Macys launches clothing line for muslims

Retailing giant Macy’s will partner with clothing brand Verona Collection to feature a selection of modest, ready-to-wear pieces geared toward Muslim women. The collection’s dresses, tops, cardigans, pants and hijabs will be available beginning Feb. 15 on “Verona Collection is more than a clothing brand. It’s a platform for a community of women to express their personal identity and embrace fashion that makes them feel confident on the inside and outside,”
Macy’s Launches Clothing Line For Muslims

You leftist idiots better wake up , your bs is causing us to end up just like SWEDEN, GERMANY, ITALY, FRANCE . if you want to see yourselves, your kids become second class citizens, and have your AMERICAN RIGHTS taken from you keep this BS up., the next stage you idiots will accept your women being raped, and women will accept keeping their entire bodies covered you might as well PUT AWAY THOSE THONG BATHING SUITE DUMBASSES.

THIS IS WHAT WENT ON BEFORE GERMANY BECAME A CESS POOL OF CHIT IN THE STREETS , women not being able to go out etc... this is how they glamorize it all in front of the weak minds who can't pick up on what's really taking place , here is your psychological warfare AGAIN!!

This is What a Real Feminist Looks Like

The Mass Brainwashing of Germany

View attachment 175583


Hooray for free enterprise.
You leftist idiots better wake up , your bs is causing us to end up just like SWEDEN, GERMANY, ITALY, FRANCE . if you want to see yourselves, your kids become second class citizens, and have your AMERICAN RIGHTS taken from you keep this BS up., the next stage you idiots will accept your women being raped, and women will accept keeping their entire bodies covered you might as well PUT AWAY THOSE THONG BATHING SUITE DUMBASSES.

Now you're bitching about Capitalism?
It seems odd that a retailer, already in financial trouble, would launch a line of clothing appealing to only 2% of the population.

That's why they are in trouble. Poor business descions
Can't fix stupid
Imagine a retailer choosing to stock products for sale for people to come and stupid!

It is very stupid since VERY FEW women will actually buy them. Muslims are about 2% of the population. That's all muslims including men. Even among muslim women not all wear the hijab. So that cuts the customer base down even further. But the irony in all this is, if the hijab were ever worn by a non muslim woman say some one though "This is great for bad hair day", that poor woman would be crucified for cultural appropriation. Poor Macy's can't gin up a trend no matter what. That is the best outcome. The worst outcome is if muslim women protest the store for marketing muslim dress to evil white women.

The store will have their little retail party then quietly shelve the idea and take their losses. As if they could afford that kind of loss.
It seems odd that a retailer, already in financial trouble, would launch a line of clothing appealing to only 2% of the population.

That's why they are in trouble. Poor business descions
Can't fix stupid
Imagine a retailer choosing to stock products for sale for people to come and stupid!

It is very stupid since VERY FEW women will actually buy them. Muslims are about 2% of the population. That's all muslims including men. Even among muslim women not all wear the hijab. So that cuts the customer base down even further. But the irony in all this is, if the hijab were ever worn by a non muslim woman say some one though "This is great for bad hair day", that poor woman would be crucified for cultural appropriation. Poor Macy's can't gin up a trend no matter what. That is the best outcome. The worst outcome is if muslim women protest the store for marketing muslim dress to evil white women.

The store will have their little retail party then quietly shelve the idea and take their losses. As if they could afford that kind of loss.
I'm sure you're right.
They've probably done no market research at all.
Stupid Macy's.
It seems odd that a retailer, already in financial trouble, would launch a line of clothing appealing to only 2% of the population.

That's why they are in trouble. Poor business descions
Can't fix stupid
Imagine a retailer choosing to stock products for sale for people to come and stupid!

It is very stupid since VERY FEW women will actually buy them. Muslims are about 2% of the population. That's all muslims including men. Even among muslim women not all wear the hijab. So that cuts the customer base down even further. But the irony in all this is, if the hijab were ever worn by a non muslim woman say some one though "This is great for bad hair day", that poor woman would be crucified for cultural appropriation. Poor Macy's can't gin up a trend no matter what. That is the best outcome. The worst outcome is if muslim women protest the store for marketing muslim dress to evil white women.

The store will have their little retail party then quietly shelve the idea and take their losses. As if they could afford that kind of loss.
I'm sure you're right.
They've probably done no market research at all.
Stupid Macy's.

Could be why they are in dire financial straights ...they're getting killed
Kudos to Macy's for realizing there is a market for Muslim women's clothing and money to be made. Not every hijabed woman dresses in a tent. Many Muslim women are fashion conscious.

I normally do not hijab. But I do wear when I attend Friday prayer and other Islamic events.
And wouldn't be caught dead in a potato sack hijab.

But I'm not surprised you conservatives are flipping out about it. Anything that doesn't reassemble your Caucasianess and Christianity, you freak the fudge out.

You're the same folks who flipped out over Starbucks coffee cups.

Wonder if you will say that when your wife, daughter, granddaughters sister get raped.....

They are pushing you WHITES OUT OF AMERICA stooge.......... Illegals in genearal what part of YOU WONT MATTER IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY do you NOT GET

Kudos to Macy's for realizing there is a market for Muslim women's clothing and money to be made. Not every hijabed woman dresses in a tent. Many Muslim women are fashion conscious.

