Macron 65% +

Maybe they took their cue from the Leftest assholes in the US that made jackasses of themselves after Trump won.

You wish you can speak another language. Lol I know it takes lot of brain cells my friend.
Maybe you should calm a bit you are starting to piss a lot of peoples
Marine Le "Man" Pen got crushed.
No, her party never did so well still if she lost and you have to know that she lost because all the others parties work together.
But tonight she say that she will change her party make it a lot better for the next election.
Who also lives in the 3rd most expensive zip code and laughs at those who voted the orange cheeto in and lives in trailer parks :)
Oh and I'm not a lefty :p

So you are posting from the basement, okay, we already knew it was the basement.

You are also Muslim, so of course you're a Leftist, the Left have a love in with Muslims.
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Marine is considered as the extreme right and the coward see her as a fascist for the extreme left it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who came in fourth position in the first round
Both candidates ARE extreme left. One so much that he could be called an extreme radicalized leftist.

You are one of the few posters here that understands that LePen's economic policies puts here firmly on the left. Marine LePen hasn't been shy in her desire to nationalise industries, expand welfare to her supporters, engage price controls,...... Her position regarding immigration prompts many to insist LePen is far right, however her economic policies are in fact far left.

Yep. She makes one stand that is not lock-step with the radicalized progressive movement, and they label her extreme right wing. It is laughable.

If you are not lock-step extremist to their views, you'll get eaten alive by them. On ANY issue.

An alternative to LePen for many French is the communist Melenchon:

"One of the main reasons she has come so close to being the next president of France has been her ability to sap support from former strongholds of the French Communist Party in the north. This is less shocking than it may sound, once you account for the fact that the French Communist Party has its own history of racially tinged attacks on immigration. Nearly a third of FN voters said their second choice in the first round of the elections was the doctrinaire socialist candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the French Bernie Sanders."
"Her “economic patriotism” — a mélange of anti-immigration, protectionism, support for civil-service protections, and entitlements (at least for the native-born French) — is an updated variant of old-fashioned national-socialism."

Is Marine Le Pen a ‘Far-Right’ Candidate?

Although Marie Le pen would have been a bit extreme to the alt right, at least the populace would have been safe under her leadership from terrorism which will not be the case under Macron the liberal politically correct status quo. Therefore I advise all conservatives to pack their bags before it's too late!
The Reich wing is getting crushed in Europe

Goodbye nazi scum
That is one ugly, mannish-looking woman! The French have better tastes than her/him/it.


What you mean like the weirdo 39 year old Macron and his 65 year old wife who seduced him when he was 15 years old and she was 42 years old?

Of course you Leftists support all the sexual degenerates like the old, ugly bitch Macron married....he's probably a faggot anyway.


They just elected a very corrupt person. Things will continue to get worse in France. Just like most of Western Europe, only a mass Right Wing Revolution can save the French now.

The greatest news is that Macron can be Impeached, I posted the link already in this thread.

Of course he's corrupt, roll on the digging into his dealings and roll on his Impeachment within the year and with no Vice Presidential position....they who love France will get the last laugh on this snake.

If the little people think this snake is for them, well just look at the bank he used to work for and that's another illustration of how moronic the Left are, the Left are supposed to be against the Big Bankers, in 2008 the Left were protesting the Big Bankers, so what happened why did the Left decide to cheerlead for the Big Bankers?

The Left are just Useful Idiots to this crowd, and when they are not needed anymore to cheerlead they'll be the first who are put to the wall....and then the rest of us can cheerlead as the idiot Left are stamped out.

It really is what Einstein said about the definition of insanity. The French People just voted to continue supporting the Left's destruction of their country. And they elected a corrupt Leftist to boot. France is suffering from insanity at this point.

But i believe they will wake up. This loss for the Right isn't the end. I think it's actually the beginning of something huge. Big change will come to France. But unfortunately, things will have to get much worse there for the People to finally wake up. And that's exactly what's gonna happen. The Left will only create more violent chaos there. have no lessons to give. Same goes for war mongers in the US dems and Republicans alike.

My Dad said the French were damn glad to see his war mongering ass the day he showed up on the beach at Normandy.
Alright let me see....

