Lt. Army Colonel: "Obama Tried To Romance Putin And He Got Date-Raped"

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Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?
Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

What did the US lose in the bargain?

We ignored conservative whining about the lack of military intervention as Conservatives squealed over Obama's "weak' sanctions and swooned over tough guy Putin

Now Putin is in a recession with a worthless ruble as poor ole Obama is sitting on a surging economy and the strongest dollar in decades
That's laughable, more people on welfare in our history.

Yes, thanks to Bush - many of us are still using Preparation H.

IN your case it was thanks to your boyfriend in the Grayhound Terminal stall.

Libs just wont admit Obama is the worst president ever, worse than Carter. Worse than idi Amin. All they can do is pretend Bush was worse somehow.

Obama will go down in history as a moderately good moderate Republican, when you measure his policies.

Bush, on the other hand, will fall to the bottom of the list because of sending us needlessly into Iraq.

And worthless political hacks like you will be long gone.

Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

What did the US lose in the bargain?

We ignored conservative whining about the lack of military intervention as Conservatives squealed over Obama's "weak' sanctions and swooned over tough guy Putin

Now Putin is in a recession with a worthless ruble as poor ole Obama is sitting on a surging economy and the strongest dollar in decades
That's laughable, more people on welfare in our history.

Yes, thanks to Bush - many of us are still using Preparation H.

IN your case it was thanks to your boyfriend in the Grayhound Terminal stall.

Libs just wont admit Obama is the worst president ever, worse than Carter. Worse than idi Amin. All they can do is pretend Bush was worse somehow.

Obama will go down in history as a moderately good moderate Republican, when you measure his policies.

Bush, on the other hand, will fall to the bottom of the list because of sending us needlessly into Iraq.

And worthless political hacks like you will be long gone.

Yeah, right. Heck, Obama will be right up there with Reagan. WHat a sap.
What did the US lose in the bargain?

We ignored conservative whining about the lack of military intervention as Conservatives squealed over Obama's "weak' sanctions and swooned over tough guy Putin

Now Putin is in a recession with a worthless ruble as poor ole Obama is sitting on a surging economy and the strongest dollar in decades
That's laughable, more people on welfare in our history.

Yes, thanks to Bush - many of us are still using Preparation H.

IN your case it was thanks to your boyfriend in the Grayhound Terminal stall.

Libs just wont admit Obama is the worst president ever, worse than Carter. Worse than idi Amin. All they can do is pretend Bush was worse somehow.

Obama will go down in history as a moderately good moderate Republican, when you measure his policies.

Bush, on the other hand, will fall to the bottom of the list because of sending us needlessly into Iraq.

And worthless political hacks like you will be long gone.

Yeah, right. Heck, Obama will be right up there with Reagan. WHat a sap.

Oh, so you think that Reagan was only moderately good. Ok.
That's laughable, more people on welfare in our history.

Yes, thanks to Bush - many of us are still using Preparation H.

IN your case it was thanks to your boyfriend in the Grayhound Terminal stall.

Libs just wont admit Obama is the worst president ever, worse than Carter. Worse than idi Amin. All they can do is pretend Bush was worse somehow.

Obama will go down in history as a moderately good moderate Republican, when you measure his policies.

Bush, on the other hand, will fall to the bottom of the list because of sending us needlessly into Iraq.

And worthless political hacks like you will be long gone.

Yeah, right. Heck, Obama will be right up there with Reagan. WHat a sap.

Oh, so you think that Reagan was only moderately good. Ok.
Reading is not your strong point.
I havent figured what your strong point is yet but this isnt it. Perhaps dumbassery?
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?
Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

Man you're as lost as lost can be. Ukraine was never Obama's fight. Obama is in vacation in Hawaii and Putin is sending Obama New Years messages of "working together".

Obama doesn't need a damn thing from Putin...Its Putin grabbing his ankles.
Democrat tipped blogger about Republican lawmaker meeting with white nationalists - Yahoo News

I think you must be a masochist to keep posting here and appearing as one of the least informed people on this board. Hell, Jake Starkey has you beat. Of cours eyou might just be Jake Starkey, Herr Faker.
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Who gives a fuck about the Ukraine, I don't.

Let's review, shall we. The Ukraine had an election, and a pro-Russian candidate won. Everyone agreed this was a fair election. He then proceeded to pick a trade deal with Russia over a trade deal with the European Union. A bunch of demonstrators toppled his government- which I have to remind everyone- won a fair election.

The Ethnic Russian Majority finally decided that it had enough of the polticians in Kiev and they'd rather be part of Russia than part of the Ukraine.

so why is this America's problem?

