MAGA baby....Trump shreds Chinese flu relief bill because it doesn't help Americans....He is the Man........

I heard that contained in the bill was money for Sri Lanka to repair a patrol boat.

Why in the fuck would a bill which is supposed to help Americans help Sri Lanka??
Why would they give Pakistan 25M for gender studies. Why does Kennedy center need money, why does Howard Univ. get million and no other school. Why does PBS need stimulus money, why do illegal immigrants and migrants need millions? Because Piglosi has bills to pay for the phony election.
Prez trump had it right in the checks should be alot bigger.

Why do people employed and working need "free money"? Why do folks living in retirement and not Covid ridden need a check? Why do ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS NEED CHECKS?? Too many questions means nobody is piloting this Scooby bus..
Trump is.

He should have told them what tiny genitals they have for HIDING covid relief in the Porkulus Omnibus bill.. And THEN compared the waste, fraud and abuse to the numbers.. The majority of folks getting the "free checks" dont need them.. But the govt isn't smart enough or agile enough to FIND the folks behind on rent or currently "underemployed" or hurting.. Because THEY ARE THE ONLY people who should be getting cash -- and CONSIDERABLY MORE than $600...

Govt is totally inept when it over-reaches. And this govt is like a Gumby with 3000 mile long over-stretched tentacles trying to BUY LOVE .... :bang3:
Prez trump had it right in the checks should be alot bigger.

Why do people employed and working need "free money"? Why do folks living in retirement and not Covid ridden need a check? Why do ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS NEED CHECKS?? Too many questions means nobody is piloting this Scooby bus..
Trump is.

He should have told them what tiny genitals they have for HIDING covid relief in the Porkulus Omnibus bill.. And THEN compared the waste, fraud and abuse to the numbers.. The majority of folks getting the "free checks" dont need them.. But the govt isn't smart enough or agile enough to FIND the folks behind on rent or currently "underemployed" or hurting.. Because THEY ARE THE ONLY people who should be getting cash -- and CONSIDERABLY MORE than $600...

Govt is totally inept when it over-reaches. And this govt is like a Gumby with 3000 mile long over-stretched tentacles trying to BUY LOVE .... :bang3:

But at least they are able to find the Americans.

Right now millions and billions going overseas and to the special interest, complete bullshit.
Trump loves da welfarez...

government, literally, handing out free money... :)
dont see how much more commie it can go from here... :D

Communists do not "hand out" free money to the proletariat; the citizenry is assigned vocation and paid a pittance, often based on a "piece" rate, by the communist government. The education system in this country has gone to shit, now hasn't it?

ok, so giving out free money doenst make one a commie...
make sure you remember this for the next 4 years then...
Paying the bills of other nations makes one a moron.
It's an insult because you're telling those nations they're a bunch of idiots when it comes to managing their economies.

nobody is talking about paying anything for other nations...

the topics are "tuition free colleges, universal healthcare, child care assistance..."

lets see if right wingers will remember their perspective on free government money when these topics come up or will simply play amnesia...

time will tell...
May I revive your dead brain cells by pointing out that the Bill contains handouts to pay the bills of other nations.
But don't let me stop you from being an idiot.

good, so you are ok with the topic of tuition free college for instance...
and you wont be yelling and screaming "communists" like a 5 year old when this topic comes up...
you will be adults like you are in the subject of donald handing over free money to you now...
and you wont play amnesia either...
one can only hope...
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

So the Dems wanted to give more saying you agree with the Dems?

How about that 3-martini lunch deduction that the White House insisted on?

Got a link or are you making shit up as per usual?
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
Lol who needs integrity, right?
Well, considering the shallow and stupid president is doing it to try to buy sympathy for his coup, i don't think the word "integrity" gets attached to his actions.
You don't know why he said what he said.
And you very well may be right but what he said was true.
You dipshit hacks can't give that fool an inch. And its pathetic.
Of course i know why. There is no mystery to this shallow, mentally ill man. You know why, too.
He has also spoken against establishment pork before. He has also wanted a bill just with direct help in it.
You don't know shit. You are just a pathetic hack.
He could drown saving an infant baby in a raging river and you would make fun of him for not being an Olympic swimmer.
He inserted his own pork, or did you not realize that? 100% tax deduction for tbe 3-martini lunch is back.

