Lying to America


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Interesting piece written about how Obama can lie, and now Mrs. Clinton, and they get away with their lying. Really, no matter what side of the aisle you have to see how amazing it is what Obama has gotten off Scot free.


If we were living in normal times, the following scandals and failures — without going into foreign policy — would have ruined a presidency to the point of reducing it to Nixon, Bush, or Truman poll ratings.

Think of the following: the Fast and Furious scandal, the VA mess, the tapping of the communications of the Associated Press reporters, the NSA monitoring, Benghazi in all of its manifestations, the serial lies about Obamacare, the failed stimuli, the chronic zero interest/print money policies, the serial high unemployment, the borrowing of $7 trillion to no stimulatory effect, the spiraling national debt, the customary violations of the Hatch Act by Obama cabinet officials, the alter ego/fake identity of EPA head Lisa Jackson, the sudden departure of Hilda Solis after receiving union freebies, the mendacity of Kathleen Sebelius, the strange atmospherics surrounding the Petraeus resignation, the customary presidential neglect of enforcing the laws from immigration statutes to his own health care rules, the presidential divisiveness (“punish our enemies,” “you didn’t build that,” Trayvon as the son that Obama never had, etc.), and on and on.

So why is there not much public reaction or media investigatory outrage?
Interesting piece written about how Obama can lie, and now Mrs. Clinton, and they get away with their lying. Really, no matter what side of the aisle you have to see how amazing it is what Obama has gotten off Scot free.


If we were living in normal times, the following scandals and failures — without going into foreign policy — would have ruined a presidency to the point of reducing it to Nixon, Bush, or Truman poll ratings.

Think of the following: the Fast and Furious scandal, the VA mess, the tapping of the communications of the Associated Press reporters, the NSA monitoring, Benghazi in all of its manifestations, the serial lies about Obamacare, the failed stimuli, the chronic zero interest/print money policies, the serial high unemployment, the borrowing of $7 trillion to no stimulatory effect, the spiraling national debt, the customary violations of the Hatch Act by Obama cabinet officials, the alter ego/fake identity of EPA head Lisa Jackson, the sudden departure of Hilda Solis after receiving union freebies, the mendacity of Kathleen Sebelius, the strange atmospherics surrounding the Petraeus resignation, the customary presidential neglect of enforcing the laws from immigration statutes to his own health care rules, the presidential divisiveness (“punish our enemies,” “you didn’t build that,” Trayvon as the son that Obama never had, etc.), and on and on.

So why is there not much public reaction or media investigatory outrage?
You can't answer the question ? It should be so easy??!!

Heres what people do , they take an opinion And when it doesn't work out , it's a "lie".

"The Seahawks will win the supebowl". But when they don't, I'm a liar for saying they would ?
How about a specific example of a lie ?

Let's make it simple. His very first that I recall. He told you that if elected to the Senate he would not run for president quitting his term.

Obviously he was not telling the truth.

You can't answer the question ? It should be so easy??!!

Heres what people do , they take an opinion And when it doesn't work out , it's a "lie".

"The Seahawks will win the supebowl". But when they don't, I'm a liar for saying they would ?

How about a specific example of a lie ?

Let's make it simple. His very first that I recall. He told you that if elected to the Senate he would not run for president quitting his term.

Obviously he was not telling the truth.

Maybe he changed his mind ! !!! Shit happens . To be a lie you have to show it was a lie when it was said .

Come one free. I know u have something better.
How about a specific example of a lie ?

Nothing else needs to be known about the losers on the left, than that question right there. Nothing.

Im calling you out bitch! Answer my question .

Well Timmy boy, how about these?

If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor.
If you like your hospital, you'll be able to keep your hospital
The average family will see a $2500.00 a year decrease in insurance premiums.
The war in Iraq is over.
ISIS is a little JV team.
I will not put boots on the ground in Syria.

That enough for you, Timmy boy?
Barnes & Noble to Move Ben Carson "Biography" to Fiction Section

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Barnes & Noble, the nation’s largest book retailer, has decided to move the Ben Carson biography Gifted Hands to its fiction section, in light of recent news reports casting doubt over claims contained in the retired neurosurgeon’s book.

According to a CNN report, several events described by Carson are fabricated, exaggerated or unverifiable, including his tale of receiving a full scholarship to West Point, after personally meeting with Viet Nam troop commander Gen. William Westmoreland. The Carson campaign admitted on Friday that the scholarship story was false.

Carson criticized the CNN report, calling it a “bunch of lies,” and further accused the network of victimizing people from his past by asking them whether stories about his violent behavior were true.

Barnes & Noble employee Sydney Luft said, “I’m not really into politics, but this change is confusing to customers and very stressful. Everyone’s asking for the book, and when I tell them it’s in the fiction section, they call me a racist.”

- See more at: Barnes & Noble to Move Ben Carson "Biography" to Fiction Section
How about a specific example of a lie ?

Let's make it simple. His very first that I recall. He told you that if elected to the Senate he would not run for president quitting his term.

Obviously he was not telling the truth.

Maybe he changed his mind ! !!! Shit happens . To be a lie you have to show it was a lie when it was said .

Come one free. I know u have something better.

He obviously changed his mind, whow what a revelation. Never the less, when you promise, promise, one thing and do exactly the opposite it can be nothing but a lie.
Barnes & Noble to Move Ben Carson "Biography" to Fiction Section

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Barnes & Noble, the nation’s largest book retailer, has decided to move the Ben Carson biography Gifted Hands to its fiction section, in light of recent news reports casting doubt over claims contained in the retired neurosurgeon’s book.

According to a CNN report, several events described by Carson are fabricated, exaggerated or unverifiable, including his tale of receiving a full scholarship to West Point, after personally meeting with Viet Nam troop commander Gen. William Westmoreland. The Carson campaign admitted on Friday that the scholarship story was false.

Carson criticized the CNN report, calling it a “bunch of lies,” and further accused the network of victimizing people from his past by asking them whether stories about his violent behavior were true.

Barnes & Noble employee Sydney Luft said, “I’m not really into politics, but this change is confusing to customers and very stressful. Everyone’s asking for the book, and when I tell them it’s in the fiction section, they call me a racist.”

- See more at: Barnes & Noble to Move Ben Carson "Biography" to Fiction Section

BUT....What difference does it make, Pussypussy?

Barnes & Noble to Move Ben Carson "Biography" to Fiction Section

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Barnes & Noble, the nation’s largest book retailer, has decided to move the Ben Carson biography Gifted Hands to its fiction section, in light of recent news reports casting doubt over claims contained in the retired neurosurgeon’s book.

According to a CNN report, several events described by Carson are fabricated, exaggerated or unverifiable, including his tale of receiving a full scholarship to West Point, after personally meeting with Viet Nam troop commander Gen. William Westmoreland. The Carson campaign admitted on Friday that the scholarship story was false.

Carson criticized the CNN report, calling it a “bunch of lies,” and further accused the network of victimizing people from his past by asking them whether stories about his violent behavior were true.

Barnes & Noble employee Sydney Luft said, “I’m not really into politics, but this change is confusing to customers and very stressful. Everyone’s asking for the book, and when I tell them it’s in the fiction section, they call me a racist.”

- See more at: Barnes & Noble to Move Ben Carson "Biography" to Fiction Section

Disclaimer - National Report

Satire piece. I love that site though. lol
How about a specific example of a lie ?
Tax cuts for the wealthy will create jobs.

Saddam had WMD's.

Vaccines cause autism.

Bin Laden and Saddam were friends.

Education is for snobs.

Democrats give away "free stuff".

Republican policies reduce the deficit.

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