Lying From Pres. Now Normal and Ignored

It may get into proprietary information so I won’t discuss exact numbers but my hospital network saw more than twenty cases of suspected domestic abuse (could be brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, husbands, wives, whomever). We’re for profit. I would imagine that the numbers at the County and other non-profits are much higher. “Trump’s lies are not important” is the same story that battered spouses often tell themselves.

When did you guys lose your self respect and you just accept the easily demonstrated lies you are told?

Non sequitur much, Comrade?

I get that you are a demagogue, hence you seek to use "Trump" and "domestic abuse" in the same sentence to smear the object of your hatred. Obviously anyone sentient will see that you did nothing to tie the two together, this is a mindless smear, the slander and libel you Nazis rely on. Of course there are the drooling retards like eddie who cannot grasp that you using disjointed words in a sentence does nothing to tie them together.

I saw pictures of death camps. I would imagine that the "lies by Obama are good" crowd think the same way Auschwitz guards did..

You Nazis are real sleazebags.
Don't like young conservatives?
No surprise. :)

No taxes are paid for by consumers.
Tariffs are a tax on goods coming into or leaving a country.

Like or dislike is not important. Correct or incorrect are. Talk show hosts are usually talk show hosts because they are good at it. Economists are usually economists because they are good at it. Seldom is someone good at both given that they are vastly different disciplines. Do you like being wrong? Probably. It is your discipline of choice.

As for consumers….now take it a baby step further. You can…can’t you? Let me help you.

Taxes are paid by consumers. Unless those consumers are in Mexico, they are not paying the tax. Since it is Americans paying the tariffs/taxes, that means any revenue derived from those tariffs/taxes comes from Americans.

Hence the money spent to build a wall that has no hopes of stopping most immigration is paid for by Americans.

Mexican consumers will pay for the higher steel and aluminum products.

Who Collects a Tariff?
Tariffs are paid to the customs authority of the country imposing the tariff. Tariffs on imports coming into the United States, for example, are collected by Customs and Border Protection, acting on behalf of the Commerce Department. In the U.K., it's HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) that collects the money.

Hold on a second. Are you arguing that Mexico imports steel and aluminum from the US?


Mexico Responds to U.S. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Imports with Compensatory Tariffs | Insights | Greenberg Traurig LLP

Following the White House’s decision to impose tariffs on imports of certain steel and aluminum products from Mexico starting on June 1, 2018, Mexico has responded in kind by imposing compensatory tariffs.

Ok…wow…. this is too damn funny.

Mexico places a tariff on US goods. That means the Mexican government is now collecting money on the tariffed goods we’re sending them. Lets say it’s duct tape, tables, shower curtains and televisions.

So now a guy in Cozumel Mexico goes to the store and wants to buy some duct tape or a table or shower curtain or tv or whatever and he pays whatever merchant they have down there more for the duct tape, table, shower, curtain or TV.

Please explain how that pays for the wall. The Mexican government has the extra money the importer in Mexico is paying them. The Mexican merchant is charging more as a result. The Mexican consumer is a littler poorer due to the increased costs.

How’s that paying for a wall 2,700 KM away?

Mexico has also put tariffs on their exports.

Mexico has imposed tariffs on specific categories of U.S. products, including agricultural and food products such as pork, apples, potatoes, bourbon, and several types of cheese, but also steel and aluminum products and finished products like certain types of motorboats.

Mexico is the largest and second largest foreign market for U.S. exports of aluminum and steel.

The United States has maintained a persistent trade deficit in steel products for over a decade. Since 2009, imports have returned to average levels seen prior to the 2008 global recession, while exports have remained relatively flat in comparison, and the trade deficit has widened accordingly. Since their most recent low point, imports have grown by 192 percent between Q2 2009 and Q2 2018, while exports have increased by 32 percent. In YTD 2018, the U.S. steel trade deficit amounted to –11.3 million metric tons.
In 2017, U.S. steel exports were up 13 percent from 2016, up to 10.1 million metric tons. In YTD 2018, U.S. steel exports were down 5 percent to 4.9 million metric tons from 5.1 million metric tons in YTD 2017. The value of YTD 2018 steel exports has increased by 5 percent to $7.1 billion from $6.8 billion in YTD 2017.
Last edited:
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.

