
We are tired of not killing enough enemy to end the war quickly.

You, silo-sitter, may not be sick Americans dying in war, but most, Americans would not keep sacrificing Americans for a quicker result.

ISIS is down from holding 40% of Iraq territory to 6% without more than a few Americans dying in that effort. None were list in direct combat with the enemy.

You wanted it done faster, sofa-sitter, but you know that would have taken tens of thousands of US ground combat troops directly engaged with terrorists in the worst possible combat environment.

You are deplorable. One of the worst.

So you are saying Trump loves our kids, and will use really cool super bombs to kill bad guys so out Sons,and Daughters don't have to? I like the bomb even more. My asshole kid just reenlisted. Hate for him to have to go back to the same old place the first half black Commander and chief already sent him twice. Yay Trump.. bomb that ass.
You calling your kid an asshole says more about you than him

Done it since he was like 0.5 years old. I give two fucks what an anonymous turd on a message board thinks of my relationship with my boys who I routinely refer to as asshole one and asshole two. Very proud of my kids, extreamly pissed at the first half black president for trying to kill them do so longs. Big ass bomb. Yay Trump. More MOAB.
So you are saying Trump loves our kids, and will use really cool super bombs to kill bad guys so out Sons,and Daughters don't have to? I like the bomb even more. My asshole kid just reenlisted. Hate for him to have to go back to the same old place the first half black Commander and chief already sent him twice. Yay Trump.. bomb that ass.

Trump loves Trump and Trump kids.

I'm all for using a super bomb to blow up terrorists in a remote cave were non-combatants are not in the blast zone.

Unfortunately it is a tactic of terrorists to blend in within densely populated areas.

Obama did not put enlisted patriots like your son on the front lines in ground combat to drive ISIS out of Iraq. He rebuilt the Iraqi military and left it up to Muslim men and women to take on ISIS directly. That of course took a while but it worked.

It is Deltex and his ilk preferring that your son get killed fighting in front of Muslim men so he can see ISIS defeated a few months faster.

Tens of thousands of your son dying for Muslims who would not need to fight under Delbert's rushed plan.
So you are saying Trump loves our kids, and will use really cool super bombs to kill bad guys so out Sons,and Daughters don't have to? I like the bomb even more. My asshole kid just reenlisted. Hate for him to have to go back to the same old place the first half black Commander and chief already sent him twice. Yay Trump.. bomb that ass.

Trump loves Trump and Trump kids.

I'm all for using a super bomb to blow up terrorists in a remote cave were non-combatants are not in the blast zone.

Unfortunately it is a tactic of terrorists to blend in within densely populated areas.

Obama did not put enlisted patriots like your son on the front lines in ground combat to drive ISIS out of Iraq. He rebuilt the Iraqi military and left it up to Muslim men and women to take on ISIS directly. That of course took a while but it worked.

It is Deltex and his ilk preferring that your son get killed fighting in front of Muslim men so he can see ISIS defeated a few months faster.

Tens of thousands of your son dying for Muslims who would not need to fight under Delbert's rushed plan.

Bammer sent troops to Afghanistan the whole time he was in office, and he sent troops back BACK into Iraqis after he watched his pals in ISIS take it over. Bammer only gave a shot about looking at his face in this picture on the ovil office wall.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17032743
Kill them, kill those that aid them and kill those that harbor them. No rules, no mercy.

No US military officer will carry out your deplorable directive to massively slaughter non-combatants and for good reason. It is a war crime to do so.

You may wish to lower our military's moral standards to that of ISIS, but thank god you are no where's near given the opportunity to make that shameful call.

Did you whine when "non combatants" were killed under Obama's watch? Why no, no you didn't you partisan asshole.

There isn't a leftist on here that can get around that sticker, we all know it. You're all transparent
Crixus, post: 17033208
Very proud of my kids, extreamly pissed at the first half black president for trying to kill them do so longs. Big ass bomb. Yay Trump. More MOAB.

With sons in the military you'd think you knew more about the war they fought in.

Tell me how the MOAB can be used in densely populated areas where the Taliban must operate to control the population.

It was Obama that rejected Bush's military plan to keep US troops on the front lines in remote areas of eastern Afghanistan. Obama pulled troops out of the remote areas and began using drones destroyed terrorist and telegraph and Tele b Obama pulled troops out of the remote areas and began using drones destroyed terrorists and Taliban.

And in the 2012 VP debate, Paul Ryan criticized Obama for pulling troops out of eastern Afghanistan. Ryan and republican party wanted to put your sign back on the front lines fighting terrorism so Muslims would not have to.

So it appears that you were more focussed on Obama's race rather than focussed on what was going on in the war.

