MAGA baby....Trump shreds Chinese flu relief bill because it doesn't help Americans....He is the Man........

Another 40 million dollars for the Closed Kennedy Center?...they got 40 million last time.....The Kennedy center in DC must be where they all launder money they receive from foreign nations....that's why Pelosi always directs covid relief money to the Kennedy center...wake up libtards.....

The Kennedy Center is Pelosi's personal checking account.
Exceptional president.

Pelosi said that 1200 was bread crumbs, and now gives Americans 600 of our money, while her special interest groups are receiving millions and millions. President Trump hits it out of the park, demanding 2000 for all Americans and exactly zero for all the special interest nonsense. The response by the leftists shut down American businesses, not radical left gender studies programs in Pakistan (when will they figure out the correct answer is two with all those millions, anyway?).
He may not be a perfect President....but he's better for America than anything the Dems ever had

Unlike the Democrats, he's most always been rational and thoughtful and most importantly, on Americas side
A few months ago, I would have said screw anymore stimulus payment......just open up the country to get people back to work. They've taken so damn long that now we need both.....a stimulus payment AND the country opened

If Rump would have given a speech like that 2 months ago and would have told Moscow Mitch to F-off when Moscow Mitch waved the SC Nominee in front of rump chances are, Rump would have been re-elected. I find only a few points in there that I disagree with if it was really true. What this appears to be is another case of punishing America on his way out.

Federal COVID Relief Bill passed by Congress - December 2020
There is no mention of the Pork he is claiming. No wonder the Rumpers are claiming pork when it comes directly from the Horses Ass. Can't Rump give even one speech where he tells the truth?

But this is another case of it's going to pass regardless since it already has a veto proof vote in both the House and the Senate. Talk about becoming irrelevant. That's two in a row that Rump has threatened to Veto and Congress has passed with enough margin to get around the Veto.
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
Lol who needs integrity, right?
Well, considering the shallow and stupid president is doing it to try to buy sympathy for his coup, i don't think the word "integrity" gets attached to his actions.
You don't know why he said what he said.
And you very well may be right but what he said was true.
You dipshit hacks can't give that fool an inch. And its pathetic.
Of course i know why. There is no mystery to this shallow, mentally ill man. You know why, too.
He has also spoken against establishment pork before. He has also wanted a bill just with direct help in it.
You don't know shit. You are just a pathetic hack.
He could drown saving an infant baby in a raging river and you would make fun of him for not being an Olympic swimmer.
He inserted his own pork, or did you not realize that? 100% tax deduction for tbe 3-martini lunch is back.

That's purely a D.C. thing.. Nobody in the rest of the country has a 3 martini lunch unless you're in journalism...
Exceptional president.

Pelosi said that 1200 was bread crumbs, and now gives Americans 600 of our money, while her special interest groups are receiving millions and millions. President Trump hits it out of the park, demanding 2000 for all Americans and exactly zero for all the special interest nonsense. The response by the leftists shut down American businesses, not radical left gender studies programs in Pakistan (when will they figure out the correct answer is two with all those millions, anyway?).

Do you think the blob will veto it?
$900 billion dollar Coronavirus bill that has almost nothing to do with the Coronavirus. $600 dollars and almost no money for the small business being crushed by lockdowns. This is what Democrats are about, billions and billions in foreign aid and expensive social programs that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus in Coronavirus relief bill.

Special Message from President Trump - YouTube
Are you being sarcastic?

The Democrats wanted $3,000,000,000,000.00 for the american people.

You need to talk to Moscow Mitch, the self proclaimed grim reaper of legislation. He had three of the bills from the house in his desk and never even opened them.

Any comment on the foreign aid, waste, pet projects and lobbyist money that has nothing to do with covid relief for the American people and small business? Will you break down the dems massive spending bill and show the waste?

Didnt think so.
Pelosi just gave in.
Nancy Pelosi


Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks. At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!

You mean, Pelosi just put the GOP on blast. Tie them right to their party leader. Make them vote.

Does that mean they'll vote on it? But the Republicans didn't want a payment at all, did they?

Republicans weren't objecting to the individual payments, it was all the BS pork in the bill they didn't like.

The BS pork? Like what? Specifically?

Geesus Christ woman. Pork like sending all that damned money to foreign countries, maybe? Or all the crap that has nothing to do with coronavirus?

J., I posted a link telling you that they are two separate bills. Did you miss it?

There is ONE title on the Bill.. They HIDE the Covid relief in the Humogo Porkulus bill.. Made it an ALL or NONE proposition.. If you read the House notes-- there WAS a separate vote on the Porkulus, but ONLY to effect of combining the two.. And that got approved in the precedural run-up to the vote..

There's ONE BILL with ONE Title.. It carries the Omnibus Spending title.. Your fact-checkers just pitched you "slider" on the key salient point.. You really should fire those screw-ups.. It's embarrassing..

If Rump would have given a speech like that 2 months ago and would have told Moscow Mitch to F-off when Moscow Mitch waved the SC Nominee in front of rump chances are, Rump would have been re-elected. I find only a few points in there that I disagree with if it was really true. What this appears to be is another case of punishing America on his way out.

Federal COVID Relief Bill passed by Congress - December 2020
There is no mention of the Pork he is claiming. No wonder the Rumpers are claiming pork when it comes directly from the Horses Ass. Can't Rump give even one speech where he tells the truth?

But this is another case of it's going to pass regardless since it already has a veto proof vote in both the House and the Senate. Talk about becoming irrelevant. That's two in a row that Rump has threatened to Veto and Congress has passed with enough margin to get around the Veto.

You're not very bright.
Any comment on the foreign aid, waste, pet projects and lobbyist money that has nothing to do with covid relief for the American people and small business? Will you break down the dems massive spending bill and show the waste?

Didnt think so.

House Passes Omnibus Appropriations and Coronavirus ... › news › press-releases › hou...

1 day ago — The House today passed an omnibus spending bill consisting of all 12 fiscal ... Legislation Provides $900 Billion in Urgent Coronavirus Relief.

The bill isn't just coronavirus relief, it's the omnibus spending bill that funds the federal government (12 regular spending bills combined)

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