We got conditioned while O was telling thousands upon thousands of lies.
Those weren’t lies. Those were exaggerations.
At least when Trump lies, that is what you guys tell us.
Can’t Obama make the same argument?

Donald Trump is prone to exaggeration.
Remember when Obama's scandals became exposed under his administration? He would always say that he was going to get to the bottom of this.

Lie, lie, lie......

According to Oldstyle lies are not lies; they are exaggerations.

If one President can be excused for lying by calling it exaggerating, can’t they all?

All I’m saying is call it a lie; don’t rationalize it by saying it’s “exaggerating” or “not important”. And stop excusing it by invoking the lies of others.

Much like you cited earlier.
My point was that ALL politicians lie. You seem to forgive democrats when they lie and not even mention them. strange

So that would mean Trump is nothing special
Remember when Obama's scandals became exposed under his administration? He would always say that he was going to get to the bottom of this.

Lie, lie, lie......

According to Oldstyle lies are not lies; they are exaggerations.

If one President can be excused for lying by calling it exaggerating, can’t they all?

All I’m saying is call it a lie; don’t rationalize it by saying it’s “exaggerating” or “not important”. And stop excusing it by invoking the lies of others.

Much like you cited earlier.
My point was that ALL politicians lie. You seem to forgive democrats when they lie and not even mention them. strange

So that would mean Trump is nothing special
It means that all politicians lie, are you having trouble comprehending that?
Like or dislike is not important. Correct or incorrect are. Talk show hosts are usually talk show hosts because they are good at it. Economists are usually economists because they are good at it. Seldom is someone good at both given that they are vastly different disciplines. Do you like being wrong? Probably. It is your discipline of choice.

As for consumers….now take it a baby step further. You can…can’t you? Let me help you.

Taxes are paid by consumers. Unless those consumers are in Mexico, they are not paying the tax. Since it is Americans paying the tariffs/taxes, that means any revenue derived from those tariffs/taxes comes from Americans.

Hence the money spent to build a wall that has no hopes of stopping most immigration is paid for by Americans.

Mexican consumers will pay for the higher steel and aluminum products.

Who Collects a Tariff?
Tariffs are paid to the customs authority of the country imposing the tariff. Tariffs on imports coming into the United States, for example, are collected by Customs and Border Protection, acting on behalf of the Commerce Department. In the U.K., it's HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) that collects the money.

Hold on a second. Are you arguing that Mexico imports steel and aluminum from the US?


Mexico Responds to U.S. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Imports with Compensatory Tariffs | Insights | Greenberg Traurig LLP

Following the White House’s decision to impose tariffs on imports of certain steel and aluminum products from Mexico starting on June 1, 2018, Mexico has responded in kind by imposing compensatory tariffs.

Ok…wow…. this is too damn funny.

Mexico places a tariff on US goods. That means the Mexican government is now collecting money on the tariffed goods we’re sending them. Lets say it’s duct tape, tables, shower curtains and televisions.

So now a guy in Cozumel Mexico goes to the store and wants to buy some duct tape or a table or shower curtain or tv or whatever and he pays whatever merchant they have down there more for the duct tape, table, shower, curtain or TV.

Please explain how that pays for the wall. The Mexican government has the extra money the importer in Mexico is paying them. The Mexican merchant is charging more as a result. The Mexican consumer is a littler poorer due to the increased costs.

How’s that paying for a wall 2,700 KM away?

Mexico has also put tariffs on their exports.

Mexico has imposed tariffs on specific categories of U.S. products, including agricultural and food products such as pork, apples, potatoes, bourbon, and several types of cheese, but also steel and aluminum products and finished products like certain types of motorboats.

