
No it is not. It is designed to collapse tunnel systems and suck all the air out of them............The blast radius kills everything within a mile almost instantly.

Sarin gas victims..........take hours to die gasping for air and the body goes into seizures............horrible death........both are just as dead but one is a hell of a lot more horrific than the other.
No, actually - while sarin gassing is indeed a horrible way to die, it happens in a matter of minutes, not hours.

How sarin gas kills you - The Boston Globe

That depends on the level of exposure.
A lethal dose kills within minutes. A nonlethal does usually results in long term nervous system damage, but by definition doesn't kill you.

You don't live for hours after exposure to a lethal dose of sarin. Just doesn't happen. Sorry.

And where exactly did I say a lethal dose of sarin wasn't lethal?
You people are fuken idiots.
You said it can take agonizing hours to die from sarin. That's simply not true. You don't have to take it personally, I'm simply sharing information with you to clarify your facts, that's all. There are dozens of resources both government and private which explain the biochemistry of how sarin gas kills. It's awful, but it doesn't take hours. It just doesn't. It takes minutes.

God damn you liberals are stupid.
What does sarin gas do to your body?
No, actually - while sarin gassing is indeed a horrible way to die, it happens in a matter of minutes, not hours.

How sarin gas kills you - The Boston Globe

That depends on the level of exposure.
A lethal dose kills within minutes. A nonlethal does usually results in long term nervous system damage, but by definition doesn't kill you.

You don't live for hours after exposure to a lethal dose of sarin. Just doesn't happen. Sorry.

And where exactly did I say a lethal dose of sarin wasn't lethal?
You people are fuken idiots.
You said it can take agonizing hours to die from sarin. That's simply not true. You don't have to take it personally, I'm simply sharing information with you to clarify your facts, that's all. There are dozens of resources both government and private which explain the biochemistry of how sarin gas kills. It's awful, but it doesn't take hours. It just doesn't. It takes minutes.

God damn you liberals are stupid.
What does sarin gas do to your body?
Interesting that you choose a tv channel website as your news source, but still, it supports what I've been saying to you:

"If you get mild exposure, you'll have mild symptoms." said Grover. "If you get really, a lot of exposure you can die within ten minutes."

Lethal doses of sarin kill very, very quickly. You don't take hours to die.

It's sad that you are so incapable of just admitting that you misspoke/miswrote.
That depends on the level of exposure.
A lethal dose kills within minutes. A nonlethal does usually results in long term nervous system damage, but by definition doesn't kill you.

You don't live for hours after exposure to a lethal dose of sarin. Just doesn't happen. Sorry.

And where exactly did I say a lethal dose of sarin wasn't lethal?
You people are fuken idiots.
You said it can take agonizing hours to die from sarin. That's simply not true. You don't have to take it personally, I'm simply sharing information with you to clarify your facts, that's all. There are dozens of resources both government and private which explain the biochemistry of how sarin gas kills. It's awful, but it doesn't take hours. It just doesn't. It takes minutes.

God damn you liberals are stupid.
What does sarin gas do to your body?
Interesting that you choose a tv channel website as your news source, but still, it supports what I've been saying to you:

"If you get mild exposure, you'll have mild symptoms." said Grover. "If you get really, a lot of exposure you can die within ten minutes."

Lethal doses of sarin kill very, very quickly. You don't take hours to die.

It's sad that you are so incapable of just admitting that you misspoke/miswrote.

Ya stupid fuck....tell me where i'm wrong?
SassyIrishLass, post: 17024645
Nah, Foo I just know it's futile to engage you. You're a partisan hack shilling for Obama and whining on anyone a degree right of center.

No, you cannot deny that during Obama's first month's in office he launched the largest air to ground military assault since Vietnam to drive the Taliban out of Kandahar and Helmand Provinces.

And you can't make a case that one big bomb dropped on a remote cave is a bigger military deal than Obama's huge military assault where people actually live.

And you replied to a post that had nothing to do with you, so what in the hell are you doing here. Are you a dimwit?
SassyIrishLass, post: 17024645
Nah, Foo I just know it's futile to engage you. You're a partisan hack shilling for Obama and whining on anyone a degree right of center.

No, you cannot deny that during Obama's first month's in office he launched the largest air to ground military assault since Vietnam to drive the Taliban out of Kandahar and Helmand Provinces.

And you can't make a case that one big bomb dropped on a remote cave is a bigger military deal than Obama's huge military assault where people actually live.

And you replied to a post that had nothing to do with you, so what in the hell are you doing here. Are you a dimwit?

Your side list, Foo, America said fuck you.

I'm tickled pink we're killing the goat fuckers...America is back!
Reagan was the worst criminal to hold high office in the US ever. I agree drumpf is already part of this club.

Number of members of administration that were charged, indicted, or convicted of crimes while in office:

Obama --------0
Nixon ----------8
Reagan ---138

Pray tell, why did you leave out the Democrats. You may leave out petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. His are yet coming to the surface.

Might you kindly post your source to your claim? You know, along with the link?
SassyIrishLass, post: 17030708
I'm tickled pink we're killing the goat fuckers...America is back!

