Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

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Ich bin ein inkompetenter Idiot mit Scheiße für Gehirne .
You seem upset. Is your buttplug not adjusted properly?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You mistake disdain for being upset. If I ever need advice on buttplugs I know I can rely on your extensive expertise, Herr Schwuel.

Only in your bareback gangbang dreams, Herr Schwuchtel.
That didnt even make sense. You must be melting down or have OD'd on poppers already

Sure it did, snookems. You just don't wanna admit it. You, like Jimmy Carter, have lusted in your heart.

Tsk, tsk.
Your homo fantasies are getting disturbing. I guess you have nothing to add to this thread. Like you ever did.
When did Putin announce his withdrawal?
You seem upset. Is your buttplug not adjusted properly?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
You mistake disdain for being upset. If I ever need advice on buttplugs I know I can rely on your extensive expertise, Herr Schwuel.

Only in your bareback gangbang dreams, Herr Schwuchtel.
That didnt even make sense. You must be melting down or have OD'd on poppers already

Sure it did, snookems. You just don't wanna admit it. You, like Jimmy Carter, have lusted in your heart.

Tsk, tsk.
Your homo fantasies are getting disturbing. I guess you have nothing to add to this thread. Like you ever did.
When did Putin announce his withdrawal?

Well, your homo fantasies are all you have. It was painful, but for a minute I reduced myself to your level.

When did your big, sexy, muscular Putin pull out of N. Ossetia in 2008? Oh, wait, Bush was prez then, so it didn't matter.....

Putin for prez in 2016!! Perfect fit for the GOP!! Fascist tendencies and all!
Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

Damn, poor ole Bush must have really gotten reamed by Putin. They were even shacked up together in Crawford, Texas. Shazam...


“I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straight forward and trustworthy and we had a very good dialogue,” Bush said according to a BBC account. “I was able to get a sense of his soul. He’s a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country and I appreciate very much the frank dialogue and that’s the beginning of a very constructive relationship.”

More: Close Encounters With Vladimir Putin: What Joe Biden And George W. Bush Saw - ABC News
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?
Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

What did the US lose in the bargain?

We ignored conservative whining about the lack of military intervention as Conservatives squealed over Obama's "weak' sanctions and swooned over tough guy Putin

Now Putin is in a recession with a worthless ruble as poor ole Obama is sitting on a surging economy and the strongest dollar in decades
That's laughable, more people on welfare in our history.
You mistake disdain for being upset. If I ever need advice on buttplugs I know I can rely on your extensive expertise, Herr Schwuel.

Only in your bareback gangbang dreams, Herr Schwuchtel.
That didnt even make sense. You must be melting down or have OD'd on poppers already

Sure it did, snookems. You just don't wanna admit it. You, like Jimmy Carter, have lusted in your heart.

Tsk, tsk.
Your homo fantasies are getting disturbing. I guess you have nothing to add to this thread. Like you ever did.
When did Putin announce his withdrawal?

Well, your homo fantasies are all you have. It was painful, but for a minute I reduced myself to your level.

When did your big, sexy, muscular Putin pull out of N. Ossetia in 2008? Oh, wait, Bush was prez then, so it didn't matter.....

Putin for prez in 2016!! Perfect fit for the GOP!! Fascist tendencies and all!
I think the poppers have altered what littlr brain you ever had. You are a worthless piece of dog crap with nothing intelligent to say.
Obama's policy with Russia is a failure. His reset was a joke. Putin is laughing at this incompetent piece of shit and wondering how he hit the jackpot to try to rebuild the Soviet Union with the worst president in US history.
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?
Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

What did the US lose in the bargain?

We ignored conservative whining about the lack of military intervention as Conservatives squealed over Obama's "weak' sanctions and swooned over tough guy Putin

Now Putin is in a recession with a worthless ruble as poor ole Obama is sitting on a surging economy and the strongest dollar in decades
That's laughable, more people on welfare in our history.

Yes, thanks to Bush - many of us are still using Preparation H.

Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?

These guys live in a fantasy world.

Putin played his little Crimea gambit, and Obama responded by organizing sanctions, which conservatives, of course, mocked as being inadequate.

Now here we are a few months later, and a surging US economy, helped along with record oil production, is doing great compared to Russia which relied too heavily on natural gas and oil prices, both of which are falling due to the US supply which is partly causing those prices to fall. Meanwhile, the sanctions are biting.

Now, will conservatives give Obama credit? Of course not. You know they won't. But instead of at least noting that Putin's got some serious problems, American conservatives want to create a narrative where Putin is besting Obama.

