Lying is worse than drinking

how you figure? you stated he lied about being drunk. no he didn't, he said he never blacked out. That statement alone says, I got drunk but never passed out nor lost memory of any event. Now how would you like to argue your point further?

If you don't understand the difference between passing out and blacking out you're either too ignorant to have any place talking about this subject, or you're desperately looking for excuses for sexual assault.
I can guarantee you that my view of heavy drinking is different than yours and I was a "light weight" compared to many I knew in the Corps.

And I can guarantee you that my view of what is sexually obscene is quite different than yours. But like they say, maybe we can't define pornography but I know it when I see it.

You should not talk about people being desperate when this is how far you have to stoop to disparage a man.

Dude, stop being an insecure little bitch. You think that post was some kind of personal insult? How the fuck would anyone around here know you used to be a drunk, until a moment ago when you told everyone? Looks like someone is holding in secret shame about their half a six pack a week habit. That's a common sign for functional alcoholics. Either go cry to a shrink or man the fuck up.
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.

What is "heavy drinking"? Are we now such a pathetic nation that we are going to condemn a man for not thinking he was a heavy drinker when others think he was?
How about getting drunk and aggressive,throwing a drink over someone and causing a brawl which sees your friend get arrested ?
That is pretty easily verified.
Oh no a bar fight! Heaven have mercy!
I love the dramatics the left uses.
It’s all they have.
Over drinking a few times in college does not necessarily mean someone has a chronic drinking problem.
-------------------------------------- no ones business if he does have a so called heavy drinking past time , his business only until he breaks laws and gets ' CAUGHT ' breaking laws and is Judged by a Judge in the USA Legal system . And i'm talking about everyone not anyone i particular . And furthermore , geez , many of you people sure have had your thinking twisted up by AA or MADD or 'susan b. antony' . ----------- chronic drinking problem , whats that and according to who ??
I can guarantee you that my view of heavy drinking is different than yours and I was a "light weight" compared to many I knew in the Corps.

And I can guarantee you that my view of what is sexually obscene is quite different than yours. But like they say, maybe we can't define pornography but I know it when I see it.

You should not talk about people being desperate when this is how far you have to stoop to disparage a man.

Dude, stop being an insecure little bitch. You think that post was some kind of personal insult? How the fuck would anyone around here know you used to be a drunk, until a moment ago when you told everyone? Looks like someone is holding in secret shame about their half a six pack a week habit. That's a common sign for functional alcoholics. Either go cry to a shrink or man the fuck up.
This post is awesome on a few levels.

First is you defining functional alcoholic as three beers over seven days. Holy shit.

Second was your porn reference and how you’d know it when you see it. Which based on your definition of alcoholism I would think to you porn is a kiss on the cheek. And this from a Stormy Daniels super fan.
next it'll a heavy tobacco smoking problem . Then a heavy dope smoking , hamburger eating , soda pop drinking problem . ---------- just a comment about how society is being molded .
next it'll a heavy tobacco smoking problem . Then a heavy dope smoking , hamburger eating , soda pop drinking problem . ---------- just a comment about how society is being molded .
If Kav has ever ordered two scoops of ice cream that will be a deal breaker. We know how dems feel about two scoops of ice cream.
I can guarantee you that my view of heavy drinking is different than yours and I was a "light weight" compared to many I knew in the Corps.

And I can guarantee you that my view of what is sexually obscene is quite different than yours. But like they say, maybe we can't define pornography but I know it when I see it.

You should not talk about people being desperate when this is how far you have to stoop to disparage a man.

Dude, stop being an insecure little bitch. You think that post was some kind of personal insult? How the fuck would anyone around here know you used to be a drunk, until a moment ago when you told everyone? Looks like someone is holding in secret shame about their half a six pack a week habit. That's a common sign for functional alcoholics. Either go cry to a shrink or man the fuck up.
This post is awesome on a few levels.

First is you defining functional alcoholic as three beers over seven days. Holy shit.

Second was your porn reference and how you’d know it when you see it. Which based on your definition of alcoholism I would think to you porn is a kiss on the cheek. And this from a Stormy Daniels super fan.

It's nice to be appreciated. Unfortunately, your comprehension is a 100% failure. Probably on purpose. Partly on purpose. You're probably also that damn stupid.

Being an alcoholic isn't really about the amount of consumption, it's more about the need to drink. Functional alcoholics may not be especially heavy drinkers, but they persistently rely on drinking as a vital coping mechanism. That tends to correlate with a deep down recognition that one cannot stop. They may limit their drinking, but they cannot actually end their drinking. They often make excuses that include denying the severity of their drinking, often saying "I only drink the expensive stuff because I'm an aficionado." They often lie or downplay the extent of their drinking, but can become instantly angry when their drinking is is called into question.

The I'll know it when I see it line was a reference to Jacobellis v Ohio Supreme Court case, which made the line famous. The implication being that, while there may be some subjective wiggle room in differing perceptions of certain standards, that does not invalidate the concept outright, nor does it entertain expanding the concept to so wide a range that it becomes meaningless.

