MAGA baby....Trump shreds Chinese flu relief bill because it doesn't help Americans....He is the Man........

This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

You elected him to blast a bill that his mismanagement, in part, made necessary?

Are you going to be disappointed when he signs it anyway?
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
Look up pocket veto, it is not subject to over ride and this situation is ripe for it since congress is adjourned.

OK !!! You just made this much more interesting.. MAYBE -- that's the play...
I'm not sure they're officially in recess. They do that pro forma thing, have for years now, so the Pres can't make appointments without them.

The House and Senate have both taken extended recesses amid the pandemic, convening at least every few days for so-called pro forma sessions — brief meetings that last mere minutes and require the presence of only one lawmaker — to keep their chambers technically in session even though they are not doing business.

The maneuver is routine in the Senate to prevent presidents from making recess appointments, which they can do if the Senate is in recess for 10 days or more.

Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress to Install Nominees. McConnell Demurs.

Don't know kiddo -- if it's timed right about Christmas/New Years -- gonna be awfully hard to get a quorum for pro forma anything.. It's only 10 days.. And the asses are leaving for home after another "job well done"... o_O
Trump loves da welfarez...

government, literally, handing out free money... :)
dont see how much more commie it can go from here... :D
The problem is most of the 'free money' is going to foreign countries or for redecorating favorite Democrat venues like the Kennedy Center. The bill is 5500 pages of FU :fu: to American small businesses and struggling American people.

so you want to hand out free tax payer money to the people, right...

means you wont have any issues with tuition free colleges or child assistance programs and you will stop calling the people welfare queens just because they are in need of free government money...

we can only hope you wont have amnesia kicking in when these topics come up in the next 4 years...
$950 billion divided by 330 million people would mean the check should be about $2800 for each and every American.
BTW, why are non citizens getting checks.

That would be $2,878.79 for each person. A guy with a wife and 11 kids would receive $37,424.27.
It passed 92-6. Why are you all thinking Democrats and Republicans are unhappy with it?

They never read the bill!
Why not? 5,000 pages of bills have been sitting around for months. Negotiations weren't secret, were they? These people have aides they pay to do the dirty work of reading the damned things. Please don't expect me to believe that a 5,000 page document materialized overnight, never seen before, and that these poor Congress people had only two hours to unpack a brand new document with no clue what was in it. It has been in negotiations for how long? C'mon.

It maybe there was "A" bill was sitting around. But folding it in with the Covid relief was a cynical ploy to give themselves more Christmas presents and start the Tijuana auction off with "how bad do you want the Covid funding?

It's a lousy way to get everything your were SUPPOSED to get done for the session done in a week..

This is what the Swamp protects and lives for.. Last minute all ya can eat Swamp buffet.. It's WHY any "outsider" is gonna get rolled..
$950 billion divided by 330 million people would mean the check should be about $2800 for each and every American.
BTW, why are non citizens getting checks.

That would be $2,878.79 for each person. A guy with a wife and 11 kids would receive $37,424.27.

But instead they get crumbs while other countries and officials are raking in billions.

It's not a stimulus, it's a payout to the donors and interest groups by our utterly corrupt politicians. The fact that they dare call it a stimulus after leveling the American economy - once again for the interest of their special interest - that does take a special nerve.
$950 billion divided by 330 million people would mean the check should be about $2800 for each and every American.
BTW, why are non citizens getting checks.

That would be $2,878.79 for each person. A guy with a wife and 11 kids would receive $37,424.27.

But instead they get crumbs while other countries and officials are raking in billions.

It's not a stimulus, it's a payout to the donors and interest groups by our utterly corrupt politicians.

After reading all these threads tonight -- I'm kinda thinking that maybe both tribes are PURPOSELY trying to unite America with their ineptness and tone deafness.. Maybe reminding us ALL why we WANTED the Swamp cleaned in the 1st place..

I think either both parties go down in flames together now -- or we lose the country.. The Founders wouldn't recognize how much "destructive nesting" the 2 brand name parties have done.. It's like the squirrel damage in my attic that made it dangerously dysfunctional.. But here -- we are dealing with mostly reptiles...
Any comment on the foreign aid, waste, pet projects and lobbyist money that has nothing to do with covid relief for the American people and small business? Will you break down the dems massive spending bill and show the waste?