That said, Putin got the worst of this deal. His economy is in collapse and he's lost a lot of the good rep he's built up with the west in recent years.
Since nothing disadvantageous to the US has happened as a result of anything Putin has done, why are you RWnuts acting as if Putin did us any harm?
You don't consider Obama's taking up the ass on the world stage disadvantageous. Maybe we're getting used to. I mean it's not the first time Putin's "done" Obama.
You don't consider Obama's taking up the ass on the world stage disadvantageous. Maybe we're getting used to. I mean it's not the first time Putin's "done" Obama.

Putin's economy is in a complete state of collapse. Bulgaria just cancelled a pipeline project that Russia badly needed for economic growth.

Only person taking it up the ass on this deal is Putin, and he did it to himself.
Putin foolishly advanced Ukraine's chance to join NATO by decades. He in fact made them eligible. Before the annexation of Crimea Ukraine was not eligible and had no chance of joining NATO. Member nations of NATO are not permitted to have foreign military bases or ports within their borders. The Russian port at Sevastopol, Crimea made them ineligible for membership until at least 2042 and probably longer. The annexation of Crimea makes the agreement between Ukraine and Russia null and void.
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?
Ukraine got raped. Obama simply took it up his ass, as you no doubt noticed being in there and all.

Ukraine is still there and no US troops got involved

Meanwhile, Conservative Messiah Putin is pouting as his once mighty economy is in collapse. Anyone want to buy a ruble?
Ukraine no longer has Crimea. I know you're a publicly-educated liberal, but still. Ukraine is still there is your defense of Obama?

Man you're as lost as lost can be. Ukraine was never Obama's fight. Obama is in vacation in Hawaii and Putin is sending Obama New Years messages of "working together".

Obama doesn't need a damn thing from Putin...Its Putin grabbing his ankles.
Putin is finding out that unlike the days of the USSR a, he cannot act alone. His role with the rest of the world has consequences

Obama is playing golf and laughing at him
Since nothing disadvantageous to the US has happened as a result of anything Putin has done, why are you RWnuts acting as if Putin did us any harm?
You don't consider Obama's taking up the ass on the world stage disadvantageous. Maybe we're getting used to. I mean it's not the first time Putin's "done" Obama.

The way you RWnuts see the world has nothing to do with reality. You people subsist on delusion.
Since nothing disadvantageous to the US has happened as a result of anything Putin has done, why are you RWnuts acting as if Putin did us any harm?
You don't consider Obama's taking up the ass on the world stage disadvantageous. Maybe we're getting used to. I mean it's not the first time Putin's "done" Obama.

The way you RWnuts see the world has nothing to do with reality. You people subsist on delusion.

Why are RWnuts raving over the opinions of a LTC?

What does Private Snuffy have to say about Obama?
Since nothing disadvantageous to the US has happened as a result of anything Putin has done, why are you RWnuts acting as if Putin did us any harm?
You don't consider Obama's taking up the ass on the world stage disadvantageous. Maybe we're getting used to. I mean it's not the first time Putin's "done" Obama.

The way you RWnuts see the world has nothing to do with reality. You people subsist on delusion.

Putin won this honor.
Poor Obama

Sitting on a surging economy and strong dollar while tough guy Putin watches his economy collapsing

Who got raped?

These guys live in a fantasy world.

Putin played his little Crimea gambit, and Obama responded by organizing sanctions, which conservatives, of course, mocked as being inadequate.

Now here we are a few months later, and a surging US economy, helped along with record oil production, is doing great compared to Russia which relied too heavily on natural gas and oil prices, both of which are falling due to the US supply which is partly causing those prices to fall. Meanwhile, the sanctions are biting.

Now, will conservatives give Obama credit? Of course not. You know they won't. But instead of at least noting that Putin's got some serious problems, American conservatives want to create a narrative where Putin is besting Obama.

Here's the question: Which man are American conservatives rooting for? Palin supplied that answer months ago when she sounded like a preteen girl at a Justin Bieber concert when talking about Putin. It's just one more example that conservative patriotism is contingent on them running the country. If they can't be in charge of the gov't, they're like anarchists who will take the side of anyone who's against their own president.
You're a bit short on the specifics that HARRY Reid and Obabble accomplished to fuel the economy. I would ask you to specify those initiatives but I don't want to embarrass you on New Years day. This is a day for love and reconciliation.
Even if we don't like what he stands for, Putin is the most consequential world leader since Reagan. Putin is through changing his country and is out to change the world. While Reagan was able to accomplish both in a primarily positive way, Putin's way is potentially destructive as opposed to the peace and freedom delivered by the former. Both leaders stand in sharp contrast to Obama who is an inconsequential door mat
Even if we don't like what he stands for, Putin is the most consequential world leader since Reagan. Putin is through changing his country and is out to change the world. While Reagan was able to accomplish both in a primarily positive way, Putin's way is potentially destructive as opposed to the peace and freedom delivered by the former. Both leaders stand in sharp contrast to Obama who is an inconsequential door mat

Putin has painted himself into a corner and is now begging Obama to help him out
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