Who occupied most of Africa, middle east and Asia. Who started Orld wars, Vietnam war, Korean War, Iraq invasion, Afghanistan, Lybia, ect....? Them Muslims?

Islam doesn't assimilate, it invades. Don't mistake tolerance for ignorance.
To answer your questions, the communists in Viet and Korea, the Arabs in the Middle East, Iran and Iraq in the Gulf and the Soviets in Afghanistan.
Although Marie Le pen would have been a bit extreme to the alt right, at least the populace would have been safe under her leadership from terrorism which will not be the case under Macron the liberal politically correct status quo. Therefore I advise all conservatives to pack their bags before it's too late!
The Reich wing is getting crushed in Europe

Goodbye nazi scum

Did You Know the Royal Family Has Ties to Hitler?

You should try to pick up a real history book instead of HUFF's Post or CNN

The Sun published a secret 1933 film showing Queen Elizabeth being taught the Nazi salute by her treasonous uncle Edward the 8th, the Prince of Wales.

He would later be known as King Edward the eighth and Emperor Of India, but would be quietly removed from the throne less than 12 months later as he remained pro-Nazi, even after the war accelerated.

So how far back has the German aristocrat parasite occupied the English throne?

So few so called nutjobs commit terrorism you label 7 millions with the same abel? Hummmmmm. You killed millions in Africa and stole Africa's resources too. If u wanna use your logic you are more horrible than Bin Laden and his homies.

Some Macron voter on TV just said the election proves France is a "hate free zone." Ok. That'll work as well as "gun free zones" work.
The French forgot about the attacks and the hate that come from the muslims terrorists there are stupid no other way of seeing it.
You are new here go Watch all the thread i made about French attacks and others attacks in the world
Very sad. What's the definition of insanity? The French People have decided to continue supporting the Left Wingers who are destroying their nation. I guess it isn't bad enough there yet. They haven't awakened yet in France.

But i believe they will eventually. Their nation is becoming dangerous and unrecognizable. And the Left is responsible for that. But i guess things will have to get a lot worse for them to wake up. Continuing supporting the Left, is pure insanity.
You say it, i can't believe those peoples who go vote for more Attacks, more Merkel, more shit

Yup, it's insanity.
Macron is like Obama's re-election. France just wasn't quite done with stupid yet.
Nigel Farage made clear his opinion of French presidential candidate, Emmanuel Macron, saying that he views Macron as “the enemy” due to his support for internationalization and the European Union in the midst of Britain’s own exit negotiations.

Discussing the latest developments in France’s heated election race on his radio show, Farage tore into the phony ‘outsider’ and former Rothschild banker.


Nigel Farage


'@EmmanuelMacron is an enemy of nation state democracy. He is bad news for Brexit Britain.

1:13 AM - 25 Apr 2017

“My final thought on this – it won’t surprise any of you – is, of course, I see Macron as the enemy,” he said. “He’s the enemy of nation-state democracy.”

“He believes in the European project, he wants France to give away more power, he wants Brussels to be even stronger – and I can’t see that as in our interests when the Juncker’s and others are all lining up to try and punish Britain.”

He went on to commend Macron’s opposition, nationalist-populist heroine,

Macron is the enemy as the Country tanks sit back and watch the show begin.............and still the idiots in the IS won't learn a damn thing just as these idiots didn't learn in FRENCH COUNTRYeeeee lol.
Maybe they took their cue from the Leftest assholes in the US that made jackasses of themselves after Trump won.


The Far Left rioted like this two weeks ago when the results of the First Round came in, so more rioting from them tonight was inevitable.

It's only ever the Far Left who have these violent riots, you see this in America, only the Far Left rioting, you see no rioting from Trump supporters do you? No you don't.
Why does entire media call LePen a "Nationalist" but Macron a "Centrist"? Those aren't opposites. She's a "Nationalist" & he's a "Globalist"
France, Germany, Britain and the US were partnered by the UN to fulfill the UN's agendas. The US and Britain wised up. France and Germany are nothing more now than UN subjects. They are fine with sacrificing their own country for the greater good of the World Order.

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