Mad As Hell About ObamaCare?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004


Posted 10/25/2013 07:36 PM ET

Revolt: In 1989, angry seniors forced the repeal of a costly new Medicare benefit just a year after it passed. It's time for the millions now being savaged by ObamaCare to rise up and do the same.

When he was selling ObamaCare to the nation, President Obama said: "We will keep this promise to the American people. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away."

Across the country, millions of Americans are now discovering this was an expensive lie.

These are people who buy insurance on their own in the individual market, and who are now getting cancellation notices from their insurance companies.

No matter how much they might like their current plans, ObamaCare has made them illegal because they don't comply with its vast array of costly benefit mandates and marketplace regulations.

Among the recent notices:

• At least 146,000 Michigan residents are losing their plans, according to the Detroit News.

• More than 800,000 New Jersey residents will learn the same thing, according to the New Jersey Association of Health Plans.

• Kaiser Permanente canceled 160,000 — about 60% — of its policies in California.

• Florida Blue terminated 300,000 policies — about 80% — because they didn't comply with ObamaCare.

• In the Philadelphia region, 24,000 Independence Blue Cross members are getting cancellation notices.

Gerry Kominski, UCLA's director of public health policy, calculates that about 7 million people who buy insurance on their own won't be able to keep their plans, thanks to ObamaCare.

And many, if not most, will end up paying more, sometimes a lot more, for ObamaCare-approved policies.

ALL of it here

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In 1989, angry seniors forced the repeal of a costly new Medicare benefit just a year after it passed. It's time for the millions now being savaged by ObamaCare to rise up and do the same.

Yep. Medicare was a mess. It took two years to iron out the problems.

Now, it works well and within its budget and its very likely the same will happen with ACA.

Thank you Mr. President
Medicare does not work well, and is bankrupt.

The care available to a person under medicare is the absolute bare minimum IF you can find it and IF you can find a doctor that will agree to take a medicare patient.
In 1989, angry seniors forced the repeal of a costly new Medicare benefit just a year after it passed. It's time for the millions now being savaged by ObamaCare to rise up and do the same.

Yep. Medicare was a mess. It took two years to iron out the problems.

Now, it works well and within its budget and its very likely the same will happen with ACA.

Thank you Mr. President

Obamacare is a gun grab, No privacy remember, once Americans are disarmed the liberals will enact laws reducing the age of consent for males, enabling Nambla liberals legal access to Americas male children.
Obamacare=gun grab=defenseless victims for the liberal Nambla base to prey on.
Think about it, they already call it a human right!!
If you try to stop them, you will be jailed.
Perverse liberals!!

Thank you MR president!
In 1989, angry seniors forced the repeal of a costly new Medicare benefit just a year after it passed. It's time for the millions now being savaged by ObamaCare to rise up and do the same.

Yep. Medicare was a mess. It took two years to iron out the problems.

Now, it works well and within its budget and its very likely the same will happen with ACA.

Thank you Mr. President

1. What agencies are involved in making Medicare work?
and I agree with Katz that it was never fixed

2. how can you compare this with private insurance companies vs. contested citizen mandates
dragged into ACA

These things cannot be compared, Luddly.

Are you one of these liberals who does not distinguish federal from state govt?
Or big corporations from small businesses and how they are affected?

Clearly you do not distinguish between people who believe in prochoice, prolife,
or ACA but expect everyone to fall in line with a policy as "biased" as requiring
Atheists to pay tithes to a private Catholic church or else pay a fine to govt.

That's an extreme analogy, but I'm trying to come up with a better way to
explain how pushing this ACA is biased by faith or belief and penalizes dissenting beliefs.

Luddly I am asking help of other people (who seem prochoice or proliberal/Democrat or anti-Republican) to come up with an analogy that would be the equivalent of pushing ACA.

Maybe I should have a $1000 contest to come up with an analogy even Obama would get?

Luddly can you name something else "other people" believe is as good a plan as ACA, but you would NOT want fed govt imposing that as a mandate on citizens or else pay a fine?

