MAGA strikes back.

J.D. Vance plans to put holds on all Justice Department nominees, slowing the confirmation process amid Donald Trump's federal indictment.​

What's happening: Sen. J.D. Vance is seeking some modicum of revenge for the second indictment of former President Donald Trump. And he'll make his move on the Senate floor.
Details: The Ohio Republican is going to put holds on all nominees to the Department of Justice. That means all nominees will require procedural votes and confirmation votes; any one senator can slow down nominees, but a simple majority is required both for a procedural vote and final confirmation.
“If Merrick Garland wants to use these officials to harass Joe Biden’s political opponents, we will grind his department to a halt," he said in a statement.

MAGA Promises Tit For Tat ‘Retribution’

One of the big arguments from the center right, and GOP presidential candidates, in response to the Trump indictment has been that it’s going to make prosecutions of politicians a regular feature of American politics.

It’s an argument that doesn’t address the reality we’re in: well-documented allegations of unopposed lawbreaking by a President for years and years, or the consequences of impunity for the powers.

It also falls just short of being a threat: we’re going to prosecute Democratic politicians once we’re in power. To be clear, that’s not a bad thing in itself: the powerful should be prosecuted if they’re found to have committed crimes, regardless of political party.

But some of Trump’s MAGA cohorts take it way further, promising “retribution” once back in office.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Don Jr.’s fiancee and a MAGA influencer, posted a photo on Instagram saying “RETRIBUTION IS COMING.”

MAGA Threats Mass Around Mar-a-Lago Miami Hearing

I suspect there will be more flailing, ineffectual, juvenile attempts on the part of congressional nitwits to prove their fidelity to Dear Leader to The Following.
Sounds like Congesstionsl interference with the judiciary. SCOTUS should slap that down.
Freedom of religion includes freedom FROM religion.

I defy you to find one post where I questioned Carter's religion or honesty. However, he was still the worst POTUS in the US------------until Biden.
Let's compare President Carter with President Reagan.

During the Carter administration there was a six month recession. Unemployment reached 7.8%. During the Reagan administration there was a sixteen month recession. Unemployment reached 10.8%.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia

During the Carter administration an average of 2,600,000 jobs were created every hear. During the Reagan administration that declined to 2,000,000 jobs created every year.

During the four years Carter was president the national debt from 1977 to 1980 increased by $288 billion.

During the eight years Reagan was president, the national debt from 1981 to 1988 increased by $1,604, which is well over twice as much.

The inflation and gasoline lines that began in 1979 happened because of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Carter was not responsible for that. President Eisenhower was. In 1953 he authorized the CIA to help the British MI16 and the Iranian military to overthrow the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh and to install the Shah of Iran as an absolute monarch.

The Shah was never a popular monarch. The Iranian people hated the United States for imposing him on them. During the Iranian Revolution of 1979 the Iranian people expressed their hatred by not selling us petroleum, and by taking the US employees at the US embassy hostage.
six month recession.
Bullshit. The seventies were one big recession. Apparently you're too young to remember Ford's WIN (Whip Inflation Now). Don't get your panties in a wad because someone attacked Carter's presidency. I just told you I think Carter was an honorable man, probably the most honorable in my lifetime. He was a lousy president.
The inflation and gasoline lines that began in 1979
Gasoline lines started with the OPEC oil embargo of the mid 70s, dude. You can push that bullshit on these young folks that weren't alive, but I lived it and remember it well. Your "facts" are not.
The Shah was never a popular monarch.
You are correct. The shah or Khomeini had nothing to do with the economic problems and oil prices of the time. Carter's response to the embassy occupation was inept to be kind. He was not up to the task of dealing with that event and that was why he was not reelected. I voted for Carter the first time. I discovered the error of my ways in the ensuing four years.
Bullshit. The seventies were one big recession. Apparently you're too young to remember Ford's WIN (Whip Inflation Now). Don't get your panties in a wad because someone attacked Carter's presidency. I just told you I think Carter was an honorable man, probably the most honorable in my lifetime. He was a lousy president.

Gasoline lines started with the OPEC oil embargo of the mid 70s, dude. You can push that bullshit on these young folks that weren't alive, but I lived it and remember it well. Your "facts" are not.
As I expected you ignored the facts I documented. The stagflation of the 1970's began during the Nixon Administration. It happened in response to the OPEC Embargo of 1973.

