MAGA—More Are Getting Arrested.

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Protesting a rigged election is standing up for the country
Wasnt a protest, it was a coup. Election wasn’t rigged. It lost by a polarizing dumbfuck.
A coup? How do you take over the entire government by protesting in the Capitol? Jesus you people are retarded.

Yea, the election was rigged, Arizona has proven it.

View attachment 489647

CodeMonkeyZ is QAnon

You rubes got played!

Uh huh, “Qanon”, always the lame defense of lefties who can’t address the facts about the election.

Thanks for playing. Enjoy the show!


And you believe that bullshit!

Why arent any of the "insurrectionists" getting charged with insurrection?

LOL from what I've read most are being charged with trespassing which is a long way from sedition and insurrection.
We must aggressively fight against rightwing terrorism.

While supporting and celebrating the vastly more widespread and powerful left wing terrorism.

That is how fascist movements win. Government and paramilitary violence and power working together to squash all dissent or opposition.
The terrorist right has clearly resorted to violence to oppose the will of the people and our democratic institutions.
Ya, and democrats would love to arrest all the northern soldiers from the Civil War too...,,,,,,....your Black Loud Monkeys right now
Civil War? You mean, like that one with Antietam & Andersonville? THAT Civil War?
And you think today's wanna arrest the Yanks of 150years ago?
You do know they all be dead. No?
I love this bar.

And then, let's not let "Black Loud Monkeys" go unnoticed, or un-remarked on.
In my sheltered little farm-guy life in the rural Midwest....even I think that sounds like an ill-educated KKK red-neck ignoramus mouth-breather's thinking.
But I'm mildly sure the poster "Floyd" didn't mean to come across that way. No?

Last I read most are being charged with trespassing which is a long way from sedition and insurrection.
Where did you read that, poster Claudette?
Last I saw about 440 have been charged.
I saw none far....that were charged with trespassing.

Here's what a nano-search on Google offers (from CBS, May 14th):
"More than 125 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding officers or employees, and at least 35 of those were charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon, the Department of Justice said. ........More than 350 were charged with entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds, and more than 35 were charged with entering the Capitol with a dangerous or deadly weapon, the spokesperson said."

And, as has been posted several times previously, Claudette, minimal charges are often used as 'place-holder' charges to pin the suspect in place until more investigations have run their course.
So, if I was some Fatboy Militia Jackass Patriot and I just got Federally charged with "entering a restricted building".....well, I'd be hyper-alert for that other dropping shoe.

Your mileage may vary, poster Claudette.
Protesting a rigged election is standing up for the country.
And while spear a cop with a Blue Lives Matter flagpole?
Beat a cop with a pole flying an American Flag?
Spraying a cop in the face with Mace?
And that is how poster "Hawk" stands up for our country?

Ummmm, thanks.......but no thanks.
The election was stolen. It will be proven.
When? Can’t wait for the Kraken to be released!
So, I'll ride poster 'citygator's' coattails......just when in the hell is this "will be proven".....gonna be proven?
Sounds like a court martial in his future.
Ditto that.

How about we fight against those who steal elections?

OK, who are we fighting against, poster "lenny"? Name names so we'all can focus on who to go after. OK?

The Deep State helped the Dems steal the election

See above, Lenny.
And .don't whine.
Name names.

So saddle up, Skippy. Make your pony show us its tricks.
Goget'em! Sic 'em.
Protesting a rigged election is standing up for the country
Wasnt a protest, it was a coup. Election wasn’t rigged. It lost by a polarizing dumbfuck.
A coup? How do you take over the entire government by protesting in the Capitol? Jesus you people are retarded.

Yea, the election was rigged, Arizona has proven it.

View attachment 489647

CodeMonkeyZ is QAnon

You rubes got played!

Uh huh, “Qanon”, always the lame defense of lefties who can’t address the facts about the election.

Thanks for playing. Enjoy the show!


And you believe that bullshit!


oMg iTs QaNoN

Why arent any of the "insurrectionists" getting charged with insurrection?

After a very long investigation that would necessarily include documenting emails, texts, social media etc, the most serious charge would probably be seditious conspiracy.

