Macron 65% +

Mainly because that's not what this thread is about.

No and this thread isn't what you were referring to either or what a few others have been referring to, but you are obsessed being the tragic creature you must be.

Thread not about this either:

"Admittedly...I can't think of anything in the last hundred years or so but...oh wait..."
You were the one that asked what European politics has to do with NZ.
You're like trying to debate with a nine year-old.

Yes European politics has nothing to do with New Zealand, unlike American politics which seems to affect most of the planet.

You are incapable of any form of debate.
You're simply wrong.
European politics affects the whole world.
I can't believe I have to say this to you.

I ask again, how does an election in France directly affect you in New Zealand? Are you worried France might bomb and/or invade you or something? You are 19,000 km away from France, so how does an election in France affect you in New Zealand? It doesn't on no level.
So, you think that direct military action is the only concern?
We're a trading nation, anything that affects the markets affects us.
No and this thread isn't what you were referring to either or what a few others have been referring to, but you are obsessed being the tragic creature you must be.

Thread not about this either:

"Admittedly...I can't think of anything in the last hundred years or so but...oh wait..."
You were the one that asked what European politics has to do with NZ.
You're like trying to debate with a nine year-old.

Yes European politics has nothing to do with New Zealand, unlike American politics which seems to affect most of the planet.

You are incapable of any form of debate.
You're simply wrong.
European politics affects the whole world.
I can't believe I have to say this to you.

I ask again, how does an election in France directly affect you in New Zealand? Are you worried France might bomb and/or invade you or something? You are 19,000 km away from France, so how does an election in France affect you in New Zealand? It doesn't on no level.
So, you think that direct military action is the only concern?
We're a trading nation, anything that affects the markets affects us.

So did Brexit affect you in New Zealand? You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't.
Oh...sorry...I misunderstood...were you being serious?

That is Macron's existence from age 15 years old.

Can't deal with it, would rather babble crap about Trump instead, no wonder you are so irrelevant.
Oh no you were being serious!!!
I apologise.

If you want to make the comparison with many marriages have he and Macron had?
How many how many recordings of Macron bragging about sexual many interviews where he'd like to sleep with his own daughter...?

The thread isn't about Trump, it doesn't matter how many times Trump has been married, at least not one of his wives were school girls of 15 years of age.

Macron is a freak, the weird woman he's married to is a pervert, but that's okay with the Left as most of you are either freaks or perverts. mentioned Trump first.

To illustrate the Left's famous double standards that's why I mentioned it.
But...hold quote you "The thread isn't about Trump".
What about those double standards again?

Like I said...nine year old.
You were the one that asked what European politics has to do with NZ.
You're like trying to debate with a nine year-old.

Yes European politics has nothing to do with New Zealand, unlike American politics which seems to affect most of the planet.

You are incapable of any form of debate.
You're simply wrong.
European politics affects the whole world.
I can't believe I have to say this to you.

I ask again, how does an election in France directly affect you in New Zealand? Are you worried France might bomb and/or invade you or something? You are 19,000 km away from France, so how does an election in France affect you in New Zealand? It doesn't on no level.
So, you think that direct military action is the only concern?
We're a trading nation, anything that affects the markets affects us.

So did Brexit affect you in New Zealand? You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't.
Have they Brexitted already?
I can't have read the paper that did I miss that?!
That is Macron's existence from age 15 years old.

Can't deal with it, would rather babble crap about Trump instead, no wonder you are so irrelevant.
Oh no you were being serious!!!
I apologise.

If you want to make the comparison with many marriages have he and Macron had?
How many how many recordings of Macron bragging about sexual many interviews where he'd like to sleep with his own daughter...?

The thread isn't about Trump, it doesn't matter how many times Trump has been married, at least not one of his wives were school girls of 15 years of age.

Macron is a freak, the weird woman he's married to is a pervert, but that's okay with the Left as most of you are either freaks or perverts. mentioned Trump first.

