Low unemployment...and shitty wages!!

You fellas do understand that this was tRump's big talking point right? The tax cuts for the wealthy businessman was gonna raise wages for the little guy. That's how he sold you fools on it. And it's not happening, just as we said it wouldn't.
I hate to piss in your corn flakes but...
Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily
But not everyone’s wages jumped 10% overnight.....so it must not be working....

It’s only May folks. With low unemployment, some people will have to change employers for the pay increase, and they will actually be able to do so.
wages have actually dipped.

Why aren't wages growing faster?
You fellas do understand that this was tRump's big talking point right? The tax cuts for the wealthy businessman was gonna raise wages for the little guy. That's how he sold you fools on it. And it's not happening, just as we said it wouldn't.
I hate to piss in your corn flakes but...
Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily
Fueled mostly by states independently raising their minimum wage.
Um, no. Try again.
Umm yes. Look it up.
I did, moron. And I posted it for you. I can't help it if you won't read it (or can't understand it).

Here’s one big reason wages increased at their fastest pace in 9 years

Here is the real story.

Sorry to bust yer bubble.
You fellas do understand that this was tRump's big talking point right? The tax cuts for the wealthy businessman was gonna raise wages for the little guy. That's how he sold you fools on it. And it's not happening, just as we said it wouldn't.
I hate to piss in your corn flakes but...
Wages, Obama Economy's Weakest Link, Now Surging Under Trump | Investor's Business Daily
But not everyone’s wages jumped 10% overnight.....so it must not be working....

It’s only May folks. With low unemployment, some people will have to change employers for the pay increase, and they will actually be able to do so.
wages have actually dipped.

Why aren't wages growing faster?
You didn't read your own article, did you? Go back and read it.
Fueled mostly by states independently raising their minimum wage.
Um, no. Try again.
Umm yes. Look it up.
I did, moron. And I posted it for you. I can't help it if you won't read it (or can't understand it).

Here’s one big reason wages increased at their fastest pace in 9 years

Here is the real story.

Sorry to bust yer bubble.
Again, you didn't read your own article. BTW, they contradict each other. In addition, you're talking mostly about minimum wage jobs, not skilled jobs. Just go back and read what you linked. SMH
I don't know about the shitty wages part. I got a 2.5% raise on Saturdsy. I'm getting 2.75% next year and 3.0% in 2020 & 2021. GUARANTEED.

I've also got a 3 to 4% bonus coming each of those years. I'll have this year's in my hands in the next month.
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!

You get paid what you are worth. Read a book and learn some skills if you want to make real money. You don’t get to go straight from welfare to making $100k because your head has been filled with fantasy about being entitled to wealth just because you’re black or a woman. Get off your ass and do something useful, otherwise you’ll keep your place at the bottom rung of society.
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!
No complaint from people like yourself during the Obama administration when the "recovery" was mostly low paying jobs.
Recovery Has Created Far More Low-Wage Jobs Than Better-Paid Ones
The problem is so many employees bring so little to the table.

If you want to help future generations, bring back Vocation training in public schools. Give them a skill they can earn a living on.
Absolutely. I am millwright. Last year I made 91K with very little overtime. And our mill is constantly advertising for skilled tradesmen. There is as much money for most of us in being a tradesman, millwright, electrician, or automation person, as there is in the professions. The nation is currently 6 million tradesmen short. Were we able to fill those positions from our citizens, our unemployment rate would be approaching zero. As I explained to one young man, either learn to work on the machines, or be put out of work by them.
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!
No complaint from people like yourself during the Obama administration when the "recovery" was mostly low paying jobs.
Recovery Has Created Far More Low-Wage Jobs Than Better-Paid Ones
Well now, maybe now that the recovery is here, maybe those low paying jobs had better start paying more if they intend to keep good people.
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!

You want more than $12 an hour? Ok then: Just tell me me what makes you so deserving to be paid more, and just how you're going to benefit my company. Otherwise, don't let the screen door hit you where the good Lord split you.
Well, first of all, I would never work for someone that could not see how I would benefit their company. Second, if I did go to work for you, and you came onto me in that manner, I would simply pick up my tools and lunch box, laugh in your face, and move on to where I was wanted.
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!

It's TRUMPS fault....

Not because wages have been shitty for years, through Democrat and Republican Administrations...

Or is it the EVIL White man, for keeping a brother down?
Always playing the race card, huh, white boy?
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!

You want more than $12 an hour? Ok then: Just tell me me what makes you so deserving to be paid more, and just how you're going to benefit my company. Otherwise, don't let the screen door hit you where the good Lord split you.
Well, first of all, I would never work for someone that could not see how I would benefit their company. Second, if I did go to work for you, and you came onto me in that manner, I would simply pick up my tools and lunch box, laugh in your face, and move on to where I was wanted.
Spoken like a true red white and blue white man....carry on, Trump jr.
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!

It's TRUMPS fault....

Not because wages have been shitty for years, through Democrat and Republican Administrations...

Or is it the EVIL White man, for keeping a brother down?
It's because those pissant Democrats keep lowering the wage scale with ever increasing numbers of new refugees.
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!
Well it is their money after all
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!

Tax reform windfall: These companies are hiking pay, delivering bonuses

The list is growing. :)
LOLOLOL.....FOX Business....ie Trump channel....dude did you read the article?
List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed List of companies that paid bonuses or boosted pay since tax bill passed

Pay Raises From Tax Cuts Are Fake Generosity
Pay Raises From Tax Cuts Are Fake Generosity
If you care to get off the Fox nuts and join team real.....click away

A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!
Well it is their money after all
I ain't got no problem with dat, but don't have the congress and the president idiot out here praising fuckin tax cuts hoping to stimulate wages and hiring, tell the fuckin truth.
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!

It's TRUMPS fault....

Not because wages have been shitty for years, through Democrat and Republican Administrations...

Or is it the EVIL White man, for keeping a brother down?
Always playing the race card, huh, white boy?
I don't have a Race card, Dark girl.

That's you're department and expertise.

I was going along with your usual narrative.
A room full of company ceo's were asked point blank, who will raise wages on their employers when the tax cuts goes into effect....
Republicans say corporate tax cuts will boost workers' wages, but CEOs might have other plans

TV coverage showed about three dozen executives sitting near the stage. Only three of them appeared to raise their hands. An incredulous Cohn responded: "Why aren't the other hands up?"

The other hands didn't go up because wall street along with most business's in this country are taking these permanent tax cuts and buying back stock and cruising. They're not giving raises, or hiring more people....and just for the record, most of the jobs out here for most people starts and end at 12 bucks an hour...crumbs!!
Well it is their money after all
I ain't got no problem with dat, but don't have the congress and the president idiot out here praising fuckin tax cuts hoping to stimulate wages and hiring, tell the fuckin truth.

The thing is millions of middle class people who are self employed or own and operate S corps and LLCs saw some very significant tax relief. You know regular people who employ people and provide services in their own communities.

I know this because I am one of them who benefited from Sections 199A and 179 of the new tax laws.

All any politician can do is allow people to keep more of their own money. They can't force them to do anything with that money.

But more people with more money is never bad for any economy

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