Macron 65% +

nice meltdown, lunazi.

macron won, le pen lost. you will get over it.
Since Cankles got her ass handed to her all the leftists are gushing like new brides now that the French geek won. That's gonna be the height of their celebrating for at least the next 8 years.
Brigitte first lady of France: why tranny scripted as 24 yrs older than pimp Mac
All predicted and explained only by one.

France: human cattle mocked with Trannies and Pimps before the global kill shot
Why does a tranny play the role "Brigitte, first lady of France, 24 years older than her husband Macron"?
Reading the article exposing the parallel script "Melania v Michelle: transgender ends differently from transvestite: Obama trumped " is all you need.
A hint to start with: the script includes these lines:
- Melania Trump, 24 years younger than her husband
- Melania will be exposed as transsexual who had an operation to change sex while still an illegal resident in the USA.

French elections for dummies:
Macron, same as almost every other actor on stage, is a fake name, meant to sound like pimp (maquereau) for the french audience while the rest associates it with macaroni.
As for what "Le Pen" is supposed to evoke you don't need to know any french.

"Far right nationalist Le Pen" role:
Same as Trump in the USA and Theresa May in the UK: illuminati suicide bomber.
Detail difference: in France the "patriot" isn't elected "head of government" after the "first result".
Reminder of what the "final result" in the UK and USA will be alias when are the suicide bombers scripted to finally lose:
- Theresa May only AFTER "the surprise result in the snap election that she called for".
- "billionaire Trump" only AFTER "Putin flees to Beijing and confesses to have rigged the US election", the moment when he fully detonates albeit not as high as Obama: stripped of his title but not also sentenced to death by SCOTUS, unlike Obama.

Increasingly viciously scary May before June
Theresa, the main actress in this chapter, was already playing the leading role before May 7, when tranny "Brigitte Macron, first lady of France" will also be placed in the spotlight.
The chapter's title is meant as literal parallelism to both the timing (starting with Theresa May's image in May) and the main agenda (repeat UK "election" to "undo Brexit" in June).

Brigitte Macron, first lady of France

Anglais Français
pimp n (prostitution) (argot) maquereau,
Bella's pimp takes a cut of her earnings.
Le maquereau de Bella prend une part de ses revenus.
pimp - English-French Dictionary

Increasingly viciously scary May: as for Theresa see photo here ...
Grey power in the new battle of Britain: why older voters will be crucial | Gaby Hinsliff
... and headlines here

Where the name Trump comes from:
Trump, same as all other billionaires fed to the human cattle, doesn't own any of the jewels of his empire.
Actor playing billionaire named after the verb (to trump) as well as similar nouns: Tramp, Trumpet (Last) and Truman (Show).
Simulated Reality, the world as we know it: Where Trump comes from: naming illuminati icon in trumperminator role

Melania Trump from Novo mesto, Slovenia: where line comes from:
Sources range from Michelle Obama (alias parallel chapters in the 1993 BIG BANG script) to Disarm US citizens (alias Newtown as religious symbology for starting and ending cycles).
Illuminati Icons: Melania Trump from Slovenia Novo mesto - where line comes from

What is about to become part of the "most bombastic news ever" - All exposed only by Last Prophet - two or rather FOUR examples:
Melania v Michelle: transgender ends differently from transvestite: Obama trumped
Parallel and reversed Illuminati script: : Melania v Michelle transgender ends differently from transvestite

April 2017 - Brexit undo miracle: scary clowns make it a success: Theresa May calls election: for dummies
Illuminati suicide bombers: Brexit undo miracle scary clowns make it a success Theresa May calls election for dummies

All in Blog
End Times Prophet: Brigitte first lady of France: why tranny scripted as 24 yrs older than pimp Mac
Last edited:
ONCE AGAIN, the British and Americans stand up and fight against EVIL while the French surrender- It's what they do.
Surrender would be having travel bans from Muslim countries, building walls, stopping refugees, 'extreme' vetting, bombing wedding parties in foreign countries, surveilling every phone-call made by your own citizens, accepting invasive searches on public transport...and generally clutching your pearls if a foreign person is seen in the street.

The French election effects you in New Zealand how exactly? Yes, thought it didn't.
If you read a bit of history you'd know that European politics affect the whole world.
Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

It isn't the end. It's just the beginning. Progress is being made. As more Western Europeans wake up to the awful realities of what their Left Wingers have done to their nations, they'll return to sanity. The Left Globalists will be systematically swept out of power.

That day isn't here yet, but it is coming. The Left will continue their destruction. Sadly, things are gonna have to get a lot worse for the People to wake up. It's just the way things go. This loss for the Right doesn't mean the end. I actually see it as a beginning.

Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

yep they saw what was happening with the bloated Orange hued shitgibbon we have

Your theory might have been right six months ago, but the momentum stop and reversed itself. Not only is the populist far right losingmajor elections, they are losing up and down the power ladder. The Trumpster is partially responsible. But I know the easily manipulated will not"get it".

No, they're actually gaining momentum. For the first time in many years, the defeat of the Globalists is a real possibility. These recent losses for the Right, don't mean the end. It's actually a beginning. The Right is steadily gaining ground.

More & more Western Europeans are realizing how extensive the Left's damage to their nations is. The Leftist Globalists better enjoy these victories, because the Right is coming. This is only the beginning of the Revolution.
France deserves everything coming their way.. Fucking idiots never learn. See Venezuela dumbasses.

Yep. I have zero sympathy for them, since they had an opportunity to stop the bleeding, and instead decided to offer their necks to the blade of Islam once again. They deserve their fate.

Enjoy Herr Merkel ruining your country now too, France, because she controls Macron's puppet strings.
Good grief that's disturbing!
Not as much as you would love that.
I wouldn't love it all so you are way ahead of me, Eva.

Your type want the end of European Culture, I do read you know, I know about what your type want....with your Historical hatred of the European Continent and our peoples.
I don't give two fucks about the Nazi wing of Europa. Your "peoples" are just as regressive as Muslim terrorists.

I also don't give a fuck what a mongrel like you thinks, that's what your type are all mongrels.

Not as much as you would love that.
I wouldn't love it all so you are way ahead of me, Eva.

Your type want the end of European Culture, I do read you know, I know about what your type want....with your Historical hatred of the European Continent and our peoples.
I don't give two fucks about the Nazi wing of Europa. Your "peoples" are just as regressive as Muslim terrorists.

I also don't give a fuck what a mongrel like you thinks, that's what your type are all mongrels.
I'm actually 99 percent Irish with a smidgen of Bavarian, princess.
Hmmmm. U-boat get beached in Belfast?
France deserves everything coming their way.. Fucking idiots never learn. See Venezuela dumbasses.

Yep. I have zero sympathy for them, since they had an opportunity to stop the bleeding, and instead decided to offer their necks to the blade of Islam once again. They deserve their fate.

Enjoy Herr Merkel ruining your country now too, France, because she controls Macron's puppet strings.
Hey guno we missed ya, dood. Don't fuck up again or I'll leave you out of my will.

Hey guno we missed ya, dood. Don't fuck up again or I'll leave you out of my will.

Oh, I understand. I thought he was on a mental HillaryCation (with Issac and CandyPorn).............of course. Suspended. No surprise there. Mr. Envelope pusher.
Last edited:
ONCE AGAIN, the British and Americans stand up and fight against EVIL while the French surrender- It's what they do.
Surrender would be having travel bans from Muslim countries, building walls, stopping refugees, 'extreme' vetting, bombing wedding parties in foreign countries, surveilling every phone-call made by your own citizens, accepting invasive searches on public transport...and generally clutching your pearls if a foreign person is seen in the street.

The French election effects you in New Zealand how exactly? Yes, thought it didn't.
If you read a bit of history you'd know that European politics affect the whole world.

I thought that was American politics affect the whole world.

How is North Korea, could Kim Jong-Un hit you or not?
Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

It isn't the end. It's just the beginning. Progress is being made. As more Western Europeans wake up to the awful realities of what their Left Wingers have done to their nations, they'll return to sanity. The Left Globalists will be systematically swept out of power.

That day isn't here yet, but it is coming. The Left will continue their destruction. Sadly, things are gonna have to get a lot worse for the People to wake up. It's just the way things go. This loss for the Right doesn't mean the end. I actually see it as a beginning.

Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

yep they saw what was happening with the bloated Orange hued shitgibbon we have

Your theory might have been right six months ago, but the momentum stop and reversed itself. Not only is the populist far right losingmajor elections, they are losing up and down the power ladder. The Trumpster is partially responsible. But I know the easily manipulated will not"get it".

No, they're actually gaining momentum. For the first time in many years, the defeat of the Globalists is a real possibility. These recent losses for the Right, don't mean the end. It's actually a beginning. The Right is steadily gaining ground.

More & more Western Europeans are realizing how extensive the Left's damage to their nations is. The Leftist Globalists better enjoy these victories, because the Right is coming. This is only the beginning of the Revolution.

stop taking that hill billy heroine
Macron won. :woohoo:

Yes but moronic American Leftist, he won't be able to govern :lol:

Next month there are French Parliamentary elections, Macron has no party, well he has a party with about 50 people in it.