The Iranian Revolution of 1979, which I have already mentioned, made things worse. Considering what President Carter was up against, he handled his challenges well.
You are correct. The shah or Khomeini had nothing to do with the economic problems and oil prices of the time. Carter's response to the embassy occupation was inept to be kind. He was not up to the task of dealing with that event and that was why he was not reelected. I voted for Carter the first time. I discovered the error of my ways in the ensuing four years.
Once the embassy employees were taken hostage there was little Carter could do without endangering the lives of the hostages.
The stagflation of the 1970's began during the Nixon Administration. It happened in response to the OPEC Embargo of 1973.
You're contradicting yourself. From your post #145, The inflation and gasoline lines that began in 1979. You also stated that Carter presided over 6 month recession. Run along.
Once the embassy employees were taken hostage there was little Carter could do without endangering the lives of the hostages.
This is another point that you are not aware of. As a Marine, in the late 60s, I was a candidate for Embassy duty. The very first thing we were told when we applied was that we were expendable. Those hostages knew that. Carter should never have allowed the entire country to be held hostage for those 52 Americans. If he had nuked Tehran and showed the world that the US will not be held hostage to terrorists, the world would look a lot different today.
You're contradicting yourself. From your post #145, The inflation and gasoline lines that began in 1979. You also stated that Carter presided over 6 month recession. Run along.
I should have said that they got worse.

If that is the best you can do, it is not good enough. Your feelings do not stand up to my facts. I doubt you even knew about the CIA assisted coup that imposed an absolute Monarch on the Iranian people in 1953.

Carter 1980 recession
January 1980 –
July 1980
highest unemployment rate:
(July 1980)

Reagan 1981–1982 recession
July 1981 –
November 1982
highest unemployment rate:
(November 1982)

Look it up yourself
You thought wrong. Trump believes in America and regular Americans. The Bidenista party hates US.
Trump cares abut himself first, his family second, and rich people third. He only pretends to love the poorly educated people who love him and who believe his lies.
I should have said that they got worse.

If that is the best you can do, it is not good enough. Your feelings do not stand up to my facts. I doubt you even knew about the CIA assisted coup that imposed an absolute Monarch on the Iranian people in 1953.

Carter 1980 recession
January 1980 –
July 1980
highest unemployment rate:
(July 1980)

Reagan 1981–1982 recession
July 1981 –
November 1982
highest unemployment rate:
(November 1982)

Look it up yourself
You have not presented any facts. Wikipedia is hardly a reputable source. You might as well have used CNN.
As I expected you ignored the facts I documented. The stagflation of the 1970's began during the Nixon Administration. It happened in response to the OPEC Embargo of 1973.

The Iranian Revolution of 1979, which I have already mentioned, made things worse. Considering what President Carter was up against, he handled his challenges well.
You disagreed with my post #146, I just told you I think Carter was an honorable man. Do you always contradict yourself? LMAO
This is another point that you are not aware of. As a Marine, in the late 60s, I was a candidate for Embassy duty. The very first thing we were told when we applied was that we were expendable. Those hostages knew that. Carter should never have allowed the entire country to be held hostage for those 52 Americans. If he had nuked Tehran and showed the world that the US will not be held hostage to terrorists, the world would look a lot different today.
Nuking Tehran would have killed the hostages. It would have lowered the threshold on the Soviet Union and Communist China going nuclear.

Instead, we got the hostages back alive.
You have not presented any facts. Wikipedia is hardly a reputable source. You might as well have used CNN.
Here are some more facts for you to ignore:


Federal Reserve History
Prior to the 2007-09 recession, the 1981-82 recession was the worst economic downturn in the United States since the Great Depression. Indeed, the nearly 11 percent unemployment rate reached late in 1982 remains the apex of the post-World War II era (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis). Unemployment during the 1981-82 recession was widespread, but manufacturing, construction, and the auto industries were particularly affected. Although goods producers accounted for only 30 percent of total employment at the time, they suffered 90 percent of job losses in 1982. Three-fourths of all job losses in the goods-producing sector were in manufacturing, and the residential construction industry and auto manufacturers ended the year with 22 percent and 24 percent unemployment, respectively (Urquhart and Hewson 1983, 4-7).

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