Macron 65% +

You wish you can speak another language. Lol I know it takes lot of brain cells my friend.
Half of my family lives in France, I visited it over 40 times, fluent in French, and knows what's going on in that country politically and socially.
As for my education, I have 2 bachelors, I speak fluently 5 languages and English happens to be my 5th. What else you wanna know?

View attachment 125370
Maybe you should calm a bit you are starting to piss a lot of peoples
Marine Le "Man" Pen got crushed.
No, her party never did so well still if she lost and you have to know that she lost because all the others parties work together.
But tonight she say that she will change her party make it a lot better for the next election.
Who also lives in the 3rd most expensive zip code and laughs at those who voted the orange cheeto in and lives in trailer parks :)
Oh and I'm not a lefty :p

So we have a card carrying Moon Bat that speaks French. Woopedo!

So you are posting from the basement, okay, we already knew it was the basement.

You are also Muslim, so of course you're a Leftist, the Left have a love in with Muslims.
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Marine is considered as the extreme right and the coward see her as a fascist for the extreme left it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who came in fourth position in the first round
Both candidates ARE extreme left. One so much that he could be called an extreme radicalized leftist.
MARINE : National Front (France) - Wikipedia
Macron he say is from the center but we don't exactly here is
Yeah, and Clinton says she isn't corrupt.
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Wrong. Marcon is not radicalized left. I wish ignorance were solely the lot of the radicalized left.

He's a Socialist, who thanks to the Propaganda of the MSM was pushed as an "Independent Centrist", lol hilarious, the French are just going to have to suffer more....random blowings up, random shootings, random mowing down with vehicles isn't enough for them, so roll on the beheadings, roll on the Kebabs grabbing a random person on the street and pulling out a knife and cutting their head off in full view of people including children, roll on the Kebabs grabbing a random person on the street and setting them on fire and burning them alive in full view of people including children and the Far Left will be cheering on every atrocity, just like they've cheered on every blowing up, every shooting and every mowing down with vehicles.

No sympathy for the French cowards, from this point on they deserve every horror that visits them, they deserve the suffering.

They had a choice to save themselves and they chose a probable faggot with a marriage of convenience to a 65 year old weirdo with a thing for sexually molesting 15 year old schoolboys.

Whatever nation the Far Left are in they despise their own nation, their own people, they despise their own culture, their own'll be the greatest day though when their Muslim pets turn on them, then everyone can sit back and enjoy the show.
It's pretty funny watching the French celebrate a stringent Corporatist, investment banker......or are they just too stupid to realize it?
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Wrong. Marcon is not radicalized left. I wish ignorance were solely the lot of the radicalized left.

He's a Socialist, who thanks to the Propaganda of the MSM was pushed as an "Independent Centrist", lol hilarious, the French are just going to have to suffer more....random blowings up, random shootings, random mowing down with vehicles isn't enough for them, so roll on the beheadings, roll on the Kebabs grabbing a random person on the street and pulling out a knife and cutting their head off in full view of people including children, roll on the Kebabs grabbing a random person on the street and setting them on fire and burning them alive in full view of people including children.

No sympathy for the French cowards, from this point of they deserve ever horror that visits them, they deserve the suffering.

They had a choice to save themselves and they chose a probable faggot with a marriage of convenience to a 65 year old weirdo with a thing for sexually molesting 15 year old schoolboys.
I haven't had any sympathy for the Phrench in decades.
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Wrong. Marcon is not radicalized left. I wish ignorance were solely the lot of the radicalized left.
You would be wrong.
I expect a higher standard than the idiots on the left.. You should too.
Looks like the progressives have a place to move to.

I'd recommend they get a flat in one of the many Muslim districts.
You wish you can speak another language. Lol I know it takes lot of brain cells my friend.
Half of my family lives in France, I visited it over 40 times, fluent in French, and knows what's going on in that country politically and socially.
As for my education, I have 2 bachelors, I speak fluently 5 languages and English happens to be my 5th. What else you wanna know?

"Your best comedians, athletes, thinkers, scientists, writers, artists, soldiers, are muslims. Embrace them. They helped liberate France from the Nazis, remember ?"

You are beyond moronic, why you are even bothering who knows, your above comments are your most idiotic yet, did you even have any education, probably not.

View attachment 125370
Maybe you should calm a bit you are starting to piss a lot of peoples
Marine Le "Man" Pen got crushed.
No, her party never did so well still if she lost and you have to know that she lost because all the others parties work together.
But tonight she say that she will change her party make it a lot better for the next election.
Who also lives in the 3rd most expensive zip code and laughs at those who voted the orange cheeto in and lives in trailer parks :)
Oh and I'm not a lefty :p

Half of my family lives in France, I visited it over 40 times, fluent in French, and knows what's going on in that country politically and socially.
As for my education, I have 2 bachelors, I speak fluently 5 languages and English happens to be my 5th. What else you wanna know?

