MAGA extremists are taking credit for historic investments in America's infrastructure - that they VOTED AGAINST.

Thousands of shovel ready projects were completed
I admit to seeing enormous signs posted (praising Obama of all things) where there was one of those "shovel ready jobs in process." Guess what I saw? I saw petty resurfacing of city streets in my city what was pretty damned affluent. Obama also loaned a huge sum to Solyndra and he was hardly handing them cash when they went bankrupt. That might have been some of your money if you pay taxes to the Feds. When talking of rebuilding old bridges, streets with some asphalt do not do the trick.

They should all be call out for their shameful hypocrisy. This is beyond politics! This is dishonest, deceitful and shameful. Personally, I think it should be considered illegal (criminal). They should at least be censured. At a minimum they need to be publicly exposed and shamed. What do you think?
I am curious. Where are these infrastructures you credit Biden for? Surely the media has posted tons of details.

A good case study in this is to study California high speed rail project. As I predicted ahead of it starting, it is slow slow progress. Owners of land have to go through the process of imminent domain. It takes much too long to get permits. If you think the Feds don't need permits, you don't understand infrastructure. California might not ever complete that railroad. They have screwed the pooch since 1996. Then this idea was proposed. Like the Biden stuff is proposed. The small part they open is distant and from a no town to a different no town.
Read this.
California High-Speed Rail (also known as CAHSR or CHSR) is a publicly funded high-speed rail system currently under construction in California in the United States. In 1996, the California Legislature and Governor Pete Wilson established the California High-Speed Rail Authority with the task of creating a plan for the system, and then presenting it to the voters of the state for approval. In 2008, voters approved the plan as specified in Proposition 1A, with a route connecting all the major population centers of the state, authorized bonds for beginning implementation, and establishing other requirements.

The CAHSR system is currently being implemented in phased segments. The first of the dedicated HSR segments, the Interim Initial Operating Segment ("Interim IOS"), is being constructed now in the San Joaquin Valley portion of California's Central Valley. It will run from Merced to Bakersfield, and is planned to begin operations in 2030 (or slightly later).

I admit to seeing enormous signs posted (praising Obama of all things) where there was one of those "shovel ready jobs in process." Guess what I saw? I saw petty resurfacing of city streets in my city what was pretty damned affluent. Obama also loaned a huge sum to Solyndra and he was hardly handing them cash when they went bankrupt. That might have been some of your money if you pay taxes to the Feds. When talking of rebuilding old bridges, streets with some asphalt do not do the trick.
That is what “Shovel Ready” meant
Smaller projects that could start as soon as funding was received. Rebuilding old bridges did not qualify because those projects take years. Communities all over the country benefitted.

Conservatives were outraged by signs indicating this project was funded by the Recovery Act. It went against their claim that there were no Shovel Ready Projects.
In addition, funding was provided for Teachers, Police and Fire employees
That is what “Shovel Ready” meant
Smaller projects that could start as soon as funding was received. Communities all over the country benefitted.

Conservatives were outraged by signs indicating this project was funded by the Recovery Act. It went against their claim that there were no Shovel Ready Projects.
In addition, funding was provided for Teachers, Police and Fire employees
Sure and if you get your automatic transmission fixed, do you brag you now have a new car?
Those Obama cult members took his word. If you think the city streets in my former town were bad, i have news for you. The city is one of the wealthy cities and they do a good job maintaining roads. I moved from CA to Idaho and this state also does a top rated job handling this infrastructure. if you enjoy Biden bragging, well have at it. Teachers, police and fire departments exist on local funding.
That is what “Shovel Ready” meant
Smaller projects that could start as soon as funding was received. Rebuilding old bridges did not qualify because those projects take years. Communities all over the country benefitted.

Conservatives were outraged by signs indicating this project was funded by the Recovery Act. It went against their claim that there were no Shovel Ready Projects.
In addition, funding was provided for Teachers, Police and Fire employees
Let's simplify this. Do you have a list of projects done by Obama that were only scheduled due to him barfing out money? In my former city, his program handed to a super rich guy money to expand his hardware store. Sure it did supply jobs. But do you think building larger hardware stores is how to spend your cash?

Sure and if you get your automatic transmission fixed, do you brag you now have a new car?
Those Obama cult members took his word. If you think the city streets in my former town were bad, i have news for you. The city is one of the wealthy cities and they do a good job maintaining roads. I moved from CA to Idaho and this state also does a top rated job handling this infrastructure. if you enjoy Biden bragging, well have at it. Teachers, police and fire departments exist on local funding.

You again struggle with the concept of “shovel ready”
Funding was intended for projects that would generate jobs immediately. Major, long term projects did not qualify.

Obama did not decide where the money would go.
Recovery Act money was provided to each state. They decided where the money went.
Some states used the money for Shovel Ready Infrastructure, others for Teachers, Police, Fire……Red states tended to just keep the money
Let's simplify this. Do you have a list of projects done by Obama that were only scheduled due to him barfing out money? In my former city, his program handed to a super rich guy money to expand his hardware store. Sure it did supply jobs. But do you think building larger hardware stores is how to spend your cash?

