Macron 65% +

Macron won. :woohoo:
Wealthy 39 year old investment banker leading a socialist country under economic pressure, that has been invaded by Muslims, and having major problems with terrorism? Ticking time bomb. French have not been known to make the right decisions at historical junctions.
As usual, so many saying so much about France which they know so little. The idiotic, simplistic, jingoistic excuses for thinking are too serious to laugh at and too ridiculous to be taken seriously.
Moderation won, extremist populism lost.
Encore, vive la France.
Serves the French right for letting all the fucking Muslims into their country. Like what Obama and Crooked Hillary wanted to do to the US.

I won't feel sorry for the Useful Idiots in the next terrorist attack.

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Neither will I. They keep electing lefty loons to run the country and they have been letting Muslims into France for decades.

They had a chance to change things and didn't take it. I feel no sympathy for the French at all.

They have once again made their bed and will have to live it.
Why are leftist leaders always into some twisted sex stuff?


He'll probably jump Merkel the first chance he gets, he like them ladies old.
Why are leftist leaders always into some twisted sex stuff?


He'll probably jump Merkel the first chance he gets, he like them ladies old.
Melania is married to an old man, is that ok with you?

Was she 15 when they met? Nice try asshole.
Well, the age of consent in France is 15.

LOL, gotta love relativism.

Teachers aren't allowed to have relations with students, no matter what the age of consent is. But, different rules apply to elite progressive globalists. We understand.
Macron won. :woohoo:

Yes but moronic American Leftist, he won't be able to govern :lol:

Next month there are French Parliamentary elections, Macron has no party, well he has a party with about 50 people in it....and the Conservatives will win the most seats, so anything the Granny Fucker wants to do will be blocked :badgrin:

Also whoever is the French President deals more with foreign policy, the French Prime Minister deals with domestic the Granny Fucker has no functioning political party and as the Conservatives will win the most Parliamentary seats France will have a Conservative Prime Minister :badgrin:

So suck it up moronic American Leftist who hasn't a clue either about French domestic politics or European domestic politics.

We do like treating you as the idiots you are though thinking you know what you babble :lol:

Here read, even a stupid Troll like you should be able to understand.

The French election that really matters

And it’s not the one to choose a president.

PARIS — It’s nice to be elected French president.
But it doesn’t amount to much if you don’t have a majority in parliament to implement your program.

The scenario looks increasingly likely this year. Two of the top three contenders for the presidency don’t have a well-oiled party machine to help them win the parliamentary elections due in June, one month after the presidential vote. And the third might only be able to count on a divided party.

That makes the June elections as important — if not more important than — the higher-profile presidential contest. Particularly in the case of the two insurgents running strong this year a split result in the two polls would leave a hobbled new executive at the Élysée Palace, possibly paralyzing the French political system.

The French election that really matters
Jews And Muslms Unite Against Marine Le Pen

Jews And Muslms Unite Against Marine Le Pen — But Could Catholics Rally Behind Her?

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Spot on!!

France's election proves it — America is now an example of what not to do

Turns out the joke’s on us.

The American electorate in November chose as our president an international laughingstock who is ignorant and impetuous, his chief saving grace being that his extremism is tempered by his incompetence.

France's election proves it — America is now an example of what not to do
Spot on!!

France's election proves it — America is now an example of what not to do

Turns out the joke’s on us.

The American electorate in November chose as our president an international laughingstock who is ignorant and impetuous, his chief saving grace being that his extremism is tempered by his incompetence.

France's election proves it — America is now an example of what not to do

Its like Europe took one look at Trump's America and was like "Nah I'm good, don't want a right wing populist leader"
France, R.I.P.

Well I don't think it's at that level, as I mention to Dalia and she agreed, they have to suffer some more and then the straws will break.

Only 20% of the French need the nightmare jolt, so there is hope, unlike if 80% of the French had their heads in the sand.

they'll break like Venezuela, after it's too late

Yes, but also like Venezuela there are people already waiting to pick the pieces up. The people now must lose all hope in anything Mainstream to protect them and also ultimately to save them, they must suffer and they must become desperate and once that happens they'll flock to the ones who told them this would happen from the beginning.

Let the French suffer, let them all suffer, they have to be brought to their knees.

They've been there before. Not sure if they can recover now, in all seriousness.
As usual, so many saying so much about France which they know so little. The idiotic, simplistic, jingoistic excuses for thinking are too serious to laugh at and too ridiculous to be taken seriously.
Moderation won, extremist populism lost.
Encore, vive la France.
France and the EU already had liberals before, which has led to the catastrophe today. The EU started with a Big Bang, and was heading towards success, until liberals destroyed it with their ideology.
Spot on!!

France's election proves it — America is now an example of what not to do

Turns out the joke’s on us.

The American electorate in November chose as our president an international laughingstock who is ignorant and impetuous, his chief saving grace being that his extremism is tempered by his incompetence.

France's election proves it — America is now an example of what not to do

Its like Europe took one look at Trump's America and was like "Nah I'm good, don't want a right wing populist leader"
Trump's America has not materialized yet, moron. He's only been in office a little over 100 days. When Macron does not deliver and they have the same nagging problems with the economy, Muslims, and terrorism, they will vote for Le Penn when she runs again, probably in early elections.

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