America has never been away.

The MOAB KILLED 32. Trump can't kill as many as Obama did because most of them are already dead.

Facts have nothing to do with who won an an election.

Obama recorded 573 terrorist killing drone strikes in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms.

Plus the raid to get Bin Ladin.

The U.S. led coalition has conducted 15,530 strikes in Iraq and Syria ( 7,869 Iraq / 7,661 ...Syria.

Special Report: Inherent Resolve

Trump has dropped one bomb on 32 terrorist in a cave a cave and you are impressed only with the latter.

You can't erase from history the thousands of terrorists killed during President Obama's two terms in office.

That would be such a huge lie you would never get away with it.

But deplorables can say 'America is back' after one big bomb, and believe themselves to the point of their own insanity.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17030708
I'm tickled pink we're killing the goat fuckers...America is back!

America has never been away.

The MOAB KILLED 32. Trump can't kill as many as Obama did because most of them are already dead.

Facts have nothing to do with who won an an election.

Obama recorded 573 terrorist killing drone strikes in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms.

Plus the raid to get Bin Ladin.

The U.S. led coalition has conducted 15,530 strikes in Iraq and Syria ( 7,869 Iraq / 7,661 ...Syria.

Special Report: Inherent Resolve

Trump has dropped one bomb on 32 terrorist in a cave a cave and you are impressed only with the latter.

You can't erase from history the thousands of terrorists killed during President Obama's two terms in office.

That would be such a huge lie you would never get away with it.

But deplorables can say 'America is back' after one big bomb, and believe themselves to the point of their own insanity.
Air Sorties during Desert Storm

Of the total of 109,876 aircraft sorties, the percentages by service broke down like this:

  • Air Force 59.3%
  • Navy 16.0%
  • Allied Forces 15.7%
  • Marine Corps 9.0%
While Army aviation certainly played a major role in the Gulf War, the figures I have didnÕt separate out their missions as I think the figures deal only with fixed-wing aircraft

In about a month.............so I'm not impressed.
A lethal dose kills within minutes. A nonlethal does usually results in long term nervous system damage, but by definition doesn't kill you.

You don't live for hours after exposure to a lethal dose of sarin. Just doesn't happen. Sorry.

And where exactly did I say a lethal dose of sarin wasn't lethal?
You people are fuken idiots.
You said it can take agonizing hours to die from sarin. That's simply not true. You don't have to take it personally, I'm simply sharing information with you to clarify your facts, that's all. There are dozens of resources both government and private which explain the biochemistry of how sarin gas kills. It's awful, but it doesn't take hours. It just doesn't. It takes minutes.

God damn you liberals are stupid.
What does sarin gas do to your body?
Interesting that you choose a tv channel website as your news source, but still, it supports what I've been saying to you:

"If you get mild exposure, you'll have mild symptoms." said Grover. "If you get really, a lot of exposure you can die within ten minutes."

Lethal doses of sarin kill very, very quickly. You don't take hours to die.

It's sad that you are so incapable of just admitting that you misspoke/miswrote.

Ya stupid fuck....tell me where i'm wrong?
you are not wrong
eagle1462010, post: 17032248
In about a month.............so I'm not impressed

Guess you don't know the difference between conventional war targeting tanks and other military equipment versus targeting terrorist
individuals with every attempt made possible to minimize non-combatant caususlties.

Some deplorables are so deplorable they voted for Trump in part because he wanted to target non-combatants intentional if related to a terrorist.

Deplorables that want Trump to ask our military to commit war crimes are the deplorables that know nothing if Obama's killing of terrorists and think one big bomb put's their clown President ahead if Obama.

Desert Storm was uniformed military against uniformed military that had poor equipment and meager air defense for their ground forces.

It was a great use of our military I have said many times but there is no comparison relative to our current discussion.

You are hard up for a response to my point. Sad really sad.
eagle1462010, post: 17032248
In about a month.............so I'm not impressed

Guess you don't know the difference between conventional war targeting tanks and other military equipment versus targeting terrorist
individuals with every attempt made possible to minimize non-combatant caususlties.

Some deplorables are so deplorable they voted for Trump in part because he wanted to target non-combatants intentional if related to a terrorist.

Deplorables that want Trump to ask our military to commit war crimes are the deplorables that know nothing if Obama's killing of terrorists and think one big bomb put's their clown President ahead if Obama.

Desert Storm was uniformed military against uniformed military that had poor equipment and meager air defense for their ground forces.

It was a great use of our military I have said many times but there is no comparison relative to our current discussion.
You are hard up for a response to my point. Sad really sad.

Show me the collateral damage or shut up.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17030708
I'm tickled pink we're killing the goat fuckers...America is back!

America has never been away.

The MOAB KILLED 32. Trump can't kill as many as Obama did because most of them are already dead.

Facts have nothing to do with who won an an election.

Obama recorded 573 terrorist killing drone strikes in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms.

Plus the raid to get Bin Ladin.

The U.S. led coalition has conducted 15,530 strikes in Iraq and Syria ( 7,869 Iraq / 7,661 ...Syria.