Blame your state for misusing the funding
I am curious. Where are these infrastructures you credit Biden for? Surely the media has posted tons of details.

A good case study in this is to study California high speed rail project. As I predicted ahead of it starting, it is slow slow progress. Owners of land have to go through the process of imminent domain. It takes much too long to get permits. If you think the Feds don't need permits, you don't understand infrastructure. California might not ever complete that railroad. They have screwed the pooch since 1996. Then this idea was proposed. Like the Biden stuff is proposed. The small part they open is distant and from a no town to a different no town.
Read this.
California High-Speed Rail (also known as CAHSR or CHSR) is a publicly funded high-speed rail system currently under construction in California in the United States. In 1996, the California Legislature and Governor Pete Wilson established the California High-Speed Rail Authority with the task of creating a plan for the system, and then presenting it to the voters of the state for approval. In 2008, voters approved the plan as specified in Proposition 1A, with a route connecting all the major population centers of the state, authorized bonds for beginning implementation, and establishing other requirements.

The CAHSR system is currently being implemented in phased segments. The first of the dedicated HSR segments, the Interim Initial Operating Segment ("Interim IOS"), is being constructed now in the San Joaquin Valley portion of California's Central Valley. It will run from Merced to Bakersfield, and is planned to begin operations in 2030 (or slightly later).

Check the infrastructure of his bank account.

They should all be call out for their shameful hypocrisy. This is beyond politics! This is dishonest, deceitful and shameful. Personally, I think it should be considered illegal (criminal). They should at least be censured. At a minimum they need to be publicly exposed and shamed. What do you think?
Don't you just hate when that happens?

They should all be call out for their shameful hypocrisy. This is beyond politics! This is dishonest, deceitful and shameful. Personally, I think it should be considered illegal (criminal). They should at least be censured. At a minimum they need to be publicly exposed and shamed. What do you think?
Those are not Trump supporters. Meme fail.
You again struggle with the concept of “shovel ready”
Funding was intended for projects that would generate jobs immediately. Major, long term projects did not qualify.

Obama did not decide where the money would go.
Recovery Act money was provided to each state. They decided where the money went.
Some states used the money for Shovel Ready Infrastructure, others for Teachers, Police, Fire……Red states tended to just keep the money
It is called pissing out money to make a political point. I am very well aware what shovel ready means. Do you and me a favor since this is your cause.
Just tell me the important stuff done By Obama that you call shovel ready? I can check Fremont's budget to see what they got from Obama. I know Obama does not select projects. But he gets the credit. And by your way he does not deserve credit.
The White House said projects funded or underway − the majority still not completed − since Biden signed the bipartisan infrastructure legislation into law in November 2021 include:

Repairs to 69,000 miles of roadway and 4,600 bridges.
Funding for 3,500 clean school and other buses.
Construction on 30 major port and waterway projects.
Funding for more than 1,000 airport upgrades including 70 terminal projects, 600 airport infrastructure projects and 400 airport pavement projects.
Plans created to plug 10,000 orphan wells (abandoned oil and gas wells).
Construction started on 44 of 49 polluted brownfield projects identified for restoration.
$2 billion approved for electric vehicle charger installations across all 50 states.
$13.6 billion for Amtrak rail investments out of $66 billion approved in the law for Amtrak

To underscore the popularity of the projects, Landrieu pointed to the many Republican members of Congress who have showed up at groundbreakings and other infrastructure announcements despite voting against the bill.

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You mean the Union Grift and Kickback Bill?

My town applied for some of that money to repair a small bridge in town. The union strings and work delays would have pushed it to a three month or better completion date.

Instead the town said fuck all that, got matching funds from the state, and completed the repairs themselves in less than a work week.
Provide a link to this claim.
Has to be in the local news.
Don't be a dodger, provide the proof of your claim.

They should all be call out for their shameful hypocrisy. This is beyond politics! This is dishonest, deceitful and shameful. Personally, I think it should be considered illegal (criminal). They should at least be censured. At a minimum they need to be publicly exposed and shamed. What do you think?

Dishonest, Deceitful, and Shameful - Yes.

Surprising - No.

After all they are Trump supporters!
The White House said projects funded or underway − the majority still not completed − since Biden signed the bipartisan infrastructure legislation into law in November 2021 include:

Repairs to 69,000 miles of roadway and 4,600 bridges.

Biden repairs 69,000 miles of roadway and 4,600 bridges

Trump built 50 miles of fence and Mexico didn’t pay for it.
The bill was a monstrosity. But if Joe Wilson, for example, managed to get an insert of $2 billion for South Carolina (as part of some vote for an amendment along the way), then why not take some of the credit. It’s not like he thought that his ultimate “no” vote on the entire bill would defeat its passage.

Now, m not going through every procedural vote and every amendment vote. I don’t claim to know if Wilson managed that. But it wouldn’t surprise me.

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