How about political parties? Require everyone to be a paid member of a political party to cover their health care through a party (and through that, you can mandate insurance, or paying your own costs, or singlepayer or natural health coops/spiritual healing). If you can force people to become members under insurance, why not parties and regulate parties to cover the costs for all their members without exclusion?
In my opinion health care should not be forced it should be a choice.

I wouldn't mind it being treated like car insurance a state option, some states don't even require car insurance.

Anyone who argues for female rights to their own body as in abortion and believes that the government has no right to control a females choice should favor all citizens rights to not be required to have health insurance or go to the doctor.

If a citizen prefers to turn to holistic or alternative medicine options instead or even rely on religious beliefs and no medical treatment at all (as a legal adult) they should have that right.

Personally, I would rather health insurance be eliminated.

But if it must be marketed then do so at the very minimal level just to cover major hospital stays like a liability insurance for cars.
I stopped at Wal-Mart this morning and on my way out I was speaking with the cashier.

She told me that for her employer to offer benifits she had to work for them for one year. Well she's a few months short so she hopped onto the ACA.

Her dedictable was $12,000 and co pays were around $45.00 and she's single.

Needless to say the ACA isn't affordable for her. She told me she has an appointment with Allstate today to see them about her HC. I wish her luck.
In 1989, angry seniors forced the repeal of a costly new Medicare benefit just a year after it passed. It's time for the millions now being savaged by ObamaCare to rise up and do the same.

Yep. Medicare was a mess. It took two years to iron out the problems.

Now, it works well and within its budget and its very likely the same will happen with ACA.

Thank you Mr. President

Wrong again. ... But you are very good at it....


Medicare is going broke. It’s not politics. It’s math.”
— Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) in a new Romney campaign ad titled “Least We Can Do.”

“What they didn’t tell you is what they’re [the Romney campaign] proposing would cause Medicare to go bankrupt by 2016.”
— Vice President Biden, at the Democratic convention, Sept. 6, 2012

Medicare “is going broke.”
— President Obama, Aug. 15, 2009

Medicare Spending and Financing Fact Sheet | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Medicare’s Financial Condition

Medicare’s financial condition can be measured in several ways, including the solvency of the Part A Trust Fund, annual growth in spending, and growth in spending on a per capita basis. Average annual growth in total Medicare spending is projected to be 6.5% between 2012 and 2021, but 3.6% on a per capita basis (assuming no reduction in physician fees).

The Part A Trust Fund is projected to be depleted in 2024—eight years longer than in the absence of the health reform law—at which point Medicare will not have sufficient funds to pay full benefits, even though revenue flows into the Trust Fund each year. Part A Trust Fund solvency is affected by growth in the economy, which directly affects revenue from payroll tax contributions, and by demographic trends: an increasing number of beneficiaries, especially between 2010 and 2030 when the baby boom generation reaches Medicare eligibility age, and a declining ratio of workers per beneficiary making payroll contributions. Part B and Part D do not have similar financing challenges, because both were structured to be funded by beneficiary premiums and general revenues, set annually to match expected outlays. However, future increases in spending under Part B and Part D will require increases in general revenue funding and higher premiums paid by beneficiaries.

Various measures of Medicare spending are also used in the context of broader discussions of the national budget and federal deficit and in the Independent Payment Advisory Board process, including Medicare spending as a share of the federal budget and of GDP.
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I stopped at Wal-Mart this morning and on my way out I was speaking with the cashier.

She told me that for her employer to offer benifits she had to work for them for one year. Well she's a few months short so she hopped onto the ACA.

Her dedictable was $12,000 and co pays were around $45.00 and she's single.

Needless to say the ACA isn't affordable for her. She told me she has an appointment with Allstate today to see them about her HC. I wish her luck.

As a result of Obamacare, my insurance went up 76% = $168/month

Eat my shorts you lazy, entitled, unmotivated, malcontent, freeloading leeches of the working man and woman

Not true.

Well LL it seems you and she have a different opinion.

It is not an opinion. Your cashier did not buy a plan on the ACA with a $12,000 deductible. She either lied to you or was mistaken.

