
They said if I didn't vote for Trump we'd have a warmongering, trying-to-prove-she's-tough president who'd drop a GBU-43 bomb in Afghanistan.
Funny and I've seen several posts like that, but it's as silly as predicting what Gore would have done after 9/11. Although I'm sure he'd have taken action against Afghanistan and not stepped into the quagmire of Iraq, no one can prove exactly what he'd have done because it's all hypothetical.
In an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox:

Trump: "we've just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq..."
Bartiromo: "heading to Syria"
Trump: "yes...to Syria..."

Trump remembers details of cake he was eating while launching missiles, but not which country he was attacking.

This is the prez of the United States.
Trump's "57 states" moment? Seriously, dude. That's as silly and partisan as those who kept harping about Obama's teleprompter and "57 states" comment.
Obama was not wrong on pulled by Troops out of Iraq on the Bush Maliki deadline. Iraqis wanted us totally out of there.

Obama was right. The culprit was Miliki. Maliki was running a crony Shiite military with ghosts on the payroll and other corruption.

Only when Maliki was gone could the new policy of airstrikes and advisers away from combat could the progress Obama made happen actually happen.

Iraqis had to learn to fight for themselves. That took time. It was not wrong.
Disagreed he was right. Yes, Maliki was a major factor, but there is a lot of backroom shit to consider too plus alternatives.

That said, we'll never know for sure since it's done. It proved to have helped give rise to ISIS and now the world is paying for it. Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't help. All that matters is resolving the problems.
314 + 86.2 = $396.6M

I am surprised that you are falling for his lie?

You should really, really, take some time and effort to look into how much societal wealth goes to the "military" and for "defense". I mean really. We all should. If you're interested enough to respond, just go digging some more, real digging, not anything fed to you. Make up your own mind, get away from any group. Tell me about it.
Hmmm, somehow all your digging always comes to the same conclusion: Goldman Sachs did it.
Nope, but they are always in your white house running your economy regardless of who you vote for.
When you say, they, you mean Jews. right?

I said Goldman Sachs, you said Jews love.
I am surprised that you are falling for his lie?

You should really, really, take some time and effort to look into how much societal wealth goes to the "military" and for "defense". I mean really. We all should. If you're interested enough to respond, just go digging some more, real digging, not anything fed to you. Make up your own mind, get away from any group. Tell me about it.
Hmmm, somehow all your digging always comes to the same conclusion: Goldman Sachs did it.
Nope, but they are always in your white house running your economy regardless of who you vote for.
When you say, they, you mean Jews. right?

I said Goldman Sachs, you said Jews love.
You said Goldman Sachs because those are Jewish names. Stop hiding in the closet.
We are tired of not killing enough enemy to end the war quickly.

You, silo-sitter, may not be sick Americans dying in war, but most, Americans would not keep sacrificing Americans for a quicker result.

ISIS is down from holding 40% of Iraq territory to 6% without more than a few Americans dying in that effort. None were list in direct combat with the enemy.

You wanted it done faster, sofa-sitter, but you know that would have taken tens of thousands of US ground combat troops directly engaged with terrorists in the worst possible combat environment.

You are deplorable. One of the worst.
It only takes two Americans to decode and authenticate a launch message Foo. It takes a leader with balls to send one. Your ****** was not a leader.
deltex1, post: 17035137
It only takes two Americans to decode and authenticate a launch message Foo. It takes a leader with balls to send one. Your ****** was not a leader.

Big deal. Trump spent half a billion to kill 32 it us claimed terrorists in a remote cave and who knows if any terrorists were actually in it.

It was a bomb test in a war zone. No balls required?

Obama killed more ISIS terrorists than Trump will ever be able to because in Iraq and Syria most of them were dead before Trump was elected.

Trump campaigned on letting Putin and Assad kill ISIS in Syria because it's already handled in Iraq and because he said they were great leaders.