Mexico is the largest and second largest foreign market for U.S. exports of aluminum and steel.

The United States has maintained a persistent trade deficit in steel products for over a decade. Since 2009, imports have returned to average levels seen prior to the 2008 global recession, while exports have remained relatively flat in comparison, and the trade deficit has widened accordingly. Since their most recent low point, imports have grown by 192 percent between Q2 2009 and Q2 2018, while exports have increased by 32 percent. In YTD 2018, the U.S. steel trade deficit amounted to –11.3 million metric tons.
In 2017, U.S. steel exports were up 13 percent from 2016, up to 10.1 million metric tons. In YTD 2018, U.S. steel exports were down 5 percent to 4.9 million metric tons from 5.1 million metric tons in YTD 2017. The value of YTD 2018 steel exports has increased by 5 percent to $7.1 billion from $6.8 billion in YTD 2017.

Ok again, that means that the Mexican government takes a tax on what is imported and exported if what you say is true. Not sure why they are exporting and importing the same product but whatever... The importer or exporter in Mexico pays that. The Mexican government collects it.

Let’s say US Steel sold the steel to them. The tariff means that the steel they sold to Mexico is more expensive. Eventually US steel will sell less to Mexico since it makes sense for whomever is doing the importing to buy from Kobe Steel since Japan is a non combatant in this trade war.

How does that fund the wall?
Remember when Obama's scandals became exposed under his administration? He would always say that he was going to get to the bottom of this.

Lie, lie, lie......

According to Oldstyle lies are not lies; they are exaggerations.

If one President can be excused for lying by calling it exaggerating, can’t they all?

All I’m saying is call it a lie; don’t rationalize it by saying it’s “exaggerating” or “not important”. And stop excusing it by invoking the lies of others.

Much like you cited earlier.
My point was that ALL politicians lie. You seem to forgive democrats when they lie and not even mention them. strange

So that would mean Trump is nothing special
It means that all politicians lie, are you having trouble comprehending that?

Again, Trump the politician is nothing special in that regard. Thanks for the back up but I didn’t need it.
Lying from the President of the United States of America has become so routine and regular that it is generally ignored and accepted. On matters large and small, Donald Trump lies. Nothing the compulsive liar says can be believed.
SSDD - another whiny butt-hurt 'I hate Trump' thread.

Snowflake, Americans became numb to President's lies during President 'I Could Not Keep It In My Pants / I Did NOT Have Sex With That Woman' Clinton's term.

Any feeling left was killed off under President 'Most NON-Transparent Administration Evuh' / I'd You Like Your Plan / Doc...' Obama.

What you are REALLY still pissed at but are too chicken-shit to say is Trump beaten the FELON Hillary 'Landslide' Clinton.

Remember when Obama's scandals became exposed under his administration? He would always say that he was going to get to the bottom of this.

Lie, lie, lie......

According to Oldstyle lies are not lies; they are exaggerations.

If one President can be excused for lying by calling it exaggerating, can’t they all?

All I’m saying is call it a lie; don’t rationalize it by saying it’s “exaggerating” or “not important”. And stop excusing it by invoking the lies of others.

Much like you cited earlier.
My point was that ALL politicians lie. You seem to forgive democrats when they lie and not even mention them. strange

So that would mean Trump is nothing special
It means that all politicians lie, are you having trouble comprehending that?

Again, Trump the politician is nothing special in that regard. Thanks for the back up but I didn’t need it.

You ankle biters just keep biting his ankles, as he gets the job done. Love it. MAGA
Mexican consumers will pay for the higher steel and aluminum products.

Who Collects a Tariff?
Tariffs are paid to the customs authority of the country imposing the tariff. Tariffs on imports coming into the United States, for example, are collected by Customs and Border Protection, acting on behalf of the Commerce Department. In the U.K., it's HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) that collects the money.

