Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

she woke up & he was poised over her. she never said he touched her. & ya - i woulda slapped him too.
"You knew exactly what you were doing," Tweeden wrote. "You forcibly kissed me without my consent, grabbed my breasts while I was sleeping and had someone take a photo of you doing it, knowing I would see it later, and be ashamed."
Maybe Rump should stand-down and announce that he will NOT run for reelection...

Metaphorically falling on his sword, for the good of the Republic... an action on his part that I could actually respect and applaud...

Or... if Rump will not stand-down... albeit unlikely... RNC delegates find their balls and mutiny and choose another and far more rational and palatable alternative candidate.

The Republicans have barely just enough time to anoint a new Messiah and to whip-up some excitement before the General Election.

The way things stand now, it's the only way the Pubs have a chance of winning before the next Blue Tsunami sweeps them out of power for a generation.
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You can cherry pick whatever you want, Big Retard 1775, but the fact of the matter is she was projected to win with a slight majority and popular vote wise, she did. Even in the individual state polls she was within the margin of error; they just happened to break the other way. I'm not going to rehash the reality with you dipshits over and over. Scream about polls all you want. They said you were going to get your asses handed to you in 2018 and that's exactly what happened and you were all repeating the same dumb shit about imaginary Republican landslides leading up to that election too. If you want to believe from now until November that there is some big polling conspiracy taking place go right ahead. You'll be the one jumping off of a building on the night of the election, not me. You were having a melt down yesterday over the underwhelming turn out of this rally, so I can only imagine how unhinged you'll be when he loses altogether just like the polling and fund raising all indicate he will.

hillary lost by only 75K votes in the swing states... that's all it took to get donny the electoral college. hillary won 3,000,000 more (popular) votes so the polls were pretty accurate by the time of the election.
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Corrupt? Lol

It was trolling. Something Trump thinks is presidential.

Nobody was denied access. They just didn't come.
Anyone say denied access ???? Nope.

Didn't come because the tickets weren't available, now why was this again ??? Wait let's go ask AOC.
You are a liar

That was a different conversation. Someone said that Trump didn't celebrate Fathers Day, and I told them that he did by having his son interview him because he was UPSET WITH FOX'S REPORTING OF THE POLLS. The next conversation was about how upset he looked when he got off Marine 1, which you jumped into. Cherry picking between 2 different conversations and mixing them together isn't a way to win a debate. And, like I said, it's not that I believe or have talked about the polls, I said that Trump is getting interviewed by his son because he's upset with the way FOX IS REPORTING THE POLLS. Nothing in there about what I believe or don't about the polls.
You can cherry pick whatever you want, Big Retard 1775, but the fact of the matter is she was projected to win with a slight majority and popular vote wise, she did. Even in the individual state polls she was within the margin of error; they just happened to break the other way. I'm not going to rehash the reality with you dipshits over and over. Scream about polls all you want. They said you were going to get your asses handed to you in 2018 and that's exactly what happened and you were all repeating the same dumb shit about imaginary Republican landslides leading up to that election too. If you want to believe from now until November that there is some big polling conspiracy taking place go right ahead. You'll be the one jumping off of a building on the night of the election, not me. You were having a melt down yesterday over the underwhelming turn out of this rally, so I can only imagine how unhinged you'll be when he loses altogether just like the polling and fund raising all indicate he will.
What part of ABC poll Clinton leads in double-digit is cherry-picking you retard?
"You knew exactly what you were doing," Tweeden wrote. "You forcibly kissed me without my consent, grabbed my breasts while I was sleeping and had someone take a photo of you doing it, knowing I would see it later, and be ashamed."

okey dokey - i stand corrected & he resigned. sooooooooooooooo..........

do you believe the 20+ women who have accused donny of grabbing them, & worse?
That was a different conversation. Someone said that Trump didn't celebrate Fathers Day, and I told them that he did by having his son interview him because he was UPSET WITH FOX'S REPORTING OF THE POLLS. The next conversation was about how upset he looked when he got off Marine 1, which you jumped into. Cherry picking between 2 different conversations and mixing them together isn't a way to win a debate. And, like I said, it's not that I believe or have talked about the polls, I said that Trump is getting interviewed by his son because he's upset with the way FOX IS REPORTING THE POLLS. Nothing in there about what I believe or don't about the polls.
no it wasn't it was this thread stop dodging just admit you forgot two post back that you mentioned those polls and move on
okey dokey - i stand corrected & he resigned. sooooooooooooooo..........

do you believe the 20+ women who have accused donny of grabbing them, & worse?
That's you leftists acts we must believe the woman
Anyone say denied access ???? Nope.

Didn't come because the tickets weren't available, now why was this again ??? Wait let's go ask AOC.

Tickets were available. Those trolling could have got 10 million tickets but if you wanted to actually go you could still get your ticket.
no it wasn't it was this thread stop dodging just admit you forgot two post back that you mentioned those polls and move on

Not gonna happen Little Retarded Rebecca. Why? You are mixing in 2 different conversations. And, like I said, I simply pointed out he was upset with the way FOX REPORTED THE POLLS, which is why he had his son interview him. Nothing in there about how I did or didn't feel about them, or if I even believed them. Matter of fact, I stopped listening to polling data somewhere back in the early 2000's. But, keep up with the bullshit and delusions if that is what helps you sleep at night you pud pulling colon jousting rump ranger.

thats how you think but it does not reflect conservatives
Will you promise to leave this board for good if I can present to you a WHOPPING 10 self-proclaimed conservative posters on USMB expressing such sentiments?

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