So we have a card carrying Moon Bat that speaks French. Woopedo!

So you are posting from the basement, okay, we already knew it was the basement.

You are also Muslim, so of course you're a Leftist, the Left have a love in with Muslims.
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Marine is considered as the extreme right and the coward see her as a fascist for the extreme left it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who came in fourth position in the first round
Both candidates ARE extreme left. One so much that he could be called an extreme radicalized leftist.

You are one of the few posters here that understands that LePen's economic policies puts here firmly on the left. Marine LePen hasn't been shy in her desire to nationalise industries, expand welfare to her supporters, engage price controls,...... Her position regarding immigration prompts many to insist LePen is far right, however her economic policies are in fact far left.

Breaking News: Globalist Macron Defeats Populist Le Pen In French Landslide

'You can probably stick a fork in France - they're done'

Well these idiots can kiss their rights good bye as they will all be handed over to the immigrants. This bastard just sold his soul and Obama backing him proves it.

View attachment 125380

France just voted for the death of more of their people at the hands of ISIS immigrants.
You wish you can speak another language. Lol I know it takes lot of brain cells my friend.
Half of my family lives in France, I visited it over 40 times, fluent in French, and knows what's going on in that country politically and socially.
As for my education, I have 2 bachelors, I speak fluently 5 languages and English happens to be my 5th. What else you wanna know?

View attachment 125370
Maybe you should calm a bit you are starting to piss a lot of peoples
Marine Le "Man" Pen got crushed.
No, her party never did so well still if she lost and you have to know that she lost because all the others parties work together.
But tonight she say that she will change her party make it a lot better for the next election.
Who also lives in the 3rd most expensive zip code and laughs at those who voted the orange cheeto in and lives in trailer parks :)
Oh and I'm not a lefty :p

So we have a card carrying Moon Bat that speaks French. Woopedo!

So you are posting from the basement, okay, we already knew it was the basement.

You are also Muslim, so of course you're a Leftist, the Left have a love in with Muslims.
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Marine is considered as the extreme right and the coward see her as a fascist for the extreme left it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who came in fourth position in the first round
Both candidates ARE extreme left. One so much that he could be called an extreme radicalized leftist.

You are one of the few posters here that understands that LePen's economic policies puts here firmly on the left. Marine LePen hasn't been shy in her desire to nationalise industries, expand welfare to her supporters, engage price controls,...... Her position regarding immigration prompts many to insist LePen is far right, however her economic policies are in fact far left.

Yep. She makes one stand that is not lock-step with the radicalized progressive movement, and they label her extreme right wing. It is laughable.

If you are not lock-step extremist to their views, you'll get eaten alive by them. On ANY issue.
You wish you can speak another language. Lol I know it takes lot of brain cells my friend.
Maybe you should calm a bit you are starting to piss a lot of peoples
Marine Le "Man" Pen got crushed.
No, her party never did so well still if she lost and you have to know that she lost because all the others parties work together.
But tonight she say that she will change her party make it a lot better for the next election.
Who also lives in the 3rd most expensive zip code and laughs at those who voted the orange cheeto in and lives in trailer parks :)
Oh and I'm not a lefty :p

So you are posting from the basement, okay, we already knew it was the basement.

You are also Muslim, so of course you're a Leftist, the Left have a love in with Muslims.
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Marine is considered as the extreme right and the coward see her as a fascist for the extreme left it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who came in fourth position in the first round
Both candidates ARE extreme left. One so much that he could be called an extreme radicalized leftist.
MARINE : National Front (France) - Wikipedia
Macron he say is from the center but we don't exactly here is
Yeah, and Clinton says she isn't corrupt.
Macron is a repulsive man with shagged shark teeth.
We are going to suffer Holland will leave and we will be slapping her little snot.
I show you a video of the puppets and as a premonition he was already the favorite of Hollande.
hollande et bébé macron, 2014

it say that he is the minister of finance and he like is bank...Hollande find him pretty
You wish you can speak another language. Lol I know it takes lot of brain cells my friend.
Half of my family lives in France, I visited it over 40 times, fluent in French, and knows what's going on in that country politically and socially.
As for my education, I have 2 bachelors, I speak fluently 5 languages and English happens to be my 5th. What else you wanna know?

