MAGA—More Are Getting Arrested.

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Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
Here, you need this.


You people are engaged in unequal application of the law. That is an injustice. Anyone you do that to, is a victim of your oppression.

Do you support going after ALL the rioters of the last 4 years, with equal fervor?
Got ANY examples? Simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me an example of a BLM member, whose identity was known to police, that tazed a cop in the neck anc remained free for weeks, not even arrested. Got examples like that?

Revealed: Meet The Trump Fanatic Who Used A Stun Gun On A Cop At The Capitol Insurrection

Take note of the date. Over a month, almost 2 months after the Trump riot and that guy was still at large. Thankfully he was finally arrested.

This thread, the op is about the massive and aggressive pursuit of the 1/6 rioters. EVERYTHING, I have seen in relation to the other 4 years of rioting from the Left, is that large segments of LE and local and state government was, at best, LAX in pursuit of all the other rioters, if not actively supporting them in their rioting.

I have not bothered to keep lists of examples. Your pretense of being unaware of this is not credible. I am not going to waste time documenting what has been front and center in the media for the last 4 years.
So, as usual, you're full of bovine feces and can't back up the shit you spew.

Yes, the arrests of Trump's mob is more newsworthy than some rioter at a BLM protest that broke a window...Trump's mob stormed the United States capitol. Duh.

"broke a window"?Dozens dead and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, and you minimize it as "broke a window"?

Your support and defense of the use of violent racist mobs for political purposes reveals you to be a dangerous radical and a immoral person.
Just more playing the victim from actual examples of this "unequal application of the law" you claim is occurring. You can't find examples of BLM protesters tazing a cop and being allowed to roam free for months because there is no "unequal application of the law" . Trump's mob isn't being targeted, if anything they are being treated far better than any black or brown person that did the same thing.
Here you go dim bulb. YOUR BLM and Antifa pals barricaded workers inside a federal building. Then attempted to commit mass murder by burning the building with those workers trapped inside. Not ONE of those assholes has been arrested or charged. Now STFU. Mic drop.
Would love a link to a news story on that actually happening...or are you making things up again?

So, you've been actively avoiding hearing about the details of the rioters you support, to support your denial I see.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
Their goal wasn't to delay it, it was to "stop the steal." You're literally giving them credit for failing to pull off their coup.

Wow. Did you just become aware that intents and actual outcomes are sometimes different? What a big day for you.

Run along retard.
No worries, keep defending sedition. Be even louder about that during election season next year.
Why arent any of the "insurrectionists" getting charged with insurrection?

LOL from what I've read most are being charged with trespassing which is a long way from sedition and insurrection.
We must aggressively fight against rightwing terrorism.

While supporting and celebrating the vastly more widespread and powerful left wing terrorism.

That is how fascist movements win. Government and paramilitary violence and power working together to squash all dissent or opposition.
The terrorist right has clearly resorted to violence to oppose the will of the people and our democratic institutions.

Neither Trump nor I nor the GOP supported the small 1/6 riot.

It is your side that has worked hand in hand with your side's violent thugs, for the last 4 years.

Your blatant lies about recent history, is you being a dishonest asshole.
Liar, Trump supported them. He "loves" them and they're "special" to him. He even held off calling for backup to buy them time to break into the Capitol.

Trump supported the massive demonstration, not the very few people that crossed the line to rioting.

You are vile liar and an asshole.
Liar, he was talking about the seditionists inside the Capitol. You would know that if you had a functioning brain as he also told them "we have to have law and order."

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
Here, you need this.


You people are engaged in unequal application of the law. That is an injustice. Anyone you do that to, is a victim of your oppression.

Do you support going after ALL the rioters of the last 4 years, with equal fervor?
Got ANY examples? Simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me an example of a BLM member, whose identity was known to police, that tazed a cop in the neck anc remained free for weeks, not even arrested. Got examples like that?

Revealed: Meet The Trump Fanatic Who Used A Stun Gun On A Cop At The Capitol Insurrection

Take note of the date. Over a month, almost 2 months after the Trump riot and that guy was still at large. Thankfully he was finally arrested.

This thread, the op is about the massive and aggressive pursuit of the 1/6 rioters. EVERYTHING, I have seen in relation to the other 4 years of rioting from the Left, is that large segments of LE and local and state government was, at best, LAX in pursuit of all the other rioters, if not actively supporting them in their rioting.

I have not bothered to keep lists of examples. Your pretense of being unaware of this is not credible. I am not going to waste time documenting what has been front and center in the media for the last 4 years.
So, as usual, you're full of bovine feces and can't back up the shit you spew.

