MAGA baby....Trump shreds Chinese flu relief bill because it doesn't help Americans....He is the Man........

I read so many comments about free money, but never the reason behind it - it makes a lot of difference you know.
Once again Trump has managed to take another situation and use it against the Dems, also showing how it should benefit all Americans at the same time. Not to mention scoring points for the home team with the video, and that means he has a better chance come Jan 6th.
He always seems to manage to gently remove the hammer from their hand and beat them over the head with it.
Behave yourselves children, Daddy TRUMP has spoken.

If he was serious he would have been pushing this for months. If he was serious he would have been pushing McConnel to do something.
He can push all he wants, it doesnt change the process before it gets to him. Im not saying he did this intentionally, but he sure used it to his advantage.

To what advantage? He gains nothing. Trump and the Republican's totally misread this. McConnell only passed it now because he is afraid of losing the Senate if he didn't.
If you dont see what he did with the video as being an advantage, I cant make you see it.

And it seems you can't explain it. It's being noted now how he didn't participate in the negotiations. Lazy.

I do agree, McConnell has his own ship to sail, and frankly I dare not assume how that will turn out.
I do know that Trump has been masterful at using situations to his advantage, and I believe this is another one.

What exactly does he gain here? I can tell you what he might have gained if he had done this two months ago.
I have absolutely nothing to explain, my previous posts say it quite clearly. I dont do innuendos with people who got their feelings hurt because Trump spanked them.

Right, you are full of crap. Pelosi is even saying to do it so if anyone is feeling pressure here its McConnell.
I dont disagree with the pressure on McConnell, and Ive admitted not knowing how that will turn out. I do find it ironic that McConnell would say what he did about excepting Biden and congratulating him, while directly after that, Trump turns the heat up on him.

The only person this hurts is McConnell. It hurts the Republican chances in Georgia. You can cheer that if you want Biden to have the House and Senate.

It's just Trump being Trump. Everything is about Trump. As I noted, if this was a legitimate position he does it two months ago. He might have gained something then.
It passed 92-6. Why are you all thinking Democrats and Republicans are unhappy with it?

They never read the bill!
Why not? 5,000 pages of bills have been sitting around for months. Negotiations weren't secret, were they? These people have aides they pay to do the dirty work of reading the damned things. Please don't expect me to believe that a 5,000 page document materialized overnight, never seen before, and that these poor Congress people had only two hours to unpack a brand new document with no clue what was in it. It has been in negotiations for how long? C'mon.

You are simply full of shit. The bad portions of the bill may have been around, but many in Congress rejected them, u till they showed up in a bill they found not read.

Give me a couple of hours and I can throw thousands of pages of bullshit in a bill if you never get to read it!
So you dont think he's right for standing up against the establishment and standing up for the American people ?

No, I don't think that at all.

He's had six months to put together a second stimulus bill, once it was clear TRUMP PLAGUE wasn't going away when it got warm like he said it would, and he's sat on his ass all that time.

The stuff you are whining about is less than a few billion in a 900 Billion dollar bill.

I could educate you on how foreign aid is really a form of corporate welfare, where most of that money comes with strings attached that it has to be spent with American companies, but that's too complicated for you.
You are right, it would be too complicated for me and I admit that.
The real problem is that you wont admit that youre an educated idiot.
So many different forum members have proved that to you time and time again, and you come back begging for more, like you enjoy it.
For your information, Trumps video clip displayed standing up against the establishment and standing up for the American people.
I know that bothers you, but you will find a way to console yourself Im sure.
You always find a way to twist and spin the truth.
I read so many comments about free money, but never the reason behind it - it makes a lot of difference you know.
Once again Trump has managed to take another situation and use it against the Dems, also showing how it should benefit all Americans at the same time. Not to mention scoring points for the home team with the video, and that means he has a better chance come Jan 6th.
He always seems to manage to gently remove the hammer from their hand and beat them over the head with it.
Behave yourselves children, Daddy TRUMP has spoken.

If he was serious he would have been pushing this for months. If he was serious he would have been pushing McConnel to do something.
He can push all he wants, it doesnt change the process before it gets to him. Im not saying he did this intentionally, but he sure used it to his advantage.

To what advantage? He gains nothing. Trump and the Republican's totally misread this. McConnell only passed it now because he is afraid of losing the Senate if he didn't.
If you dont see what he did with the video as being an advantage, I cant make you see it.

And it seems you can't explain it. It's being noted now how he didn't participate in the negotiations. Lazy.

I do agree, McConnell has his own ship to sail, and frankly I dare not assume how that will turn out.
I do know that Trump has been masterful at using situations to his advantage, and I believe this is another one.

What exactly does he gain here? I can tell you what he might have gained if he had done this two months ago.
I have absolutely nothing to explain, my previous posts say it quite clearly. I dont do innuendos with people who got their feelings hurt because Trump spanked them.

Right, you are full of crap. Pelosi is even saying to do it so if anyone is feeling pressure here its McConnell.
I dont disagree with the pressure on McConnell, and Ive admitted not knowing how that will turn out. I do find it ironic that McConnell would say what he did about excepting Biden and congratulating him, while directly after that, Trump turns the heat up on him.

The word is "accepting".
Is he going to support taxing billionaires to pay for it?
Biden has already said he is going to spend trillions on global warming alone.

That idiot Biden was part of an administration that wasted all that Environmental Wacko money on Solyndra. That didn't go too well.