Hold on a second. Are you arguing that Mexico imports steel and aluminum from the US?


Mexico Responds to U.S. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Imports with Compensatory Tariffs | Insights | Greenberg Traurig LLP

Following the White House’s decision to impose tariffs on imports of certain steel and aluminum products from Mexico starting on June 1, 2018, Mexico has responded in kind by imposing compensatory tariffs.

Ok…wow…. this is too damn funny.

Mexico places a tariff on US goods. That means the Mexican government is now collecting money on the tariffed goods we’re sending them. Lets say it’s duct tape, tables, shower curtains and televisions.

So now a guy in Cozumel Mexico goes to the store and wants to buy some duct tape or a table or shower curtain or tv or whatever and he pays whatever merchant they have down there more for the duct tape, table, shower, curtain or TV.

Please explain how that pays for the wall. The Mexican government has the extra money the importer in Mexico is paying them. The Mexican merchant is charging more as a result. The Mexican consumer is a littler poorer due to the increased costs.

How’s that paying for a wall 2,700 KM away?

Mexico has also put tariffs on their exports.

Mexico has imposed tariffs on specific categories of U.S. products, including agricultural and food products such as pork, apples, potatoes, bourbon, and several types of cheese, but also steel and aluminum products and finished products like certain types of motorboats.

Mexico is the largest and second largest foreign market for U.S. exports of aluminum and steel.

The United States has maintained a persistent trade deficit in steel products for over a decade. Since 2009, imports have returned to average levels seen prior to the 2008 global recession, while exports have remained relatively flat in comparison, and the trade deficit has widened accordingly. Since their most recent low point, imports have grown by 192 percent between Q2 2009 and Q2 2018, while exports have increased by 32 percent. In YTD 2018, the U.S. steel trade deficit amounted to –11.3 million metric tons.
In 2017, U.S. steel exports were up 13 percent from 2016, up to 10.1 million metric tons. In YTD 2018, U.S. steel exports were down 5 percent to 4.9 million metric tons from 5.1 million metric tons in YTD 2017. The value of YTD 2018 steel exports has increased by 5 percent to $7.1 billion from $6.8 billion in YTD 2017.

Ok again, that means that the Mexican government takes a tax on what is imported and exported if what you say is true. Not sure why they are exporting and importing the same product but whatever... The importer or exporter in Mexico pays that. The Mexican government collects it.

Let’s say US Steel sold the steel to them. The tariff means that the steel they sold to Mexico is more expensive. Eventually US steel will sell less to Mexico since it makes sense for whomever is doing the importing to buy from Kobe Steel since Japan is a non combatant in this trade war.

How does that fund the wall?
Mexican consumers will pay for the higher steel and aluminum products.

Who Collects a Tariff?
Tariffs are paid to the customs authority of the country imposing the tariff. Tariffs on imports coming into the United States, for example, are collected by Customs and Border Protection, acting on behalf of the Commerce Department. In the U.K., it's HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) that collects the money.

Hold on a second. Are you arguing that Mexico imports steel and aluminum from the US?


Mexico Responds to U.S. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Imports with Compensatory Tariffs | Insights | Greenberg Traurig LLP

Following the White House’s decision to impose tariffs on imports of certain steel and aluminum products from Mexico starting on June 1, 2018, Mexico has responded in kind by imposing compensatory tariffs.

Ok…wow…. this is too damn funny.

Mexico places a tariff on US goods. That means the Mexican government is now collecting money on the tariffed goods we’re sending them. Lets say it’s duct tape, tables, shower curtains and televisions.

So now a guy in Cozumel Mexico goes to the store and wants to buy some duct tape or a table or shower curtain or tv or whatever and he pays whatever merchant they have down there more for the duct tape, table, shower, curtain or TV.

Please explain how that pays for the wall. The Mexican government has the extra money the importer in Mexico is paying them. The Mexican merchant is charging more as a result. The Mexican consumer is a littler poorer due to the increased costs.

