Lying From Pres. Now Normal and Ignored

Claims now being made, even in this very thread, that tariffs on aluminum and steel from Mexico are paying for Trump's "WALL" show the ridiculous levels of misinformation and propaganda used to defend Trump's blatant lying. Funds for building a wall on the Mexican border must be appropriated by Congress and Congress has only made token allowances for funding a "WALL". Most of Congresses funding for barriers on rhe border were barriers planned for the border long before Donald Trump and for improving and maintaining barriers that were in place before Trump ever entered the White House.

How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?

I knew they would never do any such thing. So did Trump. So did the majority of voters.

The ones late to the party are his supporters.

Seems to me Repub voters know more about how our government works.
His supporters knew it would have to be through tariffs.
Root: Trump Does It, Gets Mexico to Pay for the Wall — and They Didn't Even Notice

A conservative talk show host has become your "go to" source? LOL....

And the Congress is passing a bill to fund it.
Again, if your link was remotely true...why are they doing that?

Tariffs are taxes on imports. The nation doing the imports pays the tax.

Put another way, when you go to Wal Mart or Target or Best Buy and purchase you honestly believe that Wal Mart or Target or Best Buy is paying a tax on your purchase?
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.
The same thing can be said about you.
Quit starting worthless threads.
How is this worthless thread? Do you not think it's important that tRump lies like a cheap Thai watch and people have just come to accept it? Can you not see the harm this is doing? How would you react if a friend or family member lied as often as he does?

Donald Trump is prone to exaggeration. The fact that doing so drives you progressives out of your ever loving minds is about as amusing to watch as a bunch of cats chasing a laser light on the floor! Why you think that "harms" anyone is beyond me.
Lol, so you are basically admitting you don't know a lie when you see one.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?
/----/ A baseless accusation

You don't like it?
Or are you going to argue that Trump hasn't lied to you?
How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?

I knew they would never do any such thing. So did Trump. So did the majority of voters.

The ones late to the party are his supporters.

Seems to me Repub voters know more about how our government works.
His supporters knew it would have to be through tariffs.
Root: Trump Does It, Gets Mexico to Pay for the Wall — and They Didn't Even Notice

A conservative talk show host has become your "go to" source? LOL....

And the Congress is passing a bill to fund it.
Again, if your link was remotely true...why are they doing that?

Tariffs are taxes on imports. The nation doing the imports pays the tax.

Put another way, when you go to Wal Mart or Target or Best Buy and purchase you honestly believe that Wal Mart or Target or Best Buy is paying a tax on your purchase?
/-----/ True. So why are libs so dense when it comes to raising corporate taxes only increases the cost to consumers? You just made our point.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?
/----/ A baseless accusation

You don't like it?
Or are you going to argue that Trump hasn't lied to you?
/----/ I reject your premise
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.
The same thing can be said about you.
Quit starting worthless threads.
How is this worthless thread? Do you not think it's important that tRump lies like a cheap Thai watch and people have just come to accept it? Can you not see the harm this is doing? How would you react if a friend or family member lied as often as he does?

Donald Trump is prone to exaggeration. The fact that doing so drives you progressives out of your ever loving minds is about as amusing to watch as a bunch of cats chasing a laser light on the floor! Why you think that "harms" anyone is beyond me.
Lol, so you are basically admitting you don't know a lie when you see one.
/------/ Was obozo lying about shovel ready jobs?
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?
We got used to it with Obama. You didn'y care then, why care now?
Please provide a list of Obama or any other President lies numbering in the thousands of the first few years of their Presidency and published in multiple news publications.
"What about Obama" is a lame excuse and deflection. Obama never told so many lies so frequently. There simply is just no viable comparison.
Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?

I knew they would never do any such thing. So did Trump. So did the majority of voters.

The ones late to the party are his supporters.

Seems to me Repub voters know more about how our government works.
His supporters knew it would have to be through tariffs.
Root: Trump Does It, Gets Mexico to Pay for the Wall — and They Didn't Even Notice

A conservative talk show host has become your "go to" source? LOL....