To illustrate the Left's famous double standards that's why I mentioned it.
But...hold quote you "The thread isn't about Trump".
What about those double standards again?

Like I said...nine year old.

No and no, quit while you are behind already.
Yes European politics has nothing to do with New Zealand, unlike American politics which seems to affect most of the planet.

You are incapable of any form of debate.
You're simply wrong.
European politics affects the whole world.
I can't believe I have to say this to you.

I ask again, how does an election in France directly affect you in New Zealand? Are you worried France might bomb and/or invade you or something? You are 19,000 km away from France, so how does an election in France affect you in New Zealand? It doesn't on no level.
So, you think that direct military action is the only concern?
We're a trading nation, anything that affects the markets affects us.

So did Brexit affect you in New Zealand? You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't.
Have they Brexitted already?
I can't have read the paper that did I miss that?!

It's you who are like a 9 year old.

Let's recap.


"We're a trading nation, anything that affects the markets affects us."


"So did Brexit affect you in New Zealand? You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't."


"Have they Brexitted already?
I can't have read the paper that did I miss that?!"

Illustrating it's you who are like the 9 year old, you avoid the main part, which is this:

"You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't."
I'm human I care less what's my DNA. Love all humans regardless of their religion or color....unlike your racist ass.

I'm praying that Russia occupies at least Austria and eastern European (grumpy people, shitty weather and awful food)

Snowflake racists lost get over it. They have voted against people like you, like they did in Austria and Holland :)

Your type want the end of European Culture, I do read you know, I know about what your type want....with your Historical hatred of the European Continent and our peoples.
I don't give two fucks about the Nazi wing of Europa. Your "peoples" are just as regressive as Muslim terrorists.

Absolute idiocy, of course you are upstairs, so it's going to a bit above your limited intellectual capability, you should stay in the silly sections of the forum where you don't have to attempt to think, thinking isn't your thing.

Go away Sock.

You are not European so who cares what you think, go back to Morocco or whatever craphole your DNA originated in.

Pepé Le Pew Le Pen was defeated. Hooray! Vive la France!

You're simply wrong.
European politics affects the whole world.
I can't believe I have to say this to you.

I ask again, how does an election in France directly affect you in New Zealand? Are you worried France might bomb and/or invade you or something? You are 19,000 km away from France, so how does an election in France affect you in New Zealand? It doesn't on no level.
So, you think that direct military action is the only concern?
We're a trading nation, anything that affects the markets affects us.

So did Brexit affect you in New Zealand? You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't.
Have they Brexitted already?
I can't have read the paper that did I miss that?!

It's you who are like a 9 year old.

Let's recap.


"We're a trading nation, anything that affects the markets affects us."


"So did Brexit affect you in New Zealand? You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't."


"Have they Brexitted already?
I can't have read the paper that did I miss that?!"

Illustrating it's you who are like the 9 year old, you avoid the main part, which is this:

"You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't."
"No nine nine're the nine year-old!"

There hasn't been a Brexit yet.'re's a concern.

Still...I'm not sure why you even brought it up to be honest.
I ask again, how does an election in France directly affect you in New Zealand? Are you worried France might bomb and/or invade you or something? You are 19,000 km away from France, so how does an election in France affect you in New Zealand? It doesn't on no level.
So, you think that direct military action is the only concern?
We're a trading nation, anything that affects the markets affects us.

So did Brexit affect you in New Zealand? You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't.
Have they Brexitted already?
I can't have read the paper that did I miss that?!

It's you who are like a 9 year old.

Let's recap.


"We're a trading nation, anything that affects the markets affects us."


"So did Brexit affect you in New Zealand? You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't."


"Have they Brexitted already?
I can't have read the paper that did I miss that?!"

Illustrating it's you who are like the 9 year old, you avoid the main part, which is this:

"You know Brexit was going to crash the markets, until it didn't."
"No nine nine're the nine year-old!"

There hasn't been a Brexit yet.'re's a concern.

Still...I'm not sure why you even brought it up to be honest.

