
America was on pause for eight years, but now it's back.

In case you forgot In Afghanistan back in the spring of 2009 Obama launched the US military's largest air to ground assault since Vietnam to drive the Taliban out Khandahar and Helmand Provinces. That operation led to the suuveesful removal of the Taliban from areas they fully controlled under GWBush.

Trump drops a big bomb on a cave in some remote area and you are impressed.

The US was on the verge of losing Afghanistan when Obama came into office.

Democrats don't politicize military policy that's why you know nothing about it.
Right, Obama did what he had blasted Bush for doing. When Bush agreed to the surge in Iraq, Obama, who didn't actually seem to understand what it was, went along with the other Democrats to deride it, but when the Pentagon advised Obama a surge was needed in Afghanistan he agreed to it. Lest you think Obama learned something from his mistake about the surge in Iraq, a few years later the Pentagon told Obama that if he withdrew US troops from Iraq the country would go up in flames but Obama did it anyway, causing hundreds of thousands of people to die and making millions homeless refugees, because he believed it would help him in the 2012 elections. The moral of this story is that Obama was never anything more than an ambitious politician who would say anything and do anything to advance his career and was never a political leader.
So why is this any better than poison gas? It's basically like a nuclear weapon without radiation.

One word, 'collateral damage' Unlike nuclear or gas, the radiation and gas are at the control of the wind and the weather, and can kill people far from the battle site.
Those were not to actually be used in combat, like neutron bombs. There were other ways...

If one of those is dropped on a city, there is no way it can not be considered genocide.

I dont see em using them in cities.
However they're great for dug in troops.

IDK...downtown Tehran may give the Iranians pause.
Sent COD

Awww hell no!!!! We offer free delivery!!
America was on pause for eight years, but now it's back.

In case you forgot In Afghanistan back in the spring of 2009 Obama launched the US military's largest air to ground assault since Vietnam to drive the Taliban out Khandahar and Helmand Provinces. That operation led to the suuveesful removal of the Taliban from areas they fully controlled under GWBush.

Trump drops a big bomb on a cave in some remote area and you are impressed.

The US was on the verge of losing Afghanistan when Obama came into office.

Democrats don't politicize military policy that's why you know nothing about it.
Right, Obama did what he had blasted Bush for doing. When Bush agreed to the surge in Iraq, Obama, who didn't actually seem to understand what it was, went along with the other Democrats to deride it, but when the Pentagon advised Obama a surge was needed in Afghanistan he agreed to it. Lest you think Obama learned something from his mistake about the surge in Iraq, a few years later the Pentagon told Obama that if he withdrew US troops from Iraq the country would go up in flames but Obama did it anyway, causing hundreds of thousands of people to die and making millions homeless refugees, because he believed it would help him in the 2012 elections. The moral of this story is that Obama was never anything more than an ambitious politician who would say anything and do anything to advance his career and was never a political leader.

You are absolutely right about Obama an ambitious politician WHO also encouraged our enemies to kill Americans.
Here is a quote from Obama where he attacks our military...

On August 13, 2007, Obama spoke to a group of potential voters in Nashua, New Hampshire. He said, "We've got to get the job done there, and that requires us to have enough troops so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there."
Fact check: What did Obama say about troops in Afghanistan?

So while he was right about needing more TROOPS this dummy didn't seem to understand his words would be taken out of context and the
bad guys would use the statement "air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there."

This naiveté that Obama showed did MORE harm then good and should have been an indicator that he was grossly incompetent!
So while he was right about needing more TROOPS this dummy didn't seem to understand his words would be taken out of context and the
bad guys would use the statement "air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there."

The bad guys have a better grasp of english than conservatives. They knew what Obama was talking about.
314 million dollars for an airbust bomb on an underground complex. I thought Americans wanted to spend last overseas? What happened to America first?

Why do you see the need to exhibit your ignorance AGAIN? Everyone here is already aware.

The MOAB was specifically designed for crushing underground facilities, caves, and tunnels. It is a concussion bomb with a half mile radius.

From one of your beloved, far left sites!

"As originally conceived, the MOAB was to be used against large formations of troops and equipment or hardened above-ground bunkers. The target set has also been expanded to include targets buried under softer surfaces, like caves or tunnels."

First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan - CNNPolitics.com
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314 million dollars for an airbust bomb on an underground complex. I thought Americans wanted to spend last overseas? What happened to America first?

Why do you see the need to exhibit your ignorance AGAIN? Everyone here is already aware.

The MOAB was specifically designed for crushing underground facilities, caves, and tunnels. It is a concussion bomb with a mile radius.

From one of your beloved, far left sites!

"As originally conceived, the MOAB was to be used against large formations of troops and equipment or hardened above-ground bunkers. The target set has also been expanded to include targets buried under softer surfaces, like caves or tunnels."

First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan - CNNPolitics.com

Yep...if the blast doesnt get em the lack of oxygen will.
What you just described would be trying to wipe out close to a quarter of the world's population.

Please show us where the world has 1.5 BILLION ISIS fighters. Best reconsider your post.

How do you think just laying waste to populations of Muslims is going to go over with teh rest of them?

We're going to have 1.5 billion enemies by the time you're done with your little plan

It was a tunnel system full of terrorist,not a city.
And do you really believe it matters that we dropped a bomb on em? They try and kill us whether we do or not.

I don't think you know anything about American or the Middle East's history if you think we didn't goad them into the what is relatively very little reprisal from the Middle East. Pick a country, we've played a part supporting dictators, funding wars against them, or just generally being shitty.

We have done a lot to piss them off

The British have

The French have

If you want them to stop fucking with us leave them alone to their sand, they'll leave us alone after that. Not before, they love their sand
Lol! Wow. Yeah, that should work. Russia already has Iran and Syria. For a guy claiming to know a lot about history, it appears you don't know shit.
These super bombs are bunker busters.

Reagan used a few like them in Libya going after Gaddafi.

We've never had anything like this bomb.


yes we do, and more effective for tunnels/bunkers.



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i still think standing next to al sharpton in an elevator as hes farting is much more intense

You're joking right?
If you want them to stop fucking with us leave them alone to their sand, they'll leave us alone after that. Not before, they love their sand

Yeah, that leading from behind theory worked extremely well with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. Had there not been an EIGHT YEAR GAP in American leadership, we wouldn't be in the mess we are today.

It was an isolated IS stronghold that apparently Afghan and coalition troops do not have the resources to attack. This comes before a major decision for NATO countries to decide whether they want to increase or decrease their deployment in the region.

My questions. Was it effective? It is an airburst bomb with limited penetrating capabilities used against an underground complex. How much did it cost? Well I just looked it up and it costs 314 million. Better make a thread on that.

Lier one bomb cost 16 million to make

Why didn't you include the development cost of a Tomahawk in your other thread?


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