MAGA strikes back.

Didn't you tell me that you were on embassy duty? You would have been killed too.
You don't read very well, probably why you have trouble comprehending your citations. I applied for embassy duty. I didn't say I served. I am aware that I would have been killed. I also told you that those folks knew that they were EXPENDABLE. Do you know the meaning of that word. I was also expendable in Vietnam. Thankfully, I didn't receive the fate of approx. 56K other Americans. God rest their souls. BTW, every US military person signs a blank check to include their lives when they enlist. You should be thankful they do. Biden hides in his basement while he orders the execution of his military--Hilary did that too come to think of it. Hmmm, democrats.
You don't read very well, probably why you have trouble comprehending your citations. I applied for embassy duty. I didn't say I served. I am aware that I would have been killed. I also told you that those folks knew that they were EXPENDABLE. Do you know the meaning of that word. I was also expendable in Vietnam. Thankfully, I didn't receive the fate of approx. 56K other Americans. God rest their souls. BTW, every US military person signs a blank check to include their lives when they enlist. You should be thankful they do. Biden hides in his basement while he orders the execution of his military--Hilary did that too come to think of it. Hmmm, democrats.
I did not have the stomach to go back and read your quote again, and I cannot take anyone seriously who thinks the world would be a better place if President Carter had dripped an atomic bomb on Tehran.
There will be no Trump 47. He will be lucky to stay out of prison. There is no way, America will elect him.

i seem to have very little faith in my fellow americans. there is no way he could be elected in 2016, but he was.
have you just recently come out of your coma? Your president, the one you support, the traitor the corrupt influence peddler, the sniffer is destroying this country.
our president, the one we elected in total disgust over YOUR degenerate, has not been doing as bad a job as all that.

where would the t 90s be rolling if trump were still president? warsaw? berlin? paris?
i seem to have very little faith in my fellow americans. there is no way he could be elected in 2016, but he was.
Right now Trump is ahead of Biden in several polls. Because of Trump's advantage in the Electoral College Biden needs a comfortable margin of victory in the popular vote. This is why it is necessary for Trump to be tried, found guilty, and sentenced to a long prison sentence as soon as possible.
Right now Trump is ahead of Biden in several polls. Because of Trump's advantage in the Electoral College Biden needs a comfortable margin of victory in the popular vote. This is why it is necessary for Trump to be tried, found guilty, and sentenced to a long prison sentence as soon as possible.


slightly off topic, why hasn't trump been assassinated? or at least attempted?

if a "deep state" exists (in the form these paranoids believe) they certainly are capable of it (watch the zapruder film if you don't believe that)

slightly off topic, why hasn't trump been assassinated? or at least attempted?

if a "deep state" exists (in the form these paranoids believe) they certainly are capable of it (watch the zapruder film if you don't believe that)
So now you are calling for assassination. What the hell, if it was good enough for LBJ, its good enough for you, eh?

slightly off topic, why hasn't trump been assassinated? or at least attempted?

if a "deep state" exists (in the form these paranoids believe) they certainly are capable of it (watch the zapruder film if you don't believe that)
I want Trump to live, and spend the rest of his life in prison, in debt, and in disgrace.

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