Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

So let me get this straight. You're too nice-you get lynched. You're too nasty-you get lynched. You talk too much, you get lynched. You don't talk enough, you get lynched.

Did I miss anything?

I think that sums it up. ;)
I wish we could talk more here. I have some thoughts/questions but it is too much game related. I am curious about your thought process regarding wanting to hold off on the lynch and your sudden frustration during twilight but I know we have to be careful what we say.


To give you an idea of what I am talking about, my very first mafia game ever was a closed set up theme game based on King Arthur and I was a VT with effing Excalibur in my hands and my only directions were that it would be very bad for town if it fell into scum hands, would be very good for town if it reached the right hands, and I could pass it to anybody I wanted at night in a game. The game had 3 factions apparent early on Day 1 and I didn't seem to belong to any of them. It took me 3 game days of thinking only about how do I keep from being lynched and to whom should I pass the sword in the night since nobody but me even knew the thing existed. Chasing scum was not on my list of priorities at all. It took us the entire game to realize that two of the three factions were both town and of no consequence to the town v. scum thing, but a lot of town blood got shed just because the town had two factions, each with a person who became a 2-shot vigilante if they got Excalibur, neither of which ended up being the role of King Arthur.

Wow... that sounds really cool. I believe Wake is planning to add more RP elements as we learn the game.

It was better in concept than in practice. For instance, since we didn't know what the sword actually gave people as far as power, it hit the right hands really too late to be of much use as it was too risky to start extra killing people. I was lynched after I revealed its existence because I would not cough up who I had given it to so they said I was lying about it. There was really a 4th faction in that there were 3 of us who were not aligned by our roles with the two town factions. I think there were initially 6 or so in each town faction, 3 scum, and 3 independent town. That was like 3 or 4 years ago so I forget the exact break down.

That is why I suggested to him that if he does do it, it is better that the roles correspond with the character names. In our game Arthur was a roleblocker when he should have naturally have been the person to get Excalibur to by the narrative, but I had no idea who he was at the time. Someone was trying to get me NK'd painting me as the cop so I tossed the sword off randomly and fortunately hit a townie.
R.D. and the rest of the talkers-please keep it up. I'd much rather have people that talk and play in the game, then people who barely say a word or disappear for days with no notice. Makes it harder to get reads on them.

And Wake, I have no problem with an experienced player coming in. As long as they realize most of us are newbies and play accordingly. Meaning, they explain things when needed and don't get too frustrated with people not playing how they think we should.

Damn, talk about talking too much. I'm giving Avi a run for his money. LOL

Or don't hurt you wee wittle feelings......?.......:lol:

At least I haven't been responsible for killing an innocent or trying to save a scum. Hmmmm?


What can I say....I'm just the town's waitress, gathering information from my customers, and I see the three town gossips whispering in the corner, and so I assumed they were scum.....they don't pay me enough for me to do detective work on the side....:lol::lol:
o and i think the non flame rule in the game is okay but its hard when so many make it so easy

Waaaaahhhhhh, if you don't quit making fun of me I'm going to ask Wake to remove me from the game........waaaaahhhh......:lol::lol:
Guys, let's keep from discussing ongoing games. Even the slightest mention of current game happenings influences the game in various ways. In a way it's sort of like altering time.

Instead let's talk about general Mafia theory, ways to play the game better, and all the roles and things that can be added to Mafia. I've played roughly 65 games thus far, and hosted about 45 over the net. There were even times when I'd sign up for ten games at once on the main site and go nuts over it. :D

What I'm planning to do is a Closed Setup, in which no one will know what's up. That said, I'd like to go over some of the various basic mechanics and modifiers in Mafia, for your edification.

Let's start with the X-Shot modifier. What this means is that a PR (Power Role) will have its ability, but only be able to use it a set number of times before it runs out of metaphorical bullets. A 2-shot Doctor, for example, could only use its protective ability twice during the game. It could decide to not protect anyone Night 1, but save its protective power for Nights 2 and 3. A 1-Shot Bulletproof player would be immune from one kill attempt at Night. 3-Shot Jailkeeper would be able to jail players only three times during the duration of our game. This puts more effort on the player to use his or her abilities wisely.

Another modifier—and I'm not certain the exact term for it—are abilities that become available for the player to use during a certain Day. I'll call it an X-Night Ability. A Townie could have a 1-Shot ability that can only be used during Night 3, etc. Avatar4321, for example, would be allowed to investigate someone during Night 3, in addition to there being a normal Cop in the game. This puts emphasis on that player fighting to survive in order to use his or her ability.

Even/Odd modifiers are also very important. A Town Cop could be modified into only being able to investigate once every Odd-numbered Night, or the Serial KIller being able to kill every Even-numbered Night. If two large, opposing Mafia factions were to come into existence, one way to balance out the sides would be to make it so one faction can kill on Odd Days, and the other on Even Days.

Also, Backup Roles are also a common experience in Mafia. Let's say we have a Town Nurse, a backup role, that becomes the Town Doctor should the original Doc get shot dead. Likewise, there do exist backup roles of everything, from Cops to Serial Killers. The most powerful backup role, the Universal Backup Townie, assumes the ability of the first Town PR to die at Night.

Flavor Roles are very freaking fun. Let's say in our next game I make a Townie/Mafioso known as the Chicken-Loving Hippie. During the Night it will fling chicken legs at three different players. This won't do anything, mind you, but it'll sure make you wonder who the hell is throwing tasty drumsticks at you. :D

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Guys, let's keep from discussing ongoing games. Even the slightest mention of current game happenings influences the game in various ways. In a way it's sort of like altering time.

