Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

The average deaths per day since March 15 from Covid 19 in the US is 955/day
Add that to the current number of deaths of 122,000 and you get 446,000 by election day and unemployment is not expected to drop much lower than 10% by the end of the year. I wonder how many Americans are going to say they are better off than they were 4 years ago.
Sorry buddy your gonna have to move out
We need to just look past these unnecessary deaths and accept the fact that there will be casualties from lack of contact tracing and community testing. It is your PATRIOTIC duty to walk though minefields, as the Russians did in WWII
It is very bizarre how they oversold themselves on this event. Tulsa is pretty much fuck in the middle of nowhereville. It may be that the lame appeal to racists by scheduling it on Juneteenth was more than a lot of people in Tulsa were willing to tolerate, or perhaps they feared a backlash (-: from the racism. I just don't know. But figuring 75K people will travel 300 miles plus in a pandemic ….?
I think his campaign staff knew that the turnout would be well below expectations but who's going dispute Trump's claims of a gigantic crowd. You'd likely be labeled as disloyal and find yourself out of a job. Just as Trump lies, his people follow suit.
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For people who live in Tulsa, there is little difference between the June 1 massacre and Juneteenth. Both are commemorated on Juneteenth. I'm at a loss as to why people find that hard to understand, even after they are gobsmacked with the knowledge. People not from Tulsa would not make the connection without being clued in, but the connection is not difficult to comprehend … with google. Why people outside of Tulsa chose, largely, to stay away is an interesting question, but it may not be why people from Tulsa stayed awayl

My question was whether Trump's scheduling his "rally" for Juneteenth and the blatant call to racism in Tulsa may have encouraged Tulsinians to stay home. Or were they worried about counter protests or the virus, or was it a combination of the above. I don't think there's an answer really.
Yes, a combination of all of the above. Also, unlike 2016 a lot of Trump people no longer find him new, refreshing, and different. He is no longer the outsider looking in. He is the face of government he held in such disdain in 2016.
So that photograph of a very limited view of the room is an accurate depiction of his entire "rally?" I seem to recall the other day you guys having a melt down over this photograph saying it was deceptive?

View attachment 353585
There are very few people in the upper tier and if you look carefully, you will see that the mezzanine is not full either. The fact that Trump cancelled the outside rally was to avoid the embarrassment of having a small crowd that he predicted would be huge with lots of entertainment.

It's been a bad week for the Rump. First, the courts shoot him down in his attack on the DACA kids, then they dashed his hopes of massive firings of LGBTQ Americans, followed by the court refusal to block the Bolton tell all book, and now the poor turnout for his opening campaign rally. Gee, I feel so bad for the poor guy.:dance::dance::dance:
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Biden doesn't hold rallies, first because he doesn't need to and second because he's not a carnival barker selling snail oil.
Biden doesn't need to hold rallies? lol
Is that going to be your excuse when he loses?
Hillary had several, one was she didn't go to certain states as much as excuse me President Trump did.
other than that it was Russia Russia Russia lol
So those rallies help and joe doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning
There are very few people in the upper tier and if you look carefully, you will see that the mezzanine is not full either. The fact that Trump cancelled the outside rally was to avoid the embarrassment of having a small crowd that he predicted would be huge with lots of entertainment.

It's been a bad week for the Rump. First, the courts shoot him down in his attack on the DACA kids, then they dashed his hopes of massive firings of LGBTQ Americans, followed by the court refusal to block the Bolton tell all book, and now the poor turnout for his opening campaign rally. Gee, I feel so bad for the poor guy.:dance::dance::dance:

You won't feel bad for him after he trounces Biden in November.
Wrong, your short and brief post was an Idiot-Gram, Variety, you didn't have any evidence to disprove even one of the the many character flaws Trump has, to wit:
  • deceitful,
  • a hypocrite,
  • entitled,
  • greedy,
  • corrupt,
  • a racist,
  • slanderous,
  • blaming,
  • manipulative,
  • cruel,
  • lacks integrity,
  • manipulation
  • self serving,
  • secretive,
  • cowardice,
  • childish,
  • predatory,
  • a misogynist
And of course devoid of empathy.

Here is a resume for Donald Trump's first 74 years of existence
You just described Joe Biden I thought you supported him
Trump would have celebrated Father's Day, himself, but was probably too busy preparing another speech for Armed Forces Day, about the revolutionary was soldiers storming the airports, and the revolutionary war siege of Fort McHenry that lasted through the War of 1812.

Trump DID celebrate Father's Day. He had his son do an interview with him that he put up on the 'net. Guess he doesn't like FOX anymore, since they started saying he's lagging in the polls.
If Trump's rally in Tulsa was so successful, then why did he look like a whipped dog when he got back to the WH from there? These videos show a beaten down Trump, with his MAGA hat in hand, and tie completely undone. He also doesn't look very happy in this video. You'd think that if he had such a great rally, he would have looked happier.

Videos are at the link.............................

And, if you think that article is fake, here are several others.....................

If the Tulsa rally was such a "success", then why is Trump looking so upset?
If Trump's rally in Tulsa was so successful, then why did he look like a whipped dog when he got back to the WH from there? These videos show a beaten down Trump, with his MAGA hat in hand, and tie completely undone. He also doesn't look very happy in this video. You'd think that if he had such a great rally, he would have looked happier.

Videos are at the link.............................

And, if you think that article is fake, here are several others.....................

If the Tulsa rally was such a "success", then why is Trump looking so upset?
There you go, believing the media narrative instead of seeing with your own eyes and thinking with your own brain.

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