View attachment 125370
Maybe you should calm a bit you are starting to piss a lot of peoples
Marine Le "Man" Pen got crushed.
No, her party never did so well still if she lost and you have to know that she lost because all the others parties work together.
But tonight she say that she will change her party make it a lot better for the next election.
Who also lives in the 3rd most expensive zip code and laughs at those who voted the orange cheeto in and lives in trailer parks :)
Oh and I'm not a lefty :p

So we have a card carrying Moon Bat that speaks French. Woopedo!

So you are posting from the basement, okay, we already knew it was the basement.

You are also Muslim, so of course you're a Leftist, the Left have a love in with Muslims.
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Marine is considered as the extreme right and the coward see her as a fascist for the extreme left it is Jean-Luc Mélenchon who came in fourth position in the first round
Both candidates ARE extreme left. One so much that he could be called an extreme radicalized leftist.

You are one of the few posters here that understands that LePen's economic policies puts here firmly on the left. Marine LePen hasn't been shy in her desire to nationalise industries, expand welfare to her supporters, engage price controls,...... Her position regarding immigration prompts many to insist LePen is far right, however her economic policies are in fact far left.


The moronic American Leftists would support Marine Le Pen if she had a love in with the Muslim pets, that she doesn't is the only thing that's a problem.

The moronic American Leftists would support Marine Le Pen if they had any brain and reading comprehension, because if they read her economic platform they'd LOVE it because it's basically a Socialist economic platform.

Most Leftists are idiots, but American Leftists are in a special category of moron of their own.
If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Wrong. Marcon is not radicalized left. I wish ignorance were solely the lot of the radicalized left.
You would be wrong.
I expect a higher standard than the idiots on the left.. You should too.
We're discussing the phrench. There is no standard they adhere to.
So few so called nutjobs commit terrorism you label 7 millions with the same abel? Hummmmmm. You killed millions in Africa and stole Africa's resources too. If u wanna use your logic you are more horrible than Bin Laden and his homies.

Some Macron voter on TV just said the election proves France is a "hate free zone." Ok. That'll work as well as "gun free zones" work.
The French forgot about the attacks and the hate that come from the muslims terrorists there are stupid no other way of seeing it.
You must be miserable seing other races get along LOL

If you wish to find out just how screwed up France and the progressives in America are (particularly those posting in this thread), they actually label Le Pen as 'far right'.

Just how fucked up are you people, that Le Pen is considered anything but radical left, where Macron is nothing but radicalized left.
Wrong. Marcon is not radicalized left. I wish ignorance were solely the lot of the radicalized left.

He's a Socialist, who thanks to the Propaganda of the MSM was pushed as an "Independent Centrist", lol hilarious, the French are just going to have to suffer more....random blowings up, random shootings, random mowing down with vehicles isn't enough for them, so roll on the beheadings, roll on the Kebabs grabbing a random person on the street and pulling out a knife and cutting their head off in full view of people including children, roll on the Kebabs grabbing a random person on the street and setting them on fire and burning them alive in full view of people including children and the Far Left will be cheering on every atrocity, just like they've cheered on every blowing up, every shooting and every mowing down with vehicles.

No sympathy for the French cowards, from this point on they deserve every horror that visits them, they deserve the suffering.

They had a choice to save themselves and they chose a probable faggot with a marriage of convenience to a 65 year old weirdo with a thing for sexually molesting 15 year old schoolboys.

Whatever nation the Far Left are in they despise their own nation, their own people, they despise their own culture, their own'll be the greatest day though when their Muslim pets turn on them, then everyone can sit back and enjoy the show.
They just elected a very corrupt person. Things will continue to get worse in France. Just like most of Western Europe, only a mass Right Wing Revolution can save the French now.
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
I'm not cheering because I'm a leftist; I'm cheering because Le Pen would have headed Europe down a path back to tribalism.

The system is rigged, people are not happy, but voting is loaded toward The Establishment candidate across The West, nobody is happy but they are not going to get the change they want via the ballot box and so Revolution is inevitable.

Trump wasn't The Establishment candidate, but it only took two months for a man who wanted to drain the swamp ie. The Establishment only for the swamp to absorb him.

The whole Western system is rigged and festering and corrupt and needs bringing down.
Alright let me see....

Who occupied most of Africa, middle east and Asia. Who started Orld wars, Vietnam war, Korean War, Iraq invasion, Afghanistan, Lybia, ect....? Them Muslims?

Islam doesn't assimilate, it invades. Don't mistake tolerance for ignorance.
Zizou Zizou zizou ah t es une vrais raciste.
Vive la France!

Yes, the picture mean Vive les attentats et les pauvres Français qui se feront tués sous le mandat de Macron.
My country should be protect from the terorists
What's stopping you from protecting your country?

The French don't have private gun ownership like Americans do, is probably the main reason the French can't protect their country from 7th century fanatics. Thank God for our 2nd Amendment.
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