And the Congress is passing a bill to fund it.
Again, if your link was remotely true...why are they doing that?

Tariffs are taxes on imports. The nation doing the imports pays the tax.

Put another way, when you go to Wal Mart or Target or Best Buy and purchase you honestly believe that Wal Mart or Target or Best Buy is paying a tax on your purchase?
/-----/ True. So why are libs so dense when it comes to raising corporate taxes only increases the cost to consumers? You just made our point.

Not the same thing. When you raise taxes on corporations like Wal Mart or Target or Best Buy (I think they are public), they all pay the same extra tax and that is passed on to consumers. It doesn't hurt one more than the other. It does raise the price of goods. But theoretically, the extra income to the government is used for the greater good.

Tariffs on imports doesn't hurt Mexico unless there is a nationally owned factory doing the exporting and even then it doesn't rise their costs of production; it makes their exports more expensive on American markets. I'm doubtful anyone is buying something today at Wal Mart produced by the Mexican government. What they are doing is buying a Hasbro doll or Betty Crocker easy bake oven that Hasbro Inc (based in RI) had their factory in Reynosa produce. Hasbro's sales will decline because their Reynosa plant's exports are more expensive. So now Hasbro in RI has less revenue. Mexico is just the place where the factory is. If Hasbro sends that Doll or Easy Bake to Sao Paulo instead of San Francisco, Mexico doesn't care one bit.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?
/----/ A baseless accusation

You don't like it?
Or are you going to argue that Trump hasn't lied to you?
/----/ I reject your premise

More correctly, you're scared to tell the truth.
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.
The same thing can be said about you.
Quit starting worthless threads.
How is this worthless thread? Do you not think it's important that tRump lies like a cheap Thai watch and people have just come to accept it? Can you not see the harm this is doing? How would you react if a friend or family member lied as often as he does?

Donald Trump is prone to exaggeration. The fact that doing so drives you progressives out of your ever loving minds is about as amusing to watch as a bunch of cats chasing a laser light on the floor! Why you think that "harms" anyone is beyond me.
Lol, so you are basically admitting you don't know a lie when you see one.
/------/ Was obozo lying about shovel ready jobs?
No. Congress negotiated local and state responsibility of how to use the funds.
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.
The same thing can be said about you.
Quit starting worthless threads.
How is this worthless thread? Do you not think it's important that tRump lies like a cheap Thai watch and people have just come to accept it? Can you not see the harm this is doing? How would you react if a friend or family member lied as often as he does?

Donald Trump is prone to exaggeration. The fact that doing so drives you progressives out of your ever loving minds is about as amusing to watch as a bunch of cats chasing a laser light on the floor! Why you think that "harms" anyone is beyond me.
Lol, so you are basically admitting you don't know a lie when you see one.
/------/ Was obozo lying about shovel ready jobs?

He was exaggerating. lol. This is fun.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?
We got used to it with Obama. You didn'y care then, why care now?
Please provide a list of Obama or any other President lies numbering in the thousands of the first few years of their Presidency and published in multiple news publications.
"What about Obama" is a lame excuse and deflection. Obama never told so many lies so frequently. There simply is just no viable comparison.
You ain't the media kissed obama's ass daily. If Trumps states that the sky is a nice blue today, you will say there was a cloud in it. He's lying. Obama on our heathcare.
If you wanna keep your doctor you can keep your doctor.
It will lower premiums by $2500 a year for a family.
The healthcare debate will be on cspan.
I will take ideas from both sides.
Hell he even lied about his own mothers insurance.
That's just a few off the top of my head and just about our healthcare he lied about.
70 billion dollars a year is wired, transferred or otherwise sent to Mexico from the US. Tax it, it's legal. However, the GOP has not made one move to do that.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?

creepazoid, the majority of lies in this nation come from CNN, the NY Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the Stalinist press.