How’s that paying for a wall 2,700 KM away?

Mexico has also put tariffs on their exports.

Mexico has imposed tariffs on specific categories of U.S. products, including agricultural and food products such as pork, apples, potatoes, bourbon, and several types of cheese, but also steel and aluminum products and finished products like certain types of motorboats.

Mexico is the largest and second largest foreign market for U.S. exports of aluminum and steel.

The United States has maintained a persistent trade deficit in steel products for over a decade. Since 2009, imports have returned to average levels seen prior to the 2008 global recession, while exports have remained relatively flat in comparison, and the trade deficit has widened accordingly. Since their most recent low point, imports have grown by 192 percent between Q2 2009 and Q2 2018, while exports have increased by 32 percent. In YTD 2018, the U.S. steel trade deficit amounted to –11.3 million metric tons.
In 2017, U.S. steel exports were up 13 percent from 2016, up to 10.1 million metric tons. In YTD 2018, U.S. steel exports were down 5 percent to 4.9 million metric tons from 5.1 million metric tons in YTD 2017. The value of YTD 2018 steel exports has increased by 5 percent to $7.1 billion from $6.8 billion in YTD 2017.

Ok again, that means that the Mexican government takes a tax on what is imported and exported if what you say is true. Not sure why they are exporting and importing the same product but whatever... The importer or exporter in Mexico pays that. The Mexican government collects it.

Let’s say US Steel sold the steel to them. The tariff means that the steel they sold to Mexico is more expensive. Eventually US steel will sell less to Mexico since it makes sense for whomever is doing the importing to buy from Kobe Steel since Japan is a non combatant in this trade war.

How does that fund the wall?

Products of steel from Mexico.
It doesn't matter which steel they use, it still comes from Mexico.
Monterrey, Mexico – Olympic Steel
Hold on a second. Are you arguing that Mexico imports steel and aluminum from the US?


Mexico Responds to U.S. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Imports with Compensatory Tariffs | Insights | Greenberg Traurig LLP

Following the White House’s decision to impose tariffs on imports of certain steel and aluminum products from Mexico starting on June 1, 2018, Mexico has responded in kind by imposing compensatory tariffs.

Ok…wow…. this is too damn funny.

Mexico places a tariff on US goods. That means the Mexican government is now collecting money on the tariffed goods we’re sending them. Lets say it’s duct tape, tables, shower curtains and televisions.

So now a guy in Cozumel Mexico goes to the store and wants to buy some duct tape or a table or shower curtain or tv or whatever and he pays whatever merchant they have down there more for the duct tape, table, shower, curtain or TV.

Please explain how that pays for the wall. The Mexican government has the extra money the importer in Mexico is paying them. The Mexican merchant is charging more as a result. The Mexican consumer is a littler poorer due to the increased costs.

How’s that paying for a wall 2,700 KM away?

Mexico has also put tariffs on their exports.

Mexico has imposed tariffs on specific categories of U.S. products, including agricultural and food products such as pork, apples, potatoes, bourbon, and several types of cheese, but also steel and aluminum products and finished products like certain types of motorboats.

Mexico is the largest and second largest foreign market for U.S. exports of aluminum and steel.

The United States has maintained a persistent trade deficit in steel products for over a decade. Since 2009, imports have returned to average levels seen prior to the 2008 global recession, while exports have remained relatively flat in comparison, and the trade deficit has widened accordingly. Since their most recent low point, imports have grown by 192 percent between Q2 2009 and Q2 2018, while exports have increased by 32 percent. In YTD 2018, the U.S. steel trade deficit amounted to –11.3 million metric tons.
In 2017, U.S. steel exports were up 13 percent from 2016, up to 10.1 million metric tons. In YTD 2018, U.S. steel exports were down 5 percent to 4.9 million metric tons from 5.1 million metric tons in YTD 2017. The value of YTD 2018 steel exports has increased by 5 percent to $7.1 billion from $6.8 billion in YTD 2017.

