LSTU#3: Has Trump done anything wrong yet?


Proud Liberal
Mar 5, 2012
Illinois, USA
Liberal Seeks To Understand #3
I'll admit to being a liberal, so speak slowly and use small words please. :) I swear I'm just trying to understand conservatives' POV on issues. This is an honest question. As before, I'll return respect with respect and crudeness with crudeness.

The question is for conservatives only: Has Trump done anything wrong in your opinion?

I've heard many conservatives claim liberals stood by Obama no matter what. Looking over posts here and elsewhere, I'm seeing a similar theme: Conservatives stick by Trump no matter what. But I'm biased, so I know I could just be seeing what I want to see.

What Trump has done as president that you think is wrong? Not wrong as in, "Trump hasn't gone far enough with illegal immigration!" but more like, "OK, even I cannot support that decision." Cheers!
Too many EOs
Bad appointments (1 for sure a couple more that are just "IMO")
But his heart is in the right place. At least that is a refreshing change..
Too many EOs
Bad appointments (1 for sure a couple more that are just "IMO")
But his heart is in the right place. At least that is a refreshing change..
Just wanted to thank you for your post. I know libs and cons don't always get along online, but your reply was intelligent and respectful. Seriously, thank you.
There's the issue with Flynn and his ties to Russia. A lot of his appointments have been pretty bad (DeVos and Perry, especially). Spending the first week of his campaign trying to drill into people's heads that his inauguration was the biggest ever, the issue with alternative facts and nonexistent massacres (Which was on Spicer and Conway, but still). And his twitter rants have come off as more childish than powerful. Oh, and the botched Yemen raid. And the hostile calls with Australia. And his fights with Nordstrom and SNL...

Been a pretty rocky start. Hope he turns things around...
There's the issue with Flynn and his ties to Russia. A lot of his appointments have been pretty bad (DeVos and Perry, especially). Spending the first week of his campaign trying to drill into people's heads that his inauguration was the biggest ever, the issue with alternative facts and nonexistent massacres (Which was on Spicer and Conway, but still). And his twitter rants have come off as more childish than powerful. Oh, and the botched Yemen raid. And the hostile calls with Australia. And his fights with Nordstrom and SNL...

Been a pretty rocky start. Hope he turns things around...
I agree except I dont see the yemen incident to be that bad.
Man, Conway is doing this administration NO justice. The Bowling Green thing was about the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Blows the 57 states mistake out of the water.. Lol and that is hard to do!
( Just an observation...Funny how snowflakes either never answered this question about Obama or simply answered 'No', yet they get all excited when they pose this question about a Conservative.)
Liberal Seeks To Understand #3
I'll admit to being a liberal, so speak slowly and use small words please. :) I swear I'm just trying to understand conservatives' POV on issues. This is an honest question. As before, I'll return respect with respect and crudeness with crudeness.

The question is for conservatives only: Has Trump done anything wrong in your opinion?

I've heard many conservatives claim liberals stood by Obama no matter what. Looking over posts here and elsewhere, I'm seeing a similar theme: Conservatives stick by Trump no matter what. But I'm biased, so I know I could just be seeing what I want to see.

What Trump has done as president that you think is wrong? Not wrong as in, "Trump hasn't gone far enough with illegal immigration!" but more like, "OK, even I cannot support that decision." Cheers!
Well, it hasn't quite been a month yet and he hasn't got his cabinet going yet, thanks to the left so there hasn't been a lot of opportunity to do much besides meetings and getting the confidence of business going.

I as a capitalist approve whole heartedly of what he's done so far. I know as a liberal you need some Republican dirt to live off of. Sorry, I can't help.
( Just an observation...Funny how snowflakes either never answered this question about Obama or simply answered 'No', yet they get all excited when they pose this question about a Conservative.)

Obama wasn't a great president. Obamacare was a bust, he didn't handle the Middle East well, and he spent most of his time butting heads with congress.

That better or do you need more confirmation?
Obama wasn't a great president. Obamacare was a bust, he didn't handle the Middle East well, and he spent most of his time butting heads with congress. That better or do you need more confirmation?
Obama was a failure on many different levels. The man aided Illegals, Immigrants, and Terrorists more than he helped his own people. He spent most of his time Un-Constitutionally BY-PASSING Congress.
The only thing "wrong" so far is that he has not purged the federal bureaucracy and jailed Obama.
There's the issue with Flynn and his ties to Russia. A lot of his appointments have been pretty bad (DeVos and Perry, especially). Spending the first week of his campaign trying to drill into people's heads that his inauguration was the biggest ever, the issue with alternative facts and nonexistent massacres (Which was on Spicer and Conway, but still). And his twitter rants have come off as more childish than powerful. Oh, and the botched Yemen raid. And the hostile calls with Australia. And his fights with Nordstrom and SNL...

Been a pretty rocky start. Hope he turns things around...
The Flynn thing is overblown but they had to let him fall on the sword. The leftists needed some raw meat. There's no evidence he had an arrangement, they won't release the transcripts. But for the left accusations are good enough.

DeVos will likely be great, she believes in school competition like most conservatives. I don't think you're being honest about your political leanings.

The alternative fact comment obviously sailed over your head. The inauguration was streamed like never before so it may have been the biggest viewed.