Oh, who am I kidding? You don't understand any of that. Here, let me put this in terms you can understand: :boobies:
All of Brett Kavanaugh's Lies

There are lots of issues raised here.

Not least his integrity and his attitude to women. It does look like his past is coming back to haunt him.

I rather suspect that he could do anything and still get an approval from the partisans.
I can guarantee you that my view of heavy drinking is different than yours and I was a "light weight" compared to many I knew in the Corps.

And I can guarantee you that my view of what is sexually obscene is quite different than yours. But like they say, maybe we can't define pornography but I know it when I see it.

You should not talk about people being desperate when this is how far you have to stoop to disparage a man.

Dude, stop being an insecure little bitch. You think that post was some kind of personal insult? How the fuck would anyone around here know you used to be a drunk, until a moment ago when you told everyone? Looks like someone is holding in secret shame about their half a six pack a week habit. That's a common sign for functional alcoholics. Either go cry to a shrink or man the fuck up.
This post is awesome on a few levels.

First is you defining functional alcoholic as three beers over seven days. Holy shit.

Second was your porn reference and how you’d know it when you see it. Which based on your definition of alcoholism I would think to you porn is a kiss on the cheek. And this from a Stormy Daniels super fan.

It's nice to be appreciated. Unfortunately, your comprehension is a 100% failure. Probably on purpose. Partly on purpose. You're probably also that damn stupid.

Being an alcoholic isn't really about the amount of consumption, it's more about the need to drink. Functional alcoholics may not be especially heavy drinkers, but they persistently rely on drinking as a vital coping mechanism. That tends to correlate with a deep down recognition that one cannot stop. They may limit their drinking, but they cannot actually end their drinking. They often make excuses that include denying the severity of their drinking, often saying "I only drink the expensive stuff because I'm an aficionado." They often lie or downplay the extent of their drinking, but can become instantly angry when their drinking is is called into question.

The I'll know it when I see it line was a reference to Jacobellis v Ohio Supreme Court case, which made the line famous. The implication being that, while there may be some subjective wiggle room in differing perceptions of certain standards, that does not invalidate the concept outright, nor does it entertain expanding the concept to so wide a range that it becomes meaningless.

Oh, who am I kidding? You don't understand any of that. Here, let me put this in terms you can understand: :boobies:
----------------------------------------------------- problem is only when some weak brained idiot takes your above posted info or BS seriously . Seriously , heavy drinking or light , or no drinking is NO problem and certainly is NO problem and is no ones Business until a drinker of any type breaks some laws and is CAUGHT StormyD .
And I can guarantee you that my view of what is sexually obscene is quite different than yours. But like they say, maybe we can't define pornography but I know it when I see it.

It is good that you know it, just do not tell me what is and is not pornography.

Dude, stop being an insecure little bitch. You think that post was some kind of personal insult? How the fuck would anyone around here know you used to be a drunk, until a moment ago when you told everyone? Looks like someone is holding in secret shame about their half a six pack a week habit. That's a common sign for functional alcoholics. Either go cry to a shrink or man the fuck up.

You made the post personal, and now you whine like a little girl. Grow up dude.

No shame at all, I was a proud drunk!

Now I happy to drink beer for the actual taste rather than the effect it has.

People change as they grow older...well as least some of us do.
Being an alcoholic isn't really about the amount of consumption, it's more about the need to drink. Functional alcoholics may not be especially heavy drinkers, but they persistently rely on drinking as a vital coping mechanism. That tends to correlate with a deep down recognition that one cannot stop. They may limit their drinking, but they cannot actually end their drinking. They often make excuses that include denying the severity of their drinking, often saying "I only drink the expensive stuff because I'm an aficionado." They often lie or downplay the extent of their drinking, but can become instantly angry when their drinking is is called into question.

Wow, I am shocked, you are pretty close to getting this right. Will wonders never cease!

These very things are why I was a drunk and not an alcoholic! I spent many a day/night in Okinawa having this discussion with my unit SACO when he would jokingly threaten to send me to rehab. This was during a time when the Marine Corps put out a White Paper from the Commandant titled "The Deglamorization of Alcohol". I still remember when my CO first read it, he said and I quote " Glamorize it? Hell we worship it"! The cruse book from my last WestPac has a picture of the CO sitting in his Hornet holding a Budweiser!

Then 26 years ago I found something worthy of my time outside of alcohol. I have not been drunk since the night we meet, and we just had our 25th anniversary. Drank a beer here and there with family at first and then went more than a decade without a drink of any sort. Then I discovered that there are actually beers that taste good! Who knew such a thing existed, I sure did not until then!

I have no anger about my drinking, I have spoken openly about it with both my children when they were of the appropriate age.

