Low attendance in Trump's Tulsa rally

not according to the po po who were there & said anybody that wanted in - was able to go in. i'll believe them over a pic.

Yes if they came to the gate .. but thousands left because they were blocked by rent a riot blm
Trump's speeches have pretty much been the same old same old since 2016. He bitches about people he thinks are against him, tells everyone how great he is (without telling what he did that was so great), and then attacks whoever he thinks will get him political points.

Only problem is, nothing new has come from his speeches since he first started, and the world has vastly changed since then.
The crowd was a bit lackluster if you asked me. Methinks even them tire of his nonsense.
After hearing Trumptards gloating and bragging that one million people had signed up for tickets to Trump's self-aggrandizing taxpayer-funded roadshow, Trump and his idiot followers deserve every kick to the nuts they get.

It is fucking hilarious that only about one-third of the venue was filled.

It should also scare the shit out of Trump, and it is pretty obvious it did. His magical thinking doesn't work any more and it is starting to show, bigly.

Trump is nothing but a fat feeble punk who only attracts brain dead submissive losers.

Keep showing that view, because we all know that in any event there are areas where security is paramount. In these areas crowds aren't allowed to assemble to the point of secret service not being able to watch them behind the president with ease, otherwise while he is facing the other way.

We do have security measures and protocol when ever events with high profile officials are dealing with large crowds in a venue like this. Seats up above camera viewing ranges are generally looked at as a risk if allow these area's to become unstable behind the president.
Not gonna happen Little Retarded Rebecca. Why? You are mixing in 2 different conversations. And, like I said, I simply pointed out he was upset with the way FOX REPORTED THE POLLS, which is why he had his son interview him. Nothing in there about how I did or didn't feel about them, or if I even believed them. Matter of fact, I stopped listening to polling data somewhere back in the early 2000's. But, keep up with the bullshit and delusions if that is what helps you sleep at night you pud pulling colon jousting rump ranger.
Well, retard you were just busted for lying you don't look around you you believe the shit fed to you by the leftist controlled media. And on the morning of November 4 2020, you're going to realize how much of a fool you were played by the very media you love lol
You can cherry pick whatever you want, Big Retard 1775, but the fact of the matter is she was projected to win with a slight majority and popular vote wise, she did. Even in the individual state polls she was within the margin of error; they just happened to break the other way. I'm not going to rehash the reality with you dipshits over and over. Scream about polls all you want. They said you were going to get your asses handed to you in 2018 and that's exactly what happened and you were all repeating the same dumb shit about imaginary Republican landslides leading up to that election too. If you want to believe from now until November that there is some big polling conspiracy taking place go right ahead. You'll be the one jumping off of a building on the night of the election, not me. You were having a melt down yesterday over the underwhelming turn out of this rally, so I can only imagine how unhinged you'll be when he loses altogether just like the polling and fund raising all indicate he will.
They said you were going to get your asses handed to you in 2018 and that's exactly what happened

Avg pick ups in the House for a midterm. Usually the incumbent party loses 2-3 seats in the Senate. Republicans picked up 2.

Your BLUE WAVE sucked.
Well, retard you were just busted for lying you don't look around you you believe the shit fed to you by the leftist controlled media. And on the morning of November 4 2020, you're going to realize how much of a fool you were played by the very media you love lol

Like I said, I wasn't saying that the polls were right or wrong, just said that Trump had to celebrate Father's Day by having his son interview him because he was upset WITH THE WAY THAT FOX (not me) REPORTED THE POLLS. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it you triggered little snowflake?
Will you promise to leave this board for good if I can present to you a WHOPPING 10 self-proclaimed conservative posters on USMB expressing such sentiments?
I think each side has said that in frustration

ut conservatives do not form their opinions jus5 to be different from the other side
There are very few people in the upper tier and if you look carefully, you will see that the mezzanine is not full either. The fact that Trump cancelled the outside rally was to avoid the embarrassment of having a small crowd that he predicted would be huge with lots of entertainment.

It's been a bad week for the Rump. First, the courts shoot him down in his attack on the DACA kids, then they dashed his hopes of massive firings of LGBTQ Americans, followed by the court refusal to block the Bolton tell all book, and now the poor turnout for his opening campaign rally. Gee, I feel so bad for the poor guy.:dance::dance::dance:
I certainly don't feel sorry for his bigoted ass. I'm in a celebratory mood over his recent trials.
still triggered?

my god - your BP must be sky high!

my BP right now according to my smartwatch is 121 over 82
Pulse is 70 BPM it averages daily from 115 over 75 to 122 over 86
temp. 97.8 average 5 too 6 hours of sleep every night
And come Jan. 22 2021 President Trump will be starting his second term

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