Lying From Pres. Now Normal and Ignored

Claims now being made, even in this very thread, that tariffs on aluminum and steel from Mexico are paying for Trump's "WALL" show the ridiculous levels of misinformation and propaganda used to defend Trump's blatant lying. Funds for building a wall on the Mexican border must be appropriated by Congress and Congress has only made token allowances for funding a "WALL". Most of Congresses funding for barriers on rhe border were barriers planned for the border long before Donald Trump and for improving and maintaining barriers that were in place before Trump ever entered the White House.

How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.

Practically all politicians lie. It's part of what politics is.
We look at the results of what they have done for the country.
Trump has done what he said he was going to do.

Has not dubbed China a currency manipulator
Has not replaced the ACA with “something terrific” or any else
Has not made Mexico pay for the wall
Has not strengthened the military
Has not hired the best people
Has not sat with Mueller, released his tax returns....etc
Our Navy is in serious threat and our Carrier force is rhe weakest it has been in over 75 years.

If true, you can thank Obama for that.

When, can you tell us please, can we start expecting GOP governors orPresidents to be responsible? Can we also thank Obama for the economy? If not, why not?
Claims now being made, even in this very thread, that tariffs on aluminum and steel from Mexico are paying for Trump's "WALL" show the ridiculous levels of misinformation and propaganda used to defend Trump's blatant lying. Funds for building a wall on the Mexican border must be appropriated by Congress and Congress has only made token allowances for funding a "WALL". Most of Congresses funding for barriers on rhe border were barriers planned for the border long before Donald Trump and for improving and maintaining barriers that were in place before Trump ever entered the White House.

How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.
This isn’t about Obama or Clinton; all the reprehensible right can offer are failed attempts to deflect and red herring fallacies.

This is about the fact that Trump is an incessant liar and completely dishonest, and how his ridiculous sycophants continue to blindly support him.
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.
Think about it... It's a gauge on how much worse the left is.
This isn’t about Obama or Clinton; all the reprehensible right can offer are failed attempts to deflect and red herring fallacies.

This is about the fact that Trump is an incessant liar and completely dishonest, and how his ridiculous sycophants continue to blindly support him.
American have shown repeatedly they will support Presidents and politicians from both parties. If Trump had ever been honest and stopped his lying during in his short Presidency, citizens would have given him a rising approval rating since he was elected instead of a stagnant one.
Claims now being made, even in this very thread, that tariffs on aluminum and steel from Mexico are paying for Trump's "WALL" show the ridiculous levels of misinformation and propaganda used to defend Trump's blatant lying. Funds for building a wall on the Mexican border must be appropriated by Congress and Congress has only made token allowances for funding a "WALL". Most of Congresses funding for barriers on rhe border were barriers planned for the border long before Donald Trump and for improving and maintaining barriers that were in place before Trump ever entered the White House.

How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?
Claims now being made, even in this very thread, that tariffs on aluminum and steel from Mexico are paying for Trump's "WALL" show the ridiculous levels of misinformation and propaganda used to defend Trump's blatant lying. Funds for building a wall on the Mexican border must be appropriated by Congress and Congress has only made token allowances for funding a "WALL". Most of Congresses funding for barriers on rhe border were barriers planned for the border long before Donald Trump and for improving and maintaining barriers that were in place before Trump ever entered the White House.

How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?

I knew they would never do any such thing. So did Trump. So did the majority of voters.

The ones late to the party are his supporters.
Presidents have been lying to the American people since John Adams ran in 1797. This is nothing new.
Seldom on this scale; never with this regularity.

Sure there's that...

And...does it matter? If so, why rationalize in the first place?

Huh. I didn't consider that a rationalization, just a fact...

Does it matter? It does to me, I didn't vote for the fucker. I didn't vote for that other lying POS Hillary either. As far as I can tell, however, it doesn't matter as long as the Democrat and Republican parties remain the dominant political powers in this country. As long as the sheep in both parties continue to vote their party lines, this country will remain polarized and angry, and our politicians will continue to lie, because they can...


Take a stand. This is a two party system. Choose the one that doesn't think you are a moron.


You just explained why voted for neither.
Claims now being made, even in this very thread, that tariffs on aluminum and steel from Mexico are paying for Trump's "WALL" show the ridiculous levels of misinformation and propaganda used to defend Trump's blatant lying. Funds for building a wall on the Mexican border must be appropriated by Congress and Congress has only made token allowances for funding a "WALL". Most of Congresses funding for barriers on rhe border were barriers planned for the border long before Donald Trump and for improving and maintaining barriers that were in place before Trump ever entered the White House.

How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?

I knew they would never do any such thing. So did Trump. So did the majority of voters.

The ones late to the party are his supporters.
Mexico does not have and never has had the authority to dictate how funds derived in any form by the USA on how to spend such funds. Only the Congress can do that and with rhe country being trillions of dollars in debt, any appropriation of funds for a wall would delete funds from other programs or uses.
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.

Practically all politicians lie. It's part of what politics is.
We look at the results of what they have done for the country.
Trump has done what he said he was going to do.