Here's the question: Which man are American conservatives rooting for? Palin supplied that answer months ago when she sounded like a preteen girl at a Justin Bieber concert when talking about Putin. It's just one more example that conservative patriotism is contingent on them running the country. If they can't be in charge of the gov't, they're like anarchists who will take the side of anyone who's against their own president.
Obama had nothing to do with oil, he tried his best to stop it.
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?
Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

What did the US lose in the bargain?

We ignored conservative whining about the lack of military intervention as Conservatives squealed over Obama's "weak' sanctions and swooned over tough guy Putin

Now Putin is in a recession with a worthless ruble as poor ole Obama is sitting on a surging economy and the strongest dollar in decades
That's laughable, more people on welfare in our history.

Yes, thanks to Bush - many of us are still using Preparation H.

IN your case it was thanks to your boyfriend in the Grayhound Terminal stall.

Libs just wont admit Obama is the worst president ever, worse than Carter. Worse than idi Amin. All they can do is pretend Bush was worse somehow.
MH 10448263
Ukraine no longer has Crimea.

Crimea wanted nothing to do with Ukraine specifically after Ukrainians in Kiev destroyed their own Constitution and violently overthrew the democratically elected President . Ukraine does not deserve to have Crimea, so what is your point?
MH 10448263
Ukraine no longer has Crimea.

Georgia, since 2008 under Dubya, no longer has South Ossetia or Abkhazia. What do you expect Obama to do differently with respect to Crimea than what Bush did in response to Medvedev protecting Russian interests on their border with Georgia?
If you think 18 trillion dollars in debt isn't a collapsed economy, your nuts.

What in that debt is causing our economy to collapse? I owe much more than I earn, yet I am in no way facing financial collapse
You mistake disdain for being upset. If I ever need advice on buttplugs I know I can rely on your extensive expertise, Herr Schwuel.

Only in your bareback gangbang dreams, Herr Schwuchtel.
That didnt even make sense. You must be melting down or have OD'd on poppers already

Sure it did, snookems. You just don't wanna admit it. You, like Jimmy Carter, have lusted in your heart.

Tsk, tsk.
Your homo fantasies are getting disturbing. I guess you have nothing to add to this thread. Like you ever did.
When did Putin announce his withdrawal?

Well, your homo fantasies are all you have. It was painful, but for a minute I reduced myself to your level.

When did your big, sexy, muscular Putin pull out of N. Ossetia in 2008? Oh, wait, Bush was prez then, so it didn't matter.....

Putin for prez in 2016!! Perfect fit for the GOP!! Fascist tendencies and all!

At least Obama scared him and he pulled out of N. Ossetia in 2009. He did, didn't he?
If you think 18 trillion dollars in debt isn't a collapsed economy, your nuts.

What in that debt is causing our economy to collapse? I owe much more than I earn, yet I am in no way facing financial collapse

You are, you just aren't bright enough to realize it.

Far from it. I have sufficient income so that my existing debt does not impact my financial status. I also pay a low interest rate on that debt.
TT 10449871
At least Obama scared him and he pulled out of N. Ossetia in 2009. He did, didn't he?

As it was with Crimea breaking from Ukraine in 2014 there was no threat to our national security in 2008 when the Russians defended their interests on their border.

There was and still is no legit national security reason to force Putin out of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. If there were a genuine threat then Bush was remiss to allow it to happen.

And you must have forgotten that Bush left the US economy in the most trashed shape since the Great Depression. And with 140,000 US troops bogged down in the winding down days of Bush's quagmire in Iraq and the unfinished under-resourced war in Afghanistan. Our military and economy was in no shape to open up a third war front just to placate hurt egos for the McCains' of our world (we are all Georgians now) knuckleheads that apparently still has devotees to that idiocy.

Bush also left Obama an economy shedding a million jobs a month and the US auto-industry (war machine industry) on the verge of collapse. The US wingnuts in 2009 were mostly clamoring over how Obama had to put X amount of US troops in Afghanistan and tell the Afghans that we will never leave because if he didn't al Qaeda was going to over-run Pakistan and commandeer the Nukes and blow us all to hell. There was no concern about South Ossetia being over run by the red menace and then coming for us. But now you want Obama to have focused on Bush's little mess in South Ossetia

Lunacy never ends with you people.
Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

Damn, poor ole Bush must have really gotten reamed by Putin. They were even shacked up together in Crawford, Texas. Shazam...


“I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straight forward and trustworthy and we had a very good dialogue,” Bush said according to a BBC account. “I was able to get a sense of his soul. He’s a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country and I appreciate very much the frank dialogue and that’s the beginning of a very constructive relationship.”

More: Close Encounters With Vladimir Putin: What Joe Biden And George W. Bush Saw - ABC News
Bush's intelligence level is a few spots below a bag of hammers.
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