Ok again, that means that the Mexican government takes a tax on what is imported and exported if what you say is true. Not sure why they are exporting and importing the same product but whatever... The importer or exporter in Mexico pays that. The Mexican government collects it.

Let’s say US Steel sold the steel to them. The tariff means that the steel they sold to Mexico is more expensive. Eventually US steel will sell less to Mexico since it makes sense for whomever is doing the importing to buy from Kobe Steel since Japan is a non combatant in this trade war.

How does that fund the wall?
Hold on a second. Are you arguing that Mexico imports steel and aluminum from the US?


Mexico Responds to U.S. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Imports with Compensatory Tariffs | Insights | Greenberg Traurig LLP

Following the White House’s decision to impose tariffs on imports of certain steel and aluminum products from Mexico starting on June 1, 2018, Mexico has responded in kind by imposing compensatory tariffs.

Ok…wow…. this is too damn funny.

Mexico places a tariff on US goods. That means the Mexican government is now collecting money on the tariffed goods we’re sending them. Lets say it’s duct tape, tables, shower curtains and televisions.

So now a guy in Cozumel Mexico goes to the store and wants to buy some duct tape or a table or shower curtain or tv or whatever and he pays whatever merchant they have down there more for the duct tape, table, shower, curtain or TV.

Please explain how that pays for the wall. The Mexican government has the extra money the importer in Mexico is paying them. The Mexican merchant is charging more as a result. The Mexican consumer is a littler poorer due to the increased costs.

How’s that paying for a wall 2,700 KM away?

Mexico has also put tariffs on their exports.

Mexico has imposed tariffs on specific categories of U.S. products, including agricultural and food products such as pork, apples, potatoes, bourbon, and several types of cheese, but also steel and aluminum products and finished products like certain types of motorboats.

Mexico is the largest and second largest foreign market for U.S. exports of aluminum and steel.

The United States has maintained a persistent trade deficit in steel products for over a decade. Since 2009, imports have returned to average levels seen prior to the 2008 global recession, while exports have remained relatively flat in comparison, and the trade deficit has widened accordingly. Since their most recent low point, imports have grown by 192 percent between Q2 2009 and Q2 2018, while exports have increased by 32 percent. In YTD 2018, the U.S. steel trade deficit amounted to –11.3 million metric tons.
In 2017, U.S. steel exports were up 13 percent from 2016, up to 10.1 million metric tons. In YTD 2018, U.S. steel exports were down 5 percent to 4.9 million metric tons from 5.1 million metric tons in YTD 2017. The value of YTD 2018 steel exports has increased by 5 percent to $7.1 billion from $6.8 billion in YTD 2017.

Ok again, that means that the Mexican government takes a tax on what is imported and exported if what you say is true. Not sure why they are exporting and importing the same product but whatever... The importer or exporter in Mexico pays that. The Mexican government collects it.

Let’s say US Steel sold the steel to them. The tariff means that the steel they sold to Mexico is more expensive. Eventually US steel will sell less to Mexico since it makes sense for whomever is doing the importing to buy from Kobe Steel since Japan is a non combatant in this trade war.

How does that fund the wall?

Products of steel from Mexico.
It doesn't matter which steel they use, it still comes from Mexico.
Monterrey, Mexico – Olympic Steel

Ok. Are you ever going to attempt to explain how this pays for Trumps wall?
According to Oldstyle lies are not lies; they are exaggerations.

If one President can be excused for lying by calling it exaggerating, can’t they all?

All I’m saying is call it a lie; don’t rationalize it by saying it’s “exaggerating” or “not important”. And stop excusing it by invoking the lies of others.

Much like you cited earlier.
My point was that ALL politicians lie. You seem to forgive democrats when they lie and not even mention them. strange

So that would mean Trump is nothing special
It means that all politicians lie, are you having trouble comprehending that?

Again, Trump the politician is nothing special in that regard. Thanks for the back up but I didn’t need it.

