
One bomb was $16 million, just proving his lies... He didn't include the development cost of the tomahawk in his other thread.
Your avatar brings a tear to my eye. When I was a kid, I used to watch him play. He said he had dreams of hitting a guy so hard, his head would roll off his shoulders. There are few people who are the best that ever was; and he was one of them.

Yes, I have had this handle on various political boards since around 2002 and that's one thing people would never argue with me about, I was surprised at first I thought Dick Butcus was just a Chicago thing but so many people know he was the best ever.. Da Bears never had a Quarter back worth a damn but we had three of the best line backers to play the game..
It looks like President Trump is doing what Obama was afraid of doing...trusting his military with local decisions.
Unlike Obama who's military was SO afraid... they handed out this card to the troops.

A laminated card with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight; one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy

Different military for sure!

I think you need to slow down a bit and see what the fall out (pun intended) is going to be from Trump's actions. If it leads to a major war requiring boots on the ground or reinstating the draft, then you're going to look even more like the idiot that you already are.

Bush's approval rating was 22% after he dragged this country through two wars lasting 10 YEARS. Obama was wise to keep us out of them for his terms. The country was sick of war by 2006 and that's one reason Obama won in 2008. Backlash is a bitch.

Obama kept us out of War?

He kept us in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and allow ISIL\ISIS to grow even bigger while losing a Diplomat in Libya and also used drone strikes in Middle East Countries that the U.N. investigated to see if they were legal, and yet he kept us out of war?

Where the fuck were you those eight years Obama was President?

Let me guess up his ass smelling his shit while claiming it smelt like roses up there?
REAGAN SMILING DOWN ON TRUMP TODAY! Here's The Baton of Freedom, Trump...carry on!

Reagan was the worst criminal to hold high office in the US ever. I agree drumpf is already part of this club.

Number of members of administration that were charged, indicted, or convicted of crimes while in office:

Obama --------0
Nixon ----------8
Reagan ---138
REAGAN SMILING DOWN ON TRUMP TODAY! Here's The Baton of Freedom, Trump...carry on!

Reagan was the worst criminal to hold high office in the US ever. I agree drumpf is already part of this club.

Number of members of administration that were charged, indicted, or convicted of crimes while in office:

Obama --------0
Nixon ----------8
Reagan ---138
Obama is and was above the law…
War makes most Americans very happy. The US is an incredibly violent country. Look for Trump's approval numbers to skyrocket.
314 million to destroy some lightly armed militiamen in Central Asia, while seniors can't get food and people in Flint drink poisoned water. America first!
314 + 86.2 = $396.6M

I am surprised that you are falling for his lie?

You should really, really, take some time and effort to look into how much societal wealth goes to the "military" and for "defense". I mean really. We all should. If you're interested enough to respond, just go digging some more, real digging, not anything fed to you. Make up your own mind, get away from any group. Tell me about it.

One bomb was $16 million, just proving his lies... He didn't include the development cost of the tomahawk in his other thread.
You're quibbling over math? Ok.
REAGAN SMILING DOWN ON TRUMP TODAY! Here's The Baton of Freedom, Trump...carry on!

Reagan was the worst criminal to hold high office in the US ever. I agree drumpf is already part of this club.

Number of members of administration that were charged, indicted, or convicted of crimes while in office:

Obama --------0
Nixon ----------8
Reagan ---138
Obama is and was above the law…
All your kleptocrat class is.
314 million to destroy some lightly armed militiamen in Central Asia, while seniors can't get food and people in Flint drink poisoned water. America first!
314 + 86.2 = $396.6M

I am surprised that you are falling for his lie?

You should really, really, take some time and effort to look into how much societal wealth goes to the "military" and for "defense". I mean really. We all should. If you're interested enough to respond, just go digging some more, real digging, not anything fed to you. Make up your own mind, get away from any group. Tell me about it.
Hmmm, somehow all your digging always comes to the same conclusion: Goldman Sachs did it.
Nope, but they are always in your white house running your economy regardless of who you vote for.
REAGAN SMILING DOWN ON TRUMP TODAY! Here's The Baton of Freedom, Trump...carry on!

Reagan was the worst criminal to hold high office in the US ever. I agree drumpf is already part of this club.

Number of members of administration that were charged, indicted, or convicted of crimes while in office:

Obama --------0
Nixon ----------8
Reagan ---138

Kind of hard when held in contempt Eric Holder was running the DOJ

Thought that Trump said what he wanted was to spend his time/ our money on this country. is more war a good use of our money, what about jobs, what about fixing our bridges and roads. where is that money?
Don't mess with Mad Dog Mattis and the United States of America! Our military kicks ass, and soon the world will understand our power!
8 years we dealt with a president who refused to call Islam out. Now we have a president who delivers a haymaker on ISIS. The Trump effect.