So he lied to you and you congratulate him for that.
Divine.Wind, post: 17034136
Disagreed he was right. Yes, Maliki was a major factor, but there is a lot of backroom shit to consider too plus alternatives

That said, we'll never know for sure since it's done. It proved to have helped give rise to ISIS and now the world is paying for it. Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't help. All that matters is resolving the problems.

Alternatives were available, like what?

Pulling troops out of Iraq in 2012 did not give rise to ISIS. Iraqi Sunnis accepted Incubating ISIS help in revolting against the Maliki government before ISIS became openly murderous and brutal. The Iraq invasion IN 2003 created ISIS but their rise to such a murderous open caliphate declaring terrorist organization was due to Sunni disenfranchisement from the Maliki led Shiite Government.

There was no US military option available to deter the rise of ISIS Sunni controlled areas.

Maliki was not cooperating in ways to prevent Sunni disenfranchisement.

Re-invading Iraq to remove Maliki from power was not an option that I believe you think Obama should have taken to prevent the caliphate that ISIS was preparing to declare.
You should really, really, take some time and effort to look into how much societal wealth goes to the "military" and for "defense". I mean really. We all should. If you're interested enough to respond, just go digging some more, real digging, not anything fed to you. Make up your own mind, get away from any group. Tell me about it.
Hmmm, somehow all your digging always comes to the same conclusion: Goldman Sachs did it.
Nope, but they are always in your white house running your economy regardless of who you vote for.
When you say, they, you mean Jews. right?

I said Goldman Sachs, you said Jews love.
You said Goldman Sachs because those are Jewish names. Stop hiding in the closet.
Your economic system is what it is, just like your political system. If you need to make that about one religion be my guest, but own that.
deltex1, post: 17035137
It only takes two Americans to decode and authenticate a launch message Foo. It takes a leader with balls to send one. Your ****** was not a leader.

Big deal. Trump spent half a billion to kill 32 it us claimed terrorists in a remote cave and who knows if any terrorists were actually in it.

It was a bomb test in a war zone. No balls required?

Obama killed more ISIS terrorists than Trump will ever be able to because in Iraq and Syria most of them were dead before Trump was elected.

Trump campaigned on letting Putin and Assad kill ISIS in Syria because it's already handled in Iraq and because he said they were great leaders.

So he lied to you and you congratulate him for that.
The power structure made a profit, stocks surged, that's all that matters.
In an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox:

Trump: "we've just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq..."
Bartiromo: "heading to Syria"
Trump: "yes...to Syria..."

Trump remembers details of cake he was eating while launching missiles, but not which country he was attacking.

This is the prez of the United States.

This is not an isolated incident, nor is it something that can be laughed off. Trump is just as confused on his previous positions on everything from NATO to china, to syria, to taxes to obamacare.
Fenton Lum, post: 17035380
The power structure made a profit, stocks surged, that's all that matters.

Ivanka gets an uptick in shoe and jewelry sales after convincing daddy to do something about gassed babies in Syria.

Before that daddy said Assad and Putin were great leaders and the US had no interest getting involved.

That wasn't good for shoe sales apparently.

Thank you to the generals that Trump said he was smarter than, that proved him wrong.

The commander who ordered it had that in mind,
[Gen.] Nicholson wanted to demonstrate to leaders of the ISIS affiliate in Afghanistan the seriousness of his determination to eliminate the group as a military threat.” It may end up having “psychological effects” in Syria and North Korea too, although since it wasn’t Trump who ordered the bomb’s use, any deterrent effect on other American enemies in the White House’s crosshairs right now is a happy coincidence.

Thank you to the generals that Trump said he was smarter than, that proved him wrong.