I have asked you twice for a link now. You demanded one a while back and now you fail to do what you want others to do. You are true liberal hypocrite!
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
Lol who needs integrity, right?
Well, considering the shallow and stupid president is doing it to try to buy sympathy for his coup, i don't think the word "integrity" gets attached to his actions.
You don't know why he said what he said.
And you very well may be right but what he said was true.
You dipshit hacks can't give that fool an inch. And its pathetic.
Of course i know why. There is no mystery to this shallow, mentally ill man. You know why, too.
He has also spoken against establishment pork before. He has also wanted a bill just with direct help in it.
You don't know shit. You are just a pathetic hack.
He could drown saving an infant baby in a raging river and you would make fun of him for not being an Olympic swimmer.
He inserted his own pork, or did you not realize that? 100% tax deduction for tbe 3-martini lunch is back.
I wasn't aware. Thanks.
But that still isn't billions to foreign countries. And it helps Americans. Probably just the rich who don't need it anyway though... lol
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

So the Dems wanted to give more saying you agree with the Dems?

How about that 3-martini lunch deduction that the White House insisted on?
The Smithsonian doesn’t need $1 billion when Americans can’t put food on the table.
They need just as much as any business getting money. Museums and galleries have taken huge hits from Covid, and employ many people. If other entertainment venues are slotted for relief why shouldn’t museums be?

The Payroll Protection funds takes care of them also.
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

So the Dems wanted to give more saying you agree with the Dems?

How about that 3-martini lunch deduction that the White House insisted on?

No, the dems wanted to give taxpayer money to foreign counties. Out of the 900 billion dollar bill, only around 250 billion went to working class Americans.

All the rest went to Democrat cronies.

Sounds like a wonderful deal for corrupt bureaucrats.
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

This ought to be interesting. Moscow Mitch held up the bill for weeks becasue it was to 'expensive'. Now Trump threatens to veto it becasue it's not 'expensive enough'. Senate Republican leadership vs. Trump...democrats are getting the popcorn ready.

Bullshit! The negotiations were last week, dumbass!
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

This ought to be interesting. Moscow Mitch held up the bill for weeks becasue it was to 'expensive'. Now Trump threatens to veto it becasue it's not 'expensive enough'. Senate Republican leadership vs. Trump...democrats are getting the popcorn ready.

Why do you call him Moscow Mitch? I have never had a libtard explain that to me about MY Senator.
It passed 92-6. Why are you all thinking Democrats and Republicans are unhappy with it?

They never read the bill!
Why not? 5,000 pages of bills have been sitting around for months. Negotiations weren't secret, were they? These people have aides they pay to do the dirty work of reading the damned things. Please don't expect me to believe that a 5,000 page document materialized overnight, never seen before, and that these poor Congress people had only two hours to unpack a brand new document with no clue what was in it. It has been in negotiations for how long? C'mon.
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
Look up pocket veto, it is not subject to over ride and this situation is ripe for it since congress is adjourned.

OK !!! You just made this much more interesting.. MAYBE -- that's the play...
I'm not sure they're officially in recess. They do that pro forma thing, have for years now, so the Pres can't make appointments without them.

The House and Senate have both taken extended recesses amid the pandemic, convening at least every few days for so-called pro forma sessions — brief meetings that last mere minutes and require the presence of only one lawmaker — to keep their chambers technically in session even though they are not doing business.

The maneuver is routine in the Senate to prevent presidents from making recess appointments, which they can do if the Senate is in recess for 10 days or more.

Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress to Install Nominees. McConnell Demurs.

It passed 92-6. Why are you all thinking Democrats and Republicans are unhappy with it?

They never read the bill!
Why not? 5,000 pages of bills have been sitting around for months. Negotiations weren't secret, were they? These people have aides they pay to do the dirty work of reading the damned things. Please don't expect me to believe that a 5,000 page document materialized overnight, never seen before, and that these poor Congress people had only two hours to unpack a brand new document with no clue what was in it. It has been in negotiations for how long? C'mon.
Not a problem. There are enough votes to override a Trump Veto. Seems that fat orange fool is losing everything he touches in his last days as president.
And you dodge the issue at hand and talk about trump.
Tell us.... what are your thoughts on this bill (other than orange man bad)

You dumb ass. Read the thread title. The subject is trump, and his response to the bill. Try to keep up.
You sound like a bitter little faggot.
Trump loves da welfarez...

government, literally, handing out free money... :)
dont see how much more commie it can go from here... :D
The problem is most of the 'free money' is going to foreign countries or for redecorating favorite Democrat venues like the Kennedy Center. The bill is 5500 pages of FU :fu: to American small businesses and struggling American people.

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