Macron 65% +

FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
I'm not cheering because I'm a leftist; I'm cheering because Le Pen would have headed Europe down a path back to tribalism.

The system is rigged, people are not happy, but voting is loaded toward The Establishment candidate across The West, nobody is happy but they are not going to get the change they want via the ballot box and so Revolution is inevitable.

Trump wasn't The Establishment candidate, but it only took two months for a man who wanted to drain the swamp ie. The Establishment only for the swamp to absorb him.

The whole Western system is rigged and festering and corrupt and needs bringing down.

The French People made a big mistake. They just elected a very corrupt person. He's gonna continue France's march towards miserable chaos. Only a Right Wing Revolution can save France now. The French People are rapidly losing their country. Hopefully one day they'll wake up.
Breaking Update: A Question!

How many French have to die in the name of Islam in their own country? Thousands? Tens of thousands?
In France

I mean, how bad have things gotten for our friends on the left?

They are reduced to living vicariously through the damn surrender monkeys...

They just elected a very corrupt person. Things will continue to get worse in France. Just like most of Western Europe, only a mass Right Wing Revolution can save the French now.

The greatest news is that Macron can be Impeached, I posted the link already in this thread.

Of course he's corrupt, roll on the digging into his dealings and roll on his Impeachment within the year and with no Vice Presidential position....they who love France will get the last laugh on this snake.

If the little people think this snake is for them, well just look at the bank he used to work for and that's another illustration of how moronic the Left are, the Left are supposed to be against the Big Bankers, in 2008 the Left were protesting the Big Bankers, so what happened why did the Left decide to cheerlead for the Big Bankers?

The Left are just Useful Idiots to this crowd, and when they are not needed anymore to cheerlead they'll be the first who are put to the wall....and then the rest of us can cheerlead as the idiot Left are stamped out.
So few so called nutjobs commit terrorism you label 7 millions with the same abel? Hummmmmm. You killed millions in Africa and stole Africa's resources too. If u wanna use your logic you are more horrible than Bin Laden and his homies.

Some Macron voter on TV just said the election proves France is a "hate free zone." Ok. That'll work as well as "gun free zones" work.
The French forgot about the attacks and the hate that come from the muslims terrorists there are stupid no other way of seeing it.
You are new here go Watch all the thread i made about French attacks and others attacks in the world
Very sad. What's the definition of insanity? The French People have decided to continue supporting the Left Wingers who are destroying their nation. I guess it isn't bad enough there yet. They haven't awakened yet in France.

But i believe they will eventually. Their nation is becoming dangerous and unrecognizable. And the Left is responsible for that. But i guess things will have to get a lot worse for them to wake up. Continuing supporting the Left, is pure insanity.
You say it, i can't believe those peoples who go vote for more Attacks, more Merkel, more shit
Within the next week: "Terrorist attack in France"

Nobody in the last century ever accused the French of sticking up for themselves.
They just elected a very corrupt person. Things will continue to get worse in France. Just like most of Western Europe, only a mass Right Wing Revolution can save the French now.

That is like the Democrats nominating someone as corrupt and dishonest as Crooked Hillary. Only Crooked Hillary didn't win, thank god.
Breaking Update: A Question!

How many French have to die in the name of Islam in their own country? Thousands? Tens of thousands?

Sadly, things will have to get a lot worse for the French People to wake up. Their Left Wingers are destroying their nation. But they just voted to continue the destruction. It's what Einstein said about the definition of insanity. France is suffering from insanity at this point.

Things will have to get much worse for the People to realize just how awful the Left's damage has been. Only a Right Wing Revolution can save them now. And i do believe they'll wake up to that reality at some point. This loss for the Right isn't the end of the story. Not by a long shot.
That is one ugly, mannish-looking woman! The French have better tastes than her/him/it.

Although Marie Le pen would have been a bit extreme to the alt right, at least the populace would have been safe under her leadership from terrorism which will not be the case under Macron the liberal politically correct status quo. Therefore I advise all conservatives to pack their bags before it's too late!
The Reich wing is getting crushed in Europe

Goodbye nazi scum
Lefties are celebrating a globalist, elitist banker as president you couldn't make it up
IRONY: Macron having his victory party at the Louvre, where a radical Islamic terrorist attacked with a machete.

Weird that Macron would choose the Louvre considering the statements he's made that show he hates France and French Culture.

Maybe the next Art Exhibition at the Louvre will be severed heads of Infidels or something.
Zizou Zizou zizou ah t es une vrais raciste.
Vive la France!

Yes, the picture mean Vive les attentats et les pauvres Français qui se feront tués sous le mandat de Macron.
My country should be protect from the terorists
What's stopping you from protecting your country?

The French don't have private gun ownership like Americans do, is probably the main reason the French can't protect their country from 7th century fanatics. Thank God for our 2nd Amendment.
Huh. We've lost more people to terrorists so looks like you are incorrect.
France committed far more crimes, invaded countries and stole their resources have no lessons to give. Same goes for war mongers in the US dems and Republicans alike.

So few so called nutjobs commit terrorism you label 7 millions with the same abel? Hummmmmm. You killed millions in Africa and stole Africa's resources too. If u wanna use your logic you are more horrible than Bin Laden and his homies.

Some Macron voter on TV just said the election proves France is a "hate free zone." Ok. That'll work as well as "gun free zones" work.
The French forgot about the attacks and the hate that come from the muslims terrorists there are stupid no other way of seeing it.
You are new here go Watch all the thread i made about French attacks and others attacks in the world
Very sad. What's the definition of insanity? The French People have decided to continue supporting the Left Wingers who are destroying their nation. I guess it isn't bad enough there yet. They haven't awakened yet in France.

But i believe they will eventually. Their nation is becoming dangerous and unrecognizable. And the Left is responsible for that. But i guess things will have to get a lot worse for them to wake up. Continuing supporting the Left, is pure insanity.
You say it, i can't believe those peoples who go vote for more Attacks, more Merkel, more shit

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