Expect him to be like all Democrats and never learn from his disasters.
I read so many comments about free money, but never the reason behind it - it makes a lot of difference you know.
Once again Trump has managed to take another situation and use it against the Dems, also showing how it should benefit all Americans at the same time. Not to mention scoring points for the home team with the video, and that means he has a better chance come Jan 6th.
He always seems to manage to gently remove the hammer from their hand and beat them over the head with it.
Behave yourselves children, Daddy TRUMP has spoken.

If he was serious he would have been pushing this for months. If he was serious he would have been pushing McConnel to do something.
He can push all he wants, it doesnt change the process before it gets to him. Im not saying he did this intentionally, but he sure used it to his advantage.

To what advantage? He gains nothing. Trump and the Republican's totally misread this. McConnell only passed it now because he is afraid of losing the Senate if he didn't.
If you dont see what he did with the video as being an advantage, I cant make you see it.

And it seems you can't explain it. It's being noted now how he didn't participate in the negotiations. Lazy.

I do agree, McConnell has his own ship to sail, and frankly I dare not assume how that will turn out.
I do know that Trump has been masterful at using situations to his advantage, and I believe this is another one.

What exactly does he gain here? I can tell you what he might have gained if he had done this two months ago.
I have absolutely nothing to explain, my previous posts say it quite clearly. I dont do innuendos with people who got their feelings hurt because Trump spanked them.

Right, you are full of crap. Pelosi is even saying to do it so if anyone is feeling pressure here its McConnell.
I dont disagree with the pressure on McConnell, and Ive admitted not knowing how that will turn out. I do find it ironic that McConnell would say what he did about excepting Biden and congratulating him, while directly after that, Trump turns the heat up on him.

The word is "accepting".
Thank you.
Im learning as I go. :D
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The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) website also states that it works with Pakistan to improve women’s access to economic opportunities, increase girls’ access to education, improve maternal and child health, combat gender-based violence, and increase women’s political and civic participation in Pakistan.

Coronavirus relief legislation includes $10M for ‘gender programs’ in Pakistan (
Most republicans think women should be barefoot and pregnant!!
Fuck Pakistan.
This is like trying to help the homeless by maxing out our credit cards then becoming broke in the process. We no longer have the means to be the world's savior, especially when the world doesn't give a rats ass about us.
This bill should be to help Americans only!!!
Well good for you. What you are saying is that you are wealthy and not only hang out with pretty much only wealthy people but only respect wealthy people.

Those folks that are hurting?

Fuckem right?'re a Republican

I’m not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. What inAM is an essential employee whose been working all year. 52 weeks, 52 paychecks.

I don’t hang out with anyone. Especially not during a pandemic. My “bubble” is 6 people. No physical visitors and we aren’t going out except for essential shopping and medical appointments.

I respect very few people, period, regardless of their level of wealth. Whst I do respect are people who provide for themselves and don’t look to the Government to fix their problems. Especially since the Government is the cause of most of our problems right now.

Fisk them. That is correct. I’m a Conservative, not a Republican.
$950 billion divided by 330 million people would mean the check should be about $2800 for each and every American.
BTW, why are non citizens getting checks.
Get some math asshole. It's geared toward those who make less than X and adult US citizenry. There isn't the magical "330 millionz"
This is why we elected Trump....he loves this country, he loves the American people...

President Donald Trump slammed a coronavirus stimulus bill late on Tuesday evening that Congress expects him to sign, saying that they need to send him a bill that gives Americans significantly more money.

“Throughout the summer, Democrats cruelly blocked COVID relief legislation in an effort to advance their extreme left-wing agenda and influence the election,” Trump began. “Then, a few months ago, Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever.”

Trump said that large sums of money in the bill was slated to go to foreign nations and illegal aliens in the U.S. Trump also highlighted other “wasteful spending” that was included in the bill.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hard-working taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments and not enough money is given to small businesses and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump said. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn’t their fault, it was China’s fault, not their fault.”

“I’m asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000 or $4,000 for a couple,” Trump continued. “I’m also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package.”

He loves that socialism. Only the biggest bailouts and deficits for trump!
Is he going to support taxing billionaires to pay for it?

He is proposing to cut the funding to other countries to give more to the American people. He isn’t asking them to increase the size of the bill. Not sure how this changes who it going to pay for it. I know that if my tax money is going to be spent on this, more of it needs to be directed to the US, not other countries. I know Democrats are globalists, but the funding we are sending other countries as compared to our own is ridiculous.
The worthless Democrats screw up their states with incompetency and failed Leftest policies and then bitch when the welfare isn't enough.

NY to receive $54 billion in COVID relief but it’s ‘not enough’: Schumer

WASHINGTON — New York is expected to receive $54 billion in emergency coronavirus relief to help its staggering economy once Congress passes a long-awaited $900 billion aid package later Monday, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer told The Post.

The deal will include $20 billion in small business loans, $9 billion in $600 direct cash payments, $6.4 billion for enhanced unemployment benefits, $4.2 billion for the cash-strapped Metropolitan Transit Authority, $4 billion for the state’s public schools and $1.3 for emergency rental assistance, his office said.

While the package will be an urgently needed shot in the arm for the state that has suffered the highest COVID-19 death rate, Schumer (D-NY) admitted it didn’t go far enough.

“It’s not enough but it deals with the emergency,” Schumer told The Post ahead of a vote on the bill later Monday.


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