Clearly YOU and your fellow Nazis love being lied to.
How did you think we would get the money from Mexico?
We all know that we would and do pay for the wall up front and that Mexico would pay it through tariffs.

Please show us where Trump explained that caveat in a speech to his supporters.

How did you think Mexico was going to pay for it?

I knew they would never do any such thing. So did Trump. So did the majority of voters.

The ones late to the party are his supporters.

Seems to me Repub voters know more about how our government works.
His supporters knew it would have to be through tariffs.
Root: Trump Does It, Gets Mexico to Pay for the Wall — and They Didn't Even Notice

A conservative talk show host has become your "go to" source? LOL....

And the Congress is passing a bill to fund it.
Again, if your link was remotely true...why are they doing that?

Tariffs are taxes on imports. The nation doing the imports pays the tax.

Put another way, when you go to Wal Mart or Target or Best Buy and purchase you honestly believe that Wal Mart or Target or Best Buy is paying a tax on your purchase?

Don't like young conservatives?
No surprise. :)

No taxes are paid for by consumers.
Tariffs are a tax on goods coming into or leaving a country.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?
We got used to it with Obama. You didn'y care then, why care now?
Please provide a list of Obama or any other President lies numbering in the thousands of the first few years of their Presidency and published in multiple news publications.
"What about Obama" is a lame excuse and deflection. Obama never told so many lies so frequently. There simply is just no viable comparison.
You ain't the media kissed obama's ass daily. If Trumps states that the sky is a nice blue today, you will say there was a cloud in it. He's lying. Obama on our heathcare.
If you wanna keep your doctor you can keep your doctor.
It will lower premiums by $2500 a year for a family.
The healthcare debate will be on cspan.
I will take ideas from both sides.
Hell he even lied about his own mothers insurance.
That's just a few off the top of my head and just about our healthcare he lied about.
You responded to a post that asked for a list comparable to the multiple lists published about thousands of Trump lies PUBLISHED AND AVAILABLE ONLINE with rhe usual "but what about Obama" alleged lies concerning one topic, healthcare. How is that in any way comparable to published detailed lists of Trump lies numbering in the thousands?
70 billion dollars a year is wired, transferred or otherwise sent to Mexico from the US. Tax it, it's legal. However, the GOP has not made one move to do that.
Because it is a stupid and misinformed concept that is a lie when insinuated that it is a viable concept.
We all should be concerned with lies and manipulation of our mainstream news.
Trump has said the fake news is the enemy and the news dropped the word fake and made it about all news, stating Trump says the media is the enemy.
Dropping that one word devices the public's perceptions.

Here is just a small amount mentioned.
The 10 Biggest Media Lies About Donald Trump
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?
We got used to it with Obama. You didn'y care then, why care now?
Please provide a list of Obama or any other President lies numbering in the thousands of the first few years of their Presidency and published in multiple news publications.
"What about Obama" is a lame excuse and deflection. Obama never told so many lies so frequently. There simply is just no viable comparison.
You ain't the media kissed obama's ass daily. If Trumps states that the sky is a nice blue today, you will say there was a cloud in it. He's lying. Obama on our heathcare.
If you wanna keep your doctor you can keep your doctor.
It will lower premiums by $2500 a year for a family.
The healthcare debate will be on cspan.
I will take ideas from both sides.
Hell he even lied about his own mothers insurance.
That's just a few off the top of my head and just about our healthcare he lied about.
You responded to a post that asked for a list comparable to the multiple lists published about thousands of Trump lies PUBLISHED AND AVAILABLE ONLINE with rhe usual "but what about Obama" alleged lies concerning one topic, healthcare. How is that in any way comparable to published detailed lists of Trump lies numbering in the thousands?
If the media was hell bent on getting Obama as they are Trump. We would have the same. Trump is keeping almost all of his campaign promises. Lol, what Obama kept 1. Oh and those healthcare lies could cost american lives. Nothing in comparason to Trump.

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