Lying is worse than drinking

Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.
I don't think you listened correctly to kavanaugh's answers. He said he never blacked out. dude, you're in the wrong ball park.
You are dancing on a razor blade.
how you figure? you stated he lied about being drunk. no he didn't, he said he never blacked out. That statement alone says, I got drunk but never passed out nor lost memory of any event. Now how would you like to argue your point further?
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.

What is "heavy drinking"? Are we now such a pathetic nation that we are going to condemn a man for not thinking he was a heavy drinker when others think he was?
How about getting drunk and aggressive,throwing a drink over someone and causing a brawl which sees your friend get arrested ?
That is pretty easily verified.

And this happened when?
It is kinda funny that when you see Ford at that hearing, the first thing you think is, " many benders has this one been on?". Looks to many like she cant put the bottle down....I mean for Christsakes she could easily pass for 65 years old!:ack-1::ack-1::wtf:
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.

What is "heavy drinking"? Are we now such a pathetic nation that we are going to condemn a man for not thinking he was a heavy drinker when others think he was?
How about getting drunk and aggressive,throwing a drink over someone and causing a brawl which sees your friend get arrested ?
That is pretty easily verified.
Its in the article Lucy.
And this happened when?
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.
any bullshit port in a storm.

amazing. now that ford is falling apart, the left jumps on some other bullshit "lifeboat" to keep this going.

vote on kavanaugh and get this over with.
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.

What is "heavy drinking"? Are we now such a pathetic nation that we are going to condemn a man for not thinking he was a heavy drinker when others think he was?
How about getting drunk and aggressive,throwing a drink over someone and causing a brawl which sees your friend get arrested ?
That is pretty easily verified.

let me know what you find.
Unless Kavanaugh has been issued citations for public intoxication or DUI, I don't see this going anywhere.

This all is coming from a party that had NO problem with Ted Kennedy being in office. the end there Kennedy was belting down a 5th of VO after damn near every day. A prolific drinker for decades. Prolific....but nobody cared.
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.
I don't think you listened correctly to kavanaugh's answers. He said he never blacked out. dude, you're in the wrong ball park.

The Unhinged Leftist Demons do not want Brett Kavanaugh on the USSC, they also want him thrown off the CURRENT Court he's on and they will want his law licence revoked, it is obvious they are out to TOTALLY PERSONALLY DESTROY him. This is their plan, THIS is WHY they are obsessing about how Brett Kavanaugh's responses about whatever drinking he did at Yale, their plan is to get him on a Perjury thing, that way no USSC, also thrown off his CURRENT Court and also his law licence revoked.

This depraved and God Hating human filth will NOT be happy UNTIL it's on the news that they have driven Brett Kavanaugh to suicide and I do THINK THIS is what they WANT, I DO think this is how Demonic and Perverted the Unhinged Left.

Here is Allan Dershowitz latest interview comments:

Unless Kavanaugh has been issued citations for public intoxication or DUI, I don't see this going anywhere.

This all is coming from a party that had NO problem with Ted Kennedy being in office. the end there Kennedy was belting down a 5th of VO after damn near every day. A prolific drinker for decades. Prolific....but nobody cared.

Yes Ted Kennedy was a FULL ON alcoholic for the majority of his adult life.
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.

What is "heavy drinking"? Are we now such a pathetic nation that we are going to condemn a man for not thinking he was a heavy drinker when others think he was?
How about getting drunk and aggressive,throwing a drink over someone and causing a brawl which sees your friend get arrested ?
That is pretty easily verified.
Yeah, it's so easy no one has verified it.
How much does one have to drink on a routine basis to be a heavy or excessive drinker?

Experts are all over the map on this depending on the country.

The U.S. seems to be 1 drink per day for women and two for men as being the healthy limit.

Well shit....
I'm gonna die young.
I've challenged that recommendation weekly
So if you drink one beer on Monday your not a heavy drinker but if you drink three on Saturday you are.
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.

What is "heavy drinking"? Are we now such a pathetic nation that we are going to condemn a man for not thinking he was a heavy drinker when others think he was?
well, according to my dads brother, (Southern Baptist) one is too many, and will condemn you to hell.

but my moms brother in law thinks a six pack while watching the Sunday afternoon football game isn't enough.

and grampa murkel? never mind

I may be the exception, I was a lush in high school, I grew out of it! Is it even possible to the other Politicians that could happen. I would bet there isn't a Politician in Washington that hasn't passed out drunk at some point. Ever been to a high Level Political Fundraiser????? Lot's of free booze !
How much does one have to drink on a routine basis to be a heavy or excessive drinker?

Experts are all over the map on this depending on the country.

The U.S. seems to be 1 drink per day for women and two for men as being the healthy limit.

Well shit....
I'm gonna die young.
I've challenged that recommendation weekly
So if you drink one beer on Monday your not a heavy drinker but if you drink three on Saturday you are.
sounds like it. My excuse would be that I'm going for three times healthy!
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.

What is "heavy drinking"? Are we now such a pathetic nation that we are going to condemn a man for not thinking he was a heavy drinker when others think he was?
How about getting drunk and aggressive,throwing a drink over someone and causing a brawl which sees your friend get arrested ?
That is pretty easily verified.
Yeah, it's so easy no one has verified it.

But someone has refuted it already Chris Dudley, who was also at Yale in the same class as Brett Kavanaugh.

Former NBA player Chris Dudley says he never saw Brett Kavanaugh 'blacked out' drunk
How much does one have to drink on a routine basis to be a heavy or excessive drinker?

Experts are all over the map on this depending on the country.

The U.S. seems to be 1 drink per day for women and two for men as being the healthy limit.

Well shit....
I'm gonna die young.
I've challenged that recommendation weekly
So if you drink one beer on Monday your not a heavy drinker but if you drink three on Saturday you are.

We should take the drunks out of Washington and only let non drinkers vote in Senate/ Congress. "Alcohol affects decision making and their decisions affect Americans lives" so Alcohol should be banned for any Govt Employee during the Tenure of their Employment. Washington would be a "Ghost town". "Prohibition for Government Employees only" What a great Idea
How much does one have to drink on a routine basis to be a heavy or excessive drinker?

Experts are all over the map on this depending on the country.

The U.S. seems to be 1 drink per day for women and two for men as being the healthy limit.

Well shit....
I'm gonna die young.
I've challenged that recommendation weekly
So if you drink one beer on Monday your not a heavy drinker but if you drink three on Saturday you are.

We should take the drunks out of Washington and only let non drinkers vote in Senate/ Congress. "Alcohol affects decision making and their decisions affect Americans lives" so Alcohol should be banned for any Govt Employee during the Tenure of their Employment. Washington would be a "Ghost town". "Prohibition for Government Employees only" What a great Idea
I don't think anyone would ever be there then. that would be a good thing.
Kavanaugh classmate tells FBI the judge was often “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk

Although Ludington acknowledged in his statement to the Washington Post that although he does “not believe heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” his belief that Kavanaugh had fudged the details of his college experience in front of a Senate committee seemed to be the true sticking point.

“... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences,” Ludington wrote.

Bush used to drink in his youth, I believe, but I understand he was quite open about it. I agree with Dr Ludington, drinking is one thing but lying about it is something else. Brings his credibility into play.

What is "heavy drinking"? Are we now such a pathetic nation that we are going to condemn a man for not thinking he was a heavy drinker when others think he was?
How about getting drunk and aggressive,throwing a drink over someone and causing a brawl which sees your friend get arrested ?
That is pretty easily verified.
Oh no a bar fight! Heaven have mercy!

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