I normally do not hijab. But I do wear when I attend Friday prayer and other Islamic events.
And wouldn't be caught dead in a potato sack hijab.

But I'm not surprised you conservatives are flipping out about it. Anything that doesn't reassemble your Caucasianess and Christianity, you freak the fudge out.

You're the same folks who flipped out over Starbucks coffee cups.

If you bothered to listen to the video and get educated from those who aren't indoctrinated you might actually learn what is going on right under your nose.

Do you realize if you have kid or grand kids WTF kind of Country they will live in Jesus christ.

Kudos to Macy's for realizing there is a market for Muslim women's clothing and money to be made. Not every hijabed woman dresses in a tent. Many Muslim women are fashion conscious.

I normally do not hijab. But I do wear when I attend Friday prayer and other Islamic events.
And wouldn't be caught dead in a potato sack hijab.

But I'm not surprised you conservatives are flipping out about it. Anything that doesn't reassemble your Caucasianess and Christianity, you freak the fudge out.

You're the same folks who flipped out over Starbucks coffee cups.

If you bothered to listen to the video and get educated from those who aren't indoctrinated you might actually learn what is going on right under your nose.

Do you realize if you have kid or grand kids WTF kind of Country they will live in Jesus christ.

Aaaaannnyway...back to Macy's clothing line...
Kudos to Macy's for realizing there is a market for Muslim women's clothing and money to be made. Not every hijabed woman dresses in a tent. Many Muslim women are fashion conscious.

I normally do not hijab. But I do wear when I attend Friday prayer and other Islamic events.
And wouldn't be caught dead in a potato sack hijab.

But I'm not surprised you conservatives are flipping out about it. Anything that doesn't reassemble your Caucasianess and Christianity, you freak the fudge out.

You're the same folks who flipped out over Starbucks coffee cups.

I'm not 'flipping' out about it at all, but it's a sad reminder of the growth of Islam in America.
Other religions and those who claim no religion growing in America, Christianity dying
Retailing giant Macy’s will partner with clothing brand Verona Collection to feature a selection of modest, ready-to-wear pieces geared toward Muslim women. The collection’s dresses, tops, cardigans, pants and hijabs will be available beginning Feb. 15 on “Verona Collection is more than a clothing brand. It’s a platform for a community of women to express their personal identity and embrace fashion that makes them feel confident on the inside and outside,”
Macy’s Launches Clothing Line For Muslims

You leftist idiots better wake up , your bs is causing us to end up just like SWEDEN, GERMANY, ITALY, FRANCE . if you want to see yourselves, your kids become second class citizens, and have your AMERICAN RIGHTS taken from you keep this BS up., the next stage you idiots will accept your women being raped, and women will accept keeping their entire bodies covered you might as well PUT AWAY THOSE THONG BATHING SUITE DUMBASSES.

THIS IS WHAT WENT ON BEFORE GERMANY BECAME A CESS POOL OF CHIT IN THE STREETS , women not being able to go out etc... this is how they glamorize it all in front of the weak minds who can't pick up on what's really taking place , here is your psychological warfare AGAIN!!

This is What a Real Feminist Looks Like

The Mass Brainwashing of Germany

View attachment 175583


This is how things work in a free country. Are you new here? No one is forcing them to sell the shit so who cares...
Democrats would arrest a kid who wore a T shirt to school depicting his/her Christian faith but Macys comes out with a line that somehow caters to muslem babes who want to look sexy in a long black dress and headgear. Go figure. Why not Amish fashion?
It seems odd that a retailer, already in financial trouble, would launch a line of clothing appealing to only 2% of the population.

That's why they are in trouble. Poor business descions
Can't fix stupid
Imagine a retailer choosing to stock products for sale for people to come and stupid!

It is very stupid since VERY FEW women will actually buy them. Muslims are about 2% of the population. That's all muslims including men. Even among muslim women not all wear the hijab. So that cuts the customer base down even further. But the irony in all this is, if the hijab were ever worn by a non muslim woman say some one though "This is great for bad hair day", that poor woman would be crucified for cultural appropriation. Poor Macy's can't gin up a trend no matter what. That is the best outcome. The worst outcome is if muslim women protest the store for marketing muslim dress to evil white women.

The store will have their little retail party then quietly shelve the idea and take their losses. As if they could afford that kind of loss.
I'm sure you're right.
They've probably done no market research at all.
Stupid Macy's.
They are trying to appeal to dolts like you not the actual Muslims. Either way they are free to do as they choose.
That's why they are in trouble. Poor business descions
Can't fix stupid
Imagine a retailer choosing to stock products for sale for people to come and stupid!

It is very stupid since VERY FEW women will actually buy them. Muslims are about 2% of the population. That's all muslims including men. Even among muslim women not all wear the hijab. So that cuts the customer base down even further. But the irony in all this is, if the hijab were ever worn by a non muslim woman say some one though "This is great for bad hair day", that poor woman would be crucified for cultural appropriation. Poor Macy's can't gin up a trend no matter what. That is the best outcome. The worst outcome is if muslim women protest the store for marketing muslim dress to evil white women.

The store will have their little retail party then quietly shelve the idea and take their losses. As if they could afford that kind of loss.
I'm sure you're right.
They've probably done no market research at all.
Stupid Macy's.
They are trying to appeal to dolts like you not the actual Muslims. Either way they are free to do as they choose.
I'm not likely to buy one but I agree with your second sentence.

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