LYNCH: Transcript Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To 'Islamic Terrorism' Removed...

Since it's no secret what he said, what's the point of giving it to ISIS as a recruitment tool?
I don't give a shit of they edit or not . I do resent you treasonist right wingers who want to claim the gov is pro Isis somehow . It's all a deletion from the right to avoid the gun control issue .

I think being pro-ISIS would be treason, not those who criticize it. Obama does show all the symptoms of being pro-ISIS, including providing them with weapons.

It's amazing how far the hysteria has gone. I predicted this btw way back when Obama was being compared to Hitler, Stalin, and the Devil.
Hey you must have reading comprehension, it's on page 261 of Barack Hussein Obama's book.

Repeating your LIE does not make it any less of a LIE.

The full paragraph, he's saying should the political winds shift in an ugly direction, then he'll stand with the Arab's and Pakistani's ie. Muslims of the Islamic religion.

Actual quote from "The Audacity of Hope" [pg. 261]:

"Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
AMERICANS you mean!!!!!
Of course.

We don't want to hurt the jihadists' feelings.

They might get mad at us.

Playing that part of the recording would do anything but hurt the Jihadists feelings. They would probably use it to help recruit others. Why would you want to help them do that?

The people whose feelings it would hurt are Lynch, Hillary and Obama.

What purpose do you think they have in not releasing the tape? Everybody already knows what he said.
Since it's no secret what he said, what's the point of giving it to ISIS as a recruitment tool?
If it's no secret, then why does Lynch want to keep it secret? How is publishing it "giving it to ISIS?" Don't all you douche bags claim this wasn't a terrorist incident?

I could spend all day poking holes in your idiotic attempt to justify censorship for purely partisan hack political reasons.
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I don't give a shit of they edit or not . I do resent you treasonist right wingers who want to claim the gov is pro Isis somehow . It's all a deletion from the right to avoid the gun control issue .

I think being pro-ISIS would be treason, not those who criticize it. Obama does show all the symptoms of being pro-ISIS, including providing them with weapons.

It's amazing how far the hysteria has gone. I predicted this btw way back when Obama was being compared to Hitler, Stalin, and the Devil.

Where has Obama demonstrated he opposes ISIS, when he was funding them?
Of course.

We don't want to hurt the jihadists' feelings.

They might get mad at us.

Playing that part of the recording would do anything but hurt the Jihadists feelings. They would probably use it to help recruit others. Why would you want to help them do that?

The people whose feelings it would hurt are Lynch, Hillary and Obama.

What purpose do you think they have in not releasing the tape? Everybody already knows what he said.

Hmmmm, do you suppose that it's because they are embarrassing to Obama's pro-ISIS agenda?
Of course.

We don't want to hurt the jihadists' feelings.

They might get mad at us.

Its idiots like them who make it easy for those dirtbags to do what they do.

One would think the idiots would catch a damned clue and forget the PC bullshit and allow the truth to be told.

They certainly don't have the American citizens best interests at heart.
Of course.

We don't want to hurt the jihadists' feelings.

They might get mad at us.

Its idiots like them who make it easy for those dirtbags to do what they do.

One would think the idiots would catch a damned clue and forget the PC bullshit and allow the truth to be told.

They certainly don't have the American citizens best interests at heart.
This is how the PC Police/Regressive Left operate. They don't certain things heard, so they shut them down.

Imagine what ISIS thinks when they see this (and they do):

"Look at this, we have them so frightened that they're keeping things from their people".

We cower in fear, afraid to offend them, and now they know how terrified our leaders are.
Of course. We don't want to hurt the jihadists' feelings. They might get mad at us.
Now that is a perfect regressive reactionary right wing comment.
Yikes! Funny to see how far under your skins I am with the Regressive Left stuff.

Seriously, I didn't realize what a nerve it would hit.

Of course, it must be because it was honest liberals who came up with the term, so you folks can't personally attack rightwingers for it..

My own little pack of Pavlov's Dogs.

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Yesterday, Obama's Attorney General admitted that she was removing any reference of Islam from all of the phone calls and tweets he made in a blatant attempt to whitewash the evidence to change the context. I've tried Googling the story and it doesn't exist, but I saw her admit to this yesterday morning on several Sunday morning talkshows.

She refuses to indict Hillary and now this.

She admits that they have audio of this guy swearing allegiance to ISIS, but they will only release redacted written transcripts of his statements.
This bullshit has gotten out of fucking hand.

I don't have any more time to look for the story this morning, but I can't find it.....but it's all over the news on Fox.

Yesterday, Obama's Attorney General admitted that she was removing any reference of Islam from all of the phone calls and tweets he made in a blatant attempt to whitewash the evidence to change the context. I've tried Googling the story and it doesn't exist, but I saw her admit to this yesterday morning on several Sunday morning talkshows.

She refuses to indict Hillary and now this.

She admits that they have audio of this guy swearing allegiance to ISIS, but they will only release redacted written transcripts of his statements.
This bullshit has gotten out of fucking hand.

I don't have any more time to look for the story this morning, but I can't find it.....but it's all over the news on Fox.

Yet they parade the murderous face on TV for days and days...... but we can't talk about the root cause of his violence?

You jackasses really want this assholes propaganda to be spewed 50000 times on the nightly news ?

You going to build a memorial to him next ?

And you want to continue keeping your head in the sand about Islamic terrorism?

Incredible these people!! :cuckoo:

God your thick. Everyone know about this guys ISIS fettish .

You righties complain when obama is droning terrorists 24:7, and the you claim he's protecting them!?

Make up your fucking mind .

Timmy I think it's time for you to clean your room, or else you'll be getting no dinner tonight :smoke:
He can't have any pudding if he doesn't eat his meat
Yet they parade the murderous face on TV for days and days...... but we can't talk about the root cause of his violence?
That is correct.

Words and opinions that may offend certain groups are no longer allowed in public.

America, 2016.

Yesterday, Obama's Attorney General admitted that she was removing any reference of Islam from all of the phone calls and tweets he made in a blatant attempt to whitewash the evidence to change the context. I've tried Googling the story and it doesn't exist, but I saw her admit to this yesterday morning on several Sunday morning talkshows.

She refuses to indict Hillary and now this.

She admits that they have audio of this guy swearing allegiance to ISIS, but they will only release redacted written transcripts of his statements.
This bullshit has gotten out of fucking hand.

I don't have any more time to look for the story this morning, but I can't find it.....but it's all over the news on Fox.

Yet they parade the murderous face on TV for days and days...... but we can't talk about the root cause of his violence?

Yup. Obama is embarrassed about the byproduct of his reckless policies, so she's busy removing the evidence of it.

Yesterday, Obama's Attorney General admitted that she was removing any reference of Islam from all of the phone calls and tweets he made in a blatant attempt to whitewash the evidence to change the context. I've tried Googling the story and it doesn't exist, but I saw her admit to this yesterday morning on several Sunday morning talkshows.

She refuses to indict Hillary and now this.

She admits that they have audio of this guy swearing allegiance to ISIS, but they will only release redacted written transcripts of his statements.
This bullshit has gotten out of fucking hand.

I don't have any more time to look for the story this morning, but I can't find it.....but it's all over the news on Fox.

Yet they parade the murderous face on TV for days and days...... but we can't talk about the root cause of his violence?

Yup. Obama is embarrassed about the byproduct of his reckless policies, so she's busy removing the evidence of it.

That's alright. Hillary will brag about it on the campaign trail how Obama has ISIS under control


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