Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax should NOT resign.

Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax should not resign. So, here we have someone being guilty until proven innocent. Fairfax should be afforded the same opportunities that Justice Kavanaugh received in that these accusers should testify before his elected peers. Fairfax should be questioned as well.

I fully supported the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, and I deemed his accusers to be hacks trying to destroy his reputation for political reasons. I voted for Donald Trump, and I felt his accusers were politically motivated as well. I also feel the same way when accusers lied about their supposed incidents with Ben Carson and Herman Cain.

Well, now it's happening to a Democrat; this is a person that I would never vote for, but I stand for his right of being innocent until proven guilty. I feel the same way in this case as with the cases of the other people I mentioned, it's politically motivated. Where it is coming from, I do not know. Just give him a chance to challenge his accusers before his peers, then let them judge.

It all follows the same old tired script. The first accuser comes out. When that is not attaining the desired results, then comes the second, third, fourth etc. We are going down a very dangerous path where all a woman has to do is make these accusations and she must automatically be believed - end of story. No person, regardless of their occupation or political beliefs and affiliations should have their lives destroyed by what in most cases are highly suspect accusations at best. I firmly support a legislative action that where if an accuser is proven to be a liar, they would get the same sentence in prison, pay the same liable that the defendant would have to endure if convicted.

I voted for Donald Trump, I will vote for him in 2020, but this strongly libertarian-right American is in the corner of the Democratic Lt. Gov. on this one. With Trump, Kavanaugh, Cain and Carson, you know where I stand on this issue. I will not stray from my beliefs just because Fairfax is someone I am diametrically opposed to in every possible way politically.

Yup, kinda interesting, there's two guys with evidence (photos) of doing the blackface thing, yet they're going after the black guy that only has accusations.
What the hell are talking about? They want the governors head too.

Seems to be 50-50 nowadays. Fairfax definitely has the spotlight.
The longer that any one of these people are in office increases the chance for Donald Trump and the Republicans to win election, because they’ve taken away the main messaging line of the Democratic Party: “Trump is a racist, Trump is a sexual assaulter, look at those comments.” Now that argument is moot, because every conservative commentator is going to be saying “Sure, but what about Virginia?”
Yup, kinda interesting, there's two guys with evidence (photos) of doing the blackface thing, yet they're going after the black guy that only has accusations.

Yeah, you see, the thing is, it isn't a crime to wear blackface. Bad taste and insensitive... yup.

Raping women... um, that's actually a crime.
The monster the dems created with Kavanaugh is devouring them.

Simply delightful

Not really. End of the day, Fairfax will probably do the right thing and resign.

Kavanaugh, not so much.

Now that's a problem. Because in SupCt nominations, FBI investigations are a PART of that process. So there is a legally proscribed method of investigating claims. EVEN IF -- there's an expired statute of limitations or it's 30 years old..

In the case of Fairfax, there's no direct legal IMPERATIVE for an investigation.. I suppose the VA. legislature could REQUEST it. But unless one DOES appear -- these will ALWAYS BE "allegations".. Not a crime.

Another avenue would be for Fairfax to sue both ladies for libel/slander.. And invoke an investigation. But without ANY type of legal proscribed discovery/findings -- all you're promoting is the 21st century version of a lynching..

And THAT it was the rest of us are tired of. It's gone too far. Folks are consistent in their judgements and calls for hangings. So it's looking more like "mob justice" than any kind of rational "protection of women" issue.

Strange you should BE for all that... But HEY -- AT LEAST you're consistent... :badgrin:
That’s what re-elections are for. Or do you think the people will continue to support them if they think they are an unconvicted criminal?

I think we are kind of in a shit situation if the only way we can get rid of a deranged crook is to wait for the next election.

Now that's a problem. Because in SupCt nominations, FBI investigations are a PART of that process. So there is a legally proscribed method of investigating claims. EVEN IF -- there's an expired statute of limitations or it's 30 years old..

Okay, except there was pretty solid evidence of what Kavanaugh did before they put him on SCOTUS.. and they put him on SCOTUS anyway... without really doing an investigation.

In the case of Fairfax, there's no direct legal IMPERATIVE for an investigation.. I suppose the VA. legislature could REQUEST it. But unless one DOES appear -- these will ALWAYS BE "allegations".. Not a crime.

No, but there is a political one. He has been accused of some serious breaches of trust, he sexually assaulted at least two women. The thing about rape is that half of them go unreported, and only 3% of rapists find their way into a prison cell.

Another avenue would be for Fairfax to sue both ladies for libel/slander.. And invoke an investigation. But without ANY type of legal proscribed discovery/findings -- all you're promoting is the 21st century version of a lynching..

Oh, please, nobody is lynching him. Impeachment is a political act, not a legal one. It's unlikely Nixon ever would have spent a day in jail for Watergate, even if Ford hadn't pardoned him. Clinton wasn't going to go to jail for getting a Lewinsky, and Trump probably won't go to jail for all his Russia Shennanigans. But the act of impeachment is something different. We really can't trust you in the office anymore.

And THAT it was the rest of us are tired of. It's gone too far. Folks are consistent in their judgements and calls for hangings. So it's looking more like "mob justice" than any kind of rational "protection of women" issue.

Strange you should BE for all that... But HEY -- AT LEAST you're consistent...

Um, yeah, I am. We fire people all the time without convictions. Is it fair, not always. There was enough evidence about Kavanaugh where we should have thought twice about putting him on a court for life that will decide a lot of issues important to women. There is enough evidence against Fairfax where we should think twice about keeping him in office.
The longer that any one of these people are in office increases the chance for Donald Trump and the Republicans to win election, because they’ve taken away the main messaging line of the Democratic Party: “Trump is a racist, Trump is a sexual assaulter, look at those comments.” Now that argument is moot, because every conservative commentator is going to be saying “Sure, but what about Virginia?”

