Macron 65% +

France committed far more crimes, invaded countries and stole their resources have no lessons to give. Same goes for war mongers in the US dems and Republicans alike.

So few so called nutjobs commit terrorism you label 7 millions with the same abel? Hummmmmm. You killed millions in Africa and stole Africa's resources too. If u wanna use your logic you are more horrible than Bin Laden and his homies.

The French forgot about the attacks and the hate that come from the muslims terrorists there are stupid no other way of seeing it.
You are new here go Watch all the thread i made about French attacks and others attacks in the world
Very sad. What's the definition of insanity? The French People have decided to continue supporting the Left Wingers who are destroying their nation. I guess it isn't bad enough there yet. They haven't awakened yet in France.

But i believe they will eventually. Their nation is becoming dangerous and unrecognizable. And the Left is responsible for that. But i guess things will have to get a lot worse for them to wake up. Continuing supporting the Left, is pure insanity.
You say it, i can't believe those peoples who go vote for more Attacks, more Merkel, more shit
911 ? Paris, Nice, Charlie Hebdo, Boston Marathon, Orlando...and so much more open a newspaper
That is one ugly, mannish-looking woman! The French have better tastes than her/him/it.


Dalia before you get the changes you need, unfortunately France is going to have to suffer more, only when something beyond horrific is happening are another 20% of the population going to say enough is enough.

At least 35-40% of France is awake, 20% more becoming awake isn't a lot, so it will happen, it's not like 80% of the population is asleep and/or ignorant and/or brainwashed and/or doesn't care.
I agree with you for me Marine should have win today but the médias here did everything they could so people would not vote for Marine and people in France don't know what the hell is going in the world because they don't know a lot about you Guy's.
I know because i care and i follow your élection but for the French Trump was a monster , the French when someone say somethning they believe in it right away but i am glad that more and more peoples are waking up and did vote for Marine .
Ben Rhodes @brhodes
Instead of starting a new trend, Brexit and Trump wins were a wake-up call for voters in the West …

2:22 PM - 7 May 2017

A little early to celebrate the Right's demise in Western Europe. They're actually making steady progress. More & more Western Europeans are waking up to the Left's systematic destruction of their nations. I actually consider these recent victories, a last gasp for the Leftist Globalists.

Their time is coming to an end. But obviously that time isn't here quite yet. They still have a little more time to further destroy some Western European nations. But hopefully their awful damage can be repaired. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Americans are the most hard working people in the modern world and yet get paid next too shit....What do they do? They elect the very people that want to make it worse...Dumb.

How are the French different? Macron is a former Big Investment Banker and as his period as Economy Minister shows he's no friend to the French workers, so the French are just as stupid.
Pity the French Patriots. Trump should start a refugee program for THEM. France is going full Muslim now.
You don't understand your own language do you?
I salute the US for getting in world war, other than that all other wars are down right wrong.

That's the only time American forces did what they suppose to do. Other wars will go down in history as invasions and imperialism.

You are confused about history Moon Bat. I guess those degrees you were bragging about are pretty much worthless, aren't they?

It was the Japs that attacked the US.

We decided to liberate France from the German masters because it was the right thing to do. Germany had not attacked the US other than try to stop our shipping of war material to the Brits.

After 3,000 years of almost constant war for any European to complain about the US being war mongering is really hilarious. We are Johnny Come Lately to that gig.
Geert Wilders - Lost

Marine Le Pen - Lost

Frauke Petry - No longer her party's leader

If Obamacare cost Democrats elections, Trump is costing his foreign counterparts elections. That's my belief.
I didn't deny you who didn't wanna recognize the facts that Muslims fought to liberate France. I know it hurts but it's a fact that you have to admit.

Ah so there were no algerian, Moroccan, Senegalese soldiers from the colonies. My grandfather who happens to be Moroccan fought there while his country was occupied by France. Thousands of Muslims died fighting the nazis. U gonna deny that?

Oh and thousands of French people fled to Morocco, algeria and Tunisia, and guess what we didn't kick them out.

Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?