Yes, the arrests of Trump's mob is more newsworthy than some rioter at a BLM protest that broke a window...Trump's mob stormed the United States capitol. Duh.
You backup the shit you spew?

There have been thousands of news items about how the BLN protestors are not getting arrested, anf if thye do they are not being prosecuted. You have to be a special kind of stupid not to know that.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
Their goal wasn't to delay it, it was to "stop the steal." You're literally giving them credit for failing to pull off their coup.

Wow. Did you just become aware that intents and actual outcomes are sometimes different? What a big day for you.

Run along retard.
No worries, keep defending sedition. Be even louder about that during election season next year.
Who has been charged with sedition, shit for brains?
Why arent any of the "insurrectionists" getting charged with insurrection?

LOL from what I've read most are being charged with trespassing which is a long way from sedition and insurrection.
We must aggressively fight against rightwing terrorism.

While supporting and celebrating the vastly more widespread and powerful left wing terrorism.

That is how fascist movements win. Government and paramilitary violence and power working together to squash all dissent or opposition.
The terrorist right has clearly resorted to violence to oppose the will of the people and our democratic institutions.

Neither Trump nor I nor the GOP supported the small 1/6 riot.

It is your side that has worked hand in hand with your side's violent thugs, for the last 4 years.

Your blatant lies about recent history, is you being a dishonest asshole.
Liar, Trump supported them. He "loves" them and they're "special" to him. He even held off calling for backup to buy them time to break into the Capitol.

Trump supported the massive demonstration, not the very few people that crossed the line to rioting.

You are vile liar and an asshole.
Liar, he was talking about the seditionists inside the Capitol. You would know that if you had a functioning brain as he also told them "we have to have law and order."
Who has been charged with sedition, asshole?
Two kids per couple mandate. Worked in China and can work here. What do we do with Octomom?

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
Their goal wasn't to delay it, it was to "stop the steal." You're literally giving them credit for failing to pull off their coup.

Wow. Did you just become aware that intents and actual outcomes are sometimes different? What a big day for you.

Run along retard.
No worries, keep defending sedition. Be even louder about that during election season next year.
Who has been charged with sedition, shit for brains?
Who said they've been charged with sedition yet, fucking moron?

Their actions violate the sedition conspiracy law.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
I treat talk of civil war as a joke because every time we get a Democratic guys threaten it. You never follow through.

So, what do you say when other liberals talk shit about how the 1/6 riot was an attempted coup or an insurrection? DO you call them on their panic mongering, or do you just play along?

(I'm trying to draw your attention to the fact that you are holding TWO mutually contradictory positions.)

Are you self aware enough to face this?
Face what? Your hilarious posturing as someone who is threatening violence?

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
Here, you need this.


You people are engaged in unequal application of the law. That is an injustice. Anyone you do that to, is a victim of your oppression.

Do you support going after ALL the rioters of the last 4 years, with equal fervor?
Got ANY examples? Simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me an example of a BLM member, whose identity was known to police, that tazed a cop in the neck anc remained free for weeks, not even arrested. Got examples like that?

Revealed: Meet The Trump Fanatic Who Used A Stun Gun On A Cop At The Capitol Insurrection

Take note of the date. Over a month, almost 2 months after the Trump riot and that guy was still at large. Thankfully he was finally arrested.

This thread, the op is about the massive and aggressive pursuit of the 1/6 rioters. EVERYTHING, I have seen in relation to the other 4 years of rioting from the Left, is that large segments of LE and local and state government was, at best, LAX in pursuit of all the other rioters, if not actively supporting them in their rioting.

I have not bothered to keep lists of examples. Your pretense of being unaware of this is not credible. I am not going to waste time documenting what has been front and center in the media for the last 4 years.
So, as usual, you're full of bovine feces and can't back up the shit you spew.

Yes, the arrests of Trump's mob is more newsworthy than some rioter at a BLM protest that broke a window...Trump's mob stormed the United States capitol. Duh.

"broke a window"?Dozens dead and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, and you minimize it as "broke a window"?

Your support and defense of the use of violent racist mobs for political purposes reveals you to be a dangerous radical and a immoral person.
Just more playing the victim from actual examples of this "unequal application of the law" you claim is occurring. You can't find examples of BLM protesters tazing a cop and being allowed to roam free for months because there is no "unequal application of the law" . Trump's mob isn't being targeted, if anything they are being treated far better than any black or brown person that did the same thing.

Your setting the bar to be an exact match between two crimes retarded.

Thousands of rioters have rioted, violently, destroying property, assaulting people, ect, and been given a pass by people like you.