Here read, even a stupid Troll like you should be able to understand.

The French election that really matters

And it’s not the one to choose a president.

PARIS — It’s nice to be elected French president.
But it doesn’t amount to much if you don’t have a majority in parliament to implement your program.

The scenario looks increasingly likely this year. Two of the top three contenders for the presidency don’t have a well-oiled party machine to help them win the parliamentary elections due in June, one month after the presidential vote. And the third might only be able to count on a divided party.

That makes the June elections as important — if not more important than — the higher-profile presidential contest. Particularly in the case of the two insurgents running strong this year a split result in the two polls would leave a hobbled new executive at the Élysée Palace, possibly paralyzing the French political system.

The French election that really matters
Fine. All that matters is that the lunatic Le Pen is banished back to her lair.
If only America had been so smart.
Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

It isn't the end. It's just the beginning. Progress is being made. As more Western Europeans wake up to the awful realities of what their Left Wingers have done to their nations, they'll return to sanity. The Left Globalists will be systematically swept out of power.

That day isn't here yet, but it is coming. The Left will continue their destruction. Sadly, things are gonna have to get a lot worse for the People to wake up. It's just the way things go. This loss for the Right doesn't mean the end. I actually see it as a beginning.

Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

yep they saw what was happening with the bloated Orange hued shitgibbon we have

Your theory might have been right six months ago, but the momentum stop and reversed itself. Not only is the populist far right losingmajor elections, they are losing up and down the power ladder. The Trumpster is partially responsible. But I know the easily manipulated will not"get it".

No, they're actually gaining momentum. For the first time in many years, the defeat of the Globalists is a real possibility. These recent losses for the Right, don't mean the end. It's actually a beginning. The Right is steadily gaining ground.

More & more Western Europeans are realizing how extensive the Left's damage to their nations is. The Leftist Globalists better enjoy these victories, because the Right is coming. This is only the beginning of the Revolution.

Macron isn't normal, what 18 year old marries a 42 year old woman, what 39 year old woman sexually abuses a 15 year old school boy and then when his family knows this they move away and the 39 year old woman stalks them to the new place and continues to sexually abuse the school boy?

His family should have had her arrested, why didn't they? Macron has issues, he probably had a sexual attraction to his mother, so this is why at 18 years old he marries the 42 year old sexual abuser.

The Left likes to mention Trump, yet they have no problem with Macron, when the Macron situation is degenerate and abnormal.
ONCE AGAIN, the British and Americans stand up and fight against EVIL while the French surrender- It's what they do.
Surrender would be having travel bans from Muslim countries, building walls, stopping refugees, 'extreme' vetting, bombing wedding parties in foreign countries, surveilling every phone-call made by your own citizens, accepting invasive searches on public transport...and generally clutching your pearls if a foreign person is seen in the street.

The French election effects you in New Zealand how exactly? Yes, thought it didn't.
If you read a bit of history you'd know that European politics affect the whole world.

I thought that was American politics affect the whole world.

How is North Korea, could Kim Jong-Un hit you or not?
Don't sell yourselves short...European politics has affected the rest of the world since Europe was discovered by the rest of the world.
Admittedly...I can't think of anything in the last hundred years or so but...oh wait...
Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

It isn't the end. It's just the beginning. Progress is being made. As more Western Europeans wake up to the awful realities of what their Left Wingers have done to their nations, they'll return to sanity. The Left Globalists will be systematically swept out of power.

That day isn't here yet, but it is coming. The Left will continue their destruction. Sadly, things are gonna have to get a lot worse for the People to wake up. It's just the way things go. This loss for the Right doesn't mean the end. I actually see it as a beginning.

Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

yep they saw what was happening with the bloated Orange hued shitgibbon we have

Your theory might have been right six months ago, but the momentum stop and reversed itself. Not only is the populist far right losingmajor elections, they are losing up and down the power ladder. The Trumpster is partially responsible. But I know the easily manipulated will not"get it".

No, they're actually gaining momentum. For the first time in many years, the defeat of the Globalists is a real possibility. These recent losses for the Right, don't mean the end. It's actually a beginning. The Right is steadily gaining ground.

More & more Western Europeans are realizing how extensive the Left's damage to their nations is. The Leftist Globalists better enjoy these victories, because the Right is coming. This is only the beginning of the Revolution.

Macron isn't normal, what 18 year old marries a 42 year old woman, what 39 year old woman sexually abuses a 15 year old school boy and then when his family knows this they move away and the 39 year old woman stalks them to the new place and continues to sexually abuse the school boy?