I think you are fantasizing if you think anyone will remember this in November 2020 when we are in full scale recession and impeachment hearings are ongoing.
Yeah, democracy sucks, doesn't it?

Well, um, no. Democracy would have given us Hillary, she got 3 million more votes.

Deranged systems designed by slave rapists gave us Trump. And the Russians.
Spare me. Democracy without rules is chaos. Trump beat Hillary the criminal according to the rules. We all understand that you prefer Stalinism to the law.
Spare me. Democracy without rules is chaos. Trump beat Hillary the criminal according to the rules. We all understand that you prefer Stalinism to the law.

again, guy, this isn't a "game". If you want to invoke "Democracy" like you did, Democracy says the one who gets the most votes, wins. The people said "No" to Trump. Loudly. Clearly.

They said it again in 2018 when the turned the House over to the Democrats.
I don't know. Fairfax's accusers seem credible, and one of them has friends who recall her telling them about the rape. Their stories do not contain the inconsistencies that were present in Blasey-Ford's varying tales.
Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax should not resign. So, here we have someone being guilty until proven innocent. Fairfax should be afforded the same opportunities that Justice Kavanaugh received in that these accusers should testify before his elected peers. Fairfax should be questioned as well.

I fully supported the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, and I deemed his accusers to be hacks trying to destroy his reputation for political reasons. I voted for Donald Trump, and I felt his accusers were politically motivated as well. I also feel the same way when accusers lied about their supposed incidents with Ben Carson and Herman Cain.

Well, now it's happening to a Democrat; this is a person that I would never vote for, but I stand for his right of being innocent until proven guilty. I feel the same way in this case as with the cases of the other people I mentioned, it's politically motivated. Where it is coming from, I do not know. Just give him a chance to challenge his accusers before his peers, then let them judge.

It all follows the same old tired script. The first accuser comes out. When that is not attaining the desired results, then comes the second, third, fourth etc. We are going down a very dangerous path where all a woman has to do is make these accusations and she must automatically be believed - end of story. No person, regardless of their occupation or political beliefs and affiliations should have their lives destroyed by what in most cases are highly suspect accusations at best. I firmly support a legislative action that where if an accuser is proven to be a liar, they would get the same sentence in prison, pay the same liable that the defendant would have to endure if convicted.

I voted for Donald Trump, I will vote for him in 2020, but this strongly libertarian-right American is in the corner of the Democratic Lt. Gov. on this one. With Trump, Kavanaugh, Cain and Carson, you know where I stand on this issue. I will not stray from my beliefs just because Fairfax is someone I am diametrically opposed to in every possible way politically.
I hope Fairfax does NOT resign.

He has every right to face his very competent accusers, to tell his side when they present their evidence, and in the meantime the hypocrites on the left should be personally attacking him, telling him the burden of proof is on him, and reminding him that he is 'Gulity until proven innocent' ... Receiving every opportunity and getting the equal treatment they gave Kavanaugh ... Also giving his accusers the same support they gave FORD!
*** Of course I am kidding about trying to destroy him the same way Democrats despicable true to do Kavanaugh!

If found guilty he should be Impeached.

If found innocent, shod the GOP vow to investigate him more and still Impeach him like the Democrats have declared about Kavanaugh?

No. No reason to stoop to the level of Insanity of Democrats.
Spare me. Democracy without rules is chaos. Trump beat Hillary the criminal according to the rules. We all understand that you prefer Stalinism to the law.

again, guy, this isn't a "game". If you want to invoke "Democracy" like you did, Democracy says the one who gets the most votes, wins. The people said "No" to Trump. Loudly. Clearly.

They said it again in 2018 when the turned the House over to the Democrats.
Democracy is inanimate. It doesn't say anything. You're the one who claims that only absolute majority rule constitutes democracy. Democracy determined the rules that we use to choose our leaders. If you don't like them, then amend the Constitution.
Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax should not resign. So, here we have someone being guilty until proven innocent. Fairfax should be afforded the same opportunities that Justice Kavanaugh received in that these accusers should testify before his elected peers. Fairfax should be questioned as well.

I fully supported the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, and I deemed his accusers to be hacks trying to destroy his reputation for political reasons. I voted for Donald Trump, and I felt his accusers were politically motivated as well. I also feel the same way when accusers lied about their supposed incidents with Ben Carson and Herman Cain.

Well, now it's happening to a Democrat; this is a person that I would never vote for, but I stand for his right of being innocent until proven guilty. I feel the same way in this case as with the cases of the other people I mentioned, it's politically motivated. Where it is coming from, I do not know. Just give him a chance to challenge his accusers before his peers, then let them judge.

It all follows the same old tired script. The first accuser comes out. When that is not attaining the desired results, then comes the second, third, fourth etc. We are going down a very dangerous path where all a woman has to do is make these accusations and she must automatically be believed - end of story. No person, regardless of their occupation or political beliefs and affiliations should have their lives destroyed by what in most cases are highly suspect accusations at best. I firmly support a legislative action that where if an accuser is proven to be a liar, they would get the same sentence in prison, pay the same liable that the defendant would have to endure if convicted.

I voted for Donald Trump, I will vote for him in 2020, but this strongly libertarian-right American is in the corner of the Democratic Lt. Gov. on this one. With Trump, Kavanaugh, Cain and Carson, you know where I stand on this issue. I will not stray from my beliefs just because Fairfax is someone I am diametrically opposed to in every possible way politically.
Funny how you didn’t care about kavanaugh. You are a super hypocrite
Though I think he's cooked, he still deserves his due process and presumption of innocence.
I believe no woman years after and unreported. I’m consistent no matter which party. Leftists can’t, super hypocrites

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