Macron 65% +

Blame everyone else but yourself? Hahaha

Alright let me see....

Who occupied most of Africa, middle east and Asia. Who started Orld wars, Vietnam war, Korean War, Iraq invasion, Afghanistan, Lybia, ect....? Them Muslims?

Islam doesn't assimilate, it invades. Don't mistake tolerance for ignorance.
To answer your questions, the communists in Viet and Korea, the Arabs in the Middle East, Iran and Iraq in the Gulf and the Soviets in Afghanistan.
As ISIS marches down the The Avenue des Champs-Élysées through Paris:

Too funny. You deserve everything you get. Don't come whining the next terrorist attacked. You voted for it. You own it. We'll just shake our heads in utter amazement as you destroy your own country.
je ne suis pas Charlie Hebdo.
Tu es.

Yep, watch them get totally fkd over their rights will be taken away so they can make room for the Illegal immigrants .............OMG this is going to be good.
Please do not conflate Muslims with terrorists. You have had serious issues with terrorism in Europe and I understand your concern, but pulling back into your own self interests, kicking out all Muslims and growling at neighbors is NOT the solution. Tribalism is what started two World Wars and it DID wind up involving us. One country decides its better than the rest and wants to have more real estate....voila. Or maybe it decides they have the ONLY correct solution and try to force it on all their neighbors. Maybe the last seventy years of peace in the West has something to do with cooperating as a whole rather than patchwork alliances that shift with every election.
That wouldn't make it easier to fight terrorism. Why would it?
Seriously? Then I suppose we should stop equating smoking with cancer or obesity with premature death.?

I there something wrong with you?
And three guesses who is getting blamed for his WIN now lmfao.
That's the only time American forces did what they suppose to do. Other wars will go down in history as invasions and imperialism. have no lessons to give. Same goes for war mongers in the US dems and Republicans alike.

My Dad said the French were damn glad to see his war mongering ass the day he showed up on the beach at Normandy.
France committed far more crimes, invaded countries and stole their resources have no lessons to give. Same goes for war mongers in the US dems and Republicans alike.

So few so called nutjobs commit terrorism you label 7 millions with the same abel? Hummmmmm. You killed millions in Africa and stole Africa's resources too. If u wanna use your logic you are more horrible than Bin Laden and his homies.

Some Macron voter on TV just said the election proves France is a "hate free zone." Ok. That'll work as well as "gun free zones" work.
The French forgot about the attacks and the hate that come from the muslims terrorists there are stupid no other way of seeing it.
You are new here go Watch all the thread i made about French attacks and others attacks in the world
Very sad. What's the definition of insanity? The French People have decided to continue supporting the Left Wingers who are destroying their nation. I guess it isn't bad enough there yet. They haven't awakened yet in France.

But i believe they will eventually. Their nation is becoming dangerous and unrecognizable. And the Left is responsible for that. But i guess things will have to get a lot worse for them to wake up. Continuing supporting the Left, is pure insanity.
You say it, i can't believe those peoples who go vote for more Attacks, more Merkel, more shit
911, Septmeber 11 it mean Something to you ? Paris, Nice, Charlie Hebdo, Boston Marathon, Orlando...and so much more open a newspaper
That is one ugly, mannish-looking woman! The French have better tastes than her/him/it.

I'm heartbroken. No female pres for France, misogyny wins again - see Libs, sounds ridiculous doesn't it!
Why does entire media call LePen a "Nationalist" but Macron a "Centrist"? Those aren't opposites. She's a "Nationalist" & he's a "Globalist"

Also why do the same MSM have no problem with Erdogan in Turkey, who's a Nationalist and now 90% certified as Dictator and frequently makes outrageous comments threatening my entire Continent if we don't just give in to his demands.

Oh that's right, it's okay for him to be a Nationalist because he's a Muslim.

The double standards employed are beyond hypocritical.
Be open minded stop being racist and hateful. Muslims in France are doctors, teachers factory workers, politicians, media members, etc....don't let your racism blind you.
Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?
You come off like a Beta-male who would think that getting raped by a Muslim is what you deserved.
You come off as one of the snotty nosed lower rung whites who are bitching because LePussy lost...
The White genocide of Europe is almost complete with the election of Macron.
Macron have No majority and he is a former banker at the feet of Merkel

Pauvres de nous Français, we are doom

What an embarrassing photograph that is, even more embarrassing than the pictures of Macron with his 65 year old wife who has children in his age group, seduced him when he was 15, his parents moved the family away and the creepy woman stalked him to the new town and seduced him again and they got married when he was 18 and she was 42....she has seven Grandchildren, he's a step-Grandfather at 39 and his step-children all in their 30s call him Dad.

Wow what a weirdo freak he and his 65 year old wife both are.

Why should Macron care what happens to France, he has no stake in France's future, like Merkel he's produced no children of his own, so why should he care what happens to France or even if France as France is even existing in 50 years from now.
one has to be a speshial kind of retard to believe that the fake photo is not fake, lol.
You guys killed 1.5 million Algerians with your logic you are all responsible for that.
France committed far more crimes, invaded countries and stole their resources have no lessons to give. Same goes for war mongers in the US dems and Republicans alike.

So few so called nutjobs commit terrorism you label 7 millions with the same abel? Hummmmmm. You killed millions in Africa and stole Africa's resources too. If u wanna use your logic you are more horrible than Bin Laden and his homies.

Some Macron voter on TV just said the election proves France is a "hate free zone." Ok. That'll work as well as "gun free zones" work.
The French forgot about the attacks and the hate that come from the muslims terrorists there are stupid no other way of seeing it.
You are new here go Watch all the thread i made about French attacks and others attacks in the world
Very sad. What's the definition of insanity? The French People have decided to continue supporting the Left Wingers who are destroying their nation. I guess it isn't bad enough there yet. They haven't awakened yet in France.

But i believe they will eventually. Their nation is becoming dangerous and unrecognizable. And the Left is responsible for that. But i guess things will have to get a lot worse for them to wake up. Continuing supporting the Left, is pure insanity.
You say it, i can't believe those peoples who go vote for more Attacks, more Merkel, more shit
911 ? Paris, Nice, Charlie Hebdo, Boston Marathon, Orlando...and so much more open a newspaper
That is one ugly, mannish-looking woman! The French have better tastes than her/him/it.

Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

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