His family should have had her arrested, why didn't they? Macron has issues, he probably had a sexual attraction to his mother, so this is why at 18 years old he marries the 42 year old sexual abuser.

The Left likes to mention Trump, yet they have no problem with Macron, when the Macron situation is degenerate and abnormal.

He should have just grabbed her by the pussy and moved on...that's the true mark of a future world leader.
ONCE AGAIN, the British and Americans stand up and fight against EVIL while the French surrender- It's what they do.
Surrender would be having travel bans from Muslim countries, building walls, stopping refugees, 'extreme' vetting, bombing wedding parties in foreign countries, surveilling every phone-call made by your own citizens, accepting invasive searches on public transport...and generally clutching your pearls if a foreign person is seen in the street.

The French election effects you in New Zealand how exactly? Yes, thought it didn't.
If you read a bit of history you'd know that European politics affect the whole world.

I thought that was American politics affect the whole world.

How is North Korea, could Kim Jong-Un hit you or not?
Don't sell yourselves short...European politics has affected the rest of the world since Europe was discovered by the rest of the world.
Admittedly...I can't think of anything in the last hundred years or so but...oh wait...

You live in the past, not as much as Americans live in the past, well not all Americans, but a percentage of Americans live in the past and know little about anything outside their own borders.

Why don't we discuss more contemporary situations that America have involved themselves with without permission and how many people have died as a result?
Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

It isn't the end. It's just the beginning. Progress is being made. As more Western Europeans wake up to the awful realities of what their Left Wingers have done to their nations, they'll return to sanity. The Left Globalists will be systematically swept out of power.

That day isn't here yet, but it is coming. The Left will continue their destruction. Sadly, things are gonna have to get a lot worse for the People to wake up. It's just the way things go. This loss for the Right doesn't mean the end. I actually see it as a beginning.

Well, the French election sure turned the far right populist movement into a movement that is screeching to a huge slowing down.
This the third major election in Europe, that the populist far right has lost, since Trump won the presidency. (France, Austria and the Netherlands). At one time the populist movement was rolling, then the Europeans saw Trump in action and thought, "no thanks".
So welcome to,,,,,,

yep they saw what was happening with the bloated Orange hued shitgibbon we have

Your theory might have been right six months ago, but the momentum stop and reversed itself. Not only is the populist far right losingmajor elections, they are losing up and down the power ladder. The Trumpster is partially responsible. But I know the easily manipulated will not"get it".

No, they're actually gaining momentum. For the first time in many years, the defeat of the Globalists is a real possibility. These recent losses for the Right, don't mean the end. It's actually a beginning. The Right is steadily gaining ground.

More & more Western Europeans are realizing how extensive the Left's damage to their nations is. The Leftist Globalists better enjoy these victories, because the Right is coming. This is only the beginning of the Revolution.

Macron isn't normal, what 18 year old marries a 42 year old woman, what 39 year old woman sexually abuses a 15 year old school boy and then when his family knows this they move away and the 39 year old woman stalks them to the new place and continues to sexually abuse the school boy?

His family should have had her arrested, why didn't they? Macron has issues, he probably had a sexual attraction to his mother, so this is why at 18 years old he marries the 42 year old sexual abuser.

The Left likes to mention Trump, yet they have no problem with Macron, when the Macron situation is degenerate and abnormal.

He should have just grabbed her by the pussy and moved on...that's the true mark of a future world leader.

That's the total of your intellectual capability, nothing sensible as a response just idiocy?
Surrender would be having travel bans from Muslim countries, building walls, stopping refugees, 'extreme' vetting, bombing wedding parties in foreign countries, surveilling every phone-call made by your own citizens, accepting invasive searches on public transport...and generally clutching your pearls if a foreign person is seen in the street.

The French election effects you in New Zealand how exactly? Yes, thought it didn't.
If you read a bit of history you'd know that European politics affect the whole world.

I thought that was American politics affect the whole world.

How is North Korea, could Kim Jong-Un hit you or not?
Don't sell yourselves short...European politics has affected the rest of the world since Europe was discovered by the rest of the world.
Admittedly...I can't think of anything in the last hundred years or so but...oh wait...

You live in the past, not as much as Americans live in the past, well not all Americans, but a percentage of Americans live in the past and know little about anything outside their own borders.

Why don't we discuss more contemporary situations that America have involved themselves with without permission and how many people have died as a result?
Mainly because that's not what this thread is about.
It isn't the end. It's just the beginning. Progress is being made. As more Western Europeans wake up to the awful realities of what their Left Wingers have done to their nations, they'll return to sanity. The Left Globalists will be systematically swept out of power.