Has not dubbed China a currency manipulator
Has not replaced the ACA with “something terrific” or any else
Has not made Mexico pay for the wall
Has not strengthened the military
Has not hired the best people
Has not sat with Mueller, released his tax returns....etc
Now list the good things.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?
/----/ A baseless accusation
Claims now being made, even in this very thread, that tariffs on aluminum and steel from Mexico are paying for Trump's "WALL" show the ridiculous levels of misinformation and propaganda used to defend Trump's blatant lying. Funds for building a wall on the Mexican border must be appropriated by Congress and Congress has only made token allowances for funding a "WALL". Most of Congresses funding for barriers on rhe border were barriers planned for the border long before Donald Trump and for improving and maintaining barriers that were in place before Trump ever entered the White House.

How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?

I knew they would never do any such thing. So did Trump. So did the majority of voters.

The ones late to the party are his supporters.
Mexico does not have and never has had the authority to dictate how funds derived in any form by the USA on how to spend such funds. Only the Congress can do that and with rhe country being trillions of dollars in debt, any appropriation of funds for a wall would delete funds from other programs or uses.
Climb out of the box you've placed yourself in. Rebuilding America is a task that takes thinking outside of the box. We built an interstate highway system how long ago ??
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.
The same thing can be said about you.
Quit starting worthless threads.
How is this worthless thread? Do you not think it's important that tRump lies like a cheap Thai watch and people have just come to accept it? Can you not see the harm this is doing? How would you react if a friend or family member lied as often as he does?
Lol, you're delusional. Trump hasn't lied nearly as bad as Obama.
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.

Practically all politicians lie. It's part of what politics is.
We look at the results of what they have done for the country.
Trump has done what he said he was going to do.

Has not dubbed China a currency manipulator
Has not replaced the ACA with “something terrific” or any else
Has not made Mexico pay for the wall
Has not strengthened the military
Has not hired the best people
Has not sat with Mueller, released his tax returns....etc
/----/ some of what you said is true, the rest is opinion and none of it makes the president a liar.
Claims now being made, even in this very thread, that tariffs on aluminum and steel from Mexico are paying for Trump's "WALL" show the ridiculous levels of misinformation and propaganda used to defend Trump's blatant lying. Funds for building a wall on the Mexican border must be appropriated by Congress and Congress has only made token allowances for funding a "WALL". Most of Congresses funding for barriers on rhe border were barriers planned for the border long before Donald Trump and for improving and maintaining barriers that were in place before Trump ever entered the White House.

How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?

I knew they would never do any such thing. So did Trump. So did the majority of voters.

The ones late to the party are his supporters.

Seems to me Repub voters know more about how our government works.
His supporters knew it would have to be through tariffs.
Root: Trump Does It, Gets Mexico to Pay for the Wall — and They Didn't Even Notice
Claims now being made, even in this very thread, that tariffs on aluminum and steel from Mexico are paying for Trump's "WALL" show the ridiculous levels of misinformation and propaganda used to defend Trump's blatant lying. Funds for building a wall on the Mexican border must be appropriated by Congress and Congress has only made token allowances for funding a "WALL". Most of Congresses funding for barriers on rhe border were barriers planned for the border long before Donald Trump and for improving and maintaining barriers that were in place before Trump ever entered the White House.

How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?

I knew they would never do any such thing. So did Trump. So did the majority of voters.

The ones late to the party are his supporters.
Mexico does not have and never has had the authority to dictate how funds derived in any form by the USA on how to spend such funds. Only the Congress can do that and with rhe country being trillions of dollars in debt, any appropriation of funds for a wall would delete funds from other programs or uses.

Mexico will never pay for the wall. Not one peso.

Now...just as a matter of me being a total nerd..I will argue the following:

France gave us the Statue of Liberty.
Queen whoever gave us the Resolute Desk
In the Smithsonian (where I someday plan to live), there are countless gifts from other nations.

If Mexico were to cough up X Pesos to pay for the wall with the stipulation that it go for only that....I'm sure the powers that be could perform the necessary jiu jitsu to make it stick given the GOP congress is a doormat for the blob.

Just as a sidebar that again, only fellow nerds would care about...when you visit the Hazy museum in Virginia or the Smithsonian in Washington or the Met in NY, the Getty in see a lot of gifts from other nations.
These gifts are not life sustaining or the difference between someone living or dying or whatever but they do contribute to an understanding of the past, other people, etc... Like the Air France Concorde for example; a gift from Europe. I seriously doubt that if we have a run of presidents whose goal in life is to inflict as much pain on others as possible, we'll get a lot more of these gifts from nations. It doesn't drastically affect our lives of course; just makes it less interesting.
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.
The same thing can be said about you.
Quit starting worthless threads.
How is this worthless thread? Do you not think it's important that tRump lies like a cheap Thai watch and people have just come to accept it? Can you not see the harm this is doing? How would you react if a friend or family member lied as often as he does?
You're too stupid to vote.
Lol, says the moron who voted for a lying criminal. Every Single one of you fools who voted for tRump will need deprogramming when he is out.
Donald Trump is prone to exaggeration. [...] Why you think that "harms" anyone is beyond me.
I'm pleased to see you think no harm comes to the US from its president being a laughing stock.

You folks on the left keep TRYING to push that narrative, CNM (after pushing one that he was CRAZY that nobody would go for?) and yet Trump continues to check off the boxes of his "to do" list! I know that you all believed that Trump would fail because CNN and MSNBC TOLD you that he would...but it's got to be slowly sinking in even to a true believer like you that the liberal media really isn't that bright?

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