This mistaken idea that once a drunk, always a drunk is just bunk! :banana:
Is it a lie if he truly believes he wasn't a "heavy drinker" etc.? Seems to me he may not think he was, while someone who doesn't drink at all might think the opposite...
I can guarantee you that my view of heavy drinking is different than yours and I was a "light weight" compared to many I knew in the Corps.

And I can guarantee you that my view of what is sexually obscene is quite different than yours. But like they say, maybe we can't define pornography but I know it when I see it.

You should not talk about people being desperate when this is how far you have to stoop to disparage a man.

Dude, stop being an insecure little bitch. You think that post was some kind of personal insult? How the fuck would anyone around here know you used to be a drunk, until a moment ago when you told everyone? Looks like someone is holding in secret shame about their half a six pack a week habit. That's a common sign for functional alcoholics. Either go cry to a shrink or man the fuck up.
This post is awesome on a few levels.

First is you defining functional alcoholic as three beers over seven days. Holy shit.

Second was your porn reference and how you’d know it when you see it. Which based on your definition of alcoholism I would think to you porn is a kiss on the cheek. And this from a Stormy Daniels super fan.

It's nice to be appreciated. Unfortunately, your comprehension is a 100% failure. Probably on purpose. Partly on purpose. You're probably also that damn stupid.

Being an alcoholic isn't really about the amount of consumption, it's more about the need to drink. Functional alcoholics may not be especially heavy drinkers, but they persistently rely on drinking as a vital coping mechanism. That tends to correlate with a deep down recognition that one cannot stop. They may limit their drinking, but they cannot actually end their drinking. They often make excuses that include denying the severity of their drinking, often saying "I only drink the expensive stuff because I'm an aficionado." They often lie or downplay the extent of their drinking, but can become instantly angry when their drinking is is called into question.

The I'll know it when I see it line was a reference to Jacobellis v Ohio Supreme Court case, which made the line famous. The implication being that, while there may be some subjective wiggle room in differing perceptions of certain standards, that does not invalidate the concept outright, nor does it entertain expanding the concept to so wide a range that it becomes meaningless.

Oh, who am I kidding? You don't understand any of that. Here, let me put this in terms you can understand: :boobies:

You just don’t get me!!!

I get you dipshit. You’re a partisan hack.
Is it a lie if he truly believes he wasn't a "heavy drinker" etc.? Seems to me he may not think he was, while someone who doesn't drink at all might think the opposite...

It is a lie if you are Repub sheep looking for anything you can to attack him over. Both sides use the same tricks.
And I can guarantee you that my view of what is sexually obscene is quite different than yours. But like they say, maybe we can't define pornography but I know it when I see it.

It is good that you know it, just do not tell me what is and is not pornography.

Dude, stop being an insecure little bitch. You think that post was some kind of personal insult? How the fuck would anyone around here know you used to be a drunk, until a moment ago when you told everyone? Looks like someone is holding in secret shame about their half a six pack a week habit. That's a common sign for functional alcoholics. Either go cry to a shrink or man the fuck up.

You made the post personal, and now you whine like a little girl. Grow up dude.

No shame at all, I was a proud drunk!

Now I happy to drink beer for the actual taste rather than the effect it has.

People change as they grow older...well as least some of us do.

Naa, you're still a drunk.
How much does one have to drink on a routine basis to be a heavy or excessive drinker?

Experts are all over the map on this depending on the country.

The U.S. seems to be 1 drink per day for women and two for men as being the healthy limit.

Well shit....
I'm gonna die young.

Beto O'Rourke has two criminal arrests, the MSM of course ignoring because he's a Leftist:

In 1998 aged 26:

Beto O'Rourke crashed his auto when drunk, he then attempted to run away from the scene.
He told police he was not drunk and had not been drinking heavily, then the breath test indicate blood-alcohol level of 0.136, this above the 0.10 legal limit.

In 1995 aged 23:

Beto O’Rourke was arrested for allegedly burglarising a campus building at the University of Texas at El Paso.
I've watched his Political ads, I see a lot of ads that have no substance as to what his actual PLAN is. I guess he figures since he's so far left everybody already knows what he's going to represent. BETO a man without a Stated plan. Vote CRUZ
I can guarantee you that my view of heavy drinking is different than yours and I was a "light weight" compared to many I knew in the Corps.

And I can guarantee you that my view of what is sexually obscene is quite different than yours. But like they say, maybe we can't define pornography but I know it when I see it.

You should not talk about people being desperate when this is how far you have to stoop to disparage a man.

Dude, stop being an insecure little bitch. You think that post was some kind of personal insult? How the fuck would anyone around here know you used to be a drunk, until a moment ago when you told everyone? Looks like someone is holding in secret shame about their half a six pack a week habit. That's a common sign for functional alcoholics. Either go cry to a shrink or man the fuck up.

Sign #1 Down playing use or outright denial . and AA is for quitters so "Cheers" Proud drinkers of America.
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.

So we're going to throw everyone out for drinking a few beers?

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