
theyre mounting them on ships oh slow one ..


You didnt answer my question oh military hardware phenom....
How do you destroy an underground bunker with straight line munition?


I've watched that video and many more because the concept interested me.
The only way to take out below ground fortifications is from above.
When you start arcing in a hydrostatic round you lose speed and eventually it will reach a falling speed of mass which is around 120 mph. which of course wont do shit.

Now if you have an above ground target yes you can hit it from a pretty good ways out since the only th
ing you have to deal with is curvature of the earth.

This bunker buster goes straight down super sonic 200 feet in the ground before it explodes

Huge U.S. Bomb Ready If Iran Talks Fail

Yeah but it's not a kinetic weapon.

I completely understand.

The best thing for you to do is go call the Navy and explain it to them. Tell them you are smarter than they are, and they dont have the baddest ass mo fo on the planet.
So I guess that shot about not going all over the world was just the bait to get votes and now his supporters have to defend a complete reversal.

Cute try!

Candidate Donald Trump promised that he would defeat ISIS. This is fulfilling this promise. We fully realize what an utter shock it is to you, given your experience with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, that a President actually fulfills his promises.

President Obama allowed 1,400 innocent civilians to be murdered by Assad with illegal poison gas. President Obama turned his back and did NOTHING.

President Trump has demonstrated that poison gas is not allowed. PERIOD!
So why is this any better than poison gas? It's basically like a nuclear weapon without radiation.
No it is not. It is designed to collapse tunnel systems and suck all the air out of them............The blast radius kills everything within a mile almost instantly.

Sarin gas victims..........take hours to die gasping for air and the body goes into seizures............horrible death........both are just as dead but one is a hell of a lot more horrific than the other.
No, actually - while sarin gassing is indeed a horrible way to die, it happens in a matter of minutes, not hours.

How sarin gas kills you - The Boston Globe

That depends on the level of exposure.
You didnt answer my question oh military hardware phenom....
How do you destroy an underground bunker with straight line munition?


I've watched that video and many more because the concept interested me.
The only way to take out below ground fortifications is from above.
When you start arcing in a hydrostatic round you lose speed and eventually it will reach a falling speed of mass which is around 120 mph. which of course wont do shit.

Now if you have an above ground target yes you can hit it from a pretty good ways out since the only th
ing you have to deal with is curvature of the earth.

This bunker buster goes straight down super sonic 200 feet in the ground before it explodes

Huge U.S. Bomb Ready If Iran Talks Fail

Yeah but it's not a kinetic weapon.

I completely understand.

The best thing for you to do is go call the Navy and explain it to them. Tell them you are smarter than they are, and they dont have the baddest ass mo fo on the planet.

You apparently dont have the ability to understand how a kinetic weapon works.
I'll bet that cooked-down a bunch of IslamoNazi terrorists...

Next step... drain off the grease and sell it by the barrel to Iran, labeled 'vegetable oil'.
You didnt answer my question oh military hardware phenom....
How do you destroy an underground bunker with straight line munition?


I've watched that video and many more because the concept interested me.
The only way to take out below ground fortifications is from above.
When you start arcing in a hydrostatic round you lose speed and eventually it will reach a falling speed of mass which is around 120 mph. which of course wont do shit.

Now if you have an above ground target yes you can hit it from a pretty good ways out since the only th
ing you have to deal with is curvature of the earth.

This bunker buster goes straight down super sonic 200 feet in the ground before it explodes

Huge U.S. Bomb Ready If Iran Talks Fail

Yeah but it's not a kinetic weapon.

I completely understand.

The best thing for you to do is go call the Navy and explain it to them. Tell them you are smarter than they are, and they dont have the baddest ass mo fo on the planet.

If we can put kinetic weapons on say a C130 platform we could lay waste for sure. But when a target is underground it makes kinetic weapons less effective.
Well... the rich boy promised to "bomb the shit out of ISIS", didn't he?

Oh great now we are going to hear over and over from the left that Trump was stupid and mistook the Taliban for ISIS


he dropped a bomb in a mountain range "said" to have underground tunnels that were used by ISIS.