Your denial of this fact, just shows you to be a bad faith debater nothing more.
You haven't provided anything remotely resembling a fact. You have whined and played the victim but have offered ZERO proof of this alleged victimization. Show us a BLM protester whose identity was known, that roamed free for months after tazing a cop in the neck.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
Here, you need this.


You people are engaged in unequal application of the law. That is an injustice. Anyone you do that to, is a victim of your oppression.

Do you support going after ALL the rioters of the last 4 years, with equal fervor?
Got ANY examples? Simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me an example of a BLM member, whose identity was known to police, that tazed a cop in the neck anc remained free for weeks, not even arrested. Got examples like that?

Revealed: Meet The Trump Fanatic Who Used A Stun Gun On A Cop At The Capitol Insurrection

Take note of the date. Over a month, almost 2 months after the Trump riot and that guy was still at large. Thankfully he was finally arrested.

This thread, the op is about the massive and aggressive pursuit of the 1/6 rioters. EVERYTHING, I have seen in relation to the other 4 years of rioting from the Left, is that large segments of LE and local and state government was, at best, LAX in pursuit of all the other rioters, if not actively supporting them in their rioting.

I have not bothered to keep lists of examples. Your pretense of being unaware of this is not credible. I am not going to waste time documenting what has been front and center in the media for the last 4 years.
So, as usual, you're full of bovine feces and can't back up the shit you spew.

Yes, the arrests of Trump's mob is more newsworthy than some rioter at a BLM protest that broke a window...Trump's mob stormed the United States capitol. Duh.
You backup the shit you spew?

There have been thousands of news items about how the BLN protestors are not getting arrested, anf if thye do they are not being prosecuted. You have to be a special kind of stupid not to know that.
As a matter of fact, yes I do back up the "shit I spew".

So if there are "thousands of news items", why are y'all having such a tough time finding one?

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
Here, you need this.


You people are engaged in unequal application of the law. That is an injustice. Anyone you do that to, is a victim of your oppression.

Do you support going after ALL the rioters of the last 4 years, with equal fervor?
Got ANY examples? Simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me an example of a BLM member, whose identity was known to police, that tazed a cop in the neck anc remained free for weeks, not even arrested. Got examples like that?

Revealed: Meet The Trump Fanatic Who Used A Stun Gun On A Cop At The Capitol Insurrection

Take note of the date. Over a month, almost 2 months after the Trump riot and that guy was still at large. Thankfully he was finally arrested.

This thread, the op is about the massive and aggressive pursuit of the 1/6 rioters. EVERYTHING, I have seen in relation to the other 4 years of rioting from the Left, is that large segments of LE and local and state government was, at best, LAX in pursuit of all the other rioters, if not actively supporting them in their rioting.

I have not bothered to keep lists of examples. Your pretense of being unaware of this is not credible. I am not going to waste time documenting what has been front and center in the media for the last 4 years.
So, as usual, you're full of bovine feces and can't back up the shit you spew.

Yes, the arrests of Trump's mob is more newsworthy than some rioter at a BLM protest that broke a window...Trump's mob stormed the United States capitol. Duh.
You backup the shit you spew?

There have been thousands of news items about how the BLN protestors are not getting arrested, anf if thye do they are not being prosecuted. You have to be a special kind of stupid not to know that.
As a matter of fact, yes I do back up the "shit I spew".

So if there are "thousands of news items", why are y'all having such a tough time finding one?
I haven't tried. I could care less whether you believe it.

Show us where you backed up your idiotic claims

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
Here, you need this.


You people are engaged in unequal application of the law. That is an injustice. Anyone you do that to, is a victim of your oppression.

Do you support going after ALL the rioters of the last 4 years, with equal fervor?
Got ANY examples? Simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me an example of a BLM member, whose identity was known to police, that tazed a cop in the neck anc remained free for weeks, not even arrested. Got examples like that?

Revealed: Meet The Trump Fanatic Who Used A Stun Gun On A Cop At The Capitol Insurrection

Take note of the date. Over a month, almost 2 months after the Trump riot and that guy was still at large. Thankfully he was finally arrested.

This thread, the op is about the massive and aggressive pursuit of the 1/6 rioters. EVERYTHING, I have seen in relation to the other 4 years of rioting from the Left, is that large segments of LE and local and state government was, at best, LAX in pursuit of all the other rioters, if not actively supporting them in their rioting.

I have not bothered to keep lists of examples. Your pretense of being unaware of this is not credible. I am not going to waste time documenting what has been front and center in the media for the last 4 years.
So, as usual, you're full of bovine feces and can't back up the shit you spew.

