Macron 65% +

Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

yep they saw what was happening with the bloated Orange hued shitgibbon we have
Maybe to celebrate the Mooselimbs will blow up the Eiffel Tower and also blow up the Louvre :popcorn:
no doubt you would love that.

Not as much as you would love that.
I wouldn't love it all so you are way ahead of me, Eva.

Your type want the end of European Culture, I do read you know, I know about what your type want....with your Historical hatred of the European Continent and our peoples.
I don't give two fucks about the Nazi wing of Europa. Your "peoples" are just as regressive as Muslim terrorists.

Absolute idiocy, of course you are upstairs, so it's going to a bit above your limited intellectual capability, you should stay in the silly sections of the forum where you don't have to attempt to think, thinking isn't your thing.
Lol I just wish that Russia occupy you and see what your superior race do :)
The city battered most by Islamist terrorism (Paris) also voted NINETY PER CENT for Macron. idiots!

Maybe to celebrate the Mooselimbs will blow up the Eiffel Tower and also blow up the Louvre :popcorn:
no doubt you would love that.

Not as much as you would love that.
I wouldn't love it all so you are way ahead of me, Eva.

Your type want the end of European Culture, I do read you know, I know about what your type want, Guno is one of your type also, at least he openly expresses the Historical hatred your type have....your Historical hatred of the European Continent and our peoples.
Will the lefties live up to their promise to move out of America since Trump is President? They now have a leftist utopia to move to. We should offer one way plane tickets there.
its all over but the crying for you flyover country rubes
Maybe to celebrate the Mooselimbs will blow up the Eiffel Tower and also blow up the Louvre :popcorn:
no doubt you would love that.

Not as much as you would love that.
I wouldn't love it all so you are way ahead of me, Eva.

Your type want the end of European Culture, I do read you know, I know about what your type want....with your Historical hatred of the European Continent and our peoples.
I don't give two fucks about the Nazi wing of Europa. Your "peoples" are just as regressive as Muslim terrorists.

I also don't give a fuck what a mongrel like you thinks, that's what your type are all mongrels.
Snowflake racists lost get over it. They have voted against people like you, like they did in Austria and Holland :)

no doubt you would love that.

Not as much as you would love that.
I wouldn't love it all so you are way ahead of me, Eva.

Your type want the end of European Culture, I do read you know, I know about what your type want....with your Historical hatred of the European Continent and our peoples.
I don't give two fucks about the Nazi wing of Europa. Your "peoples" are just as regressive as Muslim terrorists.

Absolute idiocy, of course you are upstairs, so it's going to a bit above your limited intellectual capability, you should stay in the silly sections of the forum where you don't have to attempt to think, thinking isn't your thing.
Snowflake racists lost get over it. They have voted against people like you, like they did in Austria and Holland :)

Not as much as you would love that.
I wouldn't love it all so you are way ahead of me, Eva.

Your type want the end of European Culture, I do read you know, I know about what your type want....with your Historical hatred of the European Continent and our peoples.
I don't give two fucks about the Nazi wing of Europa. Your "peoples" are just as regressive as Muslim terrorists.

Absolute idiocy, of course you are upstairs, so it's going to a bit above your limited intellectual capability, you should stay in the silly sections of the forum where you don't have to attempt to think, thinking isn't your thing.

Go away Sock.

You are not European so who cares what you think, go back to Morocco or whatever craphole your DNA originated in.
ONCE AGAIN, the British and Americans stand up and fight against EVIL while the French surrender- It's what they do.
Surrender would be having travel bans from Muslim countries, building walls, stopping refugees, 'extreme' vetting, bombing wedding parties in foreign countries, surveilling every phone-call made by your own citizens, accepting invasive searches on public transport...and generally clutching your pearls if a foreign person is seen in the street.
France deserves everything coming their way.. Fucking idiots never learn. See Venezuela dumbasses.

Yep. I have zero sympathy for them, since they had an opportunity to stop the bleeding, and instead decided to offer their necks to the blade of Islam once again. They deserve their fate.

Enjoy Herr Merkel ruining your country now too, France, because she controls Macron's puppet strings.
ONCE AGAIN, the British and Americans stand up and fight against EVIL while the French surrender- It's what they do.
Surrender would be having travel bans from Muslim countries, building walls, stopping refugees, 'extreme' vetting, bombing wedding parties in foreign countries, surveilling every phone-call made by your own citizens, accepting invasive searches on public transport...and generally clutching your pearls if a foreign person is seen in the street.

The French election effects you in New Zealand how exactly? Yes, thought it didn't.
Sunny california you twat....racist are mourning now lol

Snowflake racists lost get over it. They have voted against people like you, like they did in Austria and Holland :)

Your type want the end of European Culture, I do read you know, I know about what your type want....with your Historical hatred of the European Continent and our peoples.
I don't give two fucks about the Nazi wing of Europa. Your "peoples" are just as regressive as Muslim terrorists.

Absolute idiocy, of course you are upstairs, so it's going to a bit above your limited intellectual capability, you should stay in the silly sections of the forum where you don't have to attempt to think, thinking isn't your thing.

Go away Sock.

You are not European so who cares what you think, go back to Morocco or whatever craphole your DNA originated in.

You have already stated in this thread your DNA originated in Morocco, you also have illustrated that you have the IQ of a paper cup and are probably a Sock.

You won't be at this forum much longer I think, thank goodness.
France deserves everything coming their way.. Fucking idiots never learn. See Venezuela dumbasses.

Yep. I have zero sympathy for them, since they had an opportunity to stop the bleeding, and instead decided to offer their necks to the blade of Islam once again. They deserve their fate.

Enjoy Herr Merkel ruining your country now too, France, because she controls Macron's puppet strings.
Hey guno we missed ya, dood. Don't fuck up again or I'll leave you out of my will.
Marine showed the world how a real woman handles an election that didn't go her way. She didn't blame Russians, fake news or sexists.
nice meltdown, lunazi.

macron won, le pen lost. you will get over it.

Personally Fillon would have been better, Le Pen with her Socialist Economic platform is just as worse as Macron, no wonder turnout was down in the Second Round.

No meltdown, we don't have meltdowns upstairs.
Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

It isn't the end. It's just the beginning. Progress is being made. As more Western Europeans wake up to the awful realities of what their Left Wingers have done to their nations, they'll return to sanity. The Left Globalists will be systematically swept out of power.

That day isn't here yet, but it is coming. The Left will continue their destruction. Sadly, things are gonna have to get a lot worse for the People to wake up. It's just the way things go. This loss for the Right doesn't mean the end. I actually see it as a beginning.

Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

yep they saw what was happening with the bloated Orange hued shitgibbon we have

Your theory might have been right six months ago, but the momentum stop and reversed itself. Not only is the populist far right losingmajor elections, they are losing up and down the power ladder. The Trumpster is partially responsible. But I know the easily manipulated will not"get it".

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