about Juneteenth when the scheduled.
I think nearly everyone in Tulsa knows what happened on June 1 in 1921 in their city, and that the black folks remember the massacre along with release from slavery on Juneteenth. And Team Trump knew about Juneteenth when the scheduled.

But the rally wasn't on June 1st and Juneteenth has nothing to do with the Tulsa Massacre, so again, what was the big deal about holding the rally on Juneteenth? Again, how many Americans until a few days ago do you think even knew what it was?
Were any of you there? I was and there were more people then cnn or msnbc said there was.

I don't watch those stations.

I get my news from reliable sources without a political slant. Which isn't easy in America these days.

I believe the fire marshal. The fire marshal in Tulsa says there was just under 6200 people there.

It's their job to know the numbers of people in a venue according to law. So they are going to give a correct number of those attending.

Just face it. trump couldn't even fill a 19 thousand seat venue. He had to cancel the pre rally event for over flow because no one showed up. There was no over flow.

You people are making fools of yourselves.

Jumpteenth/An unknown event that some virtue puking businesses could not fall all over themselves fast enough to close up with virtually No notice to people who do actually engage in commerce versus those who find commerce racist
Many ppl have covid and it has absolutely no effect,, we are a free country we know the stakes.. GO AWAY NAZI BOY

The average deaths per day since March 15 from Covid 19 in the US is 955/day
Add that to the current number of deaths of 122,000 and you get 446,000 by election day and unemployment is not expected to drop much lower than 10% by the end of the year. I wonder how many Americans are going to say they are better off than they were 4 years ago.
You want to know the answer, you look it up. You seem confused as to your power to tell me what to do.

Why can't you answer it? You're the one claiming nobody was there due to lack of enthusiasm, yet it's more than evident by the photograph that the event was intentionally set up for a small audience, hence the reason the circles on the floors and the spaced out chairs for social distancing. Really, a third grader could figure this out, so why are you having so much trouble with it?
Here ya go, Dummy.

It takes special kind of fool to goto indoor rally during pandemic, or klandemic.

But the rally wasn't on June 1st and Juneteenth has nothing to do with the Tulsa Massacre, so again, what was the big deal about holding the rally on Juneteenth? Again, how many Americans until a few days ago do you think even knew what it was?
For people who live in Tulsa, there is little difference between the June 1 massacre and Juneteenth. Both are commemorated on Juneteenth. I'm at a loss as to why people find that hard to understand, even after they are gobsmacked with the knowledge. People not from Tulsa would not make the connection without being clued in, but the connection is not difficult to comprehend … with google. Why people outside of Tulsa chose, largely, to stay away is an interesting question, but it may not be why people from Tulsa stayed awayl

My question was whether Trump's scheduling his "rally" for Juneteenth and the blatant call to racism in Tulsa may have encouraged Tulsinians to stay home. Or were they worried about counter protests or the virus, or was it a combination of the above. I don't think there's an answer really.
Why can't you answer it? You're the one claiming nobody was there due to lack of enthusiasm, yet it's more than evident by the photograph that the event was intentionally set up for a small audience, hence the reason the circles on the floors and the spaced out chairs for social distancing. Really, a third grader could figure this out, so why are you having so much trouble with it?
You tell me how many he limited it to. He obviously wanted at least 4 people to show up cuz that is how many chairs are in the pic.......two are empty.

So it would seem Biden’s event was at 50% capacity with two in the audience. :abgg2q.jpg:
I think we have officially passed the number of people in this topic than attended Trump's rally in Tulsa.
For people who live in Tulsa, there is little difference between the June 1 massacre and Juneteenth. Both are commemorated on Juneteenth. I'm at a loss as to why people find that hard to understand, even after they are gobsmacked with the knowledge.

I've never been to Tulsa, so I don't know if that's true or not. How do you know it's true and simply not assumption on your part?

People not from Tulsa would not make the connection without being clued in, but the connection is not difficult to comprehend … with google.

Why would anybody take the time to Google the date? When I sign up for event I want to attend, I don't do an Internet search on the date to see what else is happening. Do you?

Why people outside of Tulsa chose, largely, to stay away is an interesting question, but it may not be why people from Tulsa stayed awayl

Nervousness about Corona is certainly possible, but if it turns out that's the reason, that kind of takes away from the narrative that he's losing his lure, doesn't it?

My question was whether Trump's scheduling his "rally" for Juneteenth and the blatant call to racism in Tulsa may have encouraged Tulsinians to stay home.

What is this blatant call to racism you are referring to?
Why would anybody take the time to Google the date? When I sign up for event I want to attend, I don't do an Internet search on the date to see what else is happening. Do you?
It is a core requirement of any politician's handlers to make sure these kind of embarrassments don't happen.

The Trump Administration is a never-ending circus with a feeble orange clown directing the show.
You tell me how many he limited it to. He obviously wanted at least 4 people to show up cuz that is how many chairs are in the pic.......two are empty.

So it would seem Biden’s event was at 50% capacity with two in the audience. :abgg2q.jpg:

So that photograph of a very limited view of the room is an accurate depiction of his entire "rally?" I seem to recall the other day you guys having a melt down over this photograph saying it was deceptive?


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