Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
The 32 year old woman lists all the support she receives, totaling over $1200 a month, and also informs the hosts that her husband also receives financial assistance but designates these “family benefits.”
She expresses disgust in the inference that people who work are “good people” and insists that she is a good person even though she is on welfare. Lucy then describes her day of lying around and smoking weed.
"I sit on my butt and smoke pot all day, while the stupid people work."
[ame=]Texas Welfare Lady name Lucy gettin' paid to smoke dope all day - while you work - who da fool now? - YouTube[/ame]
Why get off all that? For one thing, a whopping $14,400 a year is pretty pitiful money to live on.
"I sit on my butt and smoke pot all day, while the stupid people work."
She's right. While our hard earned tax dollars pay for her welfare checks, she lives stress free, smoking pot all day. No pride, but she's right.

I can give a good reason why she should get off welfare, starvation and no where to live.
I would start making people do weekly drug test and if they failed they would lose all welfare.
Why indeed? If you called them parasites then the "progressives" panties would definitely get horribly bunched up.

She should be tracked down and face every charge possible. Imagine her complaining that illegals are not entitled to commit fraud like she is. She's worse than an illegal. She's a blight on and a disgrace to her country.

She should also face child abuse and endangerment charges. Hope they somehow develop a decent set of morals in spite of her evil influence.

I'm a proud card carrying Progressive.

Why get off all that? For one thing, a whopping $14,400 a year is pretty pitiful money to live on.

Tough shit!

The problem is $14,400 X 1000...or tens of thousands...or hundreds of thousands of deadbeats like Lucy the dipshit slug.

The problem is, there aren't tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of "Lucy"s out there. The vast majority of people who get assistance do so for around 2 years. The whole "Welfare Queen" mythology has been debunked repeatedly. And yet so many cling to it like a religious icon.
The several millions of far right queens complain about the few thousands of the Lucy the Libertarians.
Yes, some like her do exist but not the hordes some would like to believe.
The problem is, there aren't tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of "Lucy"s out there.

I do not think you believe that.

I am pretty sure that I do. I understand that there are plenty of people who draw welfare. I also understand that there is a very small percentage that abuse the system. But the number of lies that have been told to exaggerate the problem (like Reagan's Welfare Queen) is insane.

Debunking the Top 6 Welfare Myths - National Social Issues |
"For starters, the vast majority of people collecting any kind of temporary assistance, including reemployment assistance, receive benefits for less than two years. While two years is far from ideal, it hardly supports the picture of third- and fourth-generation welfare recipients refusing to work and living the high life off of a few hundred dollars each month. The troubling truth of the matter is that the vast majority of people receiving Medicaid, SNAP, and other kinds of financial assistance already have a job."

What The Right Doesn't Want You To Know About Welfare: 9 Myths Exploded -
"According to, the vast majority of TANF recipients, 80.4 percent, receive benefits for five years or less."

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain

Poverty In America: Myths About Welfare Recipients « CBS Charlotte
She should be tracked down and face every charge possible.

I agree. It's a good thing she's most likely a fabrication, created to troll a radio show.

Excellent point.
I'm sure there is not one person gaming the system... :eek:

How dare anyone suggest that people like to take money from government and just sit
around and do nothing all day. heh heh heh :lol:

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