You ankle biters just keep biting his ankles, as he gets the job done. Love it. MAGA

You dick suckers just keep on sucking his cock and you’re the only one getting the job done.
According to Oldstyle lies are not lies; they are exaggerations.

If one President can be excused for lying by calling it exaggerating, can’t they all?

All I’m saying is call it a lie; don’t rationalize it by saying it’s “exaggerating” or “not important”. And stop excusing it by invoking the lies of others.

Much like you cited earlier.
My point was that ALL politicians lie. You seem to forgive democrats when they lie and not even mention them. strange

So that would mean Trump is nothing special
It means that all politicians lie, are you having trouble comprehending that?

Again, Trump the politician is nothing special in that regard. Thanks for the back up but I didn’t need it.

You ankle biters just keep biting his ankles, as he gets the job done. Love it. MAGA
According to Oldstyle lies are not lies; they are exaggerations.

If one President can be excused for lying by calling it exaggerating, can’t they all?

All I’m saying is call it a lie; don’t rationalize it by saying it’s “exaggerating” or “not important”. And stop excusing it by invoking the lies of others.

Much like you cited earlier.
My point was that ALL politicians lie. You seem to forgive democrats when they lie and not even mention them. strange

So that would mean Trump is nothing special
It means that all politicians lie, are you having trouble comprehending that?

Again, Trump the politician is nothing special in that regard. Thanks for the back up but I didn’t need it.

You ankle biters just keep biting his ankles, as he gets the job done. Love it. MAGA

They can't take bluntness and truth. Too much political correctness maybe?:biggrin:
He plays the game better than any of the politicians.

Mexico Responds to U.S. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Imports with Compensatory Tariffs | Insights | Greenberg Traurig LLP

Following the White House’s decision to impose tariffs on imports of certain steel and aluminum products from Mexico starting on June 1, 2018, Mexico has responded in kind by imposing compensatory tariffs.

Ok…wow…. this is too damn funny.

Mexico places a tariff on US goods. That means the Mexican government is now collecting money on the tariffed goods we’re sending them. Lets say it’s duct tape, tables, shower curtains and televisions.

So now a guy in Cozumel Mexico goes to the store and wants to buy some duct tape or a table or shower curtain or tv or whatever and he pays whatever merchant they have down there more for the duct tape, table, shower, curtain or TV.

Please explain how that pays for the wall. The Mexican government has the extra money the importer in Mexico is paying them. The Mexican merchant is charging more as a result. The Mexican consumer is a littler poorer due to the increased costs.

How’s that paying for a wall 2,700 KM away?

Mexico has also put tariffs on their exports.

Mexico has imposed tariffs on specific categories of U.S. products, including agricultural and food products such as pork, apples, potatoes, bourbon, and several types of cheese, but also steel and aluminum products and finished products like certain types of motorboats.

Mexico is the largest and second largest foreign market for U.S. exports of aluminum and steel.

The United States has maintained a persistent trade deficit in steel products for over a decade. Since 2009, imports have returned to average levels seen prior to the 2008 global recession, while exports have remained relatively flat in comparison, and the trade deficit has widened accordingly. Since their most recent low point, imports have grown by 192 percent between Q2 2009 and Q2 2018, while exports have increased by 32 percent. In YTD 2018, the U.S. steel trade deficit amounted to –11.3 million metric tons.
In 2017, U.S. steel exports were up 13 percent from 2016, up to 10.1 million metric tons. In YTD 2018, U.S. steel exports were down 5 percent to 4.9 million metric tons from 5.1 million metric tons in YTD 2017. The value of YTD 2018 steel exports has increased by 5 percent to $7.1 billion from $6.8 billion in YTD 2017.

Ok again, that means that the Mexican government takes a tax on what is imported and exported if what you say is true. Not sure why they are exporting and importing the same product but whatever... The importer or exporter in Mexico pays that. The Mexican government collects it.