He's already said how successful the mission was.

Guess he had time to go dig up thousands of Radical Islamic Terrorists wearing ISIS uniforms.
Wow! Good to see we have so many ex-spurts so much more informed as to what ordinance to use, in this particular situation, in Afghanistan.

Perhaps the Pentagon will see this thread and set up a conference call to gather intelligence for the next attack.

President Donald Trump has given the authority to our military to make the tactical decisions, short of nuclear, what do you (the military) need to do to turn this sinking ship around. Then do it!
Well... the rich boy promised to "bomb the shit out of ISIS", didn't he?

Oh great now we are going to hear over and over from the left that Trump was stupid and mistook the Taliban for ISIS


he dropped a bomb in a mountain range "said" to have underground tunnels that were used by ISIS.

He's already said how successful the mission was.

Guess he had time to go dig up thousands of Radical Islamic Terrorists wearing ISIS uniforms.

I wouldn't want to be in those tunnels, even the bombs dropped by the B52s on the tunnels could rupture ear drums I read..
President Trump and a lot of America remembers the Boston bombing, San Bernardino, and other times during Obama's term. It was Obama who got this mess with isis started.
Well... the rich boy promised to "bomb the shit out of ISIS", didn't he?

Oh great now we are going to hear over and over from the left that Trump was stupid and mistook the Taliban for ISIS


he dropped a bomb in a mountain range "said" to have underground tunnels that were used by ISIS.

He's already said how successful the mission was.

Guess he had time to go dig up thousands of Radical Islamic Terrorists wearing ISIS uniforms.

I wouldn't want to be in those tunnels, even the bombs dropped by the B52s on the tunnels could rupture ear drums I read..

I wont be, bet on it.
Sean Spicer "Hitler didn't use a 21,000 lb bomb. I mean if anyone knows Hitler it's my boss Trump".

I've watched that video and many more because the concept interested me.
The only way to take out below ground fortifications is from above.
When you start arcing in a hydrostatic round you lose speed and eventually it will reach a falling speed of mass which is around 120 mph. which of course wont do shit.

Now if you have an above ground target yes you can hit it from a pretty good ways out since the only th
ing you have to deal with is curvature of the earth.

This bunker buster goes straight down super sonic 200 feet in the ground before it explodes

Huge U.S. Bomb Ready If Iran Talks Fail

Yeah but it's not a kinetic weapon.

I completely understand.

The best thing for you to do is go call the Navy and explain it to them. Tell them you are smarter than they are, and they dont have the baddest ass mo fo on the planet.

You apparently dont have the ability to understand how a kinetic weapon works.

The RFI sought a prototype system for a, “multi-mission railgun weapon system to support detect, track and engagement of ballistic missiles and air and watercraft threats,” by 2018 and an operational weapon by 2025.

  • Ability to track low [radar cross section] (stealth) targets at extended ranges
  • Electronically scanned coverage (FOV) of greater than 90 degrees in azimuth and elevation
  • Endo atmospheric tracking and engagement of ballistic missile targets
  • Environmental clutter rejection (weather, surface, biological)
  • Support raid handling for ballistic missile, Anti-Air Warfare and Surface engagements
  • Simultaneous tracking of inbound targets and outbound supersonic projectiles
The document did not outline speeds or ranges NAVSEA is seeking for the effort. In addition to air threats, the RFI also stressed the ability for the system to track and attack surface targets.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17020241
The Obama butt sniffer has arrived

Are you ever going respond with any substance or basis of disagreement with a point I have made?
No. Won't, can't, who cares. All you're ever gonna see from her will be "libs/dems suck" screed with no other point. That's her catalogue. She’s that deep.
314 million to destroy some lightly armed militiamen in Central Asia, while seniors can't get food and people in Flint drink poisoned water. America first!
314 + 86.2 = $396.6M

I am surprised that you are falling for his lie?

You should really, really, take some time and effort to look into how much societal wealth goes to the "military" and for "defense". I mean really. We all should. If you're interested enough to respond, just go digging some more, real digging, not anything fed to you. Make up your own mind, get away from any group. Tell me about it.

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