
Divine.Wind, post: 17035994
Diplomatic, Economic and alternative military solutions. Unless you truly believe there are only military options, then consider there were other alternatives.

That's quite general. Can you think of anything specific.

Since Maliki was determined to be corrupt there were no diplomatic or economic solutions available. The only military solution could have been regime change in Iraq and we know how well that first one went.
Now that isn't very christian like language is it? And it certainly isn't very christian like of you to take so much pleasure in the deaths of others, is it?

Oh that's right, you're just another one of those "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrite christians.

Jesus Christ wouldn't piss on your fat fucking ass if you were on fire, you vile, hate-filled, smelly turd.
No, it's not very Christian language. What is your language? Atheistic? Muslim? Angry teenager?
I speak two languages, English and German. You, on the other hand, struggle with English.
Sieg Heil, mein fräulein. Sie sind ein Heuchler?
Diplomatic, Economic and alternative military solutions. Unless you truly believe there are only military options, then consider there were other alternatives.

That's quite general. Can you think of anything specific.

Since Maliki was determined to be corrupt there were no diplomatic or economic solutions available. The only military solution could have been regime change in Iraq and we know how well that first one went.
Not without knowing the specifics of intell, but if you want to believe there was absolutely no diplomatic or economic solution and that President Obama was 100% correct to just give in to Maliki's demands, fine. It's all woulda, coulda, shoulda anyway. Now we are back in Iraq fighting ISIS.
Divine.Wind, post: 17035994
Diplomatic, Economic and alternative military solutions. Unless you truly believe there are only military options, then consider there were other alternatives.

That's quite general. Can you think of anything specific.

Since Maliki was determined to be corrupt there were no diplomatic or economic solutions available. The only military solution could have been regime change in Iraq and we know how well that first one went.
A corrupt Muslim??!! Whodathunk it?
Hmmm, somehow all your digging always comes to the same conclusion: Goldman Sachs did it.
Nope, but they are always in your white house running your economy regardless of who you vote for.
When you say, they, you mean Jews. right?

I said Goldman Sachs, you said Jews love.
You said Goldman Sachs because those are Jewish names. Stop hiding in the closet.
Your economic system is what it is, just like your political system. If you need to make that about one religion be my guest, but own that.
You need to come out of the closet and admit all this Goldman Sachs nonsense you've been posting is about Jews.
Divine.Wind, post: 17035994
Diplomatic, Economic and alternative military solutions. Unless you truly believe there are only military options, then consider there were other alternatives.

That's quite general. Can you think of anything specific.

Since Maliki was determined to be corrupt there were no diplomatic or economic solutions available. The only military solution could have been regime change in Iraq and we know how well that first one went.

And why who said the first went badly?
If it hadn't been for people like you who believe these traitors, why would Iraq trust the USA? After all you and these people thought the US military was the bad guy!
deltex1, post: 17036963
Obabble should have killed him and put in a someone who would have supported our goals

You have removed all doubt that you are a raving worn out old lunatic having no sense of right and wrong. Bush removed and killed Saddam Hussein. Look how that turned out.

You want Obama to murder an elected leader put in place according to Bush who was the reason 4484 Americans, better than you, gave their lives.

You'd shit on all those dead Americans.

You are one sick demented screwball.

Why aren't you calling for Trump to murder every murderous dictator and corrupt politicians on earth?

Only black president's have to kill foreign leaders for you.
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deltex1, post: 17036963
Obabble should have killed him and put in a someone who would have supported our goals

You have removed all doubt that you are a raving worn out old lunatic having no sense of right and wrong. Bush removed and killed Saddam Hussein. Look how that turned out.

You want Obama to murder an elected leader put in place according to Bush who was the reason 4484 Americans, better than you, gave their lives.

You'd shit on all those dead Americans.

You are one sick demented screwball.

Why aren't you calling for Trump to murder every murderous dictator and corrupt politicians on earth?

Only black president's have to kill foreign leaders for you.