Let’s say US Steel sold the steel to them. The tariff means that the steel they sold to Mexico is more expensive. Eventually US steel will sell less to Mexico since it makes sense for whomever is doing the importing to buy from Kobe Steel since Japan is a non combatant in this trade war.

How does that fund the wall?

Mexico Responds to U.S. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum Imports with Compensatory Tariffs | Insights | Greenberg Traurig LLP

Following the White House’s decision to impose tariffs on imports of certain steel and aluminum products from Mexico starting on June 1, 2018, Mexico has responded in kind by imposing compensatory tariffs.

Ok…wow…. this is too damn funny.

Mexico places a tariff on US goods. That means the Mexican government is now collecting money on the tariffed goods we’re sending them. Lets say it’s duct tape, tables, shower curtains and televisions.

So now a guy in Cozumel Mexico goes to the store and wants to buy some duct tape or a table or shower curtain or tv or whatever and he pays whatever merchant they have down there more for the duct tape, table, shower, curtain or TV.

Please explain how that pays for the wall. The Mexican government has the extra money the importer in Mexico is paying them. The Mexican merchant is charging more as a result. The Mexican consumer is a littler poorer due to the increased costs.

How’s that paying for a wall 2,700 KM away?

Mexico has also put tariffs on their exports.

Mexico has imposed tariffs on specific categories of U.S. products, including agricultural and food products such as pork, apples, potatoes, bourbon, and several types of cheese, but also steel and aluminum products and finished products like certain types of motorboats.

Mexico is the largest and second largest foreign market for U.S. exports of aluminum and steel.

The United States has maintained a persistent trade deficit in steel products for over a decade. Since 2009, imports have returned to average levels seen prior to the 2008 global recession, while exports have remained relatively flat in comparison, and the trade deficit has widened accordingly. Since their most recent low point, imports have grown by 192 percent between Q2 2009 and Q2 2018, while exports have increased by 32 percent. In YTD 2018, the U.S. steel trade deficit amounted to –11.3 million metric tons.
In 2017, U.S. steel exports were up 13 percent from 2016, up to 10.1 million metric tons. In YTD 2018, U.S. steel exports were down 5 percent to 4.9 million metric tons from 5.1 million metric tons in YTD 2017. The value of YTD 2018 steel exports has increased by 5 percent to $7.1 billion from $6.8 billion in YTD 2017.

Ok again, that means that the Mexican government takes a tax on what is imported and exported if what you say is true. Not sure why they are exporting and importing the same product but whatever... The importer or exporter in Mexico pays that. The Mexican government collects it.

Let’s say US Steel sold the steel to them. The tariff means that the steel they sold to Mexico is more expensive. Eventually US steel will sell less to Mexico since it makes sense for whomever is doing the importing to buy from Kobe Steel since Japan is a non combatant in this trade war.

How does that fund the wall?

Products of steel from Mexico.
It doesn't matter which steel they use, it still comes from Mexico.
Monterrey, Mexico – Olympic Steel

Ok. Are you ever going to attempt to explain how this pays for Trumps wall?

Higher tariffs means more revenue for us and evens out that trade deficit.
My point was that ALL politicians lie. You seem to forgive democrats when they lie and not even mention them. strange

So that would mean Trump is nothing special
It means that all politicians lie, are you having trouble comprehending that?

Again, Trump the politician is nothing special in that regard. Thanks for the back up but I didn’t need it.

You ankle biters just keep biting his ankles, as he gets the job done. Love it. MAGA

You dick suckers just keep on sucking his cock and you’re the only one getting the job done.
I must have touched a nerve with this snowflake. All I stated was that Trump is getting the job done and MAGA.
Candy needs to find her safe place. :auiqs.jpg:
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
So you like being lied to?

You apparently loved it in 1998.
70 billion dollars a year is wired, transferred or otherwise sent to Mexico from the US. Tax it, it's legal. However, the GOP has not made one move to do that.
Quit resisting and petition your government to do something about it.

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