NO! It is the American that liberate the French on June 6 1944 in Normandie that is why i love American peoples.
Question for you : How many American soldiers died in omaha beach?
How many American soldiers died in Obama beach ?, you don't know the answer because you don't care but guess what i care. and i go to Normandie to see the cross and not you i imagine ?
Muslims also fought alongside the Nazis.

Muslim Waffen-SS


No wonder liberals worship them.
How can one be hard working and obese at the same time?
With all due respect, there are more hard working people out there. Sitting in an oval office and eating cheetos isn't hard work.

Americans are the most hard working people in the modern world and yet get paid next too shit....What do they do? They elect the very people that want to make it worse...Dumb.
Americans are the most hard working people in the modern world and yet get paid next too shit....What do they do? They elect the very people that want to make it worse...Dumb.

How are the French different? Macron is a former Big Investment Banker and as his period as Economy Minister shows he's no friend to the French workers, so the French are just as stupid.
Matthew prefers Communism over National Socialism He pretends he worships "Science" (capital "S"), but he worships Godvernment.
Americans are the most hard working people in the modern world and yet get paid next too shit....What do they do? They elect the very people that want to make it worse...Dumb.

How are the French different? Macron is a former Big Investment Banker and as his period as Economy Minister shows he's no friend to the French workers, so the French are just as stupid.

He's as corrupt as they come. He'll end up helping the Right down the road. More French will come to grips with the Left's awful destruction of their nation. Macron will make it even more evident. This loss doesn't mean the end of the movement. It's actually a beginning.

More & more Western Europeans are beginning to turn on the Leftist Globalists. The movement is gaining momentum. The defeat of the Globalists is a real possibility. So folks shouldn't give up after these losses. The fight has to continue.
Looks like I'm going back to eating Freedom Fries again. May 10, 1940 the Nazis invaded France who surrendered on June 22, 1940, cause the French to weep.

View attachment 125350

They have been occupied ever since by left wing crazies. In 2013 the Muslim population reached 10% of the population or 6.5 million. France is doomed.
Le Pen's father supported the Nazis .. denied the holocaust.
Macron won. :woohoo:

Yes but moronic American Leftist, he won't be able to govern :lol:

Next month there are French Parliamentary elections, Macron has no party, well he has a party with about 50 people in it.

Here read, even a stupid Troll like you should be able to understand.

The French election that really matters

And it’s not the one to choose a president.

PARIS — It’s nice to be elected French president.
But it doesn’t amount to much if you don’t have a majority in parliament to implement your program.

The scenario looks increasingly likely this year. Two of the top three contenders for the presidency don’t have a well-oiled party machine to help them win the parliamentary elections due in June, one month after the presidential vote. And the third might only be able to count on a divided party.

That makes the June elections as important — if not more important than — the higher-profile presidential contest. Particularly in the case of the two insurgents running strong this year a split result in the two polls would leave a hobbled new executive at the Élysée Palace, possibly paralyzing the French political system.

The French election that really matters
Fine. All that matters is that the lunatic Le Pen is banished back to her lair.

Typical idiot American response, concentrate on your Play Doh, your opinion a four year-old has better intellectual capability.

Also another little Troll Boi posting in a Troll Boi's thread, look at his moronic OP nothing to add except an emoticon, that's the problem with Troll Boi's sawdust between your ears.
Le Pen's defeat is also a resounding defeat of rightwing neo-fascism and Brexit Islamophobic bigotry.
France elected Macron to eliminate xenophobia and now I hate all French people.

France didn't have the balls to elect a woman President with balls
Looks like I'm going back to eating Freedom Fries again. May 10, 1940 the Nazis invaded France who surrendered on June 22, 1940, cause the French to weep.

View attachment 125350

They have been occupied ever since by left wing crazies. In 2013 the Muslim population reached 10% of the population or 6.5 million. France is doomed.
Le Pen's father supported the Nazis .. denied the holocaust.
I didn't know her father was running for office
That is one ugly, mannish-looking woman! The French have better tastes than her/him/it.


What you mean like the weirdo 39 year old Macron and his 65 year old wife who seduced him when he was 15 years old and she was 42 years old?

Of course you Leftists support all the sexual degenerates like the old, ugly bitch Macron married....he's probably a faggot anyway.


Of course they do...she exploits children for sex. They love that.

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