So you wanted 3.6 million children to starve is that right? Talk about one sick screwball that doesn't know anything about what happened in Iraq!
You totally approved of Saddam destroying what was called the birthplace of civilization...
It turns out Saddam Hussein did possess a weapon of mass destruction and he used it in a slaughter that few have heard of until now after the Gulf War in 1991, the dictator spent untold millions on this weapon, designed to exterminate an ancient civilization called the "Ma'dan," also known as the "Marsh Arabs."
In a five-year project 90 percent of the marshes were drained - an area of more than 3,000 square miles.
.. the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime. To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes. The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters.
It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced, and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
"As an engineer, I'm telling you, drying of the marshes is definitely not an easy task. It's a monumental engineering project," Alwash explained. "He put every piece of equipment available in Iraq under his control at the services of the projects needed to dry the marshes."
"Saddam was using water as a weapon?" Pelley asked.
Resurrecting Eden
And of course you so admired Saddam and his diabolical sons that used people like Ali....
"Ali would then draw out a pair of pliers and a ]sharp knife. Gripping the tongue with pliers, he would slice it up with the knife, tossing severed pieces into the street."'Those punished were too terrified to move, even though they knew I was about to chop off their tongue,' said Ali in his matter-of-fact voice. 'They would just stand there, often praying and calling out for Saddam and Allah to spare them. By then it was too late.

Finally with traitors like you constantly helping the barbarians to put bombs on children so when our troops handed out candy they were blown up... you helped those soldiers be killed by endorsing comments like these:
Not without knowing the specifics of intell, but if you want to believe there was absolutely no diplomatic or economic solution and that President Obama was 100% correct to just give in to Maliki's demands, fine. It's all woulda, coulda, shoulda anyway. Now we are back in Iraq fighting ISIS.

Obama did not give in to Maliki s demands after 2012. Prior to that He abided by Bush and Maliki's SOFA and withdrawal deadline. That was not negotiable unless the Iraqis changed it. They didn't.

Is this an acceptable option.

deltex1, post: 17036963
Obabble should have killed him and put in a someone who would have supported our goals.

That's a right wing loon being specific. Do you agree with it?

There is enough public information to know there were no options to prevent ISIS routing the Iraqi army in 2014 and declaring Iraq part of their Caliphate.

The war to find WMD was ended in 2012.

The war to defeat ISIS in Iraq has been a whole new ballgame. You say we are now back in Iraq fighting ISIS which is true, but perhaps you noticed it is an air campaign and ground advisers who have not sustained casualties as horrible as in the war to find WMD.
MMA fighter and army vet Tim Kennedy has a message for ISIS!

"Dear isis,

If you are lucky enough to kill a Special Forces operator, the possibility of us dropping the biggest non-nuclear bomb ever made on you should be the least of your concerns. There is a vengeance and wrath associated with the loss of one of our brothers. May God have mercy on your soul because we are coming and we will have none to give.
The U.S. Military"
"Our military is building and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Frankly, we have no choice!" - Trump
basquebromance, post: 17039244
Our military is building and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Frankly, we have no choice!" - Trump

You actually think clown babble means something?

The military is one experienced special operations officer, 59 cruise missiles and one MOAB less than when Trump took office and accomplished virtually nothing.

The military was as strong as ever on January 20, 2917. Nothing has changed except Trump's positions on most everything.
Nope, but they are always in your white house running your economy regardless of who you vote for.
When you say, they, you mean Jews. right?

I said Goldman Sachs, you said Jews love.
You said Goldman Sachs because those are Jewish names. Stop hiding in the closet.
Your economic system is what it is, just like your political system. If you need to make that about one religion be my guest, but own that.
You need to come out of the closet and admit all this Goldman Sachs nonsense you've been posting is about Jews.

You need to go find someone who will have the argument you want to have, it ain't me, that's not my point. Bannon came outta Goldman Sachs. Is he a Jew?
basquebromance, post: 17039244
Our military is building and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Frankly, we have no choice!" - Trump

The military was as strong as ever on January 20, 2917. Nothing has changed except Trump's positions on most everything.

Complete unadulterated bull shit. You have no fucking idea what you're blabbering about, you're just blabbering for effect.
Complete unadulterated bull shit. You have no fucking idea what you're blabbering about, you're just blabbering for effec

What has change so swiftly to make our military no longer degraded.

Those missiles and bomb Trump used did not appear suddenly when Trump was inaugurated.

Do you believe in magic weapon production and training how to operate then?

Trump lied. You've been duped again.
Complete unadulterated bull shit. You have no fucking idea what you're blabbering about, you're just blabbering for effec

What has change so swiftly to make our military no longer degraded.

Those missiles and bomb Trump used did not appear suddenly when Trump was inaugurated.

Do you believe in magic weapon production and training how to operate then?

Trump lied. You've been duped again.

I repeat, you have no idea what the hell you''re talking about and nobody should ever take you serious.

Cripes, Foo you're nonstop stupid
I'm not quite there in completely believing MOAB was a success. Just too many past incidents of Pentagon and political propaganda in past has me waiting a few weeks for any shoes to drop. I do hope it was as successful as claimed, I do like the thought of using one to give North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un an enema.

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