MAGA strikes back.

Here are some more facts for you to ignore:


Federal Reserve History
Prior to the 2007-09 recession, the 1981-82 recession was the worst economic downturn in the United States since the Great Depression. Indeed, the nearly 11 percent unemployment rate reached late in 1982 remains the apex of the post-World War II era (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis). Unemployment during the 1981-82 recession was widespread, but manufacturing, construction, and the auto industries were particularly affected. Although goods producers accounted for only 30 percent of total employment at the time, they suffered 90 percent of job losses in 1982. Three-fourths of all job losses in the goods-producing sector were in manufacturing, and the residential construction industry and auto manufacturers ended the year with 22 percent and 24 percent unemployment, respectively (Urquhart and Hewson 1983, 4-7).
What is fake about it? There is no point in trying to reason with someone who refuses to accept well documented facts.
You should have not posted the contradictory clap trap that you did. It was not well thought out.
It was not contradictory, merely an understatement.

I post facts. You blow hot air. Then you claim that the world would be a better place if we had nuked the hostages in Tehran.

If we had done that the world might be a nuclear waste land. This conversation might not be happening.
It was not contradictory, merely an understatement.

I post facts. You blow hot air. Then you claim that the world would be a better place if we had nuked the hostages in Tehran.

If we had done that the world might be a nuclear waste land. This conversation might not be happening.
9/11 would never have happened. Iran would not be a nuclear threat. Islamic extremists would not be wreaking havoc all over the world and, more to your liking, Reagan would never have been elected. We definitely wouldn't have the inept POS in the WH that we have now.
That is what they are doing to get Trump off? What a joke!:auiqs.jpg: A childish one, at that, but whatever. The charges are file. Trump will face trial for what he has done, even if disgruntle MAGA nutballs choose to disrupt the government. This is an example of why MAGA candidates should not be elected.

this seems to be bigger than getting dear leader off the hook.

by blocking confirmation trump 47 can appoint his own weaponized doj immediately, just as he will promote new generals to replace those held by tuberville.

trump had 4 years and did NONE of that. but he is full of bullshuit.
this seems to be bigger than getting dear leader off the hook.

by blocking confirmation trump 47 can appoint his own weaponized doj immediately, just as he will promote new generals to replace those held by tuberville.
There will be no Trump 47. He will be lucky to stay out of prison. There is no way, America will elect him.
9/11 would never have happened. Iran would not be a nuclear threat. Islamic extremists would not be wreaking havoc all over the world and, more to your liking, Reagan would never have been elected. We definitely wouldn't have the inept POS in the WH that we have now.
9/11 was performed by al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is Sunni Muslim. Iran is Shiite. Do you know the difference between Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims? They do, and they do not get along well. Everyone who participated in 9/11 was from Saudi Arabia.

Pop Quiz: do you know if Saudi Arabia is Sunni or Shiite?

It is Sunni.

None of us know what would have happened if Carter had nuked Tehran, other than the fact that the hostages would have been killed. Didn't you tell me that you were on embassy duty? You would have been killed too.
9/11 was performed by al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is Sunni Muslim. Iran is Shiite. Do you know the difference between Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims? They do, and they do not get along well. Everyone who participated in 9/11 was from Saudi Arabia.

Pop Quiz: do you know if Saudi Arabia is Sunni or Shiite?

It is Sunni.

None of us know what would have happened if Carter had nuked Tehran, other than the fact that the hostages would have been killed. Didn't you tell me that you were on embassy duty? You would have been killed too.
Nope. They were not all from Arabia. Atta was Egyptian..another was Kuwait. 6 had gotten US visas with fake identification.

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