That day isn't here yet, but it is coming. The Left will continue their destruction. Sadly, things are gonna have to get a lot worse for the People to wake up. It's just the way things go. This loss for the Right doesn't mean the end. I actually see it as a beginning.

yep they saw what was happening with the bloated Orange hued shitgibbon we have

Your theory might have been right six months ago, but the momentum stop and reversed itself. Not only is the populist far right losingmajor elections, they are losing up and down the power ladder. The Trumpster is partially responsible. But I know the easily manipulated will not"get it".

No, they're actually gaining momentum. For the first time in many years, the defeat of the Globalists is a real possibility. These recent losses for the Right, don't mean the end. It's actually a beginning. The Right is steadily gaining ground.

More & more Western Europeans are realizing how extensive the Left's damage to their nations is. The Leftist Globalists better enjoy these victories, because the Right is coming. This is only the beginning of the Revolution.

Macron isn't normal, what 18 year old marries a 42 year old woman, what 39 year old woman sexually abuses a 15 year old school boy and then when his family knows this they move away and the 39 year old woman stalks them to the new place and continues to sexually abuse the school boy?

His family should have had her arrested, why didn't they? Macron has issues, he probably had a sexual attraction to his mother, so this is why at 18 years old he marries the 42 year old sexual abuser.

The Left likes to mention Trump, yet they have no problem with Macron, when the Macron situation is degenerate and abnormal.
He should have just grabbed her by the pussy and moved on...that's the true mark of a future world leader.

That's the total of your intellectual capability, nothing sensible as a response just idiocy?
Oh...sorry...I misunderstood...were you being serious?
The French election effects you in New Zealand how exactly? Yes, thought it didn't.
If you read a bit of history you'd know that European politics affect the whole world.

I thought that was American politics affect the whole world.

How is North Korea, could Kim Jong-Un hit you or not?
Don't sell yourselves short...European politics has affected the rest of the world since Europe was discovered by the rest of the world.
Admittedly...I can't think of anything in the last hundred years or so but...oh wait...

You live in the past, not as much as Americans live in the past, well not all Americans, but a percentage of Americans live in the past and know little about anything outside their own borders.

Why don't we discuss more contemporary situations that America have involved themselves with without permission and how many people have died as a result?
Mainly because that's not what this thread is about.

No and this thread isn't what you were referring to either or what a few others have been referring to, but you are obsessed being the tragic creature you must be.

Thread not about this either:

"Admittedly...I can't think of anything in the last hundred years or so but...oh wait..."
Your theory might have been right six months ago, but the momentum stop and reversed itself. Not only is the populist far right losingmajor elections, they are losing up and down the power ladder. The Trumpster is partially responsible. But I know the easily manipulated will not"get it".

No, they're actually gaining momentum. For the first time in many years, the defeat of the Globalists is a real possibility. These recent losses for the Right, don't mean the end. It's actually a beginning. The Right is steadily gaining ground.

More & more Western Europeans are realizing how extensive the Left's damage to their nations is. The Leftist Globalists better enjoy these victories, because the Right is coming. This is only the beginning of the Revolution.

Macron isn't normal, what 18 year old marries a 42 year old woman, what 39 year old woman sexually abuses a 15 year old school boy and then when his family knows this they move away and the 39 year old woman stalks them to the new place and continues to sexually abuse the school boy?

His family should have had her arrested, why didn't they? Macron has issues, he probably had a sexual attraction to his mother, so this is why at 18 years old he marries the 42 year old sexual abuser.

The Left likes to mention Trump, yet they have no problem with Macron, when the Macron situation is degenerate and abnormal.
He should have just grabbed her by the pussy and moved on...that's the true mark of a future world leader.

That's the total of your intellectual capability, nothing sensible as a response just idiocy?
Oh...sorry...I misunderstood...were you being serious?

That is Macron's existence from age 15 years old.

Can't deal with it, would rather babble crap about Trump instead, no wonder you are so irrelevant.
they saw what happened to us & they were in the cross hairs to be next for fascist installation..

You don't even know what a Fascist is, that would be Leftists who are anti-Freedom of Speech and anti-Democracy.

post #18

CDZ - I want to know something

Anyone who includes Trump in there, sorry, hilarious stuff.

that is because you are a poorly educated partison mookie he counts on to show up at his rallies. i gave you specific examples of how it applies to your orange overlord.

You posted a copy and paste of someone's opinion in a CDZ thread, it's you who are obviously poorly educated, don't have the brains yourself, so just post copy and pasting of other peoples opinions and articles.

feel free to refudiate any of it. feel free to counter each tenet with evidence that contradicts it.

lol.... all you do is bloviate. where's your back up 'eh?

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