It is a crime for two or more people within the jurisdiction of the United States:
  • To conspire to overthrow or destroy by force the government of the United States or to level war against them;
  • To oppose by force the authority of the United States government; to prevent, hinder, or delay by force the execution of any law of the United States; or
  • To take, seize, or possess by force any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof.
And none of you have considered the fact that Nazi Porklosi was the cheerleader, and probably one of the main traitors, to keep the nation sidetracked with her lies and bullsh*t for 4 years, while the Demoncraps planned all this out? The fake news stories about Biden being "loved" and all that BS, his "huge" record number of rallies when running for president, and literally overnight.......70 MILLION people voted for him????

From Trumps first month in office, the Dems were in motion for a hostile govt take over. Trumps problem was he was too focused on "the swamp" in general, and not focused on the gang leaders and their horsesh*t smokescreens.

The Deranged Democrats had 4 years to plan this all out, and they did so with the finesse of any great Communist Dictator. Now the whole country is paying for their greed, avarice, hate, narcissism, and Communist agendas.
Why arent any of the "insurrectionists" getting charged with insurrection?

Because it's all a bullsh*t game......smoke and mirrors.......Democrat lies and hypocrisy.
They have to keep blaming others for their own inadequacies, intolerances, and venomous hatred of this country.
Yeah, because I'm gonna trust a guy who talks about Communist conspiracies when he posts a pic of a housecat wearing pink framed glasses...

Yeah, that's not going to happen.

Regardless, I have to admit that the bastardization of Nancy Pelosi's name in the form of Nazi Porklosi was inspired, but inspired by what, I don't know.

This leads me to a comment on something I've long wanted to question. What the hell is it with conservative who seemingly can't resist insulting liberals or Democrats with nasty names and misspellings? I don't get that since it's the kind of thing that most people outgrow in High School. Besides, liberals rarely engage in such childish behavior, but with conservatives, it's like some kind of requirement to show your bona fides.

So what is it? Is it stunted mental growth? I know that sounds intentionally provocative, but I just can't figure it otherwise.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
Why arent any of the "insurrectionists" getting charged with insurrection?

LOL from what I've read most are being charged with trespassing which is a long way from sedition and insurrection.
We must aggressively fight against rightwing terrorism.

While supporting and celebrating the vastly more widespread and powerful left wing terrorism.

That is how fascist movements win. Government and paramilitary violence and power working together to squash all dissent or opposition.
The terrorist right has clearly resorted to violence to oppose the will of the people and our democratic institutions.

Neither Trump nor I nor the GOP supported the small 1/6 riot.

It is your side that has worked hand in hand with your side's violent thugs, for the last 4 years.

Your blatant lies about recent history, is you being a dishonest asshole.
The election was stolen. It will be proven.
When? Can’t wait for the Kraken to be released! Bring on the bamboo shards from China all over the ballots.
The election was stolen. It will be proven. What part of that don't you understand?
"It will be proven."

^^^ means it hasn't been proven as I've been saying all along. Thanks for admitting you've been lying all along claiming it's been proven.
"It will be proven."

^^^ means it hasn't been proven as I've been saying all along. Thanks for admitting you've been lying all along claiming it's been proven.
You haven't been paying attention to the audit in Arizona. Apparently there's a whole batch of Biden ballots printed on paper made from bamboo.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
Their goal wasn't to delay it, it was to "stop the steal." You're literally giving them credit for failing to pull off their coup.
Why arent any of the "insurrectionists" getting charged with insurrection?

LOL from what I've read most are being charged with trespassing which is a long way from sedition and insurrection.
We must aggressively fight against rightwing terrorism.

While supporting and celebrating the vastly more widespread and powerful left wing terrorism.

That is how fascist movements win. Government and paramilitary violence and power working together to squash all dissent or opposition.
The terrorist right has clearly resorted to violence to oppose the will of the people and our democratic institutions.

Neither Trump nor I nor the GOP supported the small 1/6 riot.

It is your side that has worked hand in hand with your side's violent thugs, for the last 4 years.

Your blatant lies about recent history, is you being a dishonest asshole.
Liar, Trump supported them. He "loves" them and they're "special" to him. He even held off calling for backup to buy them time to break into the Capitol.
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