Question. What was she doing before she recently went to the exchange? Was she going uninsured? An accident or illness may have destroyed her family's finances. If she was OK with that risk....why didn't she just wait a couple more months to get on Wal-Mart's employer sponsored plan?

Did you ask?
No I didn't.

She had recently moved here from Colorado and as I said she lacked a few months towards benefits through her employer.

Why didn't she wait?? Don't know. Perhaps she thought the ACA would be more affordable.

She did tell me that she double checked it because she was flabbergasted about the deductable.
No I didn't.

She had recently moved here from Colorado and as I said she lacked a few months towards benefits through her employer.

Why didn't she wait?? Don't know. Perhaps she thought the ACA would be more affordable.

She did tell me that she double checked it because she was flabbergasted about the deductable.

Well..since the actual insurance coverage bought under the exchange does not go into effect for two more months, I do not see how she could gain by signing up if her employer was going to offer her a better deal in a few months.

She seems confused. And...since she has not paid anything yet....she can cancel and go with Wally World. Nobody is forcing her to buy on the exchange.

What do you think? Maybe you can tell her the good news on your next visit. Do a little public service.
She did say she had an appointment with Allstate today.

Hope that works out for her and I'm sure she knows she can get coverage through Wal-Mart. I'm sure she'll take whatever is affordable for her.

Oh and BTW she didn't sound confused at all. Not one bit.
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In 1989, angry seniors forced the repeal of a costly new Medicare benefit just a year after it passed. It's time for the millions now being savaged by ObamaCare to rise up and do the same.

Yep. Medicare was a mess. It took two years to iron out the problems.

Now, it works well and within its budget and its very likely the same will happen with ACA.

Thank you Mr. President

So Medicare working so well is why President Obama slashed $716 billion from Medicare to help pay for the ACA ... And said it all came from reducing waste and eliminating fraud?
I dare say that your assertions ... "it works well and within its budget" ... Aren't supported by the President's reasons for looting the program ... But I am equally certain that we can expect the same out of the ACA.

She did say she had an appointment with Allstate today.

Hope that works out for her and I'm sure she knows she can get coverage through Wal-Mart. I'm sure she'll take whatever is affordable for her.

Oh and BTW she didn't sound confused at all. Not one bit.

Well, not sounding confused is clearly not proof that one isn't confused. Several entirely confused USMB members seem to think of themselves as infallible.

If she works at Walmart as a cashier, she will likely qualify for a substantial subsidy which will make her plan quite affordable to maintain.....and will protect her family in case of a serious medical issue.
She did say she had an appointment with Allstate today.

Hope that works out for her and I'm sure she knows she can get coverage through Wal-Mart. I'm sure she'll take whatever is affordable for her.

Oh and BTW she didn't sound confused at all. Not one bit.

Well, not sounding confused is clearly not proof that one isn't confused. Several entirely confused USMB members seem to think of themselves as infallible.

If she works at Walmart as a cashier, she will likely qualify for a substantial subsidy which will make her plan quite affordable to maintain.....and will protect her family in case of a serious medical issue.


what happens when only the ones who qualify for substantial subsidies show up

what does that do to obamacare
She did say she had an appointment with Allstate today.

Hope that works out for her and I'm sure she knows she can get coverage through Wal-Mart. I'm sure she'll take whatever is affordable for her.

Oh and BTW she didn't sound confused at all. Not one bit.

Well, not sounding confused is clearly not proof that one isn't confused. Several entirely confused USMB members seem to think of themselves as infallible.

If she works at Walmart as a cashier, she will likely qualify for a substantial subsidy which will make her plan quite affordable to maintain.....and will protect her family in case of a serious medical issue.


what happens when only the ones who qualify for substantial subsidies show up

what does that do to obamacare

As long as everyone is insured......the law will do fine. You think people who make too much for subsidies are going to risk everything by going uninsured? The pool of insured is larger...premiums for everyone go down.....the insurance companies must give something for the more medical bankruptcies.

It's good stuff.

Let me predict that this complete and factual reply will not meet with your approval.

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