Didnt think so.

House Passes Omnibus Appropriations and Coronavirus ... › news › press-releases › hou...

1 day ago — The House today passed an omnibus spending bill consisting of all 12 fiscal ... Legislation Provides $900 Billion in Urgent Coronavirus Relief.

The bill isn't just coronavirus relief, it's the omnibus spending bill that funds the federal government (12 regular spending bills combined)
You're trying to introduce nuance to a blobber. It's like George Jetson talking to Fred Flintstone.
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

This ought to be interesting. Moscow Mitch held up the bill for weeks becasue it was to 'expensive'. Now Trump threatens to veto it becasue it's not 'expensive enough'. Senate Republican leadership vs. Trump...democrats are getting the popcorn ready.
Veto it because it isn’t expensive enough?
That’s some loss poor twisting of reality your doing there, champ.
Or donyou just have a warped view of reality?
See here in the real world, trump didn’t threaten to veto it because it wasn’t expensive enough. It was because the bulk of the funds went towards bullshit.

Trump derangement syndrome is alive and well with you.
Turtle and the GOP Senate signed off on every dime of this bill.
But Trump and Mnuchin offered $1200 back in early October. Nancy said no. Trump has now advocated a $2,000 stimulus check.
Turtle and the GOP Senate signed off on every dime of this bill. Blaming the democrats for the contents of the bill is dishonest.
A couple brigades you could do mass arrests in DC and the Virginia burbs......

1000 bucks seez 200 million friggin Americans would stand and cheer


smxm cdr.png

Trump loves da welfarez...

government, literally, handing out free money... :)
dont see how much more commie it can go from here... :D

Because the gov't literally forced these businesses to shut down and forced people out of work under threat of arrest and prosecution. We were at 3.5% unemployment pre-faux pandemic.

So the gov't created this monster; the gov't needs to fix it.
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Trump is just being Trump..... he's been AWOL, then all these pardons for a bunch of crooks and savage murderers, now his distraction with blowing up the stimulus bill....

he MUST be the Center of attention, AT ALL TIMES! Chaos, madness, division, Unibomber....what ever it takes!!!
I hope he does.

So do I. The sheer stupidity of doing it, and then having Congress override it the very next day, will just be another great example of his stupidity.
Look up pocket veto, it is not subject to over ride and this situation is ripe for it since congress is adjourned.

OK !!! You just made this much more interesting.. MAYBE -- that's the play...
I'm not sure they're officially in recess. They do that pro forma thing, have for years now, so the Pres can't make appointments without them.

The House and Senate have both taken extended recesses amid the pandemic, convening at least every few days for so-called pro forma sessions — brief meetings that last mere minutes and require the presence of only one lawmaker — to keep their chambers technically in session even though they are not doing business.

The maneuver is routine in the Senate to prevent presidents from making recess appointments, which they can do if the Senate is in recess for 10 days or more.

Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress to Install Nominees. McConnell Demurs.

$950 billion divided by 330 million people would mean the check should be about $2800 for each and every American.
BTW, why are non citizens getting checks.

That would be $2,878.79 for each person. A guy with a wife and 11 kids would receive $37,424.27.

What he really should have received years ago was a friggin Vasectomy.
Trumps always been simply a racist xenophobic liberal. You don’t see many of them but he is one. As a liberal I’d crank up the payout to the president as level include unemployment extensions and school money and send. Then I’d pass a continuing budget to get to Feb.
More than 20% of America’s federal budget goes to foreign aid.

The amount is actually about 1%. The current projected spending for fiscal year 2017 is $4 trillion. The Obama administration had planned for $41.9 billion in foreign aid for this year. Polls show that Americans typically believe that the U.S. spends 25% to 27% on foreign aid.
U.S. foreign aid: A waste of money or a boost to world stability? Here are the facts - Los Angeles Times (

The budget is different than the covid act. I agree with the 2000 but it should go to those who make 35 grand and 70 grand instead. and

VERIFY: No, the stimulus checks won't be going to undocumented immigrants
The Verify team looked into online rumors, claiming that undocumented immigrants are receiving $1,800, while citizens are getting $600. This is false.
Are illegal immigrants getting stimulus checks: Latest fact check |

Wonder why are we giving 3.8 billion to Israel since they are doing alright, they always brag!!

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