That tells me a lot about you.
these deplorables need something to hang their hats on After all dump has done shit so far no healthcare,infrastructure ,tax reform or wall...trump is all mouth....didn't even give the go ahead with moab
Dude, let it go. Hillary lost. ;)

Even Hill Democrats are supporting this action. It takes a very extreme partisan asshat to go against their own country over politics.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033501
Did you whine when "non combatants" were killed under Obama's watch? Why no, no you didn't you partisan asshole.

I do not whine now and didn't during the Bush Administration when noncombatants were killed during legitimate military airstrikes .

Your question is based on your ignorance.

I wholeheartedly supported the war in Afghanistan through both the Bush administration and Obama's and now.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033501
Did you whine when "non combatants" were killed under Obama's watch? Why no, no you didn't you partisan asshole.

I do not whine now and didn't during the Bush Administration when noncombatants were killed during legitimate military airstrikes .

Your question is based on your ignorance

Oh for fucks sake, you're such a goddamn liar.

You bawled like a baby about anything Bush did.
So you are saying Trump loves our kids, and will use really cool super bombs to kill bad guys so out Sons,and Daughters don't have to? I like the bomb even more. My asshole kid just reenlisted. Hate for him to have to go back to the same old place the first half black Commander and chief already sent him twice. Yay Trump.. bomb that ass.

Trump loves Trump and Trump kids.

I'm all for using a super bomb to blow up terrorists in a remote cave were non-combatants are not in the blast zone.

Unfortunately it is a tactic of terrorists to blend in within densely populated areas.

Obama did not put enlisted patriots like your son on the front lines in ground combat to drive ISIS out of Iraq. He rebuilt the Iraqi military and left it up to Muslim men and women to take on ISIS directly. That of course took a while but it worked.

It is Deltex and his ilk preferring that your son get killed fighting in front of Muslim men so he can see ISIS defeated a few months faster.

Tens of thousands of your son dying for Muslims who would not need to fight under Delbert's rushed plan.

Bammer sent troops to Afghanistan the whole time he was in office, and he sent troops back BACK into Iraqis after he watched his pals in ISIS take it over. Bammer only gave a shot about looking at his face in this picture on the ovil office wall.
ISIS aren't the pals of President Obama or any other westerner. The surge in Afghanistan was President Obama being smart and listening to his advisors. He took a lot of shit for it from partisan Democrats in Congress.

Sending troops back into Iraq was Obama admitting he'd fucked up the first time around. There's a learning curve for all new Presidents. That curve is steeper with low-experience Presidents, be they community organizers or real estate agents.
Last edited:
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033527
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033501
Did you whine when "non combatants" were killed under Obama's watch? Why no, no you didn't you partisan asshole.

I do not whine now and didn't during the Bush Administration when noncombatants were killed during legitimate military airstrikes .

Your question is based on your ignorance

Oh for fucks sake, you're such a goddamn liar.

You bawled like a baby about anything Bush did.

Not on Afghanistan you dingbat. I supported everything Bush did there except pulling assets out to stupidly and lyingly invade Iraq that did not need invasion. An opinion on Iraq no different than the disaster you voted for.
these deplorables need something to hang their hats on After all dump has done shit so far no healthcare,infrastructure ,tax reform or wall...trump is all mouth....didn't even give the go ahead with moab
Dude, let it go. Hillary lost. ;)

Even Hill Democrats are supporting this action. It takes a very extreme partisan asshat to go against their own country over politics.
Divine I'm not against the action taken I'm against republicans and other dem haters making a joke out of trump and/or his people interfering with our election Wikki Leaks was great trump said NOW the head of the CIA says something quite different...Trump played ball with russia and poland australia and the Brits spilled the beans Trump should never have been allowed near our WH,,,,,imho
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033527
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033501
Did you whine when "non combatants" were killed under Obama's watch? Why no, no you didn't you partisan asshole.

I do not whine now and didn't during the Bush Administration when noncombatants were killed during legitimate military airstrikes .

Your question is based on your ignorance

Oh for fucks sake, you're such a goddamn liar.

You bawled like a baby about anything Bush did.

Not on Afghanistan you dingbat. I supported everything Bush did there except pulling assets out to stupidly and lyingly invade Iraq that did not need invasion. An opinion on Iraq no different than the disaster you voted for.

Yeah right, go try and sell your BS to someone that doesn't know your history
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033527
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033501
Did you whine when "non combatants" were killed under Obama's watch? Why no, no you didn't you partisan asshole.

I do not whine now and didn't during the Bush Administration when noncombatants were killed during legitimate military airstrikes .