The commander who ordered it had that in mind,
[Gen.] Nicholson wanted to demonstrate to leaders of the ISIS affiliate in Afghanistan the seriousness of his determination to eliminate the group as a military threat.” It may end up having “psychological effects” in Syria and North Korea too, although since it wasn’t Trump who ordered the bomb’s use, any deterrent effect on other American enemies in the White House’s crosshairs right now is a happy coincidence.
Fake news!
Divine.Wind, post: 17033575
Sending troops back into Iraq was Obama admitting he'd fucked up the first time around.

Obama was not wrong on pulled by Troops out of Iraq on the Bush Maliki deadline. Iraqis wanted us totally out of there.

Obama was right. The culprit was Miliki. Maliki was running a crony Shiite military with ghosts on the payroll and other corruption.

Only when Maliki was gone could the new policy of airstrikes and advisers away from combat could the progress Obama made happen actually happen.

Iraqis had to learn to fight for themselves. That took time. It was not wrong.

Of Course Iraq wanted us out!
After all if Americans can knock American military then what good is the American military?
Iraq continuously seeing the assault on the American military by "Americans" and what else would they then think about our American military?
When you have American politicians saying the following... what the hell would you think if you were an Iraqi?
Why would you want ANY American military when American politicians stated the following about our military:
Disagreed he was right. Yes, Maliki was a major factor, but there is a lot of backroom shit to consider too plus alternatives

That said, we'll never know for sure since it's done. It proved to have helped give rise to ISIS and now the world is paying for it. Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't help. All that matters is resolving the problems.
Alternatives were available, like what?

Pulling troops out of Iraq in 2012 did not give rise to ISIS. Iraqi Sunnis accepted Incubating ISIS help in revolting against the Maliki government before ISIS became openly murderous and brutal. The Iraq invasion IN 2003 created ISIS but their rise to such a murderous open caliphate declaring terrorist organization was due to Sunni disenfranchisement from the Maliki led Shiite Government.

There was no US military option available to deter the rise of ISIS Sunni controlled areas.

Maliki was not cooperating in ways to prevent Sunni disenfranchisement.

Re-invading Iraq to remove Maliki from power was not an option that I believe you think Obama should have taken to prevent the caliphate that ISIS was preparing to declare.
Diplomatic, Economic and alternative military solutions. Unless you truly believe there are only military options, then consider there were other alternatives.
SassyIrishLass, post: 17024645
Nah, Foo I just know it's futile to engage you. You're a partisan hack shilling for Obama and whining on anyone a degree right of center.

No, you cannot deny that during Obama's first month's in office he launched the largest air to ground military assault since Vietnam to drive the Taliban out of Kandahar and Helmand Provinces.

And you can't make a case that one big bomb dropped on a remote cave is a bigger military deal than Obama's huge military assault where people actually live.

And you replied to a post that had nothing to do with you, so what in the hell are you doing here. Are you a dimwit?

Your side list, Foo, America said fuck you.

I'm tickled pink we're killing the goat fuckers...America is back!
Now that isn't very christian like language is it? And it certainly isn't very christian like of you to take so much pleasure in the deaths of others, is it?

Oh that's right, you're just another one of those "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrite christians.

Jesus Christ wouldn't piss on your fat fucking ass if you were on fire, you vile, hate-filled, smelly turd.
Now that isn't very christian like language is it? And it certainly isn't very christian like of you to take so much pleasure in the deaths of others, is it?

Oh that's right, you're just another one of those "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrite christians.

Jesus Christ wouldn't piss on your fat fucking ass if you were on fire, you vile, hate-filled, smelly turd.
No, it's not very Christian language. What is your language? Atheistic? Muslim? Angry teenager?
Now that isn't very christian like language is it? And it certainly isn't very christian like of you to take so much pleasure in the deaths of others, is it?

Oh that's right, you're just another one of those "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrite christians.

Jesus Christ wouldn't piss on your fat fucking ass if you were on fire, you vile, hate-filled, smelly turd.
No, it's not very Christian language. What is your language? Atheistic? Muslim? Angry teenager?
I speak two languages, English and German. You, on the other hand, struggle with English.

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