Macron 65% +

Will the lefties live up to their promise to move out of America since Trump is President? They now have a leftist utopia to move to. We should offer one way plane tickets there.
France committed far more crimes, invaded countries and stole their resources have no lessons to give. Same goes for war mongers in the US dems and Republicans alike.

So few so called nutjobs commit terrorism you label 7 millions with the same abel? Hummmmmm. You killed millions in Africa and stole Africa's resources too. If u wanna use your logic you are more horrible than Bin Laden and his homies.

Some Macron voter on TV just said the election proves France is a "hate free zone." Ok. That'll work as well as "gun free zones" work.
The French forgot about the attacks and the hate that come from the muslims terrorists there are stupid no other way of seeing it.
You are new here go Watch all the thread i made about French attacks and others attacks in the world
Very sad. What's the definition of insanity? The French People have decided to continue supporting the Left Wingers who are destroying their nation. I guess it isn't bad enough there yet. They haven't awakened yet in France.

But i believe they will eventually. Their nation is becoming dangerous and unrecognizable. And the Left is responsible for that. But i guess things will have to get a lot worse for them to wake up. Continuing supporting the Left, is pure insanity.
You say it, i can't believe those peoples who go vote for more Attacks, more Merkel, more shit
911 ? Paris, Nice, Charlie Hebdo, Boston Marathon, Orlando...and so much more open a newspaper
That is one ugly, mannish-looking woman! The French have better tastes than her/him/it.


Dalia before you get the changes you need, unfortunately France is going to have to suffer more, only when something beyond horrific is happening are another 20% of the population going to say enough is enough.

At least 35-40% of France is awake, 20% more becoming awake isn't a lot, so it will happen, it's not like 80% of the population is asleep and/or ignorant and/or brainwashed and/or doesn't care.
The city battered most by Islamist terrorism (Paris) also voted NINETY PER CENT for Macron. idiots!
You guys killed 1.5 million Algerians with your logic you are all responsible for that.
France committed far more crimes, invaded countries and stole their resources have no lessons to give. Same goes for war mongers in the US dems and Republicans alike.

So few so called nutjobs commit terrorism you label 7 millions with the same abel? Hummmmmm. You killed millions in Africa and stole Africa's resources too. If u wanna use your logic you are more horrible than Bin Laden and his homies.

The French forgot about the attacks and the hate that come from the muslims terrorists there are stupid no other way of seeing it.
You are new here go Watch all the thread i made about French attacks and others attacks in the world
Very sad. What's the definition of insanity? The French People have decided to continue supporting the Left Wingers who are destroying their nation. I guess it isn't bad enough there yet. They haven't awakened yet in France.

But i believe they will eventually. Their nation is becoming dangerous and unrecognizable. And the Left is responsible for that. But i guess things will have to get a lot worse for them to wake up. Continuing supporting the Left, is pure insanity.
You say it, i can't believe those peoples who go vote for more Attacks, more Merkel, more shit
911 ? Paris, Nice, Charlie Hebdo, Boston Marathon, Orlando...and so much more open a newspaper
That is one ugly, mannish-looking woman! The French have better tastes than her/him/it.

Take it to some jihad site where you'll find people who agree, You're wasting your time here.
That's the only time American forces did what they suppose to do. Other wars will go down in history as invasions and imperialism.

You are confused about history Moon Bat. I guess those degrees you were bragging about are pretty much worthless, aren't they?

It was the Japs that attacked the US.

We decided to liberate France from the German masters because it was the right thing to do. Germany had not attacked the US other than try to stop our shipping of war material to the Brits.

After 3,000 years of almost constant war for any European to complain about the US being war mongering is really hilarious. We are Johnny Come Lately to that gig.
The city battered most by Islamist terrorism (Paris) also voted NINETY PER CENT for Macron. idiots!

Most of Paris is Mooselimb though, so of course the Mooselimbs voted Macron because they know he'll let more Mooselimbs slaughter more French.

Not allowing Mooselimbs to randomly slaughter your population is um racist or something....Mooselimbs have a right to kill the population whenever and wherever they want, so all that matters is that the candidate who was endorsed by the Imans who are squatting in France has won as that means more blood on the streets and that makes the Mooselimbs and the hateful Leftists happy.
Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

It isn't the end. It's just the beginning. Progress is being made. As more Western Europeans wake up to the awful realities of what their Left Wingers have done to their nations, they'll return to sanity. The Left Globalists will be systematically swept out of power.

That day isn't here yet, but it is coming. The Left will continue their destruction. Sadly, things are gonna have to get a lot worse for the People to wake up. It's just the way things go. This loss for the Right doesn't mean the end. I actually see it as a beginning.
France deserves everything coming their way.. Fucking idiots never learn. See Venezuela dumbasses.

Yep. I have zero sympathy for them, since they had an opportunity to stop the bleeding, and instead decided to offer their necks to the blade of Islam once again. They deserve their fate.

Enjoy Herr Merkel ruining your country now too, France, because she controls Macron's puppet strings.
France deserves everything coming their way.. Fucking idiots never learn. See Venezuela dumbasses.

Yep. I have zero sympathy for them, since they had an opportunity to stop the bleeding, and instead decided to offer their necks to the blade of Islam once again. They deserve their fate.

Enjoy Herr Merkel ruining your country now too, France, because she controls Macron's puppet strings.
Hysteria Becomes You
The french are civilized people that love science and helping people.

America is truly a fucked up country that is so heartless towards its own people.

They only love science, they don't love infrastructure also?

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