I refer to the Brexit vote idiot, they voted to Leave and all the usual suspects were freaking and saying the markets would crash and this and that would collapse if they voted Leave and when they did....well markets didn't crash did they and nothing collapsed.

Idiots like you always think the sky is going to collapse on your fool heads.
France got rid of the old's a start.

You are trying so hard. Precious.

This is a move towards the center...certainly from the current ruling Socialist Party.

Where else could they go, the French Socialists are finished thanks to Hollande, look at their terrible result in the First Round, even the Communist got more votes than the Socialist candidate.

We should have given them Bernie Sanders.
France, R.I.P.

Well I don't think it's at that level, as I mention to Dalia and she agreed, they have to suffer some more and then the straws will break.

Only 20% of the French need the nightmare jolt, so there is hope, unlike if 80% of the French had their heads in the sand.
France got rid of the old's a start.

You are trying so hard. Precious.

This is a move towards the center...certainly from the current ruling Socialist Party.

Where else could they go, the French Socialists are finished thanks to Hollande, look at their terrible result in the First Round, even the Communist got more votes than the Socialist candidate.

We should have given them Bernie Sanders.

The BBC World Service refer to Macron just now as a Liberal Centrist, lol, how can you have a Liberal Centrist, you can't.

The BBC World Service is so far down the Propaganda nonsense road now they exist as almost satire.
France got rid of the old's a start.

You are trying so hard. Precious.

This is a move towards the center...certainly from the current ruling Socialist Party.

Where else could they go, the French Socialists are finished thanks to Hollande, look at their terrible result in the First Round, even the Communist got more votes than the Socialist candidate.

We should have given them Bernie Sanders.

The BBC World Service refer to Macron just now as a Liberal Centrist, lol, how can you have a Liberal Centrist, you can't.

The BBC World Service is so far down the Propaganda nonsense road now they exist as almost satire.

Bill Clinton might be considered a liberal centrist.
France, R.I.P.

Well I don't think it's at that level, as I mention to Dalia and she agreed, they have to suffer some more and then the straws will break.

Only 20% of the French need the nightmare jolt, so there is hope, unlike if 80% of the French had their heads in the sand.

they'll break like Venezuela, after it's too late

Yes, but also like Venezuela there are people already waiting to pick the pieces up. The people now must lose all hope in anything Mainstream to protect them and also ultimately to save them, they must suffer and they must become desperate and once that happens they'll flock to the ones who told them this would happen from the beginning.

Let the French suffer, let them all suffer, they have to be brought to their knees.
Macron won. :woohoo:

Yes but moronic American Leftist, he won't be able to govern :lol:

Next month there are French Parliamentary elections, Macron has no party, well he has a party with about 50 people in it....and the Conservatives will win the most seats, so anything the Granny Fucker wants to do will be blocked :badgrin:

Also whoever is the French President deals more with foreign policy, the French Prime Minister deals with domestic the Granny Fucker has no functioning political party and as the Conservatives will win the most Parliamentary seats France will have a Conservative Prime Minister :badgrin:

So suck it up moronic American Leftist who hasn't a clue either about French domestic politics or European domestic politics.

We do like treating you as the idiots you are though thinking you know what you babble :lol:

Here read, even a stupid Troll like you should be able to understand.

The French election that really matters

And it’s not the one to choose a president.

PARIS — It’s nice to be elected French president.
But it doesn’t amount to much if you don’t have a majority in parliament to implement your program.

The scenario looks increasingly likely this year. Two of the top three contenders for the presidency don’t have a well-oiled party machine to help them win the parliamentary elections due in June, one month after the presidential vote. And the third might only be able to count on a divided party.

That makes the June elections as important — if not more important than — the higher-profile presidential contest. Particularly in the case of the two insurgents running strong this year a split result in the two polls would leave a hobbled new executive at the Élysée Palace, possibly paralyzing the French political system.

The French election that really matters
Thank god the Trump type didn't win. So there's hope

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