
It's perfect for tunnel systems as it sucks all the oxygen out of em.
... uh, no. :laugh2:

This 314 million dollar bomb (America first?) was designed to collapse the tunnels inward, although that actually happening is not a foregone conclusion.

Uh yes...ya stupid fuck.

"They do, however, cause considerably more destruction when used against field fortifications such as foxholes, tunnels, bunkers, and caves—partly due to the sustained blast wave, and partly by consuming the available oxygen inside. Thermobaric weapons have the longest sustained blast wave and most destructive force of any known non-nuclear explosive."
314 million dollars for an airbust bomb on an underground complex. I thought Americans wanted to spend last overseas? What happened to America first?

You have starving seniors and homeless veterans, while you spend 314 million to kill several hundred millitiamen in Central Asia. How is that America first?

Thats not the cost of one munition. Thats the cost of development.
The unit cost is 16 million.

The Leftists don't like that ISIS is now being targeted and are going to be sent back to Hell where they were spawned.

There needs to be a Worldwide Coalition with the sole aim of incinerating ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front and all the other Islamic groupings, just go in with overwhelming Brute Force and fuck International Law just incinerate the monsters.
It looks like President Trump is doing what Obama was afraid of doing...trusting his military with local decisions.
Unlike Obama who's military was SO afraid... they handed out this card to the troops.

A laminated card with the following text was distributed to all U.S. Army and Marine personnel in Iraq.
Policies about limiting civilian casualties have soldiers complaining they can't effectively fight; one showed author Michael Hastings a card with regulations including
"Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force."
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
In Afghanistan, a New General -- But An Old Strategy

Different military for sure!

I think you need to slow down a bit and see what the fall out (pun intended) is going to be from Trump's actions. If it leads to a major war requiring boots on the ground or reinstating the draft, then you're going to look even more like the idiot that you already are.

Bush's approval rating was 22% after he dragged this country through two wars lasting 10 YEARS. Obama was wise to keep us out of them for his terms. The country was sick of war by 2006 and that's one reason Obama won in 2008. Backlash is a bitch.
Lol! A draft? For Afghanistan? Idiot.
"Big Bomb goes boom! Righties like !! "

Isis and you snowflakes didn't

America was on pause for eight years, but now it's back.

In case you forgot In Afghanistan back in the spring of 2009 Obama launched the US military's largest air to ground assault since Vietnam to drive the Taliban out Khandahar and Helmand Provinces. That operation led to the suuveesful removal of the Taliban from areas they fully controlled under GWBush.

Trump drops a big bomb on a cave in some remote area and you are impressed.

The US was on the verge of losing Afghanistan when Obama came into office.

Democrats don't politicize military policy that's why you know nothing about it.
America was on pause for eight years, but now it's back.

In case you forgot In Afghanistan back in the spring of 2009 Obama launched the US military's largest air to ground assault since Vietnam to drive the Taliban out Khandahar and Helmand Provinces. That operation led to the suuveesful removal of the Taliban from areas they fully controlled under GWBush.

Trump drops a big bomb on a cave in some remote area and you are impressed.

The US was on the verge of losing Afghanistan when Obama came into office.

Democrats don't politicize military policy that's why you know nothing about it.

The Obama butt sniffer has arrived
What you just described would be trying to wipe out close to a quarter of the world's population.

Please show us where the world has 1.5 BILLION ISIS fighters. Best reconsider your post.

How do you think just laying waste to populations of Muslims is going to go over with teh rest of them?

We're going to have 1.5 billion enemies by the time you're done with your little plan

I'm not a big believer in this whole "radical islam is a threat". But they do see the world in some stark terms. And if we take it too* far we will cross the line with teh majority of them
What you just described would be trying to wipe out close to a quarter of the world's population.

Please show us where the world has 1.5 BILLION ISIS fighters. Best reconsider your post.

How do you think just laying waste to populations of Muslims is going to go over with teh rest of them?

We're going to have 1.5 billion enemies by the time you're done with your little plan

I'm not a big believer in this whole "radical islam is a threat". But they do see the world in some stark terms. And if we take it to far we will cross the line with teh majority of them

Well I guess I'll invest in big ass bombs.
What you just described would be trying to wipe out close to a quarter of the world's population.

Please show us where the world has 1.5 BILLION ISIS fighters. Best reconsider your post.

How do you think just laying waste to populations of Muslims is going to go over with teh rest of them?

We're going to have 1.5 billion enemies by the time you're done with your little plan

It was a tunnel system full of terrorist,not a city.
And do you really believe it matters that we dropped a bomb on em? They try and kill us whether we do or not.
What you just described would be trying to wipe out close to a quarter of the world's population.

Please show us where the world has 1.5 BILLION ISIS fighters. Best reconsider your post.

How do you think just laying waste to populations of Muslims is going to go over with teh rest of them?

We're going to have 1.5 billion enemies by the time you're done with your little plan

It was a tunnel system full of terrorist,not a city.
And do you really believe it matters that we dropped a bomb on em? They try and kill us whether we do or not.

I don't think you know anything about American or the Middle East's history if you think we didn't goad them into the what is relatively very little reprisal from the Middle East. Pick a country, we've played a part supporting dictators, funding wars against them, or just generally being shitty.

We have done a lot to piss them off

The British have

The French have

If you want them to stop fucking with us leave them alone to their sand, they'll leave us alone after that. Not before, they love their sand
CENTCOM: US drops 'mother of all bombs' on ISIS in Afghanistan

The use of the GBU-43/B should not be understood as a larger show of force meant to send a message to Syria or other nations, said Charles A. Horner, a retired 4-star Air Force general who commanded U.S. air assets during Desert Storm. Instead, it was likely employed because of its ability to destroy ISIS’s underground infrastructure, he said.

"They were wanting to collapse tunnels, and they don't know exactly where the tunnel is so they want to cause an earthquake to cave them in,” he said.
What you just described would be trying to wipe out close to a quarter of the world's population.

Please show us where the world has 1.5 BILLION ISIS fighters. Best reconsider your post.

How do you think just laying waste to populations of Muslims is going to go over with teh rest of them?

We're going to have 1.5 billion enemies by the time you're done with your little plan

It was a tunnel system full of terrorist,not a city.
And do you really believe it matters that we dropped a bomb on em? They try and kill us whether we do or not.

I don't think you know anything about American or the Middle East's history if you think we didn't goad them into the what is relatively very little reprisal from the Middle East. Pick a country, we've played a part supporting dictators, funding wars against them, or just generally being shitty.

We have done a lot to piss them off

The British have

The French have

If you want them to stop fucking with us leave them alone to their sand, they'll leave us alone after that. Not before, they love their sand

They've been warring for centuries

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