Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

Also, here's another Mafia mechanic to work with:

Neighbors and Masons. If I made Moonglow, Shaitra, and Wolfie Neighbors, they'd all be able to talk in their own QT thread Day or Night. However, one or more of those chatty neighbors could be evil. Masons, on the other hand, are Vanilla Townies who know each other are Townies, and they also get their own QT thread to talk in.

The Amnesiac modifier is neat, too. Imagine you're a well-meaning Townie, and you're never told you lost your memory. However... after the 3rd Day you wake up and recall being an evil Mafia Goon? I've never played or used that role before, but it has many possibilities.

Town Hiders, on the other hand, are a bit... different. These guys hide. A Hider would scurry his or her little butt behind someone else, thus becoming immune to being targeted. However, if the town Hider hides behind Scum, that little runt dies instantly. Scum don't play around. 'Specially with runts. If a Hider hides behind someone, and that person gets killed, the Hider dies, too. Same goes if the person the Hider's latched onto gets protected, investigated, jailed, you name it. Usually they can use their ability 1 to 3 times within the game.

Psychiatrists are a countermeasure to the Serial Killer. He or she targets someone they think is a Serial Killer and, if successful, that person gets rehabilitated. The SK becomes a Vanilla Townie. This role is always pro-Town, yet rare.

I'll get started on the list soon, guys. :D:badgrin::smiliehug:
Oh, the neighbors and masons ideas for sure sound like fun. Psychiatrist with a serial killer might be cool too.

I imagine it is tough balancing it out so either town or scum do not get too much of an advantage.
It's super tough, and I still don't have a good grasp on balancing games. That's because it's mostly based on opinion, and that differs wildly; the main site has a small group of people who decide what's balanced and what isn't, but those are debates for another day.
Wow. There's a lot of crazy in that thread.

We need a game with 50 players, that would be fun!

Damn, imagine if they are as chatty as Avatar how long it would take to review the posts over and might have to become my full time job....:D
Alright, I've got some devilish ideas.

Game 3 will be a Closed Setup, and I'd like to give it some sort of theme. Nothing too immersive yet.

Angels... and Demons? :badgrin:

Or an aquatic-themed game? Oh, that sounds fun!

How about ancient China with ninjas and warlords?

To give players an understanding of what might be in our closed setup, I'll start making a list of the roles the MAY show up in our 3rd game. :D

Maybe something most players are more familiar with, like scary movies, or westerns...

Or vampires........:D
Alright, I've got some devilish ideas.

Game 3 will be a Closed Setup, and I'd like to give it some sort of theme. Nothing too immersive yet.

Angels... and Demons? :badgrin:

Or an aquatic-themed game? Oh, that sounds fun!

How about ancient China with ninjas and warlords?

To give players an understanding of what might be in our closed setup, I'll start making a list of the roles the MAY show up in our 3rd game. :D

Maybe something most players are more familiar with, like scary movies, or westerns...

Or vampires........:D

Are we talking real vampires or the metrosexual ones that sparkle?
Not sure why there was a smiley face on the last post. I dont remember putting one on. weird
i hate having to wait till 6 to see what happened over the night:)

Me too.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION], can't night end when all parties pm you?

I think last turn he said we're supposed to wait.

But why? He is the man in charge
Sorry guys, but it's standard protocol. Otherwise it could be used to whittle down who's who.
Sorry guys, but it's standard protocol. Otherwise it could be used to whittle down who's who.

I agree. I went hard getting a townie lynched one time because they just happened to have been on the game thread the second it reopened early and none of the other players but them and me were logged onto the site.
Sorry guys, but it's standard protocol. Otherwise it could be used to whittle down who's who.

I agree. I went hard getting a townie lynched one time because they just happened to have been on the game thread the second it reopened early and none of the other players but them and me were logged onto the site.

Oh, ok. I get it :)

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