Fights with Nordstroms? When? His daughter was ditched because of him, what kind of man would say nothing? Basically, you're full of shit.
There's the issue with Flynn and his ties to Russia. A lot of his appointments have been pretty bad (DeVos and Perry, especially). Spending the first week of his campaign trying to drill into people's heads that his inauguration was the biggest ever, the issue with alternative facts and nonexistent massacres (Which was on Spicer and Conway, but still). And his twitter rants have come off as more childish than powerful. Oh, and the botched Yemen raid. And the hostile calls with Australia. And his fights with Nordstrom and SNL...

Been a pretty rocky start. Hope he turns things around...
The Flynn thing is overblown but they had to let him fall on the sword. The leftists needed some raw meat. There's no evidence he had an arrangement, they won't release the transcripts. But for the left accusations are good enough.

DeVos will likely be great, she believes in school competition like most conservatives. I don't think you're being honest about your political leanings.

The alternative fact comment obviously sailed over your head. The inauguration was streamed like never before so it may have been the biggest viewed.

Fights with Nordstroms? When? His daughter was ditched because of him, what kind of man would say nothing? Basically, you're full of shit.
So trump gave in to the democrats and fired flynn even though he did nothing wrong? Are you bat shit crazy?
There's the issue with Flynn and his ties to Russia. A lot of his appointments have been pretty bad (DeVos and Perry, especially). Spending the first week of his campaign trying to drill into people's heads that his inauguration was the biggest ever, the issue with alternative facts and nonexistent massacres (Which was on Spicer and Conway, but still). And his twitter rants have come off as more childish than powerful. Oh, and the botched Yemen raid. And the hostile calls with Australia. And his fights with Nordstrom and SNL...

Been a pretty rocky start. Hope he turns things around...
The Flynn thing is overblown but they had to let him fall on the sword. The leftists needed some raw meat. There's no evidence he had an arrangement, they won't release the transcripts. But for the left accusations are good enough.

DeVos will likely be great, she believes in school competition like most conservatives. I don't think you're being honest about your political leanings.

The alternative fact comment obviously sailed over your head. The inauguration was streamed like never before so it may have been the biggest viewed.

Fights with Nordstroms? When? His daughter was ditched because of him, what kind of man would say nothing? Basically, you're full of shit.
So trump gave in to the democrats and fired flynn even though he did nothing wrong? Are you bat shit crazy?
Flynn was a democrat. Are you saying you hacks like to eat your own?
There's the issue with Flynn and his ties to Russia. A lot of his appointments have been pretty bad (DeVos and Perry, especially). Spending the first week of his campaign trying to drill into people's heads that his inauguration was the biggest ever, the issue with alternative facts and nonexistent massacres (Which was on Spicer and Conway, but still). And his twitter rants have come off as more childish than powerful. Oh, and the botched Yemen raid. And the hostile calls with Australia. And his fights with Nordstrom and SNL...

Been a pretty rocky start. Hope he turns things around...
The Flynn thing is overblown but they had to let him fall on the sword. The leftists needed some raw meat. There's no evidence he had an arrangement, they won't release the transcripts. But for the left accusations are good enough.

DeVos will likely be great, she believes in school competition like most conservatives. I don't think you're being honest about your political leanings.

The alternative fact comment obviously sailed over your head. The inauguration was streamed like never before so it may have been the biggest viewed.

Fights with Nordstroms? When? His daughter was ditched because of him, what kind of man would say nothing? Basically, you're full of shit.
So trump gave in to the democrats and fired flynn even though he did nothing wrong? Are you bat shit crazy?
Flynn was a democrat. Are you saying you hacks like to eat your own?
His political party means nothing, its all about his conversations with Russians
The only thing "wrong" so far is that he has not purged the federal bureaucracy and jailed Obama.
Sound very trollish, but I'll bite. Are you saying that you agree with all his cabinet nominations, his Twitter rants, and his use of executive orders? I find that hard to believe, but it's your opinion and I'll respect that.
There's the issue with Flynn and his ties to Russia. A lot of his appointments have been pretty bad (DeVos and Perry, especially). Spending the first week of his campaign trying to drill into people's heads that his inauguration was the biggest ever, the issue with alternative facts and nonexistent massacres (Which was on Spicer and Conway, but still). And his twitter rants have come off as more childish than powerful. Oh, and the botched Yemen raid. And the hostile calls with Australia. And his fights with Nordstrom and SNL...

Been a pretty rocky start. Hope he turns things around...
The Flynn thing is overblown but they had to let him fall on the sword. The leftists needed some raw meat. There's no evidence he had an arrangement, they won't release the transcripts. But for the left accusations are good enough.

DeVos will likely be great, she believes in school competition like most conservatives. I don't think you're being honest about your political leanings.

The alternative fact comment obviously sailed over your head. The inauguration was streamed like never before so it may have been the biggest viewed.

Fights with Nordstroms? When? His daughter was ditched because of him, what kind of man would say nothing? Basically, you're full of shit.
So trump gave in to the democrats and fired flynn even though he did nothing wrong? Are you bat shit crazy?
Flynn was a democrat. Are you saying you hacks like to eat your own?
His political party means nothing, its all about his conversations with Russians
no, it was who appointed him. Don't act like the hacks in congress have been enlightened. That makes you sound more insane than they.

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