Yes, the arrests of Trump's mob is more newsworthy than some rioter at a BLM protest that broke a window...Trump's mob stormed the United States capitol. Duh.

"broke a window"?Dozens dead and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, and you minimize it as "broke a window"?

Your support and defense of the use of violent racist mobs for political purposes reveals you to be a dangerous radical and a immoral person.
Just more playing the victim from actual examples of this "unequal application of the law" you claim is occurring. You can't find examples of BLM protesters tazing a cop and being allowed to roam free for months because there is no "unequal application of the law" . Trump's mob isn't being targeted, if anything they are being treated far better than any black or brown person that did the same thing.

Your setting the bar to be an exact match between two crimes retarded.

Thousands of rioters have rioted, violently, destroying property, assaulting people, ect, and been given a pass by people like you.

Your denial of this fact, just shows you to be a bad faith debater nothing more.
You haven't provided anything remotely resembling a fact. You have whined and played the victim but have offered ZERO proof of this alleged victimization. Show us a BLM protester whose identity was known, that roamed free for months after tazing a cop in the neck.
Use tact when using a fact. Does this dress make me look fat?

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
I lose track of it . What anniversary of you guys promising a civil war is it ? 15th, 20th? Are you guys registered anywhere?

Funny, this thread is based on the premise that the 1/6 riot was a serious and real threat to our democracy, because it delayed the formal recognition of the count, by HOURS.

Yet, here you are, acting as though, any talk of civil war from US, is laughable.

Why do you support the extra aggressive prosecution of the 1/6 rioters if it was not a serious insurrection?

lol. All these questions are rhetorical. We both know that you will not give serious or honest answers to ANY of them.

I am constantly amazed at the way you libs can hold completely contradictory ideas AT THE SAME TIME, without a hint of self awareness, no matter how much it is rubbed in your face.
Their goal wasn't to delay it, it was to "stop the steal." You're literally giving them credit for failing to pull off their coup.

Wow. Did you just become aware that intents and actual outcomes are sometimes different? What a big day for you.

Run along retard.
No worries, keep defending sedition. Be even louder about that during election season next year.
Who has been charged with sedition, shit for brains?
Who said they've been charged with sedition yet, fucking moron?

Their actions violate the sedition conspiracy law.
So you admit you don't have a shred of proof that anyone committed sedition.

Thanks for playing.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
Here, you need this.


You people are engaged in unequal application of the law. That is an injustice. Anyone you do that to, is a victim of your oppression.

Do you support going after ALL the rioters of the last 4 years, with equal fervor?
Got ANY examples? Simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me an example of a BLM member, whose identity was known to police, that tazed a cop in the neck anc remained free for weeks, not even arrested. Got examples like that?

Revealed: Meet The Trump Fanatic Who Used A Stun Gun On A Cop At The Capitol Insurrection

Take note of the date. Over a month, almost 2 months after the Trump riot and that guy was still at large. Thankfully he was finally arrested.

This thread, the op is about the massive and aggressive pursuit of the 1/6 rioters. EVERYTHING, I have seen in relation to the other 4 years of rioting from the Left, is that large segments of LE and local and state government was, at best, LAX in pursuit of all the other rioters, if not actively supporting them in their rioting.

I have not bothered to keep lists of examples. Your pretense of being unaware of this is not credible. I am not going to waste time documenting what has been front and center in the media for the last 4 years.
So, as usual, you're full of bovine feces and can't back up the shit you spew.

Yes, the arrests of Trump's mob is more newsworthy than some rioter at a BLM protest that broke a window...Trump's mob stormed the United States capitol. Duh.
You backup the shit you spew?

There have been thousands of news items about how the BLN protestors are not getting arrested, anf if thye do they are not being prosecuted. You have to be a special kind of stupid not to know that.
As a matter of fact, yes I do back up the "shit I spew".

So if there are "thousands of news items", why are y'all having such a tough time finding one?
I haven't tried. I could care less whether you believe it.

Show us where you backed up your idiotic claims
Sure, spanky. Which claim would you like supported?

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
Here, you need this.


You people are engaged in unequal application of the law. That is an injustice. Anyone you do that to, is a victim of your oppression.

Do you support going after ALL the rioters of the last 4 years, with equal fervor?
Got ANY examples? Simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me an example of a BLM member, whose identity was known to police, that tazed a cop in the neck anc remained free for weeks, not even arrested. Got examples like that?

Revealed: Meet The Trump Fanatic Who Used A Stun Gun On A Cop At The Capitol Insurrection

Take note of the date. Over a month, almost 2 months after the Trump riot and that guy was still at large. Thankfully he was finally arrested.