Instead let's talk about general Mafia theory, ways to play the game better, and all the roles and things that can be added to Mafia. I've played roughly 65 games thus far, and hosted about 45 over the net. There were even times when I'd sign up for ten games at once on the main site and go nuts over it. :D

What I'm planning to do is a Closed Setup, in which no one will know what's up. That said, I'd like to go over some of the various basic mechanics and modifiers in Mafia, for your edification.

Let's start with the X-Shot modifier. What this means is that a PR (Power Role) will have its ability, but only be able to use it a set number of times before it runs out of metaphorical bullets. A 2-shot Doctor, for example, could only use its protective ability twice during the game. It could decide to not protect anyone Night 1, but save its protective power for Nights 2 and 3. A 1-Shot Bulletproof player would be immune from one kill attempt at Night. 3-Shot Jailkeeper would be able to jail players only three times during the duration of our game. This puts more effort on the player to use his or her abilities wisely.

Another modifier—and I'm not certain the exact term for it—are abilities that become available for the player to use during a certain Day. I'll call it an X-Night Ability. A Townie could have a 1-Shot ability that can only be used during Night 3, etc. Avatar4321, for example, would be allowed to investigate someone during Night 3, in addition to their being a normal Cop in the game. This puts emphasis on that player fighting to survive in order to use his or her ability.

Even/Odd modifiers are also very important. A Town Cop could be modified into only being able to investigate once every Odd-numbered Night, or the Serial KIller being able to kill every Even-numbered Night. If two large, opposing Mafia factions were to come into existence, one way to balance out the sides would be to make it so one faction can kill on Odd Days, and the other on Even Days.

Also, Backup Roles are also a common experience in Mafia. Let's say we have a Town Nurse, a backup role, that becomes the Town Doctor should the original Doc get shot dead. Likewise, there do exist backup roles of everything, from Cops to Serial Killers. The most powerful backup role, the Universal Backup Townie, assumes the ability of the first Town PR to die at Night.

Flavor Roles are very freaking fun. Let's say in our next game I make a Townie/Mafioso known as the Chicken-Loving Hippie. During the Night it will fling chicken legs at three different players. This won't do anything, mind you, but it'll sure make you wonder who the hell is throwing tasty drumsticks at you. :D

I presume you will post the rules again when that specific game starts, so I don't have to print these instructions here ^^^^^since you haven't decided exactly which ones you'll be using...?
Ah, well, if we're playing a Closed Setup, ya'll won't know what's in the game until you play it.

Game 3 will definitely have pertinent rules in the opening posts. The fish in the pond, however? Well...

I can say there may be any of those roles mentioned above your post in the next game, Mertex. You might deal with a flamethrower-wielding Serial Killer, various X-Shot players, etc. :D
For the next game, we need a co-moderator :)

It's hard waiting to bury the dead

This is good.

It would help keep my game going when work emergencies happen, and it'd get you guys ready for creating and running your own game worlds.

In all actuality, it's far, FAR easier to host and run a game than to play one, and super fun. :D
Ah, well, if we're playing a Closed Setup, ya'll won't know what's in the game until you play it.

Game 3 will definitely have pertinent rules in the opening posts. The fish in the pond, however? Well...

I can say there may be any of those roles mentioned above your post in the next game, Mertex. You might deal with a flamethrower-wielding Serial Killer, various X-Shot players, etc. :D

Now I'm excited. Wish we didn't have to wait
I'd be up for doing a co-mod at some time. But right now I'm having a lot of fun playing. :D
That's where I'm at too Shaitra. I am willing to help Wake co-mod. I don't feel comfortable enough to do my own game and I kind of don't want to give up playing but I'd be willing to help Wake out sometime.
At some point, if it really takes root here, a thread where people can sign up as replacement players or people who would be willing to replace into a current game wouldn't be a bad idea either.
That's where I'm at too Shaitra. I am willing to help Wake co-mod. I don't feel comfortable enough to do my own game and I kind of don't want to give up playing but I'd be willing to help Wake out sometime.

Me three.

I'll help any time.
Guys, let's keep from discussing ongoing games. Even the slightest mention of current game happenings influences the game in various ways. In a way it's sort of like altering time.

What I'm planning to do is a Closed Setup, in which no one will know what's up. That said, I'd like to go over some of the various basic mechanics and modifiers in Mafia, for your edification.

Let's start with the X-Shot modifier. What this means is that a PR (Power Role) will have its ability, but only be able to use it a set number of times before it runs out of metaphorical bullets. A 2-shot Doctor, for example, could only use its protective ability twice during the game. It could decide to not protect anyone Night 1, but save its protective power for Nights 2 and 3. A 1-Shot Bulletproof player would be immune from one kill attempt at Night. 3-Shot Jailkeeper would be able to jail players only three times during the duration of our game. This puts more effort on the player to use his or her abilities wisely.

I think this rule might be too much for us noobs to deal with.
Naw, Grandma, if anything it's easier. ;)

A 1-Shot Cop would only be able to investigate once during the game, instead of once per Night.

Instead of using your ability indefinitely every Night, there's a limit.
Not to overwhelm you guys, but here's a slew of advanced roles to tinker with.

Crazy Roles

Forum List