Your question is based on your ignorance

Oh for fucks sake, you're such a goddamn liar.

You bawled like a baby about anything Bush did.

Not on Afghanistan you dingbat. I supported everything Bush did there except pulling assets out to stupidly and lyingly invade Iraq that did not need invasion. An opinion on Iraq no different than the disaster you voted for.
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch, Afghanistan was a loser no matter what, no one can win a ground war there.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033527
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033501
Did you whine when "non combatants" were killed under Obama's watch? Why no, no you didn't you partisan asshole.

I do not whine now and didn't during the Bush Administration when noncombatants were killed during legitimate military airstrikes .

Your question is based on your ignorance

Oh for fucks sake, you're such a goddamn liar.

You bawled like a baby about anything Bush did.

Not on Afghanistan you dingbat. I supported everything Bush did there except pulling assets out to stupidly and lyingly invade Iraq that did not need invasion. An opinion on Iraq no different than the disaster you voted for.
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch, Afghanistan was a loser no matter what, no one can win a ground war there.
Fighting the ground war in Afghanistan is where empires go to die...
these deplorables need something to hang their hats on After all dump has done shit so far no healthcare,infrastructure ,tax reform or wall...trump is all mouth....didn't even give the go ahead with moab
Dude, let it go. Hillary lost. ;)

Even Hill Democrats are supporting this action. It takes a very extreme partisan asshat to go against their own country over politics.
Divine I'm not against the action taken I'm against republicans and other dem haters making a joke out of trump and/or his people interfering with our election Wikki Leaks was great trump said NOW the head of the CIA says something quite different...Trump played ball with russia and poland australia and the Brits spilled the beans Trump should never have been allowed near our WH,,,,,imho
If true, I'd immediately agree with you, but things aren't quite what you are claiming they are.

Did some in the Trump campaign have relations with Russians? Yes. There's a lot of money to be made in trading with Russia. The sanctions are hurting them (I agree with the sanctions due to Russia's actions) but some businessmen would just like to make a ton of cash.

Did Putin seek to influence our election with hacking? Yes. Did he succeed? No evidence he did. Simply saying "Since Trump won, Putin succeeded" is a logical fallacy. Should Putin be sanctioned for his attempt? YES. Nobody should be allowed to get away with fucking with our elections even if they failed.

On Wikileaks, I'm amused to see Trump's flip-flopping on that. OTOH, I truly believe he never expected to win. He was just having fun. Now that he is, indeed, POTUS, he knows he has to do the job. It's a steep learning curve, but I think he's starting to get the hang of it. Him distancing himself from Bannon is a good start.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033527
SassyIrishLass, post: 17033501
Did you whine when "non combatants" were killed under Obama's watch? Why no, no you didn't you partisan asshole.

I do not whine now and didn't during the Bush Administration when noncombatants were killed during legitimate military airstrikes .

Your question is based on your ignorance

Oh for fucks sake, you're such a goddamn liar.

You bawled like a baby about anything Bush did.

Not on Afghanistan you dingbat. I supported everything Bush did there except pulling assets out to stupidly and lyingly invade Iraq that did not need invasion. An opinion on Iraq no different than the disaster you voted for.
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch, Afghanistan was a loser no matter what, no one can win a ground war there.
Fighting the ground war in Afghanistan is where empires go to die...
Difference being we're fighting with the Afghans, not against them. :)
They said if I didn't vote for Trump we'd have a warmongering, trying-to-prove-she's-tough president who'd drop a GBU-43 bomb in Afghanistan.
Divine.Wind, post: 17033575
Sending troops back into Iraq was Obama admitting he'd fucked up the first time around.

Obama was not wrong on pulled by Troops out of Iraq on the Bush Maliki deadline. Iraqis wanted us totally out of there.

Obama was right. The culprit was Miliki. Maliki was running a crony Shiite military with ghosts on the payroll and other corruption.

Only when Maliki was gone could the new policy of airstrikes and advisers away from combat could the progress Obama made happen actually happen.

Iraqis had to learn to fight for themselves. That took time. It was not wrong.
In an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox:

Trump: "we've just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq..."
Bartiromo: "heading to Syria"
Trump: "yes...to Syria..."

Trump remembers details of cake he was eating while launching missiles, but not which country he was attacking.

This is the prez of the United States.
Rustic, post: 17033616
You sound like a pussy whipped bitch, Afghanistan was a loser no matter what, no one can win a ground war there

We are not fighting a ground war there. It's a counter-insurgency keeping the central Afghan government in control. We've agreed to back the Afghan elected government at least through 2024.

So calling it a loser is wrong until and only if The Taliban retake Kabul and all the main cities.

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