This thread, the op is about the massive and aggressive pursuit of the 1/6 rioters. EVERYTHING, I have seen in relation to the other 4 years of rioting from the Left, is that large segments of LE and local and state government was, at best, LAX in pursuit of all the other rioters, if not actively supporting them in their rioting.

I have not bothered to keep lists of examples. Your pretense of being unaware of this is not credible. I am not going to waste time documenting what has been front and center in the media for the last 4 years.
So, as usual, you're full of bovine feces and can't back up the shit you spew.

Yes, the arrests of Trump's mob is more newsworthy than some rioter at a BLM protest that broke a window...Trump's mob stormed the United States capitol. Duh.
You backup the shit you spew?

There have been thousands of news items about how the BLN protestors are not getting arrested, anf if thye do they are not being prosecuted. You have to be a special kind of stupid not to know that.
As a matter of fact, yes I do back up the "shit I spew".

So if there are "thousands of news items", why are y'all having such a tough time finding one?
I haven't tried. I could care less whether you believe it.

Show us where you backed up your idiotic claims
Sure, spanky. Which claim would you like supported?
Your claim that BLM rioters are getting arrested at the same rate as Jan 6 protestors.
Why arent any of the "insurrectionists" getting charged with insurrection?

LOL from what I've read most are being charged with trespassing which is a long way from sedition and insurrection.
We must aggressively fight against rightwing terrorism.

While supporting and celebrating the vastly more widespread and powerful left wing terrorism.

That is how fascist movements win. Government and paramilitary violence and power working together to squash all dissent or opposition.
The terrorist right has clearly resorted to violence to oppose the will of the people and our democratic institutions.

Neither Trump nor I nor the GOP supported the small 1/6 riot.

It is your side that has worked hand in hand with your side's violent thugs, for the last 4 years.

Your blatant lies about recent history, is you being a dishonest asshole.
Liar, Trump supported them. He "loves" them and they're "special" to him. He even held off calling for backup to buy them time to break into the Capitol.

Trump supported the massive demonstration, not the very few people that crossed the line to rioting.

You are vile liar and an asshole.
Liar, he was talking about the seditionists inside the Capitol. You would know that if you had a functioning brain as he also told them "we have to have law and order."
There were no seditionists inside the capitol. Now one has been charged with that.

Love it.

Why are some rioters being gone after with both barrels while others are given a pass or just low priority?

Because the dems are on the side of lefty rioters.

THus, these prosecutions are political.

Anyone convicted, will be a political prisoner.

That is the country you are making.

View attachment 489381
Here, you need this.


You people are engaged in unequal application of the law. That is an injustice. Anyone you do that to, is a victim of your oppression.

Do you support going after ALL the rioters of the last 4 years, with equal fervor?
Got ANY examples? Simply saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me an example of a BLM member, whose identity was known to police, that tazed a cop in the neck anc remained free for weeks, not even arrested. Got examples like that?

Revealed: Meet The Trump Fanatic Who Used A Stun Gun On A Cop At The Capitol Insurrection

Take note of the date. Over a month, almost 2 months after the Trump riot and that guy was still at large. Thankfully he was finally arrested.

This thread, the op is about the massive and aggressive pursuit of the 1/6 rioters. EVERYTHING, I have seen in relation to the other 4 years of rioting from the Left, is that large segments of LE and local and state government was, at best, LAX in pursuit of all the other rioters, if not actively supporting them in their rioting.

I have not bothered to keep lists of examples. Your pretense of being unaware of this is not credible. I am not going to waste time documenting what has been front and center in the media for the last 4 years.
So, as usual, you're full of bovine feces and can't back up the shit you spew.

Yes, the arrests of Trump's mob is more newsworthy than some rioter at a BLM protest that broke a window...Trump's mob stormed the United States capitol. Duh.
You backup the shit you spew?

There have been thousands of news items about how the BLN protestors are not getting arrested, anf if thye do they are not being prosecuted. You have to be a special kind of stupid not to know that.
As a matter of fact, yes I do back up the "shit I spew".

So if there are "thousands of news items", why are y'all having such a tough time finding one?
I haven't tried. I could care less whether you believe it.

Show us where you backed up your idiotic claims
Sure, spanky. Which claim would you like supported?
Your claim that BLM rioters are getting arrested at the same rate as Jan 6 protestors.
I never made that claim, spanky. Try again. My statement was that there is no unequal application of the law when it comes to Trump's rioters. They aren't being unnecessary gone after, in fact a guy that tazed a cop in the neck walked free for weeks after his identity was known. You can't think for a second that if it that had been a BLM protester that they wouldn't have been arrested right away.
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