Special Report: Inherent Resolve

Trump has dropped one bomb on 32 terrorist in a cave a cave and you are impressed only with the latter.

You can't erase from history the thousands of terrorists killed during President Obama's two terms in office.

That would be such a huge lie you would never get away with it.

But deplorables can say 'America is back' after one big bomb, and believe themselves to the point of their own insanity.
these deplorables need something to hang their hats on After all dump has done shit so far no healthcare,infrastructure ,tax reform or wall...trump is all mouth....didn't even give the go ahead with moab
It looks like President Trump is doing what Obama was afraid of doing...trusting his military with local decisions.
Unlike Obama who's military was SO afraid... they handed out this card to the troops.

A laminated card with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight; one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy

Different military for sure!

I think you need to slow down a bit and see what the fall out (pun intended) is going to be from Trump's actions. If it leads to a major war requiring boots on the ground or reinstating the draft, then you're going to look even more like the idiot that you already are.

Bush's approval rating was 22% after he dragged this country through two wars lasting 10 YEARS. Obama was wise to keep us out of them for his terms. The country was sick of war by 2006 and that's one reason Obama won in 2008. Backlash is a bitch.
We are not sick of war. We are tired of not killing enough enemy to end the war quickly. We can do it. Do it.
It looks like President Trump is doing what Obama was afraid of doing...trusting his military with local decisions.
Unlike Obama who's military was SO afraid... they handed out this card to the troops.

A laminated card with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight; one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy

Different military for sure!

I think you need to slow down a bit and see what the fall out (pun intended) is going to be from Trump's actions. If it leads to a major war requiring boots on the ground or reinstating the draft, then you're going to look even more like the idiot that you already are.

Bush's approval rating was 22% after he dragged this country through two wars lasting 10 YEARS. Obama was wise to keep us out of them for his terms. The country was sick of war by 2006 and that's one reason Obama won in 2008. Backlash is a bitch.
We are not sick of war. We are tired of not killing enough enemy to end the war quickly. We can do it. Do it.

Kill them, kill those that aid them and kill those that harbor them. No rules, no mercy.

Just do it.
We are tired of not killing enough enemy to end the war quickly.

You, silo-sitter, may not be sick Americans dying in war, but most, Americans would not keep sacrificing Americans for a quicker result.

ISIS is down from holding 40% of Iraq territory to 6% without more than a few Americans dying in that effort. None were list in direct combat with the enemy.

You wanted it done faster, sofa-sitter, but you know that would have taken tens of thousands of US ground combat troops directly engaged with terrorists in the worst possible combat environment.

You are deplorable. One of the worst.
We are tired of not killing enough enemy to end the war quickly.

You, silo-sitter, may not be sick Americans dying in war, but most, Americans would not keep sacrificing Americans for a quicker result.

ISIS is down from holding 40% of Iraq territory to 6% without more than a few Americans dying in that effort. None were list in direct combat with the enemy.

You wanted it done faster, sofa-sitter, but you know that would have taken tens of thousands of US ground combat troops directly engaged with terrorists in the worst possible combat environment.

You are deplorable. One of the worst.
well there's always sassy
SassyIrishLass, post: 17032743
Kill them, kill those that aid them and kill those that harbor them. No rules, no mercy.

No US military officer will carry out your deplorable directive to massively slaughter non-combatants and for good reason. It is a war crime to do so.

You may wish to lower our military's moral standards to that of ISIS, but thank god you are no where's near given the opportunity to make that shameful call.
We are tired of not killing enough enemy to end the war quickly.

You, silo-sitter, may not be sick Americans dying in war, but most, Americans would not keep sacrificing Americans for a quicker result.

ISIS is down from holding 40% of Iraq territory to 6% without more than a few Americans dying in that effort. None were list in direct combat with the enemy.

You wanted it done faster, sofa-sitter, but you know that would have taken tens of thousands of US ground combat troops directly engaged with terrorists in the worst possible combat environment.

You are deplorable. One of the worst.

So you are saying Trump loves our kids, and will use really cool super bombs to kill bad guys so out Sons,and Daughters don't have to? I like the bomb even more. My asshole kid just reenlisted. Hate for him to have to go back to the same old place the first half black Commander and chief already sent him twice. Yay Trump.. bomb that ass.
We are tired of not killing enough enemy to end the war quickly.

You, silo-sitter, may not be sick Americans dying in war, but most, Americans would not keep sacrificing Americans for a quicker result.

ISIS is down from holding 40% of Iraq territory to 6% without more than a few Americans dying in that effort. None were list in direct combat with the enemy.

You wanted it done faster, sofa-sitter, but you know that would have taken tens of thousands of US ground combat troops directly engaged with terrorists in the worst possible combat environment.

You are deplorable. One of the worst.

So you are saying Trump loves our kids, and will use really cool super bombs to kill bad guys so out Sons,and Daughters don't have to? I like the bomb even more. My asshole kid just reenlisted. Hate for him to have to go back to the same old place the first half black Commander and chief already sent him twice. Yay Trump.. bomb that ass.
You calling your kid an asshole says more about you than him

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