Obama just talked and talked and talked. Trump doesn't talk. He just drops the MOAB on ISIS. Love it.
314 million to destroy some lightly armed militiamen in Central Asia, while seniors can't get food and people in Flint drink poisoned water. America first!
314 + 86.2 = $396.6M

I am surprised that you are falling for his lie?

You should really, really, take some time and effort to look into how much societal wealth goes to the "military" and for "defense". I mean really. We all should. If you're interested enough to respond, just go digging some more, real digging, not anything fed to you. Make up your own mind, get away from any group. Tell me about it.
Hmmm, somehow all your digging always comes to the same conclusion: Goldman Sachs did it.
Nope, but they are always in your white house running your economy regardless of who you vote for.
When you say, they, you mean Jews. right?
Yes, I have had this handle on various political boards since around 2002 and that's one thing people would never argue with me about, I was surprised at first I thought Dick Butcus was just a Chicago thing but so many people know he was the best ever.. Da Bears never had a Quarter back worth a damn but we had three of the best line backers to play the game..
They had Bobby Douglas!
So I guess that shot about not going all over the world was just the bait to get votes and now his supporters have to defend a complete reversal.

Cute try!

Candidate Donald Trump promised that he would defeat ISIS. This is fulfilling this promise. We fully realize what an utter shock it is to you, given your experience with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, that a President actually fulfills his promises.

President Obama allowed 1,400 innocent civilians to be murdered by Assad with illegal poison gas. President Obama turned his back and did NOTHING.

President Trump has demonstrated that poison gas is not allowed. PERIOD!
So why is this any better than poison gas? It's basically like a nuclear weapon without radiation.
No it is not. It is designed to collapse tunnel systems and suck all the air out of them............The blast radius kills everything within a mile almost instantly.

Sarin gas victims..........take hours to die gasping for air and the body goes into seizures............horrible death........both are just as dead but one is a hell of a lot more horrific than the other.
No, actually - while sarin gassing is indeed a horrible way to die, it happens in a matter of minutes, not hours.

How sarin gas kills you - The Boston Globe

That depends on the level of exposure.
A lethal dose kills within minutes. A nonlethal does usually results in long term nervous system damage, but by definition doesn't kill you.

You don't live for hours after exposure to a lethal dose of sarin. Just doesn't happen. Sorry.
Cute try!

Candidate Donald Trump promised that he would defeat ISIS. This is fulfilling this promise. We fully realize what an utter shock it is to you, given your experience with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, that a President actually fulfills his promises.

President Obama allowed 1,400 innocent civilians to be murdered by Assad with illegal poison gas. President Obama turned his back and did NOTHING.

President Trump has demonstrated that poison gas is not allowed. PERIOD!
So why is this any better than poison gas? It's basically like a nuclear weapon without radiation.
No it is not. It is designed to collapse tunnel systems and suck all the air out of them............The blast radius kills everything within a mile almost instantly.

Sarin gas victims..........take hours to die gasping for air and the body goes into seizures............horrible death........both are just as dead but one is a hell of a lot more horrific than the other.
No, actually - while sarin gassing is indeed a horrible way to die, it happens in a matter of minutes, not hours.

How sarin gas kills you - The Boston Globe

That depends on the level of exposure.
A lethal dose kills within minutes. A nonlethal does usually results in long term nervous system damage, but by definition doesn't kill you.

You don't live for hours after exposure to a lethal dose of sarin. Just doesn't happen. Sorry.

And where exactly did I say a lethal dose of sarin wasn't lethal?
You people are fuken idiots.
So why is this any better than poison gas? It's basically like a nuclear weapon without radiation.
No it is not. It is designed to collapse tunnel systems and suck all the air out of them............The blast radius kills everything within a mile almost instantly.

Sarin gas victims..........take hours to die gasping for air and the body goes into seizures............horrible death........both are just as dead but one is a hell of a lot more horrific than the other.
No, actually - while sarin gassing is indeed a horrible way to die, it happens in a matter of minutes, not hours.

How sarin gas kills you - The Boston Globe

That depends on the level of exposure.
A lethal dose kills within minutes. A nonlethal does usually results in long term nervous system damage, but by definition doesn't kill you.

You don't live for hours after exposure to a lethal dose of sarin. Just doesn't happen. Sorry.

And where exactly did I say a lethal dose of sarin wasn't lethal?
You people are fuken idiots.
You said it can take agonizing hours to die from sarin. That's simply not true. You don't have to take it personally, I'm simply sharing information with you to clarify your facts, that's all. There are dozens of resources both government and private which explain the biochemistry of how sarin gas kills. It's awful, but it doesn't take hours. It just doesn't. It takes minutes.

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